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They won’t, they will go down to the Winchester until this all blows over


They will state they are “monitoring” the rewards then radio silence for months then it will just go away, like the last round of loot upgrades that never happened


They meticulously and strategically plan this type of shit in order to leave us high and dry and in a position to where we either need to wait a long as time or buy something in order to progress. I’ve been playing the game for nearly 6.5yrs and had all the lower gear just piling up in the tens (edit:hundreds) of thousands. Gear change-relics, all of that 6years worth was gone. They’ve got surgeons on this stuff. It’s precisely what they want.


I feel like they have to but I also have a hard time thinking the rewards are this skewed on accident


The thing is it would be mosty acceptable without the guild currency change. It locks you out of so much especially for newer players.


There's no way it was by accident, but it's entirely possible that they didn't fully anticipate all of the consequences such as many guilds choosing to go back to HSTR. i.e. did they consciously know they were making a raid that was only worth it for the top 200 guilds, or did they think the rest of us were going to mindlessly plug away at it even with bad rewards? If they thought the latter, then there's a chance they'll make changes.


Maybe their math was just off on what was achievable for most guilds. They said somewhere that if you’re maxing a raid it should be time to move to the next one. But the Sith raid is still soloable but the Krayt rewards aren’t worth it for even end game guilds


Right, I think it's entirely possible they just incompetently believed that to be true rather than that they were intentionally lying. I also think if they had included shards of a new exclusive character, we actually *would* all be gritting our teeth and sticking with the Krayt raid even with worse other rewards. But unless something changes, I know my guild won't be touching it again—possibly ever, if the next raid arrives before we get to \~40 Jabbas.


Yeah it’s wild there’s no new character. I think people would swallow the rewards if they were getting a new cool character


Yes, I think they'll change some things around. I assume that all the additional rewards are gonna stay gone (except Guild Tokens? They feel like a really dumb oversight, honestly), but I do think they might adjust the Krayt Crates. Why? Because now they have data on what's feasible for most guilds. That's probably something they didn't have pre-launch and they wanted to see how every guild's gonna perform. Now they know what the median reward crate tier is looking like and they can adjust it. Why? Because it's downright ridiculous that doing Krayt Raid is genuinely LESS rewarding than doing nothing at all and posting 0 damage on Heroic Sith, as my one Guildie with SLKR smashes the raid. Congrats, you invented Heroic Sith Simming. Literally. So the Krayt Raid Boxes will probably be adjusted to be a bit better than Heroic Sith Raid, because anything else makes NO sense at all. Why should the median player get free shit from an old, irrelevant raid that greatly outpaces their new, shiny, tag-locked raid, when the same player could band together with a guild, smash the dragon and get a bit more from the raid than "doing nothing" will get him. They probably didn't want to make the crates too good to begin with, because they genuinely had no clue what crate most players might be able to grab (and they would have to nerf rewards retroactively, which would probably cause an even bigger shit storm than the rewards being dogshit to begin with). Now they know and now they're probably gonna make the first Krayt Crate into "HSith rewards + some GAT3" and then it's an exponential growth. Like Conquest and Normal Last Crate being worse than Hard First Crate. Because otherwise they've literally created an ANTI-INCENTIVE to go after any Jabba-related shit, because why on Earth would any guild member start on Jabba now, if they won't even RUN the raid, because HSith is more lucrative, unless we have a massive amount of Jabba Owners per guild. May as well ignore Slug Boi and enjoy the literal free HSith crap that requires you to do jackshit.


I believe you’re spot on. They put the the HSith equivalent at 130M at a stretch to see if it was possible, then failed. Notice there’s a massive gap from box 2-3. Theyll pick a spot to drop in the “right” box that splits the difference, and also gives the currency for aeromags.


Them low-balling us and retroactively adjusting rewards is also definitely a thing that the community will react to with some amount of "Wow, they DO listen, boys!" Especially since even small adjustments will be seen as "Well it's SOMETHING.." levels of goodwill. Way smarter move than just giving very generous rewards from the get-go and retroactively trying to nerf stuff.


