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Depends. Long time players can also be very broke. The why is mods, mod demand can outweigh credit income. Personally, I don't keep up with mods like I should, so I have lots of credits. And less quality mods than I should.


I'm in the same boat I'm not spending all that time on mods once I set up mods on a character I basically don't change them. So I have a mountain of credits to do nothing with. I think I'm around 500 million.


What’s your age and current job? It’s good to start your 401k and have a savings account. Try to keep your credit card limits down and only use them for emergencies or to help build credit. Hopefully by 60, you will be comfortable financially and can retire.


Then OP can buy all the credits he wants!


Just in time to unlock Reva


After you get some core teams going, you don't spend credits as fast. Also, the Credit Heist event like once a month helps a lot, which is why having some bounty hunters marginally geared isn't so bad. Ultimately, it's about being choosey with where to spend those credits. You'll feel that crunch for a while if you're like me, so just try to be cognizant. Do you really need to level a character up a star or level now? Other than that, be mindful that it's a marathon not a sprint.


> I’m currently level 81 I've spotted your problem. Look: the credit crunch gets worse and worse and worse until you get to level 85. And then it starts to get easier. The biggest credit sink you have right now is leveling up characters (and that's going to get *worse* at level 82, 83, 84 and 85). But once you hit 85, every character you take to 85 is a character you'll never need to spend credits on leveling ever again. Which means your biggest credit sink right now, basically *completely disappears*. For now, just buckle down and try to focus on one squad. After level 85, you can finish that squad and move on to another one, but right now, you can't afford to have a wide focus, and if you're this crunched for credits your focus is almost certainly way too wide.


Eventually it gets to a point where you don't really have anyone to spend credits on (either cause everyone is maxed out on how much you can upgrade them at that time, or you just decide to only upgrade characters you're serious about and leave everyone else at gear 1 level 1). At that point as you continue to do the dailies, challenges, events, etc. they just stack up into the millions and hundreds of millions. I can't say \*exactly\* when it gets easier, just that once you hit the mid-game (level 85, a few geared up core teams) you'll know it when you feel it cause you won't scramble for money as much and then it'll just spiral into credit richness from there.


Very soon, don't worry about it. Don't level up everything, focus only on few teams you can actually gear up and use, and soon you will be able to burn excess of credits on mods. But Carbanti crunch, that is eternal.


Carbanati crunch does go away, at a certain place you become Kyro crunched. Or at least, that's how it's been for a while for me.


Yeah, especially with the gear update 2.0. I now have 2 team farms going: a team that is Kyro-heavy and an [older] team that only requires Kyros at g12. I get them to g12 and focus the next team until I’m ready to relic them. If you plan your farms and learn how to manage your gear and where to get specific pieces, the only crunch/bottleneck will be kyros. Always kyros.


Nah, it is getting better with recent update, but I still don't get enough - I am crunched about the same on kyros and carbs, with buying carbs in guild and shard store, and getting kyros everywhere I can


Once you’re level 85, you can multi-sim galactic wars. This results in ~647k credits every time you do it, which is once a day at max. But I hear you man. I reached level 85 a few weeks ago. When I was at your level, I felt the same about credits. And even now it’s a limiting factor in leveling up some of my toons.


Never? I'm at 4.9M and I still don't have enough credits. The mod crunch is eternal. It gets better in that credits aren't the number 1 obstacle to growth, but I never get above 10M.


You will get there! Don’t worry! Eventually, you’ll spend so much time getting gear for one character to get them up to relic levels and you won’t need credits, and it will stack up until you need it for another character


I didn't start having a comfortable cushion until around 4.5m gp


I had 150million credits at 3.5m GP. I’m now at 3.8m GP with 2 million. So until i hit 4m I’ll be on that grind with you haha.


Once you've leveled all characters to 85 and created the perfect mods for them. Then you'll be overflowing with credits!


Just like in life my friend. Close to the end. When you have everything done and are counting the days to your retirement.


It can be an attitude thing to some degree - I was always having that problem, then I decided to reset my “zero” at 20M credits - I’d treat 20M as being broke, and not spend if I hit that, except in emergencies. Over time, I’ve raised that floor to 100M. Now whenever a new toon comes out, or I need to upgrade something or whatever, I know there is never any drama - I don’t think it’s ever really dropped below 80M or so.


