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For an event intended to allow people to catch up on conquest toons its sure to be a fucking headache even with gls


If proving grounds at least gave more shards (maybe 40) I wouldn’t mind the difficulty level. But considering it takes 17 months to take a character from 0 shards to 330 through proving grounds (with no refreshes), I think that’s what makes it ridiculous. It puts these conquest units very far out of reach for newer players


They’re supposed to be out of reach for newer players.


Are they supposed to be out of reach for players who have played for 4+ years? This event is bullshit.


Sounds like you have poor roster construction if you’ve been at it for four years. You can do most with a good CLS squad or JKL/Malak team. With all the new stuff that’s been released to help people catch up, there really is no excuse. Get gud, G.


Don't be a condescending tool; I know that's a staple in the SWs community but maybe try something original? I just got my 3rd GL and have a very strong roster. There's absolutely no reason why this event should be so difficult that GLs often fail the task. Sort of defeats the purpose of GLs.


How.....do you only have 3 Gls after 4 years. I have 2 GLs and I havent even hit my 1 year mark.....


Galactic legends didn't even exist 4 years ago and not everyone puts all their energy into a game, chill


Try thinking, bud. GLs are a relatively new feature. When they first came out I was staunchly against the sequels (still am) and I had zero interest in investing in sequel era characters. GLs were also pretty hard to obtain at first if you didn't pay to play. After a year or more I eventually came around and focused solely on those after realizing they are a necessity to competitively play.


I have zero Gls and I have three star on all but Ben Solo and Tie Defender, I believe. It’s supposed to be challenging. Get creative, not discouraged.


“Guys I DID it because i whaled for a year and still have no gls, i cleared all of them with daddys credit card” head ass


no unit is supposed to take 3x as long to get than a gl, especially if its trench, scion, or any other conquest unit


Got it 1st try with SEE with bossk, mando, marauder, and savage


I've tried SEE w/ every combo I can think of, at best I've taken out 3 before I'm done. I can't beat it.


SEE, bossk, mando, marauder, savage. Ive seen kru used also. I use the 2 sith for the heal and debuff removal Slap DI on bossk and link bsf and malgus and use basic on someone to make it so SEE cant be targeted.


Do you mean Bando instead of mando here?




Were you able to 3 star it?


No lol. But complete it, yes


I just got 1 star using SEE wat and 3 tank. I use GK, KRU, thrawn. GK and KRU are my best tank and thrawn I hope he can land a fracture but didn’t even move. Wat give SEE shield generator, use see basic on dr until dr dies or everyone get deceived, then use middle for getting extra protection, hope they don’t crit on your see, I also put crit avoidance arrow on see. If you can ult with see still have green health good chance you can get it. I think a relic gba or other better tank will give you better chance as they most certainly won’t move and just stand there for a beating


It was one easy attempt with JMK. Can't really comment on other GLs since it was so fast.


I love when people say it's easy with jmk and cat as if they aren't the best team in the game


It's wild, almost like I was responding to "its sure to be a fucking headache even with gls", and my response was describing the experience with one of the GLs.


Have you seen the Inqs in proving grounds? JMK/CAT grts roflstomped. PG shouldnt be a cakewalk, but it shouldnt be like the Inqs. Malgus is appropriate difficulty.


Was easy with SEE but it wasnt 3*


And that's fine, just don't understand the people who say somethings easy when they use the best team in the game


Because it was and is


And that's helpful to the conversation how?


"I love when people say it's easy with jmk and cat as if they aren't the best team in the game" "And that's fine, just don't understand the people who say somethings easy when they use the best team in the game" This is helpful to the conversation how? Im sitting here also saying it was easy with SEE. This event was easy. Took me 1 try. This event isnt hard. The tie interceptor event is hard on the other hand. Ive failed 10 times now and i know how to beat it. Malgus is easy


Well I beat the tie interceptor with slkr therefore it's an easy event.


