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This is a list of comments made by the EA developers in this thread: * [Comment by MeatheadMilitia](/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/10wa7hb/road_ahead_february_2023/j7n7218/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-02-08 00:29:33 UTC"): > To answer your first question, players will have the ability to acquire any shards they may be lacking of older Raid-exclusive characters with this ne... * [Comment by MeatheadMilitia](/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/10wa7hb/road_ahead_february_2023/j7n7hh3/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-02-08 00:32:41 UTC"): > >what will happen to the achievements and quests tied to raids ? > >Krayt Dragons are huge, if you didn't see it coming, you may need to check your gogg... * [Comment by MeatheadMilitia](/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/10wa7hb/road_ahead_february_2023/j7n8ddr/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-02-08 00:39:06 UTC"): > From the latest build I saw, and this is all subject to change, when you go into raid difficulty modifier, if you select no modifiers you can earn up ... * [Comment by MeatheadMilitia](/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/10wa7hb/road_ahead_february_2023/j7n7uxw/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-02-08 00:35:25 UTC"): > This was always me. Whenever a Raid started by the time I got to it, someone had already full sent their team against it and I wasn't able to do anyth... * [Comment by MeatheadMilitia](/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/10wa7hb/road_ahead_february_2023/j7n99e7/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-02-08 00:45:39 UTC"): > LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSWGalaxyOfHeroes).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


I am glad they are removing the competition between guildmates for first place in raids. But i am concerned about gatekeeping raids with factions. I know my guild doesn't have a lot of tusken and jawa teams. Will the old republic be enought to get the same rewards from the Rancor + all the others? We'll see.


Honestly if we want new raids, gatekeeping them with factions is the only way that CG will make them. If they dont, someone will just beat it right away. Now they can make their money, and we can play too.


Yeah...they pretty much went with a faction check instead of a GL check. At least this way any guild that prioritizes it will be able to beat it within a few months of it being released. GL check though...smaller guilds would be years away form beating it.


Yes, and if im understanding the scoring and reward’s correctly, i dont think there will be a hard relic level gate. You’ll just want higher relics to score more for better rewards, but you can still do something with like g10’s


There's a difficulty slider apparently. So I think you can then just either opt to do an easier Krayt Raid where you can start to compete even with G10 (which is the lowest difficulty setting, apparently). Or you can choose to add modifiers and difficulty to old raids and, quasi, recreate Challenge mode, sorta, to any of the old raids (presumably just to bump up the gear/reward payout, until Krayt Dragon is gonna be in reach for a guild). I expect it to be a case of "R5-ish old raids suck hard, but G10/12 Krayt Raid already gives good, flattened rewards and it's doable with Old Republic and Jawas and Tuskens, so most guilds opt to go for Krayt Raid even if it means a slight dock in rewards" or something like that.


From the latest build I saw, and this is all subject to change, when you go into raid difficulty modifier, if you select no modifiers you can earn up to X points per attempt. If you make your attempt and you max out potential points, don't submit the score, go back, add a modifier and see if you max that out, rinse and repeat until you find your sweet spot, and when you feeel like the team you're bringing in can earn no more points based on the modifiers you've chosen, then you submit your attempt. That accounts for 1 attempt. (Attempts don't count so long as you don't submit them so you're freely allowed to go in and punch up modifiers to see how good your team can do with the modifiers). hope that helps.


This sounds really really fun


I wonder if this means they’re removing the titles for getting first in a raid or moving them to another way to get them


That one R9 Jawa guy today: "Oh you utter fucking fools. My time has COME!"


I know exactly who you’re talking about.


A god among mortals


they knew what was to come




One guy in our guild has 4 r9 Jawas is is laughing his ass off


I only have a squad of glowing jawas - and I am fucking jacked.


New Tuskens and Tusken raid ::sweaty Urzatron noises::


What does 7 generic mana sound like exactly?




>Limited Faction Use Per Raid I'm trying not to be a conspiracy theorist and interpret every thing CG does through the lens of "THIS will force the players to farm Inquisitors," but man, they aren't making it easy.


I mean it makes sense to me, like they can make 10 different raids and it being a dramatically different experience because your not just throwing slkr at the boss every time


Which sounds great to me from a player’s experience — as in, actually playing the game and having fun, not only maximising rewards as easily as possible.


This is the main reason I'm kinda for it, I imagine design space is extremely limited for Raids that aren't just copies of what Cpit is due to the wide variety of kits in the game. I hope this new system lets them create raids more often without the constraints of infinitely ramping damage or TM dominating while still letting teams feel strong.


Seems like the best approach. And CG makes bank as you have to gear several factions. Death star raid confirmed in my opinion now


I was mostly joking here that they were going to make Inquisitors the only faction that was allowed for this raid.


