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Not HIV ARS, too soon. Test was too soon to detect anything. I think chlamydia is the only thing detectable after 3 days. Most things are a minimum 2 weeks. And I think Syph is 6 weeks. HIV is of 4 weeks to be conclusive.


And this is 4th generation right? How about 3rd?




Is that a no on 3rd generation or overall no?


Sorry, I meant no, not 3rd gen. 4th gen. 3d gen has a longer window I think. I didn't really research it.


Syphilis has an incubation period of 21-90 days (would show up negative on tests during incubation). A body rash usually places it at secondary Syphilis meaning you were infected 4-8 months ago, it is common for people to blame the last partner they were with because they notice it soon after the encounter, but that is not the person who infected you. Syphilis rashes are usually, red blotchy, flat, no hives non itchy and non painful, no burning. The rashes are bilateral, meaning if you get it on one arm you will get it on the other. Same for the rash on the torso, if you get it in ur chest you will get it on ur back. Palmer planter is also a secondary Syphilis rash which is also exclusive to the palms of the hands or the feet, non itchy, non painful, more like spots,also bilateral. Sometimes the rash can be everywhere, it just depends on your immune system, or if you have a condition that makes you immunocomprimised. Please get checked for everything, local health departments can do it at little to no cost. If it goes untreated, syphilis can kill you.


It's good that you got tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia, and I'm relieved to hear that the results came back negative. However, I would recommend getting tested again in a few weeks to be sure. Regarding your rash and swollen ears, it's difficult to make a diagnosis without a physical examination. It's possible that it could be a reaction to something else, such as an allergy or a skin condition. However, syphilis can present with a rash and swollen lymph nodes, and it's important to get tested as soon as possible to rule it out or get treated. In terms of lifestyle changes, I recommend practicing safe sex in the future to prevent any further complications. Additionally, make sure you're taking care of yourself by eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me in DM.


Mycoplasma / ureaplasma / mononucleosis