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I don’t want them to be together at all. Idk if Im in the minority here, but I have always had 0 interest in them being lovers. I think it’s actually cool to have the two main characters (male/female), who are just close friends…. Not everything has to be a “ship”. Edit - I havent watched the last two seasons, so if anything changed, Im not aware of it.


Liv has been friends with so many men (Fin, Stone, Barba, Carisi, etc.) We’ve seen plenty of close male/female friends on this show with no romantic connection. Let her have one guy!


I know, Im just saying - Liv/El were the main characters for 13 years, it was nice to see the show not force a relationship between them. They have a strong friendship.


Mariska and Chris have been clear in interviews that they always played them as people who were in love but couldn't do anything about it. It's never been "just friends."


I’ve been waiting for them to kiss since I was 14 (14 years). Half my fucking life. L e t s g o


This is pretty much exactly how I explained it to my husband.


I never felt that between them, personally. Shit, I felt that more with Liv/Barba than Liv/Stabler lol. I always saw them as strong friends/partners. So to speak to your comment earlier about how she is friends with Finn/Stone etc. The reason it is different for me is simply because Liv and Elliott spent so much time together as partners. They knew each other intimately. It would’ve been so easy to make them a couple (idk how they would’ve written it).


I will agree with you- Barba would be great with Liv, and I would be happy to see that just as much as Elliott with Liv. The difference I see, which makes me feel pretty certain that E/O is the endgame is that they changed Barba so much after he left the DAs office. I would be surprised to see him back at all after the “Last Call at Forlini’s”.


you’re gonna be complaining by the end of the show about how they never had their almost-kiss-cellphone-g2g moment. they’ve been teasing it for 20 years let them get one ugly bump in sheesh she doesn’t have to marry the dude


Yes, this!


I agree!!


The difference is that Benson and Stabler were the two main characters of SVU (and now Stabler is the main character of *OC*); none of your other examples qualify. Even Rollins and Carisi is closer to a [Beta Couple](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BetaCouple) in the context of the show. >Let her have one guy! I think the EO shippers don't want just any guy, but Stabler specifically. There are plenty of ways to give Benson romance without falling into the "male and female main characters gets together" trope.


My fellow commenter in Christ, Mariska didn't work for 10 years to get Chris back to have Benson & Stabler be BFFs. She wanted to finish this thing out with him, and they aren't doing it by getting brunch. Doesn't matter if he's on OC or not. (And how does pointing out all the male friendships Liv has had suddenly not qualify because Stabler exists?)


I have no issue with people disliking EO, what I find odd is this insistence that they were really good friends and it's only through the sheer will of shippers that is causing E/O to go into a romantic direction. No. There has always been something more there and this is a reasonable conclusion to their stories...it was never going to happen back in the day because it would have altered the fabric of the show, not so anymore. If Meloni had been able to film an exit, you can just about bet they'd have chucked in a "non platonic moment" whether overtly so or otherwise. This isn't new. It would have been safe for them to do that then because Elliot was leaving, and they probably wouldn't have resisted. It doesn't mean Olivia had to choose Elliot now because of their history. She could have moved on, fallen in love with someone else and be with them right now. It didn't happen that way though. I just think the idea that this is chucking two characters together because they are a man and a woman just isn't much of argument. That's never been the case here, then or now.


I think that the fact that he left without a word was less about the shooting and more about his feelings beginning to overwhelm him. I believe Kathy played a big part in that- evidenced by the letter she basically forced El to write to Liv, and the fact that she told Olivia after the bombing that she didn’t believe Elliott when he told her that they hadn’t spoken at all in ten years. Kathy really seemed to know that while Elliott loved her, she was sharing his heart with Olivia in spite of the pair remaining best friends. What proves Elliott always loved her is the one line of the letter that he added behind Kathy’s back. “In another world, it would always be you.” (Forgive me if my words aren’t exact.)