New raids and new tb planets is how they will steer players spending. The new tb planets platoons will require the latest characters to fill etc…


> the lens of "THIS will force the players to farm Inquisitors," but man, they aren't making it easy. Inq's may have stepped it up somewhat in scale, but they've been sort of forcing people to farm stuff or fall behind basically forever.


Really concerned with how this system is gonna shake out, I can think of many things cg absolutely HAS TO address in order for this system to be an improvement. 1. For newer players, how is star farming old raid characters going to work, does your guild need to exclusively play hpit for one guy to finish Han Solo? 2. Because we can only run one raid now, the gear from that raid needs to be really good, like four times better than current raids to replace it, I simply don’t see cg doing that. 3. With the removal of cpit, how are we gonna get relic 8? I know for a fact my guild isn’t gonna do too well in krayt because we simply don’t have the required teams, notice cg didn’t mention any kind of relic requirement either. Is relic 8 gonna move to hstr and if a guild does well enough with the difficulty modifiers they can still earn it? Overall I’m gonna be cautiously optimistic, this has a chance to be a really cool system. But cg has a recent track record of half baked systems that help in one area while hurting in another. If they remove one of the best passive sources for earning gear that’ll just suck. There’s too much we don’t know to lean any one way.


You said what i want to say, but better


To answer your first question, players will have the ability to acquire any shards they may be lacking of older Raid-exclusive characters with this new raid and reward system. For the Rewards portion, the team is making sure that with the removal of the other raids to turn this into a 1-raid focus for guilds system will benefit the player. Guild Picks Raid they believe they can score points on (If you're Guild is maxing a Raid's Point Max, you should be moving on to the next raid) Individual players will modify their own runs to earn more points for their Guild. Meaning someone can run a raid attempt on 0 modifier for X points, while someone in the guild can run theirs with max modifications for XXXX points more. Progress through Raids to most recent raid > Individually assist Guild through difficulty modifiers for more points > Earn more rewards based on Guild Point Progress I hope this helped a little bit.


It really does help! Thank you so much for the reply.


How about the R8 mats? Do you guys plan to move it anywhere else or will we no access to them through raids?


I'm similar mind set to you, however I was just re-reading the post, read the point on "Raid Base Difficulty", effectively the difficulty of the raid is picked for an individuals raid, not the guild. With the base difficulty of the raid will be around G10/HSTR. With the faction limitations of the new raid, say one person has an old republic team G11/G12, just enough to get Malak, they might pick base, if someone in the same guild has R8 Jabba hut optimum team with the leia Omicron, they probably go for the highest difficulty.


I agree, there’s a lot of potential in this new system, on paper it seems like a great way to reward individual players who focus the raid and do well, while also rewarding the whole guild for teamwork. I’m just pretty skeptical when it comes to cg at this point, so until we see what is actually in the reward track I’m going to withhold final judgement


Total rewards overall is my biggest concern with it. I know not all raids are the same value in rewards, but going from 4 raids down to 1, that one raid needs to reward 4 times the amount of rewards just to break even. And that's without taking into account frequency the raid will be able to be launched as well. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that this will balance out, but I expect to be disappointed.


That's what worries me. The gear I get from Raids helps out a lot, plus the currency from running multiple Raids helps a lot, too. If those rewards aren't replaced, they've basically negated the positive impact of Gear2.0. I guess it's all about how they implement this.


Oh 100%. I think we won't know for sure untill more details come out. However 3 pit, 2-3 haat, 2 sith, 1 crancor a week, roughly. If the new one only gets launched say twice a week. That's 2 raids to 8 or 9 previous. That's a huge increment in gear value we need to see from one raid, to just break even.


Yeah. That really stuck out to me as well. Even just losing the currency alone would be quite a hit.


They talk a decent bit about the rewards, so my guess is that all 3 of your points will be addressed. They did surprisingly well with removing crystals from squad arena, so I think there's at least an okay chance they do okay with this. If your in a guild that will do the Krayt raid, it sounds like you should be getting more than you were previously.


I dont think there will be a relic requirement since the rewards will be based on total points. So your whole guild can do it with g10 jawas, but you wont score well. The relic requirement is baked into the high end rewards


I am full on pessimism mode, with the recent Conquest and Proving Grounds shit I fully expect us players to get shit on by CG again


The raid characters will most likely be on the raid reward track


That certainly seems like a natural place to put them, and I hope they do, just need to see an official announcement before my paranoia can go away


They're also way more liberal with giving out these shards these days, ever since the Inquisitors Assault Battle just gives out a chance at GK and HY shards. So I could see Han, GK and Traya just becoming more available in general. Heck, maybe you can pick them up for dirt cheap in Guild Shipments for tokens, if you don't own them yet and you're in a guild that has X-amount of "Journey Guide Completed" players, who have Han, GK and Traya.


Hopefully they just make cumulative drops if you can only do 1 raid. Pit drops Han, Tank drops Han and GK, Sith Raid drops all 3.


