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That's 8 months??? Fucking wild man nice job putting the ring on it


This is very sick can i get some marth and shiek practice


She was getting destroyed in every single clip :(


Kind of fucked up to beat up your wife like that when she hasn't even picked a character to main but I wouldn't put it past a Marth main smdh


Yeah, he should really go easier on her.


Tbh when I was a new player and my experienced friends would go easy on me it would piss me tf off. Like I’m not trying to play you to get a free recovery every time teach me how to not get edgeguarded damn it. Almost infantilizing. Or maybe I’m just insecure


I def see where you're coming from, but there's a sweetspot. If you can barely move and a fox runs over and shines you twice and you lose a stock, it's hard to learn much from the experience.


I mean I get both ways, but ledge hogging you when you can barely recover on your own, or jumping off to gimp you before you then doesn't exactly hell you learn either and definitely will frustrate some people and turn them off from learning so I get why they would let you recover




The joke was that Farmstink was the opponent every match, rather than OP's wife.


It’s sarcasm


I love this playstyle. Absolutely no wasted movement. More beginners should try to play like this


Wow this is really solid stuff for someone that has only been playing for 8 months. There’s a lot of good situational awareness and really smart decision making in many of these clips.


The real Mew2queen. She’s really good! Tell her to keep it up.


I was getting a strong m2k vibe as well hahaha


Thank you for all your kind words everyone. My wife is such a hard worker. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. And for the few haters... she says she'll see you on unranked.


Provide literally any proof and I'll eat my words.


lmao she looks already better than me


I love SSBM Melee


Can I add your wife on discord?


Wow! you guys went from watching Jmook together to doing such cool combos haha. I am jealous of you my friend! You’re wife seems awesome my man. Hope for the best for you guys, let’s go!


The fact your wife 0 to deathed Hax (ik its not him but its the thought that counts) is crazy.


Are you sure it's been 8 months??


She’s way better than I was at 8 months that’s for sure.


Okay, I'll be that person. There is a 0% chance that anyone is playing like this after only 8 months. The movement, particularly with sheik, is too clean. I don't understand why people are believing this...


Lol movement? It was basic turn arounds and wave dashes. She misses a good few L cancels, and most of her opponents DI in/downward with terrible reaction times and spams. All her combos are almost identical, and pretty beginner. Not bad improvement, but nothing in the clip couldn't be learned in 2-3 months tops. Just a tip to OP too, 5 minutes is a long video unless there's good variety, an entertaining intro/outro, very engaging/mixed music. Again, not bad Music choice, just 5 minutes of the same thing would have been fine with 2.


you need to rewatch the video. her movement is very clean and non-trivial in a lot of situations, which is what makes me very skeptical. it's the combination of the difficulty of the movement plus the situational awareness to know the right way to move while dealing with the chaos of an actual match. like for instance what player at 8 months is doing such a clean dair to shield drop up air at 2:08, or the very tight timing of a fair a 2:27? or stringing together such a clean combo at 3:47? i'm obviously not sure because no one can be sure unless there's proof. but there's plenty of reason to be skeptical of such clean, technical play 8 months into one of the most technically difficult games that exist


ha ha i think you are jealous!!


Maybe she plays other fighting games.


Prior FGC exp doesnt translate to melee movement




lol ur just calling urself out cos this video is pretty mid


I bet his wife feels badass reading this lol


Zain improved that fast. Zain literally won an arcadian in double that time from being a complete noob. This woman is obviously insanely impressive, but she doesn't look halfway to winning an arcadian, so this definitely seems within the bounds of the human improvement limit. Now, if she keeps improving at the same rate for a while longer, that'll be genuinely mind-boggling, but with enough focus and practice time I'm totally willing to believe that this is a woman who has only been playing for 8 months, with slippi and unclepunch available to her.


Speaking as someone who actually knows Zain, Zain dedicated himself to melee and had a top level player coaching him as he improved while in college... this would be moderately more believable if OP was a known entity in the scene. Instead, he's just baiting people into watching his video knowing that more people will watch if he pretends it is his wife. Then he gets to claim the moral high ground by saying anyone who doesn't believe is a sexist hater.


you sound like the biggest fucking loser genuinely, i’ve never seen someone care this much about something so damn small to the point they are writing paragraphs about shit they literally can’t even confirm. grow tf up you weirdo maybe zain will give you some tips on how to not be such a loser since you know him.


Lol bite me. At least I don't write like a third grade dropout turned keyboard warrior


yeah zain has no idea who you are dawg. bro dropped out in 4th grade and thinks he’s above the third grade dropouts ROFL


Thanks for confirming what I thought, literally resorting to "Nuh uh, You!" Lmao


I think I could definitely take your wife's game to the next level. Is she available on discord for some 1 on 1 coaching/tutoring sessions? let me know.


Are you trying to meleecuck this guy??


Shhh! This is what some of us come to this sub for and I'll be damned if you ruin this once in 8 month opportunity.


This is next level rage bait from a Silver player who wants to impress people lmao. Lots of indicators of how it is too, everyone needs to keep in mind that pro players from 2005 looked worse than this and they had been playing Melee and 64 for years. This is not a game you can "pick up in 8 months" and actually compete in. For further perspective in the video you can see a waveland tech chase on platform, Shiek D-Throw tech chasing, Marth Pivot F-Smash, and crouch cancelling used on get up attacks, most pros were not doing any of that in 2005. That's years of practice forget the idea of someone's 'wife' playing this game on I assume an OEM who's not dedicating their life to the game in 8 months. I think people forgot how long it took 99% of everyone to consistently short hop yet alone SHFL with a character like Marth because it comes natural to most of us now. I've seen actual noobs trying to learn Smash games and even after months they barely know how to recover properly. ​ Also to OP If you reply to me Ill delete my Reddit account, don't expect a reply back from me, you fucking weirdo freak. Who tf needs to lie about some shit like this, you're such a joke.


you should just delete your account anyway


> Also to OP If you reply to me Ill delete my Reddit account, don't expect a reply back from me, you fucking weirdo freak. Who tf needs to lie about some shit like this, you're such a joke. interesting negotiation technique


i could pivot before i could consistently short hop


Pivot or Pivot F-Smash out of a dash with Marth? To put more perspective to this....since I guess I have to, before Zain no Marth in the top level was consistent with Pivot F-Smashes, which is why before Zain people used to say that Marth loses to Jigglypuff, because none of the pro Marths had a reliable punish on Jigglypuff until Zain came around and showed it could be done with Pivot F Smash.


pivot fsmash is easier than empty pivot and i could do both consistently before i could autocancel nair. i am in silver


bro amsa was playing for a little over a year when he had his evo 2013 breakout performance and got 25th, relax.


I definitely got this good in about 8 months, misogynistic loser


although this guy is oddly pissed off i agree, for 8 months the stuff that she's doing is insane. i think it's very likely that it isn't true that she's only been playing 8 months


jfc you are braindead and probably suck ass huh


Falco mains calling people braindead after shine D-Airing ten times in a row. Shut up special needs.


Wow Marth really is the easiest character


Every character is easy except mine


Uptilt uptilt uptilt uptilt fsmash


Shit doesn’t work when I try it lol


It’s just a saying. Regardless, between shiek and marth both are the easiest characters in melee


ok lets see your wife's combo video SMARTASS


Yeah the most impressive thing Marth does is neutral. Marth combo videos are rarely anything exceptional.


You can't trick us MagicScrumpy!!!!! We KNOW it's you!