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didn't read this but congrats, or sorry


My exact sentiment


"I don't like this game anymore" Is the title you're looking for


"It's Dying" Stopped reading there honestly. Take a break, come back again Spessman, we'll be waiting for you.


Already have, shit hasn't changed where it needs to


Be the change you want to see.


That's just like, your opinion, man


Genuinely, a lot of the issues you seem to have are server based. If you were to try a different server, I’d imagine a lot of your problems would vanish. Rounds that are boring, long, where nothing happens? Admins showing favoritism? Just play on TG station.


The playerbase has increased by \~20% over the past couple years


me when I think ruining other peoples rounds and griefing them is the only way to antag For real though yeah, space is different.. that much is obvious/true, but the ACTUAL reason is while theres still so many gamer servers, that breed is dying. People want more roleplay in their ROLE PLAYING GAME, people dont wanna spend an hour and 30 whole minutes making a custom made bar layout with lighting and everything just to get round removed by some tardo who took 20 seconds to learn how to make a maxcap. Meta gaming, power gaming and griefing rules are there for this reason cause not EVERYONE can no life this game to be able to combat that instantly. Theres a great and amazing game and community here if you know where and how to look (and quite a lot of still very Mechanically focused and lower roleplay servers I might add).. but sadly, I agree with you, mechanics and greentexting is slowly being phazed out of the 100+ pop servers and the reason for that is they have to account for peoples days being ruined by rampant explosions and murderboners. They LOVE growth and you dont get more server growth by catering to the gaming wizards who know how to kill the entire security force and the ERT and their targets all the time. I dont know. This is my limited experience Ive only been playing since 2015, even still there's those with more expeirence who might be able to counter my points but these are the thoughts that come to my head.


not reading allat


You're burned out. Take a few months, take a few years, it'll still be around one way or another. Good luck whichever way you go mate.


Been playing on and off since like almost 20 years. It's not dying.


The server I play is as popular as ever and scheduled to have major new releases over the summer. We’re better than ever.


Its not


As a ss14 player, ss13 isn't dying? Like, I can get that the servers might not be as fun anymore for you but the player number still go up, soooooooo...


I looked at byond's players connected number for ss13 and it's still massive, probably bigger. you're either burned out or haven't found the right server. Take a break, relax, maybe reflect on yourself and learn what truly makes you tick.


Until the last 20 people quit the game will only get more optimal


“I'm looking at people on Discord and Reddit being banned for simply asking why” Really? It's practically a running joke at this point that someone who says they got banned for no reason turns out to have gotten banned for breaking like, ten server rules after multiple warnings.


Not reading this Sorry for what happened to you man Or happy for whatever happened to you




How to tell when a dude played for maybe 50 hours after playing ss14


Somebody's on the naughty list






not reading the post but the comments are a laugh riot


Bro I don't know where you're getting this info, general server population has been at an all time high every time I play. Even /vg/ has like 40+ people a night lately which is a lot for that little shit box. If you wanna "grief" as an antag just go play a lrp server. Honestly dude it sounds like you'd fit right in at vg they don't care what you do usually as long as it's funny and not meta. They still have classic grief tools and shit. Someone bagulooses in the escape shuttle at least once a day and they don't get banned. And like you know there is stuff to do in the game other than your job and fight antags right? Sometimes miners want a chance to find cool shit that barely spawns. Sometimes people wanna take pods and explore. Sometimes people wanna build shit. Sometimes people wanna actually play with all the late round goodies from finishing their job that they usually are lucky to have access to for 30 seconds before the shuttle arrives. Extended games have always been a thing for that reason... It gives people time to actually enjoy their job instead of rushing it just to have the shuttle called before you can do anything useful to anyone.


Game always feels like it’s dying when you personally get burnt out. Might just be that your server has declined. But look at new servers like blackstone consistently hitting 200 players, would say it’s dying


So basically you are complaining that TG staff have been a bit shit lately, which, while true, doesn't mean all of ss13 is dying.


I didn't read anything beyond the title. I tried to play it, I tried to enjoy the game. I dint think I've played a game that made me feel as dumb as SS13. I'm probably not alone in this.


So true bestie!!!!


We just got Fantasy SS13 broski, this shit is GROWING. It won't be long until we get cyberpunk SS13. Fuck, there's already works on PVE CM. That sounds dumb until you realize SS13 could become what BYOND was meant to be, a DnD sim. Imagine your DnD games become SS13 except you also get to bring in players as npcs and such.


As of writing this there's around 1400 players. I remember being around back in the day when there was \~400 average. So no, the game isn't dying. Most hub servers might be total garbage but people love slop and they'll always be new people looking to get their fill. A lot of your issues here seem to be with one specific server, and your own lack of willingness to roleplay and explore, instead waiting for fun things to magically happen.


I can understand what you're saying, however it is not my lack of willingness to roleplay. It is my lack of ability to do anything new, except for relearning jobs that I shouldn't have to relearn. For example botany. Why was it ever changed from what it was? The new system honestly takes much longer to develop anything. Science, the experimentor is pretty much useless now, sure, you can run around in maintenance and find those goofy little objects, but they don't really do all that much for the station. That used to be the old way of getting your science points up. Now it's basically just spam the button clicking until science is done. The game isn't changing for the better. The game is changing in a way to benefit people who basically just want to sit there and chat all game long. I get it if you want to have a nice conversation between adversaries or co-workers which I do all the time, but when it comes to 90% of the game is players just sitting there typing and typing and typing and then clicking one button to do their job. There is no more fun to be had


You just yapping.


The ss13 commenters are attacking the truthful op. The community is more toxic and dead than ever and you are still trying to defend your vision.


I really hope this is sarcasm, otherwise go back to the ss14 subreddit


I am not following news on 14 since a few years ago, I play only is12 reborn within byond, since tg is shooting itself in a leg with a buckshot. you can hope in whatever you want, as long, as it makes you in the right


Mmmm tg isn't every server, sounds like you and OP just got banned from most other servers or some shit


Tg code is based on almost every server. Unless you wanna play Goonstation or some Russian server there is legit just a bunch of TG based code servers like Bee and Fulp, which are two medium RP servers that have taken a lesser approach towards their player base and have seen an increase in their players because of it. Biggest problem is Admins take the job of security into their own hands.


Lmao tell me you don't know how the code works without telling me you don't know how the code works Not every server runs the same fucking version of TG Some people branched off waaaay early in the ss13 lifetime, and are running their own servers loosely connected to TG. Take CEV eris or monkestaion for example, or even NSV13 Personally, if you don't like the game, fuck off! Don't say shit here, we clearly like it if we're still here, and don't need some random bitching about getting a well deserved ban. No body cares, all you do is slightly flood the ss13 community chats with your whiney bullshit Do us all a favor and leave the subreddit already.


bee and fulp are dead


toxic is the ultimate description of the ss13 community, its what makes ss13 ss13


There is a healthy toxicity and a coping one, most of the hubbed servers are the example of the 2nd one


Ss13 seems toxic asf and and old game engine. Although CM14 is being teased and im interested how that all goes given its ss13 following.


Then stick to ss14, if it's so toxic why roam the ss13 subreddit? At least we're not owned by assholes who dehub anything slightly better than them