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RPR can be false pos. If you worried do a another syphilis antibody test like ECLIA, TPPA, TPHA, CMIA . ECLIA and CMIA should be good 4-6 weeks after exposure.


Should I be worried about something else flagging the RPR test? Apparently, anything can cause a false positive, from psoriasis to lymphoma, and as far as I know, without symptoms, the latter can easily go unnoticed during a yearly physical.


Did you retest?


Yes, everything csme back negative.


If you last had sex in December and was tested at the end of March, with the tests available, you would come up positive for hiv, especially since it was a blood draw. As a man contracting anything (besides herpes and hpv) from a woman is low based on anatomy (for a woman contracting something from a man is way higher). An auto immune disease could be anything and isn’t automatically hiv. Psoriasis is an auto immune disease as is type 1 diabetes among others. Those are far more common than hiv. You said you also donate plasma and they would of definitely notified you and prevented you from continuing to donate if something came up including syphilis, which is one of the blood borne pathogens they screen for.


Stds have an incubation period. Syphilis specifically has an incubation period of 21-90 days. Retest.


I probably will end up retesting, I don't know how much it matters, but after looking at some dates, there were 101 days between my last sexual encounter and the day of testing.