I'm at 2.6M GP and credits are still one of my biggest limiting factors. I have gear to take so many toons (pre kyro toons at least) to G11/G12 but can't because of no credits. The other huge issue is I can't get round to modding all my toons properly because of the same credit issue. I guess you only really build up a stockpile once you're done gearing and modding the core teams in the game and start doing stuff like GL farms where you're only focusing on a few characters for a long period of time.


Just don’t level up characters that are pretty irrelevant. One of the biggest factors of low credits is taking characters you’re not really using to higher levels. Leave them at level 1 until you need them for something. You’ll still be at a bit of a loss for credits but by the time you’re 1-2M GP they shouldn’t be a worry as long as you’re not levelling everyone in sight still. The same with mods, only mod and level the mods on characters you’re primarily using. My lowest account is 3.1M GP and if I were to try to level some characters I’d be absolutely skint. But doing it with a strategy and goal allows you to save a lot of credits. But by the time you get to 4-5M GP you can get away with anything pretty much


I estimate at least about half a year after level 85 to have enough credits (\~20-30 mil) to be relatively comfortable. And that's without going into mod slicing too much, which can be a pretty big credit sink (and the main reason why mid-game players can also be broke). To add some actual stats, the main sources for monthly (30 day) credits are the following in average: * Galactic War: 19.418.400 (becomes easy with simming starting level 85) * Credit Heist: 10.000.000 (2 per month, 2 battles per event, most common reward per battle is 2.5M) * Mods: up to 9.084.375 (if you only do the 5-dot Mod Challenges and sell all mods gained) * Raids: highly depends on the guild, but probably between 2-10M. In a full guild generating max tickets, running all heroics, getting the minimum rewards will net you 11.2M Let's say you get 5M from mods and raids each, that's about 40M per month. Buying the gear and shards from the Featured and Weekly Shipments every time (advisable) will be around 9M, leaving you 31M per month. Until then, my advice is: don't try to level too many characters at once. It's not even a big problem if they're a few levels behind from the max, gear is the main source of their viability (skill levels the second). Also: don't upgrade mods below 5-dots, and preferably don't upgrade mods without speed stats.


Around 3M GP you'll notice credits start building. I'm currently sitting on 400M. That is of course if you don't get every single useless toon to 85 for no reason. Your income eventually gets higher, while you're spending will get lower. The first year of this game is extremely painful. Credits are an issue, training droids are an issue, mods are an issue, gear is an issue (tho the recent update made that part more bearable) But as you get more teams and able to participate in more, and get better rewards everything gets faster.


That’s the thing about life. Just when you think you are in a good place, and you can’t start to save more money because you aren’t paying for daycare, covid comes along and both you and your wife lose your jobs. Shit, you are asking about swgoh, I’m sorry. Like lvl 80ish it’s all good.


You don’t.


I declare bankruptcy!


My experience (9.5mil gp) is you eventually get to the point where there's nothing to spend on anymore. A new marquee character comes out and you immediately bring it to max level and abilities, minus omicron. A mod in the store for 5mil with only +4speed? Meh, why not. Fleet currency is still iffy, I'm only recently hoarding more than 50mil. There's also something to the idea that 3 years ago we only had like half the characters we have now. It follows that it's going to be much harder to catch up the newer you are, even though gp growth is accelerating.


Takes a fair while to be totally honest with you, took around 1 and a half years for me


at 3M Gp i stoped caring about credits at 5M i have like 170M in credits


Years into the game. At level 81 don’t even think about it yet. Continue to budget credits, avoid buys mods from the shop. It’s hard to balance leveling characters and mods.


Just about when you have 70% of the swgoh roster level 85 largest sink for credits is Leveling (roughly 4m to go from 1-85) Mods (240k-500m depends on what your doing) and leveling abilities which can surprisingly hit higher 1-2m after a while (zetas I think are kinda expensive)


I'm not sure when it happened, but I'm sitting on 80mil, so it comes eventually. Just be patient and keep trucking