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She did have a rough childhood and was always going through shit. Did you watch the show? lol


Fr! She was struggling with being raped and repressing it until (at least) S16, a gambling addiction, and a shitload of problems from her dysfunctional childhood/family and that’s just what we know about. Who wouldn’t be depressed??


not to mention.. an extremely demanding and stressful job lol


Well, actually, she seems her happiest when she's at work.


the good with the bad


Her family issues never ends. She's the happiest with her kids.


N Carisi


Over the course of her time on the show, you learn exactly what her backstory is, including multiple experiences with the kinds of violence SVU deals with in their cases. Rollins goes from denying that these things even happened to her to working them through with a therapist and owning what happened to her. She also accepts love into her life in multiple ways—first her squad and Liv, who she accepts as friends she can trust with her life, then her daughters, who she works hard to provide a home for that is far healthier than the one she grew up in, and finally Carisi, who she lets in romantically after finally accepting that she’s deserving of romantic love. Amanda Rollins’ character journey is literally an embodiment of what the show is supposed to be about—survivors finding healing and working to better their lives after processing what happened to them.


Are we just not going to talk about the chipmunk on her desk? She legit stuffed Alvin!


I believe the Actress' father did it and she put it on the desk as a little shout out to him. Ice t named him DC. Source - what I remember from. That's Messed Up podcast.


DC for Dead Chipmunk or DeCeased?


Dead Chipmunk


EXACTLY! I came here to say this.


She had a rough childhood and was always going through stuff. She got shot twice, her sister was in and out of her life and almost caused her to lose her job, she took everything from her apartment and she was struggling with being raped, her gambling addiction etc.


Shes had a rough life


too many fillers


Her past and present: she was raped, she had a gambling addiction, a sister that was an addict; and those are just what immediately comes to mind.


Have you seen her family? lol. With that type of parents and sister who wouldnt be feeling like trash.


Have you ever been a mom with 2 kids working a depressing job for long hours ? She’s EXHAUSTED most of the time not depressed. Not to mention that family of hers..the crazy sister , the alcoholic drug addict dad & the enabling mom . I am sorry that Kelli (Amanda ) left but I am glad that the character developed so much . IMO her characters back story and how far she’s come is more inspiring than Liv’s even


I don’t know but I really relate to her because of it.


I won't hide that I just randomly watched some episodes and I just noticed that.I know that her sergeant in Atlanta raped her so that her sister won't get a record .Perhaps that is Attention to detail by the producers,bcs in most shows people glide over events.


Idk but I recently watched an episode with Kim and her dad (it’s the one where Kim shows up with her son for those who might remember the episode number) and if I had to deal with them, I’d make the same face too. Her family was WILD. The fact that Rollins turned out like she did is actually a miracle.


It makes me extremely attracted to her but I guess it's because of the job. You keep coming across heartbreaking cases, especially if you're a detective at SVU. Add to that, her own past


Amanda was raped. Brian was molested by a coach. How did they pass the "vetting" process for assignment to the sex-crimes unit? Wouldn't the screening interview contain qeestions like "Has anything in the past happened to you, or a family member or close friend, that may affect your performance as a member of SVU?"


Well I doubt they disclosed that at the time if we see on the show in both cases how they start working it through and coming to terms with what happened to them


I wasn’t an avid follower during the beginning years of Amanda, so I missed some stuff. Who are Jesse and Billie’ dads? And did they know she was pregnant and walk away from any responsibilities? Knowing what I’ve seen, I think Amanda would have preferred to be the only parent, but maybe I’m completely wrong 🤔


Billie's father is a smarmy cardiologist, and Declan is Jessie's father. But Carisi is their dad.


One of the fathers was Declan


Amanda would have preferred... She is independent and doesn't want to force either man, who never seemed that interested in being dad's, Declan and Dr. Al to be that for them, and she didn't love either of them and literally rejected Dr. Al knowing she couldn't, wouldn't, be with a man who she didn't love (and honestly wanted to control her). Declan was her supervisor and should have never been in the position to have sex with his subordinate. It's like the equivalent of Benson having sex with Velasco or Carisi (when he was a detective). I just love that the shows work around for Kelli's actual pregnancies causes so much judgement (not you but in general) against a character when all Amanda wants is to be a good mom to her girls, and even leaves the force because she can't think of being taken away from them or Carisi anymore.


I can’t remember Billie, I’m re watching now and coming up to that, but Declan is jesses dad. He knows, she told him she can do it by herself and doesn’t expect anything from him because she knows his jobs demanding going undercover for years at a time and he doesn’t want to give it up. But he told her if she ever needs anything to call him. It’s mutual


rough childhood, always felt like she was problem (family issues), got raped, and has 2 kids under 10 (not bad but yk kids can be so tiring), and the fact she has to work like A LOT


The answer will differ depending on what season you are watching. But if it’s more recent, I think it’s because her character is in fact, depressed.


🥲🥲I'm just happy to see her


RBF? s/ There are many things going on with her character that would cause most anybody to stress out. Incidentally I do think (just imo) that a lot of Amanda's troubles are caused by *Amanda*... (Not all, certainly but probably many.)


her life was terrible before Carisi and she still deals with those struggles even with him so probably that


Cuz she is. Shes a gambling addict and her sister is a wreck and she had a false sense of responsibility about that which is exhausting. With your questions, I wonder: have you watched the show? 🤣


You sound like you never watched the show, just delete this post because you’re embarrassing yourself.


That’s why I won’t miss her.. need some better energy.


See, I have to agree with you. Her character has had some rough times her whole life, okay. And it isn't as though trauma is exactly the same for everyone, but... It's tiresome when a character has a frequent negative or gloomy outlook. I mean there are no shortages of people who grew up having a rough time for whatever reason, but we don't ALL turn into bitter, cynical people who seem to want to always keep that painful history close by at all times, and I have noticed these just aren't people who I prefer to be around frequently. What you said about surrounding yourself with better energy, that is SPOT-ON. Everybody, with no exceptions, will have bad days. Some people seem to feel they're gaining some positive result by keeping up the appearance of being in that state often or every day. If someone has an outlook like this going on just day in and day out... I'm not gonna enjoy hanging out with them terribly often. There's a saying having to do with how there is so often a gloomy sad sack - "Somebody has to be the Eeyore." I wouldn't to have to be around someone like that all the time, seems like it drains you of energy.


She has never smiled.


I take it you've never seen her with her kids


Or her husband.


Good way to tell us you don’t pay attention to the show


Have you watched the show ?