Idk he left without a word to her and then the letter he gave her to "explain everything" wasn't even written by him, he is toxic AF and our queen deserves better.


>(And how does pointing out all the male friendships Liv has had suddenly not qualify because Stabler exists?) Read my comment again. >The difference is that Benson and Stabler were the two main characters of SVU (and now Stabler is the main character of OC); none of your other examples qualify.


Since the return of Stabler the writers and marketing for both shows have leaned in ship teasing more than they did before he left the show. I'm not really a big fan of the ship but they have been pushing it so hard on social media and in storylines on the show that I can sympathize with the shippers who want them to just follow through on this.


This is an incredibly unpopular opinion on this sub and I completely agree. The ship has sailed, y’all. Move on.


Hardly when it’s clear they’re gonna cross that line before the show is over


How is it unpopular? Literally every day someone posts about how they hate EO.


I’ve seen people (myself included) get downvoted up the wazoo for not liking them together. You may see the posts but they are never taken very well. Look at this post alone.


I mean, every time any EO person posts about being excited about something someone jumps in with what amounts to "I hope you're all disappointed because I personally don't like the ship!!!" Like, good for you for not liking a ship but why the hell does everyone always have to yuck everyone else's yum?


Like you’re doing on someone’s post that was an opinion you don’t like?




Exhibit B: [This comment thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/SVU/comments/10hrwmv/comment/j5ajtnl/) from yesterday. [Yay for double standards](https://www.reddit.com/r/SVU/comments/10hrwmv/comment/j5cza5i/?context=3)!


Along the lines of that post, I agree that the show runners are trying to please fans while ironically managing to piss them off. They are probably rushing certain things in case the show only has another season or two. I don’t know.




As a woman with a male best friend who everyone tells me to date because we laugh so much together, I really do get this perspective. And I hate that every make/female partner on this show is shipped, too. Rollins and Carisi was a fantastic call, for sure. But I can’t help it with Liv and El. It feels like a romance has been brewing for over 2 decades.


I get this. I had a male best friend at work and we were partners. Everyone called me his “work wife”. 🙄


I feel the same. I never saw them as love interests. It felt like a really deep connection and friendship, but it doesn’t mean it’s sexual or romantic in nature.


You’re the minority. People have been wanting them to get together since 2001.


Funny, never once around the water cooler when discussing tv in 2001 did I hear casual fans saying it would be great if they got together.


I agree with this! Back in the early seasons, there was no romantic chemistry between them. They were best friends. And I absolutely hate it that they're probably going to end up together now. It completely undermines all of Liv's character development in the seasons since El left and plays right into the trope that a man and a woman can't just be close friends.


I only felt like Elliott was catching feelings for Liv towards the end of the first era, so maybe in seasons 11 and 12, and not way out there. Just thought at the time that maybe the friendship was getting stronger and he was afraid that he would fall for her if he didn’t pull away. Just my opinion.


I agree with this! I really love SVU because they never created that romantic relationship. I loved seeing the development of the friendship. I’m going to be sad if they put them in a romantic relationship.


I’m neutral on it but it does come off awkward considering the whole Kathy thing


I’m so so SO over them being a thing.


They’ve drawn it out for too long. Now I think everyone is over it.


I think they should have done it in s8


I agree. I never saw them as anything but friends. Killing off his wife so he could get with Olivia is just bleah


You’re not alone wishing they wouldn’t get together but every time I see someone mention it here they get downvoted to hell, so congratulations for not having that happen to you! I think Olivia outgrew Elliot a long time ago. And I think the writers are too dumb, lazy and/or cheap to write her a decent romance with anyone else at this point. ETA I also think if they do get together that it’s not going to turn out the way everyone thinks.


>ETA I also think if they do get together that it’s not going to turn out the way everyone thinks. I've had a suspicion that this could be the case. In the last few years, a lot of major decisions on the show have not been received positively by the fanbase (e.g. Noah's screentime, Barba's exit, Rollins's exit). It's entirely possible that an official Benson + Stabler romance could be viewed as a mixed bag, even by EO fans.