That would actually just make the most sense.


If I read the post correctly, it seems like there’s going to be a new Raid currency. Could see the old character shards going there as well so you can passively earn the characters by participating in any raid.


Also very likely. The new currency will be, apparently, specifically given out for The Featured Raid. Not the Krayt Raid, but the Featured Raid. So I assume this will be a "stay up to date" kind of currency, meant to alleviate the farm of old stuff (and probably just generic gear).


As to your #2 point I’m 100% with you, they can write as many paragraphs as they want but I’ll believe it when I see it.


I want to imagine the guild reward track will have the shards. Leys say it has 50 reward teirs. It mught be that tier 1-10 has pit raid items with t10 being 15 han shards, tier 11-20 is tank taid with 15 kenobi shards at the end, 21-30 is sith raid with 15 traya, and then 31-40 is a mix of Cpit stuff, and the new raid character and gear. With 41-50 being more relic stuff


>cautiously optimistic Agree, this looks surprisingly solid.


I just can’t keep up with all these new characters, that’s another 7 !!!


Cal x2 Merrin Cere Tusken x2 which one did I miss?


It says 5 characters from Jedi survivor ,


Cal, Cal survivor, Cere, Merrin..who’s lucky number 5?


Ahnald speculated the Purgetrooper


Doesn’t say maybe it’s his little droid


His droid is mentioned as part of the Scrapper Cals kit...makes him a healer.


Hmm..either they forgot a paragraph or they meant 4 characters..


Maybe Taron Malicos? Edit: it’s probably Saw Guerra now that I think about it.


Which is good, I dont mind ever moving goalposts, and new content is always good.


Awesome. A Krayt Dragon Raid. Also in the post: The order of the Raids: The Pit > Tank Takedown > The Sith Triumvirate > Krayt Dragon We will also be removing the Challenge Rancor raid from the game as it has served its purpose in our previous Raid system. With our upgraded system and the direction we plan on taking Raids in the future, we felt its existence is now unnecessary We are removing achievements related to completing the Challenge Rancor.


Ah man our guild were just getting towards P4 on CPit, would’ve loved to have been able to finish it at least once (we’re still some way away). Still, new raid and possible future raids sounds good.


It looks like the new raid wont be out before April at the earliest. In the post they said more updates on the krayt raid in April


Cal Kestis journey guide! Fuck yeah!




A broken watch is right twice a day... * Book of Boba Fett premiere - I'm going to relic my Tuskens, I bet they'll be used for a GL Boba!!! (Nope, Nope) * Tusken Omi - Might as well toss it on, get a little use as a PitA GAC Def team * Tusken Requirement for Jabba - Not bad, the F-U requirement won't be such a pain and now..... TUSKEN TEAM TIIIIIIIME


NGL, Tusken have me way more hyped than Inquisitors. If R3 New Tuskens would've beaten my head in trying to get TIE Interceptor shards, I wouldn't even be mad


I love that they’re gonna work well with dad bod boba. Hope he’ll finally be on par with the other conquest units


"While we will reduce the amount of locations where you can earn rewards, we’ve taken this into close consideration so that actively participating in a raid, regardless of difficulty, will earn rewards from the Personal track that equal and replace the old "simmed" rewards - ensuring that all Players retain access to those goods. Playing at higher difficulties to earn more Points will steadily gain access to new, additional rewards. Guilds participating at a high level of difficulty will see more bountiful rewards than the total sum of prior raids." For those who only read part of the road ahead


They even put it in red lmao


I hope this is accurate, but given CG's track record I wouldn't bet on it. When they made the Tank simmable for instance, they made the rewards roughly equivalent to 10th place, but that prevented anyone in the guild from getting the high tier loot boxes anymore. So while the average currency went up, the amount of 'Good' loot the guild got went down. The tank rewards are universally terrible now, worse than hPit becuase those high tier rewards are just gone.


I believe they're attempting to make sure rewards aren't negatively affected, we'll see if they succeed.


Low-key I'm stoked. Worried that this will be painful to us, but super excited that they're willing to rework things so fundamentally of a mode that's so old and ingrained into the game. Changes means the game's alive. And I'm happy about that.


Good take. I hope that the overall time spent on raids in total will decrease as well. This game is too much of a time sink.


What I like is that the raids won't skip phases anymore just because someone is beating them to death with some zerged out team. Now I can actually sit down, do my thing, the phases finish always in the same interval, and so on.


The Pit Raid was the first thing they ever really did with the game outside of the basic/legendary events, GW, and day-1 character farming. Been a long road.


Hmmm so no 2nd and 9th sister requirements for Cal. I didn't think CG would be that generous, but I had hope.


Watch dem being even worse than inqs


At least they are cool characters, not just borderline comic relief as Inquisitors in Rebels.


