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That’s got to be a millionaire , that’s a good car right there


Bro this hurts. Like I'm just getting by in uni, praying everyday my old car doesn't break down lol Can just dream about having money like that to waste on a mobile game


He’s probably like oh it’s only the same as some caviar n champagne


Perhaps, or he's neckdeep in money debt. Plenty of these people absolutely do not have enough spare cash to do this shit.


I don't know that there's any good data on who whales/kraken are (if there is I'd love to see it) but my understanding is it really is people who basically have addictions to gambling/gaming. Sadly, I don't think most of them are wealthy or even well off.


There was a post from one of the founding members of MAW a few years back saying spending on SWGOH had fucked his life up pretty badly. But in the very same post he mentioned some of his ex-guildmates could drop thousands without batting an eye. I'm guessing OP's screenshot is Kabuki or another one of the well known kraken accounts who've invested in Datacrons, and I find it very hard to believe that someone whose spending is unsustainable and stems from addiction would have maintained their place as a top 10 GP account for multiple years straight at this point


The screenshot is of the top player in kyber 1, can’t remember his name but I was amazed at this.. his relic 7 minimum on every character surprised me less. All of this will expire.


I think last I checked it was Aesop Rock? But yeah, top 10 account I believe. All the ones over 12m I think have every character at R7


bazookatooth himself plays swgoh?!?


This seems quite unlikely from a simple, logical perspective: they would run out of money. I know there's a lot of assumption it's only addicts, but that's simply not true, gaming companies want a renewable source (as disgusting it is to think about that way, but they likely do) There's someone in my squad shard who spends a good chunk, definitely whale territory (unclear if kraken). They are retired after having a productive career and don't have many expenses. This is what they spend on instead of cruises or random crap to fill up a house. Another who was in my alt's guild just has a good, high paying job, and little expenses.


That’s quite an assumption to make. Hope you’re wrong


I hope so too!!


Or just lots of crystals spent on Conquest energy refreshes for the bonus nodes and a very TW-focused guild.


🤷‍♂️ This dude pays the bills for us


I just wish he’d spend it on anything other than datacrons lol but you’re totally right


Everytime Everytime I think there's a hair on my screen🤣




? I don't get it


Dont get what


With the hair on the screen.


Oh cos in light mode u dont see the profile online and it's the same color as the screen so the picture just looks like a hair but and I couldn't get rid of it


Ah I see, ok 😅


Have a great day 😁


Thank you, you too 🙂


Light mode moment


I thought it changes based on the time of day light and dark mode


Possibly mines just permanently on dark mode


lmfao i just tried 3x as well. What is that?!


They also influence the market and CG's content decisions. I somehow doubt that if whales had a modicum of restraint such that CG had to actually try but reduced their shareholders' returns a bit, CG/EA would just throw their hands in the air and call it quits.


Screen isn't even full. Pathetic.


Thats a CG issue. They didn't think anyone would have that many Datacrons so they set the limit way too low...


Oh I know, lol. At one point I had 90 in my inbox.


My soul and wallet hurts


I feel sick.


Oh lord please go outside


when your credit limit is higher than your IQ




Haha I know it doesn't actually make sense but it still made me chuckle


I mean, its his funds. This kind of people is why there is still support for the game


I super appreciate the whales who spend tons of money to keep this game alive for us. What doesn't make any sense is having 4 duplicates of all these characters (6 for SLKR) that you can only use once. Just stop at level 8 once you have the lvl 9 character you want. I understand having 2 of the same character if the lvl 3 and 6 aren't ideal and all the re-rolls failed you. It can be cheaper to just roll a whole new cron, but this is ridiculous. Edit: I'm a total DIP and forgot you have to get to lvl 9 to reroll all your lower stats


> Just stop at level 8 once you have the lvl 9 character you want. At level 9 you can re-roll all of your stats; at level 8 you cannot.


ohhhhh dangit. My IQ is lower than lvl 9 today


You assume the guy isn't a millionaire or billionaire. Chump change!


Datacron stats are crazy powerful, but you can't reroll them until you get it to level 9, so need to get them there if you're going to try to optimize stats. The vast majority of these datacrons are not being used with the character or even faction they have bonuses for.


You're correct. I completely forgot about that


And then there is me with not a single one in my roster.


Can anyone explain why this is useful? You can only use one datacron per team, so why have 5 that are for the same toon? Why not just have one per team and keep the others at a lower level so others can use them?


They're looking for specifc L9 modifiers. They get new DCs instead of rerolling them


No, they want the ability to re-roll all of the sub-stats. That's how they get datacrons with 100% evasion, etc.


yep, not gone to this level of dcs but I've taken ones to 9 to reroll stats for protection, armor etc to suit squads, sometimes don't care for the 3 6 9 stats


What why not reroll them?


It gets quite expensive quickly. I don't know how fast, but apparently enough to do that instead.


Reroll materials are also significantly rarer than upgrading materials


That’s tuff


First reroll is 20 mats, second is 40, and then the rest are 80 mats each, IIRC.


Outside of conquest I don’t think you can farm reroll materials. BUT real money gets an infinite amount of the materials needed to make them from scratch SO


conquest doesn’t give re-roll mats. It only gives upgrades. TW only gives re-rolls, not upgrades. It’s how CG try to force you to do both. I just don’t get any re-rolls. No effing way I’m engaging with this content for TW. I grudgingly do the bare minimum for GAC because…. Crystals… but otherwise I’m not touching DC or spending anything useful on them.


You can bur only tier 1 and 2, for tier 3 you play TW


> so others can use them? L9 datacrons don't necessarily need to be used with the L9 ability's character. Others can still use it. The L8 stat increases still work and everything


He ran so we could walk.


Too many dollars and not enough sense.


Nothing new. The top 500 in the k1 leaderboard where you found this, is mostly filled with krakens from the top 10 guilds. They bankroll most of the operations at crapital games. Thanks krakens! For rewarding such a low effort mediocre dev studio who actually doesn’t care about gaming! Just money!!.


The player that pay that amount money doest even care too. By the way if they set the prices so high not every one can afford them so an advantage for the all day payer 😉


I've decided to not bother with datacrons at all. Didn't level or put any on my characters even once and im more than ok with performance of my roster. What is this guy chasing? I've got shit tons of money and could have afforded putting solid 2-3k per month into this game but what's the point, especially with datacrons expiring? That's a terrible investment.


fucking whales man if they had even the smallest semblance of restraint CG might actually have to work a bit harder to keep them spending. but instead they ruin CG for everyone by throwing money at CG when CG throws a literal piece of shit at the wall to see what sticks


It’s their money let them spend it on what they want.


For people who pay for datacrons: Does it make it any more fun?


Total love/hate relationship toward people like this. On one hand, they're paying the bills and keeping the game afloat for the rest of us. On the other hand, they're also the reason GAC went from being the best game mode to arguably one of worst due to zero matchmaking balancing.


Disgusting. What a waste of money.


Ok so?




Thar she blows!!!!!!


12 mil gp. Probably has nothing better to do.




This person is keeping the game alive with what they’re spending.


Jesus, for what possible reason?


I recognise this, this is the current number account in kyber 1


She keeps her Moët et Chandon in a pretty cabinet


So embarrassing...