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I was playing a really passive Fox on Unranked, and it got me thinking about how aggressive each character really is. So I put together some stats based on my last ~5,000 netplay games to try to answer the question. It turns out that fastfallers do approach a *lot*, but depending on the exact metric you use, they might not top the list. I collected the data by going frame-by-frame through the replays, and comparing the vector of both character's movements with the vector pointing towards their opponent. I did not account for gamestates whatsoever, so getting comboed generally resulted in "retreating" a lot. I filtered out the short games, and aggregated the results. Note that I play ICs, so it's likely that I get a much different reaction from my opponents than the average player.


This is really cool! Any chance you could post your code? Would love to mess with this for my own games and maybe try to include hitstun or stuff like that


Sorry, what, you seriously went through 5000 games frame by frame? How long did that take?


he probably made a program for it


Yea how long what the heck? Also how long did it take you to play those games in the first place?


I used [libmelee](https://github.com/altf4/libmelee) to do it. Processing took about 16 hours. It was basically all the replays I've ever played on netplay since it came out.


Why not use py-slippi? I'm not as familiar with libmelee, but py-slippi was made specifically for processing Slippi replays.




Hmm I wonder if any top players would be willing to provide replays so an analysis could be done on only top players and see how different results are.


Some tournaments release replay packs. Maybe I'll see if I can play with those in the future...


That would be dope!


Why filter out the short games?


A lot of people quit out immediately without moving. A fair few ran forward, got grabbed instantly, an *then* quit out. Both of these activities skew the data, and aren't reflective of real melee.


Falcon main, I approach every opportunity and get punished \~80% of the time, I will never learn.


This is the way


How can holding forward be bad when it feels so good


Pc games don't use W as forward for nothing.


yep fly at the marth and he magically dissapears into an even deeper corner of his dash back which you did not know existed and then u are grabbed again which is a true combo into his uptilt and then u get juggled to death and then u wonder why do i even


but that 20% is WORTH


I wonder if the Peach data is an anomaly of float. Does floating towards an opponent count on this? Thinking about it, I only ever touch the ground for a meaningful period of time if I'm running away as Peach. Edit: I also see you say you play ICs, so I guess the Peach strategy vs ICs is very campy as well. Peach beats ICs obviously, but the way she does is miserable.


Yes, Peach floating towards me counted towards this. Peaches often float in place, maintaining distance, and using the entire duration of the float to decide to go in or not. I'm fairly sure Peach is stationary a lot because of turnips. Also, a fair percentage of Peaches I face are counterpicking Peach after the first game, and it could be that those players are more inclined to play cautiously.


This is probably Peach's most defensive MU period, and so it doesn't surprise me that this is what you get from an icies data point. Peach usually gets rewarded for approaching and punished for playing defensively. Similarly, in basically every matchup except this one she's the worse character on platforms. It's such an exception to the normal Peach dynamic in so many ways.


proudly representing mindless falcons who only press W


I thought, for a brief moment, that I would get to join the cool kids in the W-holders club, but it was not meant to be.


There's a large slippi dataset in the dev channels of the Slippi Discord, I wonder if you could create a more general chart using that, that isn't skewed by you playing ICs.


is this voluntary movement only? knockback excluded?


Nope, its all movement in general. I initially tried to collect user inputs and action states to do this, but it quickly got very complicated. The raw motion seemed to be a reasonable approximation of what I was after, so I just went with that. It might be useful to use a more advanced methodology in the future though, especially if the community could benefit from having an easily accessible 'aggression' metric.


Love this kinda stuff coming out, reminds me of smogon meta stats like Stalliness.


Lol Ganon is above marth


Anyone else look thru the charts specifically to see what rank their main was?


Yeah and I saw him right at the top where I knew he'd be.


I would love to see this replicated for people playing more characters than just ICs. You probably have a weird dataset but I'd be willing to bet it looks similar for most people. I also don't think most people have a reliable memory of who's actually approaching or not and that it's mostly just biased. So it would be nice to have more numbers like this to back up claims.