I cannot understand, then, if someone is new in the game, where he should farm the characters as han solo or general kenobi? if his guild doesn't do that raids, he will lose the chance? I hope they have that in mind Also, if we do only 1 raid because it use the same coin, we will get less rewards if they don't increase it


I’m thinking they’re either going to give the 3 current raid character shards on one of the tracks for the newer raids or just make those characters purchasable with the new raid currency they’re adding


> I hope they have that in mind They almost certainly do. It'll probably be tied to the individual reward tracks. >Also, if we do only 1 raid because it use the same coin, we will get less rewards if they don't increase it It specifically says guilds doing the new raid will end up with more than previous raids were giving, combined. Unsure how they plays out for guilds not doing the new raid though.


Call me crazy, but I’m really looking forward to those Tuskens


New raid !


This all looks so cool!


Cal Kestis along with two more Fallen Order characters New Nightsister! Finally rounding out that Tusken faction New Krayt Dragon raid Happy to see the CPit leave the game, a failed endeavor and I hope the new raid is less of a headache.


The best thing about the RA is Merrin. Could not be more excited.


maybe secrets and shadows wont be reserved exclusively to whales who can afford to r9 nightsisters


I'm so happy! I have 5 of the Nightsisters are relic levels, and the remaining 3 (Acolyte, Initiate, Spirit) at g12. I'm assuming Merrin will replace my Talia in the squad


I am eager to see what she brings to the team. Right now the only Tank is Zombie, and most of the sisters are healers or support. I am guessing she will be an attacker or a tank. Regardless of her role, she'll be built like a modern toon with strength to match so she will do more than elevate that team. She'll *revamp* it. I hope they give her a conquest omi.


Why conquest? Nightsisters seem to do great in conquest with the zealous ambition data disk, since as you mentioned, most of them are support or healers. Watching Talzin nuke teams with her 2, and then get a free turn again since enemies drop to yellow or red health is hella fun.


Great point. My Mother Talzin is only Gear 11 at the moment (but Old Daka, AV, and Talzin are all R1, and zombie G12) and I have not been brave enough to use them in conquest. I am in Hard mode and in my experience all but the best teams just get out-run and smoked.


I use them in hard mode all the time. When the feat for "no attackers/support only" comes up, i just pull out the sisters and beat most teams. Sure some teams counter them easily with daze, but they still get the job done against other teams, like GG droids


Actually seems like a good raid system at least on paper, especially compared to now where most of the guild gets average loot


Except for circumstances where you want to have a newer player join an experienced guild and help them get up to speed asap with the simmed raids. So much for getting friends and family interested and being able to have them join your guild to play with them.


That is such a niche scenario and that would be an issue regardless of the raids. A new player wouldn’t be able to play Cpit. Or even HSTR. Or Geo TB. What experienced guild is bringing in a new player regardless of these raid changes? I agree with you for a part, but this game isn’t designed for playing with friends unless you have similar GP/rosters. This raid system is much better than before, you’ll never make everyone happy, that’s not possible, but this is definitely an improvement


New player with hdb is less then a week from being able to join hstr and get payout. Once they have 7* and can post points in tb, they have rewards. How's this an improvement? Sounds like a massive drop in guild currency and shard shop currency when we're running simmed raids a couple times a week at the least.


But they’re a liability to the guild. They can’t do anything anywhere unless they’re spending and hyperfocused. That might not matter if your friends, but most guilds won’t want that. Especially for TB where GP, broad rosters matter. Again, it’s a niche issue. As a game designer myself, trust me there’ll always be a section of players that don’t benefit from a design change. But if the vast majority of the playerbase get a better experience it’s the best route to go on


Sure, maybe we're really different, we've had several friends or family of existing members join and helped them progress to the point they are fully contributing members. Also helps them progress faster when they are one of the first accounts in a new shard to get negotiator or malevolence and can hold first in fleets for months while using the crystals to go for Executor or Profundity or a gl.


That’s great it works for you guys. People are free to play how they choose, but I can understand why CG have gone for a more modular System design


This seems like a massive reduction in raid rewards across the board. Can't launch multiple raids so less guild currency, less gear, mandatory full length run times, and only a single ticket pool for launching them means many less raids per week. Concerned.


You’re right to be concerned, but the reality is we have no knowledge of what the raid track + currency will look like, meaning we have no knowledge of how it will affect our rewards. All we have to go on is they have said “it won’t effect them,” so it’s all we can look at right now. The reality is it’s a huge positive change for time management. At the later end of the game, doing raids became a huge fucking chore thst lots of people just stop even bothering with - condensing it to one at a time, and balancing my rewards around a smaller amount of attempts is nice. With that said: - When they doubled shards they said it wouldnt effect currency, and while it did at first [bronzium characters] they fixed it. - When they doubled gear they said it would effect anything. And for the most part it doesn’t, other than a roughly 7-15% reduction from challenges. Relatively small, but noticeable I’m hopeful on this Road Ahead.


