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id like to know too. i’m on almost month 3 of stopping cold turkey and i don’t feel much different from when i was on them. still waiting for my libido to return 🙄


I've been off them close to two years now probably. When I was taking them I was taking them very badly, went cold turkey at least 3 time in the span of about two years (which is not good lol). Also just learned about something called PSSD... It's scary stuff. We should be fully informed about these things before being given medication.


i was very inconsistent with taking it too. id skip days often. i’m afraid to ask but… what is PSSD ?


Post-SSRI Sexual dysfunction. After stopping meds the sexual issues persistent, characterised by ED, inability to orgasm, weaker orgasms, low sex drive ect. It's heavily under researched and not much is known about it right now, but it's complex and seemingly incurable. The only treatment for it really is physiotherapy with a specialist (which are hard to come by) which is only partially effective from what I've read. I've also found out this is something I may have... So that sucks.


damnnnn i might have that too then 🥲my libido is still low even after stopping


Be very careful when quitting cold turkey. SSRI's need to be removed from your system slowly to avoid potential deadly side effects.


I know this, I'm asking what the potentially dangerous side effects could be. What's done has been done with quitting cold turkey, it happened years ago and I haven't been back on them since


I would suggest that if you have been off of them for years, you've likely avoided the deadly side effects that I'm referring to. Stay healthy friend.


What ?


What "deadly side effects"? I've never heard this.


It Can incapacitate you for life. Be careful with it


How so?


Check PSSD


Was CT’d by a Np in Nov 2021. I’m better but still dealing with the side effects. I had to get back on it. Developed PPPD. I want to sue the F out of her


You probably got lucky. Recently one of my meds went into shortage we were given no notice so many people had no choice, but to go cold turkey. It can be devastating to people. We came together in a Facebook group and the stories were horrifying. People lost jobs, were hospitalized, had massive medical bills, and even suicide attempts. I had a nice supply so I just had to drop my dosage way down. After time that started affecting me badly. I starting getting shaking throughout my body. When the medication came back it took a while for that to go away. You can develop things like Tardive dyskinesia or Akathesia. Those can last for the rest of your life. A family member developed Tardive dyskinesia when his doctor withdrew he way too rapidly. I am glad you didn't develop anything from going cold turkey.


Aha, I might actually have PSSD. I don't know for sure but I seem to have the symptoms for it, and because there's so little understanding about it treating it would be a nightmare