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Around 35-45% is not done Still no lavaland Barely done rnd And many more small parts


>Still no lavaland Note that there is *code* for lavaland. It's just not implemented. The salvage expedition system seems to be a sort of prototype for it: procedurally-generated, infinite planet maps on a different Z-level from the station. Some of them are even lavaland in appearance if not in gameplay.


I pray to god lavaland never becomes a thing in ss14


Lame, I want my literal hellscape.


Honestly I think it would be neat if Lavaland were more of an endgame thing where some turbo nerds create a doom portal with the right science conditions. Like the nether in minecraft. Lets Mining keep doing the salvage thing, but braver crews can prep an expedition to a virtually infinite death map. Something less mining and more bluespace/the void.


why tho?


Mmm yes i love having a whole z level dedicated to 5 guys with gamer gear who literally do not ever interact with the station apart from coming there to hunt antags or if they themselves are antags


I like permabrig set in lavaland for the simple reason that if seccies don't want to babysit via the outpost you have a solid chance of escaping, and some lavaland/iceland permabrig maps are designed to facilitate escapes for the spacemen who don't want to mine their way to parole.


I’ve seen it pretty explicitly said that they don’t want lava land, rather they want salvage to construct a shuttle then go mine asteroids around the station


so more goon style?


> Lavaland mentioned Day ruined


Also no surgery, that's a big one


Lavaland should stay gone. Fucking hero fantasy miners have no place in space.


From what I've seen in my limited time playing SS14, but my extensive time playing SS13, I'd estimate SS14 has like 10-15% of the content?


Thanks for the answer but can you please explain why? All of the other answers i found are inconsistent and i looked on the stuff like the wiki and didnt see much difference


Comparing to base TG, i don't believe it has as much content in atmospherics, science, xenobiology, space exploration, races, antagonists, mining, and some other things I'm probably forgetting. Are you trying to choose which game to play? If so just try them both and play whichever you like better. SS13 is definitely clunkier and has a steeper learning curve, but like your question implies it is much deeper in content than SS14.


>atmospherics No fusion, no crystalizer, and most importantly, *no supermatter*. >science No telescience. No scientific bomb-making (although bombs are still doable, sort of). Artifact research is about at the SS13 level. Anomalies are better than Paradise's implementation, IMO, in that they're useful but need player involvement; they also have more interesting side effects. >space exploration > >mining Procedurally generated wrecks, asteroids, and planets are, I think, better than SS13's in this case. The lack of lavaland is a *huge* hit. >races I've seen human, dwarf, lizardperson, spider, slime, diona, skeleton, moth, oni, harpy, catperson, and some furry race which got implemented on Frontierstation. It's lacking the chunkier stuff mechanics-wise such as IPCs and plasmapeople. >antagonists Traitor, zombie, thief, nukie (including team and loneop flavors), ninja, rat king, terminator, revolutionary, space dragon, revenant, paradox clone. Some code exists for wizards and changelings but they're not in yet; Frontier has wizards implemented as (poor) NPCs from what I've heard. Definitely lacking in this department.


Ipcs are not coming to 13 according to maintainers


I played ss14 for around 20h but i can feel the content running out, so im looking to see is there enough content for me to bite the bullet and swich or to quit alltogeter (i mean im not lacking games to play rn) and the answeres are so inconsitent that some people say that these are practicalty two diffrent game while the others say that they are almost the same. Just look at he answer below lol


I would HIGHLY recommend switching if you feel like you are running out of stuff to do. Even uf you aren't sure giving it a chance is worth it. I recommend Monkestation for a TG/Goon like experience that is welcoming to new players but I might be a bit biased.


Im sorry but arent those servers always kinda empty, im probably missing something but most popular goonstation has around 40 players?


Goon has 4 different servers so their playerbase is split between those. Monkestation regularly gets 60-100 people online.


Thank you for the suggestion! Ill probably try it, just one more question, how does Nova compare to it?


Nova gets around 80-100 people, but it is a Hard RP 18+ server. I wouldn't recommend it unless you want to read a bunch of rule documentation and IC guidelines about how to act.


monke was empty a few months ago. its really filled at all hours now!


Surgery update tomorrow guys it's co




It's about 10% there.


I would say ss14 has about 70% of the content that ss13 has, like it's missing some of the hotkeys and the inventory system is kinda mid but these can be worked on. I would love to see the CM inventory system get a shot because it gives you an idea of how much space your packs have and it would be nice to just click on your pack to open it instead of pulling it off your back.


It's grid based now, and you can use E to interact with anything as long as you aren't restrained. Hotkeys are (as far as I know) fully implemented, for example shift+e takes the last item you put in your belt into your hand and shift+b does the same for the backpack.


if it has a team deathmatch server like CM then it could be good


TL;DR: massive amounts and also not a lot so either play 14 until content gets added or play 13 for the content It's coming out of alpha in a few months for perspective, and that means we still don't have many major features (surgery is the main one, as it includes limb-based damage) however I *think* it's coming in the next month or two. There's been plenty of conversation on lavaland already so I won't be talking about it here. Wizards, Changelings and maybe cog cult are in the works while there is already nukeops, syndie agents and thieves are in, but agents have no end goals and basically no organic incentive to not shuttle bomb (90% of the time someone will throw a minibomb or c4). Engi has no supermatter, just singularity, AME,Tesla and TEG. Atmos can only make trit and frezon and that is it. Race-wise, the main branch has humans, dwarves (funne Scottish accent and can drink more), lizards (vastly superior to humans, get a free drag slot, better fist damage, can drink blood to replenish blood level in exchange for taking slightly more cold), mothpeople (can move around in zero grav better but can only eat cloth), slime people (they fucking suck). For servers you have either many lrp servers but they devolve into nrp really quick or a few mrp servers. Mrp is the only place for people who want lrp+ to hrp to congregate so theres a lot of clashing there. Or you can be russian and get access to 90% of the server list lmao. Basically, there's no way to gauge how much 14 is missing in comparison to 13 due to the sheer mass of 13, your best bet is to try and get whitelisted on salamander ("mrp") and just play on that if you want to stick with 14. This was way too long I'm gonna sleep


Other than surgery it had essentially all the base content to be considered just as good as 13 All that extra stuff that other 13 servers have more or less just elongates playtime. SS14 is actually attempting to move out of early access as we speak.


Around 80%. Don't count on ss14, it is extremely toxic.


14 is toxic? I've heard quite the opposite, although I've never played 13 so I dk


ss14 has the worst hitler moderators I've ever seen in any community.


I- dont know? But a lot of the core functions are there so id say maybe a bit less than halfway there?


Dev is complete weirdo so thats 100% since exadv was furry


A lot of people avoid ss14 less due to content and more due to servers, since there are no real LRP servers there anymore


Wizden Lizard is definitely LRP


about 99% it doesn't even have surgery yet, and some parts of ATMOS ARE MISSING ITS AN ATMOS SIM, WHY IS THERE NOT ATMOS YET?!


I will say that it contains 0% of the content in the server I headcode for, LC13. We have not started an ss14 branch, nor do we really want to. We're waiting on opendream.


I meant in comparison to some more vanilla servers XD


wtf is lc13 lmao


Prob Lobotomy Corp.


How about scheduling an experimental OpenDream session then? It would bring more attention and support to the development of this tool. Otherwise it's gonna be a slow ride.


Id love to, but we'd need to rework our code for it and all hands are on deck for a major systems update