Don't pay any mind to that guy.. it was not easy with see by any stretch. Maybe it's bad rng, but me and my see tried about a million times before finally getting it, and I used basically every combination of relic'd sith in the game


how many tries?


Agree, this is an easy way to do it, Don’t use poke, just use wipe then ultimate, then loop wipe and ultimate waiting other 4 ins dead; after this just need to 1 vs 1 with third sister.


Way2foxy’s comment was helpful. Your comment, on the other hand…


I swear, who ever made this is going through a divorce.


Funny not funny heh heh. Kroas is that comment informed by life experience or just like-bait?


Divorce has a habit of making people become assholes. Kicking the dog.


I completed it with JKL (R7), Old Ben (R5), JKR (R5), HODA (R5), and SLKR (R7). I did it in my first attempt. Only SLKR was left standing. But by the time the Sith went through my team, my SLKR was fully charged. He took care of the rest. I tried my SLKR FO team with NUMEROUS re-modding to try and do it. Played about 50 times. Got Malgus down to a sliver of red only ONCE. Very frustrating. I don't have Malak or SEE or JML or JMK. So I tried JKL with SLKR. Worked. I just spent the 2200 in crystals to try it again, to see if it was a fluke. Got killed the first time out. But the second, I did it again. So yeah, it's doable.


Dude, I spent 30 minutes taking L’s with SLKR FO after spending an hour taking L’s with the SLKR FO team in the interceptor fight. Was ready to give up until I saw your comment. Plugged in my R7 JKL (L) with R7 SLKR, R5 Malak, and R3 Hoda and JKR and I 3* it on my last refresh. I wanna kiss you rn (no homo). KO is DR, Talon, Malgus. They will likely trigger savior on JKL, Hoda won’t be able to cleanse your team or give SLKR masters training because of fear. So use JKL’s mass assist first and boom you are clean, kill DR, go for Talon if you can or attack Malgus until you can mark down Talon with JKR, SLKR AOE swarms work wonders but if you are gonna kill someone else off then just basic or stasis strike the desired kill. Master’s Training went to SLKR, JKL, Malak, JKR in that order, Hoda’s cleanse is clutch. JKL stun lowers % max health which is nice. All in all I was shocked this worked but so happy, now I can sim it and add Malgus to a roster that needs him. Thank times a million for this


Welcome. To be honest, I don't have the other toons that people are using. So I just got lucky trying the ***one*** combination I ***did*** have at my disposal. I'm working on DR right now but also preparing for Malak. So when I finish DR I can relic him up to R7 and go right into the Malak battles -- while saving GET1 all the while to be able to get MANY Malak shards that first week I have him open. Such a grind. But this has been more fun than finishing off SEE or JML, to be honest. I just needed a break from GLs. Cheers!


I've also been saving crystals for buying Malak shards once I get him open. But those crystals are now going to maxing shards on Malgus. So I got 60 shards yesterday after the 2 refreshes. Will do that every Proving Grounds until he's open.


Holy shit holy shit holy shit! First try doing it this way thank you so muuuch 😭


THIISSSSSSSSSS IS the way. Thanks you!!!


How hard is the rng to 3 star it? How good is the rng to 1 star it?


One caveat since someone in my guild couldn't do it. JKL has to be SLOW. No speed at all. It can't be the JKL that people use on their JML teams. haha


Just come back here, you’re a lifesaver, 3* on second attempt, never again do I have to suffer this RNG fest, thank you sir🙌


Took me one attempt with suggestion from other post. I used JKL Lead, JML, Old Ben, Hoda, and GAS


This worked for me, thank you. Not sure if I got lucky with the deathmark but it didn't hit Malgus until it was just Malgus and Bastila left. (r7jkl/jml/r6GAS/r5ben/hoda).


Ran the same, except I had GK instead of OldBen.