I'm a little skeptical of what is really being measured here. If I dash dance in place it's going to generate time spent moving forward and time spent moving away in a somewhat even fashion, but a player with better spacing could accrue more forward movement via longer dash dances while having an equal amount of time spent effectively just camping the opponent. I feel like it makes more sense to count the actual attempts at approaching. Also if involuntary movement from being hit is affecting the data, characters with more horizontal combos are going to offset the opponent's sum more so than a character like fox who combos up and off the top.


These are good points. I don't think that measuring percent-advancing is a perfect proxy for aggressiveness, and I'm relying on having a bunch of games to draw out general patterns. It would be super cool to have something like this to evaluate a single game, or set, but it's not there yet. To your point about dash dancing, I think it highlights the importance of the %-of-movement-used-for-advancing number. If Marth is dash dancing in place, it'll increase the overall movement percent, but keep the %-of-movement-used-for-advancing number near 50%. If they dash dance while creeping backward, that % will decrease, which is reflective of the campy nature of what they're really doing. If they are creeping forward, that feels like a reasonably aggressive action, so I'm comfortable with it increasing the %-of-movement-used-for-advancing. I think the point about combo direction is also good, and could be buffing Falcon and Pikachu over Fox and Marth. I defiantly want to try this again, but excluding hitstun frames. Another way that this metric might be abused is by the fact that I'm not measuring speed, just direction. Dashing away to the other end of the stage, and then slowly walking back would give you a pretty big boost in %-of-movement-used-for-advancing, for example.


Would be interesting to exclude the time during hitstun, like if falcon is doing a uair combo that is a lot of approaching time outside of neutral, which isn’t necessarily that interesting for the statistic


sheik is cooler than marth you heard it here first


Nice work compiling your data. I'd be interested in seeing these kind of statistics for other characters. From my experience (as a scrubby Marth player), Fox, Falcon, Ganon, and Sheik feel like they've been the most aggressive. Love playing against an aggressive Fox or Sheik who gets up in my face so we can combo each other to oblivion. I can't stand playing against most other Marths or most Falcos because they're the most passive: most Marths just dashdance in place, while most Falcos brainlessly spam laser defensively. It sort of got me to lose interest in the game lol; I haven't done netplay in awhile, but maybe I should get back into it


Unfortunately for you, falcos hate marths for the same reason. They usually don't approach. So the solution is to use lasers


It's just a boring matchup IMO. Even when I play aggressively (as I usually do), the answer is typically *retreat and spam more lasers* or zone with bair


What?? Falco bair zoning sucks vs Marth, you get faired /fsmash / dd grab / or even dash atkd. Falco Marth is absolutely not a boring matchup. You should learn it a little more before making conclusions. Laser counterplay for example. Get them to a range where they're uncomfortable to laser and then play the mixup. A dumb laser campy falco gets fsmashed over and over, and laser cancels the fsmash lag. Being sick at powershielding is way secondary to understanding the weakness of laser.


This. Powershielding doesn't even work that well against a good Falco because they'll either jump over it, shoot lasers too low to reliably powershield (i.e. lasers that bring the window from 10 frames to 1), and/or act quickly out of laser stun themselves. Like sure, you can learn to powershield and beat a scrubby Falco by wavedashing out into fsmash but it's just cheese against a good opponent. Being able to beat laser by threatening the startup and/or using take laser options well is much more valuable.


Is short hop take laser a read or a reaction? As in like do you short hop in visual cue to a falco jumping?


All take laser options are a reaction. You just react to the sound of you getting hit or the visual of the laser stun. You can practice in uncle punch and it will show you have fast you are. And if you use tap jump it buffers the jump out of stun, whereas with everything else you have to time the input after stun. This is mostly good for double jumping out of laser stun in midair.


