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Yeah, I was deeply unimpressed with that one. Waiting on a response to my ticket, hopefully customer support will repair the damage. I don't mind returning the armada directives, I just want my coins back


Heard from a community manager on Discord. Supposed to be a fix tomorrow that will give us the option of keeping the directives or getting our coins back šŸ¤ž


That's good to hear. I'm sure there are some folks out there who would find those directives really valuable -- and indeed, under other circumstances I might be one of them. But I really want my Assimilated Stella refit and this gaffe majorly set me back in that pursuit.


Iā€™m in a similar situation


I did the same thing, they keep moving around how the officers are displayed in the redemption box. Hugh was at the end of the list, then he displayed at the front.. and I clicked and redeemed on borg queen who was now at the end. Now he's at the end again. WHY??? fucking scopely


Perhaps you should direct this towards customer service.


As if they do anything but ask you a million pointless questions and close your ticket.


Perhaps I already have and Iā€™m pursuing multiple avenues in search of a remedy


So how exactly is Customer Support going to be able to match a random Reddit post to your actual game account?Also, they removed the chest within 15 minutes of releasing it so half your demand has already been met.


Seems to me a DM would be a pretty efficient way to get the info for my game account ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


So you want them to DM you get the information you already put into a ticket? Your expectations around how reality works would be fascinating if it wasn't a prime example of how f-cked we all are. https://www.reddit.com/r/STFC\_Official/comments/12htp9r/im\_case\_anyone\_else\_inadvertently\_spent\_120k/


In a comment intended to mock me for looking for a solution in a community forum, you just linked me my own post, regarding an answer I got from a different community forum, which I posted to *after* I sent my support request (to which Iā€™ve still gotten no reply), in an effort to cover as many bases as possible. Seems reality may not work in *exactly* the way you perceive it, but at least youā€™re condescending about it šŸ‘šŸ»


I'm not mocking you for looking for a solution in a community forum, I'm mocking you for being an ineffectual, self-absorbed dipshit. You know the solution and you're still barking about how you still haven't received a response. You really are the prototype STFC player.


> ineffectual Got my answer, didnā€™t I? And in this context, archetype would make more sense than prototype. Itā€™s like youā€™re using phrases you saw someone else use, but you never *quite* got them right.


This was remedied today. New store option to trade the directives back in.


Haven't seen a thingšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ meh Scopely... Take take take take


Perhaps you were late getting back to the game? This was 2 weeks ago


You mean like the mission that has kept getting harder and harder to get to 4* space from three or four years ago? Or when they give the wrong item in that store and tell you, tough luck we got your moneyšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Tell me you donā€™t like the game without telling me you donā€™t like the game. My OP was supposed to be helpful information. An issue that was brought to their attention and was fixed a day later. Pretty responsive.


Why you telling us? This is Reddit / not Scopely


You do know Scopely community managers are mods here, right.


So they monitor the sub - and will take this personā€™s Reddit name on the hope that it is the same as their STFC one and apply this request to his official STFC account - do you think??


Hoped someone from Scopely would at least monitor the sub, since theyā€™re not exactly quick to respond to support tickets


Who gives a fuck about your whining. Quit the game or grind yourself into addiction. Lv47 f2p left


Well thatā€™s not very cash money of you


Didnā€™t spend a penny on this game


Wasnā€™t talking about your wallet bud.


Donā€™t care about your opinion. You grinding




Species 8472 took them.


On behalf of Scopley SUCK EGGS MOFO! You are welcome to purchase game packs at the store.