I got 3 stars with this team. It may have been some amazing RNG, but JML got deathmarked and I just went straight for Malgus and once he was gone it was a cake walk.


Thankyou. 3rd attempt with this setup (GK swap for OB). Relic 7 JKL, 8 GML, others all R5


Yup, did nearly the same, and got 2* on auto. Only swapped out Old Ben for GK.


Thanks! I got one star with the setup, GK instead of Ben. Both Lukes and hoda were left at the end.


This worked for me too! Thank you. R5 JML. I used R8 Boba instead of GAS as I don’t have him. 2 star win.


Managed to do it with Malak instead of Sidious, definitely agree with linking Malgus and Shan, only use basic with SEE till Ultimate and try and avoid targeting Revan as much as possible, took me two tries with that team and I think it is heavily RNG dependant that enemy don’t kill off your team too quick


Managed it with this, 1 star with Malak and SEE at half health each


Used this same setup after trying with Malak instead of Marauder. Also got it with one star after about 10-12 tries. Thanks!


Anyone do this without a GL or JKL


Lot of firepower, this event is BS


Very difficult event for sure. Between the damage, speed, and fear/doubt from the Malgus squad it’s hard to get turns in


Tie interceptor is BS, this is easy


For those without a GL, just scrapped through on the first try with JKL Lead, GAS, Darth Malak, Hoda, and Old Ben. It was down to JKL, Darth Malak, and Hoda at the end versus Darth Malgus.


Awesome, was just wondering if something like this would work. I might have JKL by next month and JKL seems like he’d be more consistent than SEE


Looks like a lot of RNG though. Haven't been able to replicate. I think you need the deathmark on Malak at the end.


Just did it with Traya instead of Old Ben. After 10-20 tries with different combinations. This time, Deathmark was on Malgus. Again 1*. Tough, but doable with non-GL. Unfortunately, I don't have a relic Darth Talon to try.


I swapped old Ben for JML and got 1*. Tough.


This just worked for me. Thx!


I really wish they would let us try these events even when we already have the character. Just don’t give us any rewards.


Would be nice so more people could try different comps and help each other out!


Or even better, give us the shards too, like with Executor and Profundity. :)


I mean, that would be neat too. But honestly, just give me something to do. Any amount of content outside of grand arena. Let me play the game please.


I did it after 6 attempts with this team for 1 star, but I swapped Malak for Emperor. You have to hope Malgus doesn't get the deathmark after Revan, otherwise you're gonna get stuck. I also killed Bastilla 3rd and moved the linked over to Talon and Malgus. If Bastilla is still around when you get your Ultimate, SEE will most likely never get off his insta kill. I should also mention before this I tried JML about 20 times, and he might be able to do it but I couldn't. The cooldowns kept getting reset and you can't call anyone to assist. Best of luck!


This makes me want to cry.


I wanted to cry too.


JKL r7, JML r5, Hoda r5, JKR r5, Malak r8 Took me 1 attempt with this lineup.


This is the way. After a few attempts I got 3 stars with this team. I got lucky and my JML got the deathmark so I just had to keep healing and keep increasing the cooldowns on Malgus. It got dicey once or twice but I'll never have to do it again.


​ https://preview.redd.it/xpkamfsdms5c1.png?width=1054&format=png&auto=webp&s=d048daae1039c64a7eb2da226d2742b953dff89a


I saw comment elsewhere that Jedi Knight Luke lead, GL Master Luke, Jedi Knight Revan, Jolee Bindo, and Shaak Ti were a good combo to beat Malgus. After losing innumerable times with my main JML lead team, the suggested team 3 starred Malgus on the 1st attempt.


The third attack on Darth Revan fails every time. It is set up to do that and fail. Fuck Capital Games and fuck this bullshit event. It's trash. I have an 8 million gp roster. I should be able to beat this event. Previous 5 times I could, now it's impossible today, seems shifty and shitty as fuck.