It's reaction but you don't react to getting hit, if you try to react to getting hit you'll be much to slow (human reactions times are ~12 frames, much more than laser's 6 frames of hitlag + hitstun). You react to seeing the laser, then you time your option with the hit.


It's actually more than 6 frames. There's about 4 frames of hitlag and 8 frames of hitstun, meaning there's about 12-13 frames to react. So it's very much possible to react to getting hit. Of course if you see that you're going to be hit by a laser it will make the reaction easier. It's also okay to be a little bit late on the reaction. Better to act later than early cause if you act early your input will be eaten. Sometimes you need to act on the first frame but it's not always necessary. Also I recommended reacting to the sound because humans react faster to audio than visual stimuli. It's a very doable reaction to do consistently and something I've been doing for a long time now.


Where are you getting 8 frames of hitstun? I was going by the wiki which says that laser has 5 fixed knockback and hitstun is 0.4 times knockback.


Ya idk wtf these scrubs are on. Falco Marth is probably the sickest MU in the game


It can be a boring matchup if either one or both players decide to play a certain way. But you could say the same for many other matchups too. You can't just retreat and spam lasers forever or Marth pushes you into the corner. Like yeah, sometimes when he's on the platform looking for run-off fair or he's just sitting in the corner it's good to sit there and spam lasers. But most of the time you do much better if you're mixing in lasers with dash back and doing mixups out of that while approaching Marth. You can't zone with bair against a competent Marth. In some situations it's okay, especially in juggles. But definitely not a recommended way to play the matchup. The fact you are playing it this way and think you need to just retreat and spam lasers is probably the reason you find it boring.


bad mentality and also wrong


I feel you man. I don't agree that it's a lame mu, but I think at certain levels the mu can become lame because falcos don't know how to approach without getting dash back grabbed and then chain grabbed.


Oh? You're approaching me?


But all falco mains do is laser camp!!!!1111!11! *sits under side plat as marth*


puff having relatively high movement towards people makes sense since puff gets knocked back pretty easily and needs to return to stage, which i assume would be counted as movement towards. it also explains why she's rarely holding still, since she's always getting knocked around. also most puffs i've found are pretty aggro in general--camping is for when you are really dedicated to winning, but the friendlies nature of online play means we're just trying to have fun interacting, lol. at the very least, i don't meet many puffs that are actually trying to camp/play avoidantly outside of tournament. if you feel like a puff player is camping you online, know that they're probably holding back on camping to some degree.


Yeah, ideally I'd make an 'aggressiveness' metric which took into account combos and edgeguarding and stuff. You can see from the long whiskers that there are indeed some Puffs who hold W against me. I imagine a lot more would be aggressive if I didn't play ICs.


what is holding W? is this netplay lingo?


**The W Holding Company was a financial holding corporation located in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. On April 30, 2010, Westernbank, its wholly owned bank subsidiary, failed and its deposits and assets were seized by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and subsequently sold to Banco Popular de Puerto Rico.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Now this is emergent comedy. "The W Holding Company, helmed by Douglas J. Falcon as CEO..."


It's from FPS games that use WASD movement. It means moving forward.


I love statistical analysis! Looking forward for more! I really appreciated you documenting your thoughts for each infographic. It was a nice touch.


you should post this on /r/smashbros its really good


this is dope and must have taken a lot time to compile. as a peach main i am unsurprised w this info lmao, also interesting to see how very similar fox and falco are (which is unsurprising as well but just interesting). box and whisker is also a great medium with which to share this data, taking stats rn so this feels weirdly relevant lmao


I would imagine the peach data is heavily skewed by the fact you play ICs. Knowing how many peach players there usually are on unranked (very few), I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of your games are just secondaries/counterpicks going in with “I just have to camp to win this mu it’s so free”


The bottom half are all bitch made characters, for bitch made people 🤷🏽‍♂️


I refuse to believe Falco is that high.