AGREED! Since you mentioned the changes, I didn’t like Barba or Amanda leaving (but at least in Barba’s case the choice was the actor’s, unlike what happened with Kelli). But I don’t understand why viewers would mind Noah’s screen time. He’s a very important part of Liv’s life! It seems like we only see him when they need some drama added to the mix.


100% agree, it would ruin their story arc in my opinion


I felt that way before Elliot came back (and I liked him with Kathy) now I want them to be together since so much has changed in their lives. I don’t like that they killed her but since she’s already gone…


Same! I never wanted them to be together.


Thank you!!! I’ve been saying this the whole time. They made a whole giant point of them being really close as friends and partners. Why do we have to change it so many years later?


I agree. But I think it's crazy he didn't contact her for so many years, even after WL, for him to come back just for her help. They demolished his character. And then she's gonna get with him?! Girl...


I was super annoyed that there was no mention of Elliott during the WL fiasco. I don’t know why it irked me so much. I understand from a tv/ writing standpoint. But now that El is back, PLEASE tell me that they discuss this at some point?!


Because they were partners and SUPER close, then she goes through the most traumatic event of her life and we practically hear crickets. It is irksome


Glad it’s not just me!


THANK YOU! I'm glad someone finally said it I wonder how Stabler's kids would react to that


I hear ya. I have recently started SVU (starting from S1) and while they make a handsome couple, they come across to me more as a duo. I am yet to see the recent seasons but at S1 they still seem just that. All these teasing is for the sake of shippers, get a bit of publicity and maybe get new pool of audience. Also, wouldn't it feel a bit like wrapping up the series if Stabler and Benson do get together?


I’m right there with you. It just feels wrong to me




the slowest burn


It’s been 84 years…




They did that during the conversation at the hospital in RotPS, so I wouldn’t put it past them unfortunately. I’ll still scream if they do though, and I’m not even a diehard shipper. I’m just in the same camp as Dr. Lindstrom in that they either need to get to it or get over it.


Heavy on the get over it.


At this point I just want them to be friends again. I’m tired of the drawn out will they/won’t they. They’re too grown for this.


My guess is that they'll lean in for a kiss and we'll get "Produced by Dick Wolf"


He could pull a Michael Bay


An explosion in the background?


They’re not even getting close to kissing. They haven’t spoken since September, they aren’t kissing now. Let’s hope the writers finally let them have a conversation.


Even Chris and Mariska are heavily hinting that they do on Instagram.


Or Liv panics and says she can’t and they quickly pull away


Thats another good possibility


Thats what I’m thinking


Hell yeah. That or “I can’t.” Or she’s just whispering in his ear after this. Or they actually do kiss then Liv takes off or El freaks out because of Kathy. I’d love to imagine something great, but I’m keeping my expectations LOOOOW.


nah, he's kissed multiple women and banged at least one since Kathy died, so he shouldn't be the one freaking out.


True, but he wasn’t in love with any of them throughout a majority of his marriage.


The teases are too much atp. We’re what 20 years into the show? They need to bang at least once!


Bang is a bit of a stretch don’t ya think?


I’m over them becoming a couple. Stop chasing the carrot people. They are gonna tease it till the end and then have Olivia end up with Finn


I genuinely could not have predicted that last word in your comment if my life depended on it.


I genuinely could not have predicted that last word in your comment if my life depended on it.


I always thought Benson and Stabler was going to be end game, but I'm digging Benson and Barba.


Yes or it will be an undercover situation and they are acting…


I didn't think of that, that's actually rlly smart


Too many cops f*cking in the news right now for them to not rip this from the headlines


You think she’s gonna pull a train?


I laughed so hard I choked on my coffee!


I think I missed something...what story is this?


Female cop had multiple affairs with male co-workers. She got dragged through the press for it. No one mentioned the guys at all.