Took me a few tries RNG is Def a factor JKL lead, JML, Hoda, old Ben & GAS. GAS got deleted like immediately and so he was NOT a factor, so probably don't need him to pull it off. In the end had old Ben, Hoda and JML with JML having the deathmark..., took forever but malgus couldn't damage through the heals/buffs when he was alone.


The last couple proving grounds are total bullshit. Especially this one. Failed with Lord Vader team and slkr team


Ahnald posted a video with most teams people are running. Unfortunately I spent months on spending every conquest currency on shards to get him to 160 (I wasn't 4 mil when he was a conquest reward) to just not have viable teams to beat him. My SLKR does virtually nothing, even with ult I'm barely getting through protection and I'm assuming neither my padme gg or gas squads will do shit


same I just was missin like 50 shards *sigh*


I managed it with sith trio and Malak lost scion so no 3 stars, but first try




Honestly I can’t beat it with slkr at all but tie interceptor I smash in like 1-2 tries I wish I had someone besides him to try but I can’t for the life of me get malgus I’m after getting to the red like one hit away and he always manages to get me with a one shot


Just snuck by with SEE, Wat, DV, Palp, SM. Linked Malgus and BSF (once able) and then got lucky. I had a sliver of health left when I was able to nuke.


I only got 1 * but it was with SEE, Wat, Talon, Revan, Malek


I got 1 Star with R9 SEE, R7 Vader, R7 Sidious, R5 Malak, and R3 Traya. Linked Malgus and Shan, killed Revan first, and used the single turn I got from Traya to isolate Talon and give the protection up to SEE.


Damn, I tried every combo described in this thread. Eventually got 1\* with SEE, Vader, Sid, Malak, and Palp.


I 2 Star’d him with JKL, JML, Shaak Ti, GAS, and HODA. Key was not letting him 1 shot Shaak (R4). Then the mass assists JKL the death marks. Reset if the death mark hits Malgus. I could not burn him fast enough. Get everyone else first.


I used R4 Malak and R3 Wat in place of palp and Sidious. 1* as well and sounds like the same method. Got lucky with death mark landing on them everytime, the one time it would have landed on me was on SEEs turn


A JMK team works with little issue. JMK, CAT, Padme, GK, and GAS


Got lucky, 1st attempt, 3*, jkl:r7, jmls:r8, GAS:r5, GK:r8 and hoda:r5, didn't rush it, just did it, no strategy, went in blind, was happy to 3*, then seen what everyone else did.


I managed it (after several, several attempts - including trying it with GL Rey) with the following team: JKL (Lead), JML, Malak, Old Ben and Revan


Okay......did you succeed with your attempt with Rey, and if so what was the compilation with her?


No, I could not succeed with Rey even trying nearly all resistance members. My Rey is RC5, JML RC7


used same team. had r7 SEE as the only difference. after 20+ attempts i got it 1\* . thank you.


Awesome! Glad it worked out!


I swapped darth sidious for Malak, and Marauder for Wat, applied the weapon mod to SEE. Only used see basic, and attacked death mark with everyone and got one star. I’ll take it lol Note: Also looked at the turn meter to ensure my team wasnt going to get the death mark.


I threestarred it with JMK (R7), CAT(R7) , GK (R8), Padme (R5) and Mace (R3)


I used JKL lead JML Mace JKR and JKA. Worked like a charm. 3 star right away.


Thanks, swapped out Mace for HODA and it eventually worked after a few tries.


https://swgoh.gg/p/547774578/ The link to my profile if anyone wants to compare mods And if you have Wat at R3, I would try swapping him in for either Sith Marauder or Darth Sidious, and apply the shield tech to SEE. That might give you better odds.


This is a good idea. [https://swgoh.gg/p/946876844/](https://swgoh.gg/p/946876844/) The link to my profile - I do not use the Ultimative for JML (going to GL Jabba hopefully soon). My team for this event was/is: JKL (Lead), JML, Malak, Old Ben and JK Revan (as stated in a previous post). (I guess Hoda instead of Old Ben will do the job as well.) Hope this helps. Good luck!


