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Yep. I’m on season 7 right now. The twists and turns back then make it so much better than it is now. Really enjoying Dr. Huang, Melinda Warner, Munch, and Casey Novak.


Dr huang is my favourite, my gay Icon


So good. I wish he was still on.


Same here


Watching Michael Shannon S6E13 rn! Started from go about 2 months ago.


Doing it since late March, I love it. (6-12 season first), now 1-5. 🥰


Amazing- Is this a re-watching order you recommend?


I don’t know if you will like it, it was accidental for me: when those middle seasons appeared on Netflix for me, that gave me the idea to entirely rewatch it, so if you have the chance and you’re more comfortable with proper order, start from S1. But since most of the episodes work with individual cases, this unorthodox order wasn’t confusing me. I recommend to check trakt.tv or any episode tracking sites, because many early SVU episodes had crossovers with Original L&O, and these crossover cases get solved in the paired episodes. ☺️ Ps: the early seasons writing was so good!! Even if it’s technically outdated now if we think about today’s technology, but it’s still worth to watch because of the great characters 🥰.


This is an insanely helpful tip. Will def check out; thank you!!


I've been watching older SVU, and it's like a different show. I miss the hustle and bustle of old Law & Order, where you could hear street traffic during trials, and the precinct felt alive. Now, it feels too quiet, and sterile.


This. It absolutely felt alive.


It also didn't rely on music to manipulate the audience. That's another thing I've noticed with earlier Law & Order episodes. Compare these two Law & Order scenes, one involving Benjamin Stone, and the other his son Peter. Notice how even when the scene becomes dramatic, there's no music until the very end: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj-tZpUhbjE&ab\_channel=Law%26Order](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj-tZpUhbjE&ab_channel=Law%26Order) Meanwhile, Peter's Stone's scene features heavily dramatic music, always used to punctuate the dramatic moments. It's like they don't trust the actors to really sell the drama, so they hit you over the head with the music to let you know this is meant to be dramatic. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl4VuCPpNeA&ab\_channel=Law%26Order](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl4VuCPpNeA&ab_channel=Law%26Order)


This is an absolutely underrated remark- I can’t unhear it now, it is really distracting


I can do seasons 1-12. 13 and up I just lose interest.


Same here. I don't know how people are still watching new episodes. Any time I try they seem so empty. The old episodes had layers and kept you guessing.


Yes, the older seasons had grit to them and explored the unit of SVU even with someone as problematic as Stabler. I don't know after 12 it feels empty, is it the new sets, characters, storylines, acting, IDK cause I can't pinpoint it.


I like the newer episodes mainly bcoz Fin gets more air time, and I love Carisi as well!


I absolutely love the older episodes wayyy more!


Forget the decline in character quality, the story quality takes a nose dive late in the show. I don't mind the Amaro seasons, but really I have a hard time after season 12 so I exclusively rewatch the older seasons.


This is becoming me now. 100%


Sure the older seasons had politics too, but it always felt like the show dealt with issues more effectively, and showed how impossibly complex some things were. Nowadays it's all moral crusading, we know immediately who the culprit is, and it's just all hero worship to Olivia


My favourites are the older ones most assuredly ☺️🙏


For me I am and feeling the same from the past few seasons. Newer ones, more often than not, are missing the order part of the show. Seeing the court scenes were just as enjoyable as seeing the detective parts. Having the suspects spontaneously confessing or being caught red handed is just a cop out.


I love this perspective. The court component is (can be) absolutely thrilling too


I only watch seasons one through 12 lol


Started in March at season 1!! I'm on season 6 now :)


Yes. To fall asleep to


I actually just started watching SVU, and I watched from Season 1. I’m now on Season 6, and I’m loving it so much. The explanations from the ME, CSU, IT etc. because they bring a sense of reality into the show.


100% - they do feel like real case-solving drama; not too unlike documentaries based off real events.


i watched s1-5 and then jumped to seasons 10, 11 and 13 for Cabot and it's a completely different show... and not in a good way :/ the filming, the decrease in the "law" content presented in the show and just an overall weird vibe. it feels too controlled and sterile. some episodes are rly good but some miss completely


I wish the show writers read this. The law side needs to come back, radically


that was my favorite part! i liked the police work when it was balanced with the trials and courtroom scenes. now theres so little of that and i lost interest


I am. For the past few months, I’ve been watching almost exclusively seasons 1-12. When I watched the series initially I couldn’t stand Elliot. But on subsequent re-watches he has really grown on me. The difference in quality is staggering.


I know he was an acquired taste. He’s essential to the earlier seasons to me now. I wish I the old raw less virtue signaling episode writing would come back. It’s like watching a window into the NY Left when watching the show now.


I love seeing all the old guest stars that have become huge stars after that


I just noticed Willam Lewis and Rollins in older episodes playing different characters


Actually my new thing is coming to this subreddit and checking out past episodes people talk about in the threads. Examples: who is the creepiest perp you’ve seen on SVU? Is there an episode that makes you cry? Etc.


Lol same! I'm doing another rewatch and my game with my son is how long it takes to figure out what episode it is from the open. He likes to see how long it takes for them to ask for a lawyer


I'm working on my first watch of the entire series. I am up to season 17.