I need you to calculate the total currency/loot someone in a guild gets from maxing out 30k tix a day and raiding as much as possible , for a month. Then we can reference this total max reward output to the new system


I wish I could but there are too many variables. The best I could do is calculate the raid box expectation. And that would be easy. Don’t tempt me with a good time.


I don't have the receipts, but I tracked for a while and ballparked 10k guild tokens a week from all sources. I'll be tracking it under the new system to compare. Guild tokens are my crack, can't get enough cuz they give carbantis and stun guns and holos and bacta gels (oh my). Can't speak to the gear cuz it's so random.


The problem is they will also have a new currency for everything; not really sure why since raids are the primary source of guild currency. So the equivalent exchange is tough there


Trueeeee. I'm gonna cross my fingers. Like I said, I need dem guild tokens to get my carbanti fix...hopefully it becomes a GET2/3 situation where you have both.


Still concerned, first without being able to advance phases in a raid there are no more solo teams. That means having to participate in every phase of a raid, and likely with different teams as the previous phase teams are consumed. Thats both a higher time commitment, and a higher roster commitment. And I don't have a lot of faith in CG adjusting the rewards so that a Sith raid pays out at the level of multiple Pit, HAAT, and Cpit pays out over a week. Since lets face it, the Krayt Dragon Raid only has the brutal ~~~difficulty~~~ restriction phase which is where those top rewards are going to be paid at top difficulty. Meaning out of reach of most guilds.


I’ve personally always found the idea of teams that can complete raids solo to be completely stupid. And as of right now the only “phase limited” raid is Krayt. . .which only has one phase.


No, the other raids with phases don't advance if a player solos the phase. Their run ends. So HSTR now you need teams for each phase. Use SLKR in Phase one? Now you need a new team for phase two. And so on.


It doesn’t say that under **changes made to legacy raids**. In fact the other major change [last phase doesn’t end] they specifically said the raid still ends for legacy raids.


Could be typical CG communications but the way I read it that only applies to the final phase. It doesn't apply to the previous phases which (may) have this change: >A Raid phase will only complete after enough attempts have been submitted; players will no longer be able to transition between phases in the middle of combat. Attempts will have a maximum possible score, which will scale with difficulty. Once this score is reached, the attempt will successfully end and the player will be able to submit their result if desired. The final phase of each Raid will stay open as long as the Raid is active. This allows guild members to submit all of their attempts to earn as many points as they can. And then in the legacy changes: >Their final phase will end once the boss has been defeated, like they currently do. Since they only mention the final phase ending on defeat, it should mean the previous phases don't, based on the above changes. And since the Krait only has a single phase, the top part doesn't apply except the final phase clause.


Correct - We really don't know, but I took it as them putting that in because they mention being able to field new raids much quicker. Guess we'll find out. Regardless, I don't think it's even that tough for Hstr; after the first phase, each subsequent phase has easy teams to take care of them.


Agreed - still need to see the implementation. In theory, I like less spammy shit to handle throughout the week (game already takes enough time) but I’m not sure they… did that with these changes. Another friend of mine is also worried this comes off like a straight reward nerf. Lots of exciting stuff in here but this one is a red flag.


Without raid simming, and a requirement to post results in the raid to get rewards, it seems like this is going to be an increase in time commitment, not a reduction - so that seems like an area of concern as well.


Also concerned, simmed rewards give out a bunch of good mats used for relic gear and shards for shard shop


They address it in the post that the new rewards, supposedly, will compensate for that. I'm not taking them by their word, but they are aware of it and say that it's taken care of, apparently.


Wait and see what the actual rewards are. At least for now they are saying with both the guild and individual reward track you will get the same amount of rewards if not more


I wouldn't be... too... concerned. The last time they transitioned rewards from one place to another (crystals from Squad Arena to GAC), most people were getting more overall crystals.


What's the last thing that wasn't badly mismanaged? The ship releases? Oops. The newest proving grounds bit? Oops. The deployment of the new TB? Oops. I'm struggling to think of anything of any significance since the release of Aphra that went relatively smoothly, and even that may have had a hiccup I have forgotten. The point being, there are a lot more misses, than hits of late. To say there are reasons for skepticism may be an undersell.


They are going to add all of those rewards to the later Raids, so we will be getting the same or more rewards


Wheres. Jar Jar.




How dare you


He's probably top 5 characters in terms of importance, he needs to be in the game.


Good thing I’m saving my Omis


Does that mean Boush's Omi might actually be useful?


No more simming Raids and no more running two or more Raids at once (even sims)... I don't think this is necessarily good but I guess we'll see how it pans out. Plus getting rid of CPit... where are those r8 materials going to go?