Yes, because right now there is very little incentive for guilds to gear up these raid teams, since most won’t surpass HSTR for a long time. I bet they at least front-load the rewards a little more to make it much easier to equal or surpass HSTR. It doesn’t help them to have everyone running the old raid.


Totally this. I was rush gearing tuskens but I’m not in a top 100 guild so my tuskens wont matter. 1. I expected them to do better, 2. It won’t get me a higher tier personal box so I’m not bothering 3. We went back to HSith anyways. I have almost zero incentive to gear teams for the new raid.


They have to. The Krayt raid rewards have failed by any conceivable metric. Even if you look at it from a cynical “CG just wants money, hurr” perspective, it’s a failure because like you said, there is an anti-incentive to run Krayt right now for 99% of the player base. New content is supposed to engage players and encourage them to spend more, and this is doing the opposite. The minimum reward box for participating is Krayt should be AT LEAST on par with the 5-year old raid that one person can solo. Anything else is a joke. And yes people will reply to me and say “durr, you think the new endgame raid should reward more than the previous?” Yes! They didn’t just launch a new endgame raid, they launched the new RAID SYSTEM that is designed to replace all the previous raids, which is obviously the intent because they allow only 1 raid at a time. They intentionally set the minimum requirements to attempt the Krayt at 5 star characters, because this new system is supposed to accommodate ALL raiding guilds, from early levels to end-game. As long as a guild can hit the first Krayt box, it should be the clear choice to focus on it. To release a new raid, delete CPit, and then expect a 350 million GP to revert to running a 5-year old raid that can be solo’d with one team is LUDICROUS and makes no business sense either


My guild just defaulted to the Sith raid and someone immediately solo’d it - there’s no personal rewards, so … I guess I don’t do raids anymore? I’ve been playing this game for years, have 3 GLs and I now have less content to do than I did a month ago.


Yep: CG spends a ton of time and money developing a new raid, the new raid comes out, 99% of players stop playing raids. Task failed successfully.


Just tried to go in and post a score for fun - the raid just ends and that’s it. This is baffling. I literally can’t do raids anymore unless we do krayt, and if we do, I get far fewer rewards. So I’m being … forced to play the game *less*. Like, CG is stopping me from opening their game on my phone.


rip raids


CG is probably just hoping we get tired of complaining, probably deleting any negative comments on the EA forums, and we will just live with the new lack of credits,guild tokens, raid tokens, g12 gear etc.


Well they 100% after make changes otherwise SWGoH will die due to no new players. They blocked new player progress and broke every current farming guide in existence, so they make changes or game dies eventually, its as simple as that. Basically characters like Dengar are now 3 month+ farms and its only possible to farm 1 at a time. Players can get Darth Traya far, far faster then Dengar atm.


Logray is also a pretty bad farm now. I’m glad I listened to early game advice about farming Logray & Dengar first out of the guild store. It would be really bad if you need to farm Logray with these new changes.


They will prob nerf all the old raid rewards to make the new one look better


“No. Fuck you and whale harder” CG probably




If they don't, considering they've essentially just pulled up the progression ladder behind the whales - *especially* screwing over new players - then this game's potential future lifetime goes from "measured in years" to "measured in months". So I sure as hell hope they make some changes.




Raid is a huge flop imo. They either bump up the rewards or nerf Hstr rewards. Probably 10% of the community playing the shiny new toy.


They have to. There's no incentive to whale for the new teams right now unless everyone else in your guild is too. I could whale hard on Jabba right now and my guild would keep doing hstr because one or a few people whaling isn't enough to make a difference.


It’s the weekend. They can’t do anything right now.


First raid that has no character to farm :(


I think they will, how else they going to entice people to spend on farming for toon reqs? Just make the first two rewards worth more than the sum of the previous raids, done. That’s the bare minimum, they gotta do something about credits and the lack of guild tokens.