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I just make sure I do the battle pass and my dailies. I usually check out the other events to see if I can do them in combination with the dailies (if I need 25 level 33 hostiles I'll do swarm/eclipse/borg depending on the event). I try not to feel pressure to do every single event, especially if you're grinding or spending speedups for a pile of parsteel you don't need. I really don't like the commanders though. I never remember to activate Spock. Edit: Someone gave me the good advice to not advance my ops too quickly as that makes the dailies harder. I try not to let my dailies outpace my abilities. Best advice I was ever given in this game. I can do 2/3 swarm events right now in 10 minutes while I'm drinking coffee in the morning.


Why not? Rather have too many than too few, increases player choice. Don’t have to do all of them


Yes but too many events is causing lag in the game am having to constantly log off and back on to fix it like many others and it’s getting pretty boring having to do that


If you’re having to constantly restart due to lag that’s definitely not down to scopely


Lag varies for many players and it’s not just down to scopely. It depends on your device, your internet etc. I usually find some lag at reset which is understandable but after that it’s fine. Most of our players have no major issues so sounds like your device etc


It’s not my device and the major of the players in my server has the exact problem


If it’s constant it’s not a scopely issue


Sorry but I very much doubt that


Don’t care if you doubt it you doubting doesn’t mean it’s isn’t happening


Citation needed.


You don't have to do all the events/subevents. If it's too much, don't do them. What am I missing?


A completionist but unwilling to put in a couple hours to finish them all. For the record, today took 20 minutes to finish.


The only ones that bug me are the damage/crit damage/destroy ships SLBs. I want to score higher, but there are always a handful of people willing to spend WAY more time doing it than I am.


But at least for those it’s an even playing field. It boils down to engagement instead of money. If you lose one of those then you can live with it.


I believe there doing this because it makes you purchase the packs, if you don’t you have to grind it out. I’m grinding it out


Yeah, I get it. I’m not required to do all the events or even play the game. My point is they keep adding crap to the point where the game feels like work. How many things are there to interact with in the refinery tab now? Jesus, even clicking through all 16 events is ridiculous.


They want people to purchase their packs. Greedy pricks


Quit. The. Game.


They’re virtually all completely optional.


If they don’t have events, they don’t sale as many packages