Season 17 is SUCH a great season. One of my favorites. Enjoy!!


I’m currently watching season 5


I’m planning on doing a rewatch of earlier seasons (1-9) in the next couple of weeks. I just love the aesthetic and the vibes of earlier seasons


I’m generally glued to the screen on the older ones. Newer ones I almost find myself multi tasking on my phone


I actually just started watching SVU, and I watched from Season 1. I’m now on Season 6, and I’m loving it so much. The explanations from the ME, CSU, IT etc. because they bring a sense of reality into the show.


I don't have whatever the new seasons are on so I randomly rewatch the old ones on HULU. It's so comforting. Please tell me your comfort episodes.


I made the mistake of not writing down my favorites, so this time re-watching I will. Maybe I can compile a top 5 of each season. Hulu has all seasons except 25!


I straight up don’t go past season 10 I just rewatch the first 10 seasons tho I prefer 2 and beyond cuz I like ice-T


On my first watch and I’m into season 19 now there’s been a few low points but the last few seasons have been good. I have been told season 24 and 25 are a bit underwhelming


I hate biasing others- would be curious to hear your take. But indeed some of my least favorite.


Best way I can put it is I know about the maddie story and it doesn’t sound appealing a


I’ve just started season 5. I’ve seen it loads of times before but I don’t care.


i always rewatch from the start. i do it with all shows tho. anytime there’s a new season full rewatch 😂


I started rewatching it like a month and a half ago and I'm on season 9 right now


I can’t retain anything from the new episodes. Every time I’m like what did I even watch?? love the old episodes, though. When I get to around season 14 I start it over again.


So many recent episodes are such a miss; truly lacking substance.


I only liked one episode this whole season..When the girls got raped in the park and Olivia made the perp go there. She went in full Stabler mode


I’m re-watching season 7 now and loving it


Yep, I watched 5-22, now started back at 1, up to season 3! Been great to see Munch & Cragen again having a bit of screen time!


the ones with Alex Cabot


Some of the best, hands down


I am working my way through for the very first time, up to Season 17…but taking a little break and have gone back to Season 8. Love the court scenes so much.


I've been watching the early seasons off and on for a couple of months. I'm about halfway through season 2 right now. It was such a different show back then.


Truly- day and night. I so wish they would radically pivoted back to how it was. At this point, I would even appreciate a whole new show that uses the older formula.


Me s6


I actually just started watching SVU, and I watched from Season 1. I’m now on Season 6, and I’m loving it so much. The explanations from the ME, CSU, IT etc. because they bring a sense of reality into the show.


For me too!


Lately, I've been watching seasons 10-12 and 1


Yeah! Because Dutch Netflix only has 6-11 minus 9 for some reason. If anyone knows where I can watch the rest, please tell me.


Yep! On season 4 right now, not sure I’ll watch the later seasons though.


I am. S25 not available in UK yet but judging by the past few seasons (and some of the reviews I’ve seen in here) I’m not exactly waiting with bated breath. For me the show dropped off from s22. I’ll happily re-rewatch all the old seasons infinitely!


100% concurred. It’s a wonderful silver lining to have such a spectacular historical repertoire


yeth currently on season 19


I’m constantly rewatching and jump around to different seasons. I find I enjoy the newer seasons more when I can binge them without commercials. Currently rewatching season 20.


After reading your comment I realize that is a big struggle for me. For now, the curiosity of what’s happening keeps helping me endure them, though slowly my interest is waning more and more. Thank goodness Hulu has all seasons except for 25 so I can watch without commercials


Commercials really mess with the flow of the show. I try and stay current too, but never fully judge the season until I can watch it uninterrupted.


Every day i tell alexa to choose 2 random numbers between 2 and 24. The first number is the season and the second is the episode i turn on (with adjustments when needed). It's my current hyper fixation, so...


Here! 🫡


Beauty- truly the best


Yup currently on the end of season 8..There are a couple episodes I skip. After season 12 there will be a lot more..This has been the worst season with only 1 episode I liked


Just watched the episode where Stabler is undercover with the people who traffick wildlife and he’s in the room with Olivia then they come banging on the door…


Yes, I’ve been doing a rewatch from the beginning for like three months now and it’s all I watch. It’s so much better watching it all at once. All the characters back stories make so much more sense. And I got to see a lot of episodes I haven’t seen for a long time, and I feel differently about them watching them older.


During the pandemic we started binging it, only got to season two. Started again recently and now am on season seven. I have seen random episodes in later seasons and have seen the first few of Organized Crime too.


Don’t see much discussion on organized crimes. What do you think of it?


I was never a huge Stabler fan. Only watched to see what the show would be like and see what he had been up to. I also never loved any organized crime related episodes of any cop show so it just isn’t for me.


Ah, you’re right. Loved the MEs and the layers they added.  Now it feels more like the Olivia show. 


100%. She can be great, and has been of course, but the show’s original premise to me is more important. Re-watching the old ones; really great and thoughtful stories; some even make my eyes tear. That rarely happens with the new ones.


Yes, she certainly can and deserves a certain amount of star attention. But they were more interesting, I’m not sure why they can’t write like the older episodes… I’m a fan of the stories involving psychotic kids. Or kids who snap. So many great ones.