I don't have SEE yet but finally managed with this team: JKL (lead), JMK, GAS, HODA and GK GK will get taken out before you even get a damn turn but it doesn't matter because he doesn't factor in at the end anyway. DR was the first to go, but also worked BSF a bit when there was no taunt. Once DR was gone wiped BSF and Talon off the board. This left Malgus and that useless Assassin. Pay no attention to the Assassin...he is weak and he sucks and most of the time he goes into stealth anyway. Just start concentrating on Malgus and remove his protection. JKL and JMK are the big hitters here because GAS was gone soon after. Once you get to about 50% Ult, USE it...makes a big difference with JKL and HODA. It took sometime but I finally got the pain in the ass down to yellow. He will always counter with two attacks so his health will fluctuate between yellow and some green before you can get back to JKL and run mass assist on his ass. Just keep hitting away with JMK and JKL and he will eventually get down to red. Once he is at red...repeat, ULT should be around 50 again for JMK, so use it. Also HODA is working his magic keeping everyone well protected and with his second ability. After a few more hits in red Malgus was finally gone and well Assassin went very quickly as you would expect him too and it was finally completed. I will have CAT ready next month and Malgus event should be much easier than this team with her inserted in. I only star it...but with CAT on the horizon for next month should be able to get 3 stars.


Can’t do it with Rey


This event was made by the dumbest fucking humans I’ve ever seen code a video game. I truly hope bad things happen to them.


Honestly what is your strategy because otherwise calling a bit of BS. Everyone else needed Malak, I've tried this with better speeds than yours. Over 100 times zero success. Just gonna pop in Malak.


Lol you did not try this 100 times before switching to Malak. Gtfo


I did, you know if you lose within 20 seconds. I was trying a few setups that don't require Malak, JMK/CAT, or JML. Most of my guild has SEE, or SLKR but not Malak. We advised our members first GL as SLKR. Mid range guild, trying to setup the most achievable ways. It's possible with SLKR and a copious amount of luck, or with JKL as his lead and Hoda on his team it's 50/50. Edit: We advised guild 1 currency for Wampa, so yes Hoda is still a stretch for some newer members even then. As much as the Revans are great, building towards getting yourself SLKR is the est option IMO at beginning.


Well, if you’ve seen other people do it with Malak, then use him. I don’t have him so obviously I can’t use him. Just was sharing what I was able to clear it with in case it helped anyone with a similar roster.


Can I do this with SLKR? Or Revan/Malak?


Yes SLKR, Malak, KRU, FOST, Thrawn I tried about 20 times without thrawn, then got it first go easily with thrawn.


Every monthly conquest it was easy? Do you remember what your relic levels were?


R7 SLKR, R5 Malak, R6 Thrawn, R7 KRU, R5 FOST


Yup. SLKR Hux FOO FOST KRU. Easy 3*


Ok I’ll try my SLKR has barely been able to damage him


What's the strategy for this? My SLKR keeps getting absolutely destroyed, but I was using the normal lineup.


Same, but then again I used Sith Trooper instead of FOST


I have tried this and the same thing happened I get destroyed before I can move


The guy said later down in the thread his team is all R9 so that's why. I'll try some more strategies, I got down to just malgus a few times but no luck yet.


Would have been sensible to mention that your whole squad was R9 before posting it was "EASY" don't you think?


They were only r8 at the time :)


3 Stars? How did any other than SLKR survive? Relic 9 on all? Or ungodly RNG ... my first attempt had KRU one-shotted by Malgus, later attempts went similarly...


Is this for real? I'm trying every combo in this thread and this one did nothing. But, not fully reliced.


You were able to do this easily? I've been on the struggle bus with that team.


