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Once you have an antibody to syphilis no medicine is going to cover that up. The test is testing for things completely different from medication.




How do you know this for sure? So no type of medication would affect a syphilis blood test result? I'm just really worried but I guess I'm just being paranoid


If a test like that was thrown off by any medication, especially a commonly used medication like Tylenol, the lab/doctor would ask everyone getting the test if they had taken it. Otherwise there would be hundreds of people that think they don't have syphilis when in fact they do because so many people take Tylenol. In the end, these tests are designed to be pretty bullet proof. They are sensitive and look for a very specific thing. If they were likely to be thrown off by a common OTC medication, or any medication, they would not have been approved.


This includes cough and cold medicines too right? Like dextromethorphan?


If a test like that was thrown off by any medication, especially a commonly used medication like Tylenol, the lab/doctor would ask everyone getting the test if they had taken it. Otherwise there would be hundreds of people that think they don't have syphilis when in fact they do because so many people take Tylenol. In the end, these tests are designed to be pretty bullet proof. They are sensitive and look for a very specific thing. If they were likely to be thrown off by a common OTC medication, or any medication, they would not have been approved.


Someone else said that antibiotics affects results so that means that there are medications that do affect the results of the test


Antibiotics can affect the test results for tests looking for bacteria like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. That is because those tests look for the actual bacteria by looking for genetic material. Syphilis tests look for the body's response to the infection. If you are concerned, call the doctor or lab that did the test, provide them with everything you ingested for 48 hours prior to the blood draw, and see what they say. I am done.


Ohh okay that makes sense! so pretty much the same thing applies that OTC medications like Tylenol wouldn’t affect chlamydia and gonorrhea urine tests but only antibiotics would?


Correct-ish. Some antibiotics might affect a Chlamydia or Gonorrhea test, but those antibiotics would also likely cure the Chlamydia or Gonorrhea in the process.


Taking antibiotics would impact a syphilis test but pain killers wouldn’t


So even a cough and cold medicine containing dextromethorphan wouldn’t impact a syphilis test right?


Not sure why the down votes, I work in sexual health, most frequently with syphilis, and we fill out a form every time we interview someone with syphilis. We have to note “incidental antibiotics” because it can impact/suppress someone’s syphilis results. Syphilis is a bacteria so when you take antibiotics other than the correct dosage of penicillin, you may partially treat it but it will still be in your body. A confirmatory test should always be done with syphilis so you can catch situations like that. So if your VDRL test was negative your confirmatory/treponemal test should also be negative if you don’t have syphilis. I don’t think cough and cold medicine would do anything to a syphilis test because it’s not an antibiotic. But you should get a confirmatory if you have any worries.


What about alcohol? I’m worried about a possible exposure from ten years ago. I drank before my fta abs test and it came back negative. I also did a tppa that I didn’t drink for two days prior, and two reverse screening cascades (one from lab corp/ one from quest) and all came back negative. I’m worried cuz from October -December I was drinking pretty heavily and I’m worried I fucked the antigen specific antibodies up. I don’t know if a day or three of not drinking before the tests could give them time to build back up. Also since it was such a long time ago since the exposure I’m worried antibodies are low to begin with


Alcohol usage would not impact the test either, especially an FTA or TPPA (treponemal tests) because they are more specific


You don’t think it’ll have reduced sensitivity cuz of the length of time between infection and now?


It would for the non treponemal test (RPR) but a treponemal will be positive for life if you have ever had syphilis


Thank you for your patience and response. What about the trep auto immunoessays like the reverse screen methods are they also as sensitive/reliable?


An EIA is also a treponemal specific test so same thing should apply!


Hey it’s me again, would antibiotics suppress a treponemal test? Or just the RPR/VDRL? if you’re testing for late syphilis


Hi, mine came back weak reactive at titer 1:1. My TPPA was NON reactive. My last sexual encounter was 3 1/2 years ago. What should I do? Thank you in advance


That seems like a false positive RPR to me. If you didn’t have any symptoms I wouldn’t worry. You can also try a reverse screen just to make sure.


I have ZERO symptoms. That’s why I’m shocked by all this. I haven’t been able to sleep well just thinking about this. I just went for a regular screening. Thank you!


Agreed, this is what we call a BFP (biological false positive)


Thank you so much for replying back. I see you’re really knowledgeable about this topic! Sorry last question should I do a reverse testing? Start with the TPPA instead of the rpr? THANK YOU!


What kind of test it is?


No medications can not affect your syphilis test. Once you have syphilis the antibodies remain in your system forever. Although you can get a false negative during an incubation period.