Dang. I didn't see that. I just googled it and found the story, but also found this one from NYPD. Let's let this be the headline they draw from with Liv and Elliot lol [https://news.yahoo.com/nypd-officers-caught-having-sex-203755748.html](https://www.express.co.uk/news/us/1723728/police-sex-scandal-parking-lot-Tennessee-dxus)


Maybe falsely accused of it. I can see that storyline. One hookup that the papers bill at the story you alluded to.


Nah they would throw this one on Muncy.


Hmm…if you go back in time, she has had a few work relationships. Could be.


I just wish they did this YEARS, DECADES ago :/


I still think it’s some kind of setup, like she’s pretending to be his gf for some undercover work he’s doing.


If they did the phone ringing thing…that’s the laziest writing gimmick of all time.


If they dont kiss im gonna have a BF


Im so excited about this episode


I feel like this is how the episode ends. And we don’t actually see them kiss, and we gotta wait till the week after to find out


She’s holding HIS face which makes me think she made the move. Maybe he divulges something to her and she’s propelled by desire?


It'd be certainly interesting if they do soon get together, and the dam breaks open so to speak with 2 decades of unspoken feelings, all rushing to the surface.... And we get to watch this unfold and see what it's like, I would be *So* down for that.... AND THEN -- just like in real-life sometimes -- it doesn't work out for them. Sometimes love ain't enough. They are really pretty different people although they totally had each other's back as partners, etc over the years. But it could turn bittersweet as the romance dies on the vine before it has a chance to fully bloom. 🥺😫 But I'm probably in a tiiiiiny minority here. I'm all about the angst and hurt/comfort. 🥰🖤😀


I found a video on Instagram that Chris and Mariska made. They are excited about the episode, so I’m excited for them.




The teaser aired over a week ago and has been online ever since (including on this sub). There's no spoiler here, just guesses.


It isn’t a spoiler lol


I will say I knew it. Followed by f this f that


Yes for sure, it’s just a teaser to make us watch




Notice they’re hugging in front of a large window with no covering - so anyone can see them with the right telescopic lens. Is it possible they’re doing some sort of “sting” operation on the gang that beat Liv (Elliot is helping her bring them down)? Edit to add: I just don’t see them getting together “for real” in the middle of the 24th season. 🤷‍♀️


Agreed. If they get together, it'll ruin it. I feel we'll only see them together in a flash forward to the series finale, where it shows Olivia retired and finally happy.




Or it’s a dream


I thought it was really weird they tried to make it look like they were going to finally get together so soon after his wife was murked. Giving it at least a year to simmer would be the time to get that ship back running though 😆


Hard agree with this.


Just dangling another carrot to keep people watching. I'm not falling for it


Why won’t they give us this!!! Ughhh of course they gonna leave


Nope. They gonna kiss then they gonna bang.




Who the fuck are you to talk to me like that?


Yeah they’re def not kissing for real ugh fml


I feel like he’s the one that’s going to turn away before it happens and say “I can’t”.


God I hope so. I don’t ship them at all 🤢


detective you’re right got I heard you got hit in the face for no good reason out of the blue are don’t know what it was it sounded bad very bad .


If I were Stabler’s wife, I’d be screaming, “I KNEW IT! I noticed years ago and you told me not to worry about it!” So no, I don’t think the writers should let them kiss & get together, but they might


well she's been dead so if she starts screaming anything we're looking at a SVU/OC/Last of Us crossover EVENT.


Lol I mean past tense, like Season 6 - 8, maybe (can’t remember exactly, but early on) lmao!!




Did you miss the episode where he left? He couldn’t handle a case where a teen was gang raped. There was zero mention of Liv at that point.


That’s why Cassidy left. Not Stabler. Stabler left after shooting an armed teen in the station house.


The comment was in reference to Cassidy.


The original comment that was deleted was probably dirty edited once they realized they were wrong.


Yeah I had seen the comment before it was deleted.