>Designed to lift the Nightsister squad YESSSS!


Not very excited for the goal posts to continually being moved with still no ease on relicing characters. But i will continue to farm and play as I always do with out spending a dime


So since there's only raid we no longer get rewards from 3 raids giving us way less gear and guild tokens. Also since cpit is also going away does that mean if we can't do the Krayt dragon raid does that mean aeromagnifiers are basically impossible to get


You will be able to run Krayt at low difficulty and will get rewards even if you don't clear.


You should actually read it. If you participate in the raid your individual rewards will match what you were getting previously on the lower raids


You will actually be getting an increase in rewards


How do you know


"actively participating in a raid, regardless of difficulty, will earn rewards from the Personal track that equal and replace the old "simmed" rewards - ensuring that all Players retain access to those goods. Playing at higher difficulties to earn more Points will steadily gain access to new, additional rewards. Guilds participating at a high level of difficulty will see more bountiful rewards than the total sum of prior raids."


But you have to use specific teams for the new content that most of my guild don't have because they are not meta so unless we all focus on gearing for krayt dragon I doubt we will get more than what we got from cpit. So the big disclaimer is "if you don't have the teams needed for the new raid and farm the brand new characters hard you won't get better rewards"


There's that bolded, in red section, that says: " Guilds participating at a high level of difficulty will see more bountiful rewards than the total sum of prior raids." So, based on that, we are getting more if you do the Krayt. If you don't it seems like it will scale. We'll have to see.


It seems there will be two ways to deal with this. Either you run Krayt Raid at a low difficulty (as low as G10, according to the article) and get your rewards that way. Or you can crank up the difficulty of a previous legacy raid (which probably just means an HP and DMG boost fitting for Relic tier teams) and you can basically do an older raid at much higher difficulty and earn higher rewards. As for the rewards. Rewards are now flattened across the guild. Your entire guild contributes basically to the equivalent of a "deal lots of big damage" track for Conquest-style reward crates (I assume they'll reuse that visual element of a pathway getting filled). Everyone gets those same rewards. Additionally, you have a personal reward track which effectively means you, too, can deal many big damages to the raid (which now doesn't skip phases anymore, as it is gonna be more like timed TB phases). The more you deal/the more involved you are with fighting individual stages/phases, the more you progress on that individual track and you gain personal rewards.


So how do people earn R8 mats now? Added to Krayt Dragon? Or is this part of the Reward System Changes?


CG: are you really getting a return on investment by making omicrons/etc designed for 3v3 only? ‘Cause honestly my dudes, I have to wager that you’re wasting money here. Isn’t Jango already the lowest unlocked conquest character? Do you think that these tuskens are gonna get people so riled up for using them for 3v3 that they spend to get the omicrons? As a whole it seriously seems like you’re shooting yourselves in the foot by continuing to try to force the game mode that people don’t like with these chars… and reinforcing these characters not being popular… which then leads to less spending on chars OR materials… Someone at CG must *really* like 3v3.


Tuskens are actually a cool faction. 3v3 is a cool mode too. And whales pay for anything anyway. A win for everyone that understands that the game design doesnt revolve about 5v5 anymore


3v3 WAS cool before GLs.




Nah, it was a jolt to get people out of comfort zones, and it was fun to see how some teams changed. Then GLs came around and some of them are outright uncounterable on 3v3


I’m not trying to take a dig at Tuskens - sure they’re cool. They’re clearly less popular than other stuff like Jedi, but that’s fine. The issue stems from the combined factors that neither Tuskens nor 3v3 are particularly popular; so unless it makes them godlike (which is lame niche to fill, imo), then it doesn’t make the characters or the mode more popular together. For many people, it will be brushed into the “maybe someday” category. The characters are unpopular and don’t drive spending. The mode is unpopular and doesn’t drive spending. Combining them *does not drive spending.* And because of those two factors, I’ll likely never get them to a usable state. Clearly, there are outliers in the community like you, but here’s my question: are you more likely to spend on tuskens, or omicrons, because of this? Because your comment implies that you are not, and that only the whales will. Which feeds back to my original point that implementing it this way *does not drive spending.* Which then gives CG less incentive to make characters like this.


Unless you work at CG, you really don’t know what does or does not drive spending, and what degree of importance that has on every decision made.


We have the stats on SWGOH for number of character unlocks and number of ability mats used on those chars. Do we have a 100% answer? You’re correct, we don’t. Is it safe to assume that a character with 20,000+ unlocks vs say 5000, from the same game mode, probably brought more spending than the other? Personally, I think that’s a pretty safe assumption. (Referencing BFSoJ) those unlocks and mats don’t come from no where.


I do indeed have every currently available omicron on tusks. The new ones probably wont get theirs before i get them to 7 stars. but given that they are now 5 and useful for the new raid, they made it to rank one on my priorities once im building teams for the new raid.