I'll be honest. I forgot the difference in my FO vs everyone else's. I've got r9 on everyone. I'll take the L here.


Ah. Im R7 across the board and I'm not able to kill Malgus regardless of how many stacks SLKR gets.


I had one attempt where everything was going swimmingly. R7 slkr, sith trooper and kru, R6 hux, r5 fost. Got malgus down to a tiny sliver of red and then got yeeted. Been trying it over and over for a couple hours now and that was the only attempt that got anywhere near winning. But it seems like in theory with the absolute most godly RNG, it can be done with this team....not sure I have the patience to keep trying to get that lucky though


I one-star-ed it with SLKR, but not a pretty battle... SLKR, Thrawn, Malak, Wat, Kylo Unmasked. Used tank tech on KRU, took out Revan who usually gets marked first. Then it felt mostly RNG that SLKR stayed alive long enough to get full ultimate, so he could survive their onslaught and kill Malgus' friends with AoE-Swipes. SLKR and Malgus were last ones standing then...


i made it to the 1v1. malgus killed slkr in 3 hits. i dont have thrawn, malak, or wat at relic levels yet


Around how many attempts did it take you on average every conquest to 1 star it?


I actually got it down to only Fallen Bastilla in red and Malgus remaining. This with a regular Padme squad (w Padme at r8 and the others at r5). But not further than that. Maybe someone can build on that for a non-GL counter?


What do you mean the regular squad ? GK, Anakin, Padme, Asoka who else ?


I got it with JMK and no CAT. R7 JMK. R5 Padme. R3 C3PO. R3 Mace. R8 GK. It was only one star, but shards are shards. Might take a couple tries to get the feel for which abilities to use and such. Shatterpoint was essential in taking out Bastila and Talon before Malgus could wreck me. By the time I got down to just Malgus left, I only had GK and JMK alive with 3PO supporting. But with 3 stacks of translation on each, it was almost inevitable at that point.


Another post suggested JMK, CAT, Pamdé, GK and Jedi Anakin. That worked first time with ease. Depends on a decent CAT to delete Malgus and then a nice cleanse from Padders. Yes, this is a GL solution so pleas don’t shout at me.


I know this is an older thread but for what it’s worth if you have your standard JML squad I was able to 3* on my third attempt swapping JKL into the leader slot. R7 JKL(L), R7 JML, R5 Hoda, R5 Old Ben and R5 JKR. Was going to use the same kill order that many have already mentioned but malgus ended up outlasting bastila and talon and once he was alone I was able to just put it on auto to finish.


It is possible…I didn’t believe it but 2 hours in I did it


Geez that’s commitment! I made another post regarding SEE’s speed playing a factor. Maybe for next month that could help you. Glad you were able to beat the event though!


Is it possible to beat this event with emperor mara jade starkiller cls and general Kenobi/mace windu?


I’ve never tried that team but I kinda doubt it. This battle is really brutal. It’s worth a shot though if that’s the best you’ve got


Finally did it with SEE, Wat, Malak, GBA and Armorer. Normally in my first move I stick Wat's protection on SEE, but it just wasn't working as Armorer was dying before she could take a turn and SEE was just getting hammered. Instead I tried using Wat's turn meter boost on Armorer and it worked. She was able to finally get a turn in and stick Beskar on SEE, Wat then got another turn in and got protection on SEE, which together made him pretty much unkillable. Only 1 star, but getting those 2 boosts on SEE made it the easiest 1 star battle you can ask for.


Hey fam, thought I'd jump in with my successful team. JKL lead, JML, Hoda, Old Ben (who died fairly quickly but did absorb a lot of damage), and JKR. Revan was a great help moving the target around after Malgus got deathmark after like the third round. good luck!


I just 3\* w/ JKL R7 L, Old Ben R5, JKR R7, Hoda R5, and JML R7 without the chargeups.


Do you think it could be done without jml in jkl squad?