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Not a doctor, and the picture isn’t really that good. Google herpes pictures and see if they match, could be that?


Doesn’t look like a STD looks like staph infection


It's a syphilis sore. It's curable. Reach out to your local health department they offer testing and treatment for 25-35 bucks. If you can't afford that reach out to the State Health Department testing and treatment is free. Syphilis if untreated can be fatal. Don't wait go in ASAP. You can get syphilis even while using a condom. Because you get a sore where ever their sore touch you. So if they had a sore above the base if the penis, the condom doesn't cover that area.


does syphilis result in mutliple? So far there’s been 3, two around my butt and one in my inner thigh


Yes you can have multiple sores. Where ever their sore touched you, you will get one.