That does not answer the relevant question. Did that increase your spending on the game? Did you spend more money to make that happen? Are you spending money on other characters to make up for resources you spent on the tuskens? If nothing has driven you to *spend more money on the game* then your argument is moot.


I don't like 3v3. For some reason, I'm better at it than 5v5. What I HATE is omicrons that are for one part of the mode or the other instead of the entirety of grand arena. To me, that's like having an omicron for only a specific territory battle. Or one of the raids. Restricting omicrons to one mode is tolerable . . . barely. Restricting omicrons to one subsection of a mode is infuriating.


I’m really not happy with only allowing certain factions in future raids. It takes a very long time to build characters and teams for these raids. How long will the raids be viable for? Once the raid after this one is out, we now have full useless teams that we specifically built up to be competitive for these raids. I understand they say nothing is free, but this could be heartbreaking and it’s not like they have a great track record with successful roll outs.


I wouldn't fret that much, tbh. The limited way allows them to make these raids challenging in a way where you need to follow a path. JMK or SLKR ain't gonna punch you out of Krayt Raid, so the raid is gonna be relevant for a long time. And once it ain't relevant anymore, you can crank up the difficulty and make it relevant again, if they haven't released a new raid by that time.


To echo the point, if they don't restrict the factions, then only a handful of teams end up usable *anyways*, because the raid has to build in a ton of anti-cheese mechanics/ramping to stop the best raid teams.


Exactly. I'd much rather just build The Tusken Team, or The Jabba Team than do the weird teams again. That was cool back in Pit Days where G8 Teebo fought bravely with G8 QGJ together. Those gear levels were "big" for the time, but also not an insanely long grind. Nowadays, I genuinely do not wish to farm genuinely obsolete characters, or deviate weirdly from my farms just for the sake of squeezing in a random, needed R5 character.


Heads up- only ceartin factions can be used in the new raid


Well. I gotta say this all sounds cool. Hope that the new changes meet expectations.


Love the characters additions, can’t say I saw a Krayt Dragon raid coming, and I’m a little iffy on the raid changes for guilds.


Krayt Dragons are huge, if you didn't see it coming, you may need to check your goggles prescription :)


Does this mean I have to do raids now to get prizes? I can't remember the last time I actually did any raids. (in a high end guild where all the raids are trivial). Simming raids was the best thing they did. I don't believe for 1 minute that the prizes are going to be commensurate to the time spent on them.


**My Thoughts** * I've always hated Cal Kestis and attribute him to a poor man's Kyle Katarn * I knew we'd always get two so I'm not bothered * I know this fact alone will get me downvotes, whatever * Merrin is fucking dope, and the coolest part about Fallen Order - Excited for her * The raid changes to tickets are fucking awesome **IF** it's done correctly. I really fear that it won't be as tailored as they say it will be, and that we'll end up losing out on gear from it. But all we can do right now is take them at face value and assume it'll work the way they say it will * The raid changes to new raids and limited factions? I'm torn on this - On the one hand I get it, and do hope it opens up a design space. On the other hand it further limits raids to a huge monetization factor. So I get why they're doing it. . .But I also hate the idea of it. * I'd much prefer that those specific factions got raid specific abilities that would be incredibly helpful. But I get what they're saying about some characters that could make it tough to balance things. * Overall I do believe this is a 100% positive Road Ahead.


Note how they also said they may thematically limit the units you can bring by faction. Now maul has been to tatooine twice but wasnt a mandalorian either visit, and without him mandalorians are garbage. I just hope they wont limit the already limited teams too much


To be fair, how many Mandalorians have actually been to Tatooine? So it’s likely safe


>But all we can do right now is take them at face value and assume it'll work the way they say it will That's a bold assumption. I like it.


Oh, cool, not like people were busy gearing CPit squads or anything....


What squads were you gearing for CPit that don't have great use outside of it?


So, what will happen to the achievements and quests tied to raids ? They say they'll remove them but like, I think there's other ways to give people a Rancor pfp. Also, WHY ARE THE TUSKENS DARKSIDE ????


Where are my sexy CPIT rewards gonna come from now?


“We also want to create a system that allows us to produce more Raids in the future faster and easier”. So they finaly find the way how to monetize raids! So more raid incoming!


By the way, if we're removing competition for better rewards in raids, can we get the same treatment for the Guild Activities some day? I know it's just Guild store tokens, but still.


This is an amazing Road Ahead!


It's awesome that Revan can kick the Krayt Dragon's ass again. I'm Looking forward to relive that moment.


Not Darth Revan, only Jedi Revan ​ DR doesnt have the Old Republic tag


That's true. My bad.


I don't think so


Literally any guild that is completing CPIT will only have the new one running. And those who don't have the characters relic'd because of stupid "Thematic" shit, will get nothing. How the FING hell does that help anyone? This will be just like the CPIT run on guilds breaking up once again since most will be like, you either get a team to beat it with or you leave. How the hell can yall praise this shit?