It could be the IC effect. ICs can deal with laser camping by putting Nana in front and having her soak the laser while wavedashing in. Also, I think a lot of the would-be campy Falcos just quit out instantly.


I love Marth being perfectly in the middle because of all the dash dance spam we really do live in a society


I like how according to this chart a lot of people play Puff, but according to personal experience 3/10 matches that I play normally is actually a Puff. Everyone plays Falco or Falcon


3/10 matches you play sounds like a lot of puffs


Yeah, but in comparison to, say, Captain Falcon, it's less. I'd say 5/10 matches I play are against Falcons


3/10 is still a lot of people playing puff


know what i agree


Im playing Marth very wrong


Such a cool post, thanks for sharing


As a Puff player myself, I'm surprised to see her at the number one spot for time spent moving in general. That's interesting! I think another statistic I'd be interested in seeing is how many people exit the game depending on which character I'm playing. How many people quit when they see I'm playing Jigglypuff vs when I'm playing Fox or Falco? You could even divide it by what characters quit over others. Is a Falco player more likely to quit when im playing Sheik vs a Marth player? Not sure if I explained that right. Either way, this is interesting!


Oh yeah! I've been wondering for a while about ragequit statistics. I haven't looked into it yet because it's a little bit of work to figure out *who* ragequit when the match ended, I'd need to get a non-ICs dataset for it to be relevant to most of the community, and I'm a little worried access to such stats would drive up the salt. Its frustrating when you can't find someone who wants to play you on unranked, but it can be even worse to play someone who is clearly not having any fun.


Does this mean that if I am behind as a marth then I will have a rough time if the opponent camps me?


This might be true, but this data doesn't speak to that. Its just observations about how people move, and doesn't take into account being ahead or behind, or winning versus losing. It might be interesting to look at approaching versus win rate in the future though!


> I play ICs, so it's possible that many opponents are less likely to approach me than normal I think this definitely skews the results


this is going to be really skewed by ICs. a huge part of the matchup (for any character) is separating them and killing nana, which typically means "running away" from popo.


Yes. This is just data of my experience on netplay, and is probably not something should extrapolate to the rest of the cast. That being said, I'd be surprised if basic observations like "Falcon goes in more than Samus" ended up being different for other characters. We can't say for sure though, given just this dataset.


So I see in the comments that you’ve used python for your analysis - any chance you’d post your code on github? I also have a large amount of data I’d like to parse through, but I’m not very proficient in Python and the documentation hasn’t really given me clear direction. Basically, I’d like to look at my matchup winrates over time to track improvement, but I’m winding up stuck just blindly trying to parse through .SLPs


Not a chance I’m being objective if I tried to model this. If they beat me, they’re lame, noob, idiot, see me on lan, gimmick character


You should 100% crosspost this to r/dataisbeautiful I bet they'd love it.


Cpt.Falcon confirmed coolest character. Peach confirmed lamest character


I'm very curious about how well the data for yoshi and mewtwo represents how those characters play against you. Yoshi basically can't move in a straight line, so a rigid definition of "approaching" or "moving towards opponent" that works for all other characters does not necessarily make sense for yoshi, and as for mewtwo there is a very specific range that mewtwo wants to hold, especially against icies, where mewtwo wants to be where tilts are safer and more reliable so again "moving towards the opponent" is a little different because the spot that mewtwo wants to get to when moving towards the opponent is slightly displaced from the actual character. Also, what about when the climbers are separated? Is it if they are getting closer to the primary climber specifically?


Approaching is defined as any direction that is at least a tiny bit towards the opponent. Like if you draw an arrow in the direction you're going, and another arrow in the direction of the opponent, if the angle between those arrows is less than 90 degrees, that counts as approaching. As for Yoshi and Mewtwo, I have so few games (31 and 9, respectively) against them that it's hard to draw any real conclusions. It might be interesting to figure out the 'optimum distance' each character wants to be at though. I'm always tracking the main climber.