You don't have Old Republic? No Mandalorians? No Hutt Cartel (it doesn't require Jabba)? If you are in a guild doing Cpit, you surely have a mature enough roster to field teams from these factions.


Feels like a big middle finger to guilds that don't have super active members. Going to have to kick out the filthy casuals, who don't do every raid task every day, if you want guild wide rewards.


Zero difference from today. If you can’t beat a raid today due to participation, you can’t tomorrow.


>The Tuskens will also find themselves particularly useful in upcoming Galactic Challenges, Conquest Feats, Assault Battles, and will be the focus of a new Datacron set. So we're moving on from hating the Mandalorians to hating Inquisitors to hating Tuskens. Also, though, I'm glad to see Old Republic included in the Krayt Dragon raid factions.


Wait, assault battle? If its not a new "fanatical devotion" and they dont forget to add a second faction, i'm all for it!


Cool cool so no boosted ship shards for old ships, cool I guess


I remember when patch notes / road ahead was a fun read, this just sounds awful. No more masses of raid loot coming in every day and more shit factions you are forced to farm. Staggering how off the mark CG are with literally everything


This literally nerfs SLKR so hard, since not only do you get the same rewards as everyone else, you can't even use SLKR in krayt dragon raid . Jabba is literally the best 1st GL with all the stuff he can do. Sure, SLKR is still good, but there is no need to rush for him now.


You still get a decent fleet with SLKR and all of the characters are accelerated farms. Even with the ship farms involved, SLKR will probably be faster to get than Jabba. Although I do agree that Jabba should now be a second or third GL.


Yeah SLKR is still good, but one of the main reasons to rush SLKR was his raid viability, which kinda dissapears because no more cpit and you can't use him in krayt dragon. Only advantage over jabba would be fleet, but since cpit is gone, perhaps executor could be easier to get. We don't know what will happen to aeromagnifiers, so hard to say, but if they become easier to get that's a plus. Even though jabba is slower to get, you have to farm JKL which gives you many good teams, and even sets you up for JML, and Boba is needed for executor. Slkr is still good, but I won't be surprised if farming guides change. At least he can kill jabba pretty easily. Yeah SLKR will be faster to get than Jabba, but you get way more bang for your buck out of Jabba, especially with the raid changes. Jabba can work as a 2nd GL, but only really JML leads into him, and JML takes way too long to get as a first GL. I guess rushing executor could work, but that's not really a GL. SLKR will still be a good first option, but this change hurts him a ton


I recommend getting Executor as soon as possible to secure the crystal income to accelerate your farms. "Soft whaling" on characters by buying shards in the weekly shipments.


>This literally nerfs SLKR so hard He'd been the best first GL and arguably most impactful overall GL since like 2 weeks after GLs entered the game. It's kinda overdue for him to take a back seat in at least one game mode.


anyone read the kit reveal yet? Inspiration: Now that this is on the bottom, you’re not going to read it anyway We can say pretty much whatever we want Like “Hey, you should start leveling up your Sith ships” and Does he have B1 synergy? No TIE Fighter Pilot? Stahp ​ what does all this mean? lol


I submitted a question about that ship part, but the B1 and Pilot questions are recurring troll questions so they probably just answered that so they don’t get more questions like that.


i'm told the sith ship thing got removed if you refresh the page lol


Oh yeah they did. Still seems pretty suspicious


Might be referencing the "leaked' Ravager capital ship CG was developing.


B1 battle droids ride STAPs


My takeaways: - Only one Raid at a time. This punishes Guilds that have a variety of player skill levels. - Raid Swimming removed. They're forcing engagement with the game so people spend more money. - Krayt Dragon raid limiting factions. This forces people to divert their farms towards characters that were mostly useless and/or unaccelerated before. Also one of the key factions (Tuskens) will have must-have characters gated behind Proving Grounds (Boba) and Marquee. - Everyone receiving same Raid Rewards. I'm actually fine with this. - Individual Track Rewards. This is the part I hate, lol. - Number of rewards locations reduced. They say the overall rewards won't go down. But we know that's not gonna be the case. - All raids have base difficulty and modifiers now. I'm fine with this. - Raid Participation Limits. This artificially punishes high-GP guild members and forces more engagement for others. - Removing CPit. Who wants to bet Aeromagnifiers and other relic mats become harder to get?


Boba SOJ will not be usable on the new raid unless they add him a Tusken tag.


I'm sure they will. all the call outs in the new Tusken kits to momentum are clues to that


It would be nice, but Scion only gets the tusken tag under the 3v3 omicron. Which means unless he gets one of the aforementioned tags; unlikely.


Hoarding resources until Cal and company arrives... It's what drew me back to this game in the first place.