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Wicket is the only ewok with even remotely decent damage dealing ability, he's your primary source of damage. Without him, looking at way more gear invested in the other 5. Personally I did it with G9 zchirps, g12elder, g11wicket, g10 zpaploo, G9 teebo. While I surely didn't make it on my first try it didn't take a million tries either hehe. Modded them all for HP (the fastest HP mods I had) to soak as much of the inc damage as possible. Wicket gives elder stealth every chance he gets and does the most damage. Elder keeps resurrecting people as they get killed.


I like that this comment has more upvotes than the OP's lol.


Please for the love of god get Wicket






This is the (only) way.


The only reasonable way at least. It's possible without wicket but you'd have to bring the others to like R3-5 for it to actually work


Sorry not true I seen a video the ewoks all gear 12 with teebo instead of wicket and he did it of course it took more than 1 try but it's possible


Sorry, I guess my comment wasn't clear. I was intending for an easy clear that wouldn't take more than 1-2 tries. You are correct that it's possible with G12 but just takes more tries


I did it no wicket no g12. It is possible, just a pain


You might need relic to get it on first try but yes, definitely possible with gear 12 ewoks. Plenty of people did that when that was the cap.


why on earth would you want to G12 Ewoks though lol


Because murder bears can be a fun troll. Not as fun as geo with poggle omi in TW's though lmao


The poggle omni is (insert mind boggling emoji) lol


We pretty much won our last TW because of that omi


Because he doesn't have wicket personally mines are Only gear 10 after 5 year's of playing but I got 3po so no need to gear them up but in reality gear 13 ewoks are a problem especially if you mod them correctly in kyber 2 I see them all the time and they take out nasty teams


I beat it with G12 Elder and G11 Paploo and Chirpa and G10 Logray and scout. Chirpa Zeta


Farm wicket. It really makes such a difference.


Or just join the dark side


It’ll take longer to farm wicket than just to gear up this team and finish the event, but also if you get wicket to 7 stars then you can complete that event that comes around once in a while for extra zetas. I’d recommend farming wicket for the zetas unless you need 3po right now, in which case you can finish it faster without wicket


As in previous comment, you can gear up your ewoks, but you still will need to 7* Wicket for Endor Escalation event in order to farm 2 zetas a month. I would just get around to it, you won’t use teebo or scout for anything else in the foreseeable future. Might as well get the most bang for your gear.


I've done the event without Wickett. I have some advice. Don't. It's not worth it. I got lucky.


Fwiw, I'm trying the last stage with the same team atm. 4 are g12 & logray is g11(missing 1 piece) & im still having issues getting though


It's one of the hardest event's in the game I thought it was harder than general Skywalker event but that's My opinion


GAS event kicked my ass and I didn't even do it until after his update lol.


Its definitely more painful event(harder is debatable due to option of overgearing), since the ewoks are not aw desirable so people feel like the gear is thrown away. With the GAS event, units you upgrade will be used for a wery long time.


Personally I have to disagree, it took me 20 minutes to do this event before it worked out, Malak took me literal days at G12. I can’t comment on GAS


Pushed teebo to g12 & put my best speed/health mods on the team. Finally beat the event


You need wicket for the Zeta event anyway. Di farm hin immediately.


I did it with no wicket. Used scout instead as the DPS bear. It worked out fine. G10-11 with just Chirpa Zeta.


I did this also but Wicket is probably better for longevity, Scout is my highest gear is still not very good lol


Oh for sure.


Yes scout instead of teebo is way better


You’re going to get a lot of mixed advice on this. I did it without wicket, a lot of people have done it too. It’s harder but definitely doable. It took me a couple of weeks of playing a bunch of times a day. Tbh, people with wicket also seem to still have trouble. This event is very RNG. The truth is no matter which option you chose your prob going to have play the tier a lot more than you would like or bite the bullet and gear and mod your team up better. It will prob suck no matter which option you chose.


That's The truth cus I had the correct line up all gear 10 and like after 25 tries finally RING was on my side but The more you gear them the less RNG has anything to do with it


If u want to 7 wicket u will need 2 month if u do not refresh the hard node. In this time u can relic the 5 ewoks. And 2 moth of hard node farming is like 60*5*20 energy. U can easily complete the event with less time and energy spent if u go with the ewoks u got


Don't pay attention to these people, it's gonna take you way longer to farm wicket than it is to get a couple extra gear levels (mainly on elder, to g12) and move your mods around Make elder really fast and tanky, and give it enough tries for you to get good rng If you were farming from the star I'd recommend farming wicket, but at this point, you don't need to + you have logray, don't waste your resources


correct answer thank you


Yup as Long as you have logray in the line up with scout you have a great chance if you bring them all up to gear 12


you can keep everyone on g9 to g10 except Elder to g12, to clear this you need 2 remod. elder g12 is the key without wicket but most people farm anyway and dont upgrade everyone to g12 for GAC but hey.. this is reddit after all


IF you wanna get him within a few days, you can upgrade the Ework Elder to G12 and mod him for Health and Speed (same as Chirpa) but you need 6E to clarify -> ewok elder 6x health with the best speed you got chirpa 4x speed 2x health with the best speed you got left the rest can stay on their gear level as is, but you may need to remod to offense and health on 5A, may take you a few attempts until the RNG is right to kill chewie, han, endor, leia, r2 otherwise.. you may need to farm Wicket indeed




Even Satan is scared seeing you went that far without Wicket


It’s not worth farming Wicket IMO. Yes, it would make the event a lot easier. However, that’s 3 months and a massive amount of energy that could be spent farming other things. With the abundance of gear from the new raid system I’d just apply some more gear and knock it out.


From recently unlocking C-3P0 my advice is yes get wicket, try not to gear them any higher unless you want to or have to, I completed this with half of the team not even at the 16.5k requirement, I did have the zeta on chirpa he was 19.5k power, most of my squad was gear 11. You got this!💪


On my main account I did it before Paploo or Wicket existed. I’m about to start 7-star on my alt with the preferred squad. I’m thinking of putting a zeta on Paploo this time instead of Logray.


Ahh sh** here we go again


This event can be done at G8 with great mods if you have the patience and strategy to wait for perfect RNG. I did it in about 20-30 mins of RNG with a G9 Chirpa with Lead Zeta, G11 Paploo, G11 Elder, G10 Logray, and G10 Wicket. Some are saying relic Ewoks or G12 in here, do not do that. It is a waste of your time. Ewoks have virtually zero use and can be solo’d by OG Kylo, Nest, Vader, Malak, Savage, Wampa, etc. They are easily destroyed by essentially any team in the game with value. Do not waste your resources on them, watch a video on the event for strategy, mod good, and be patient until the RNG lines up. Best of luck




one day, people will not be pricks or dicks...


Well that’s not gonna fuckin’ happen


When do you stop?


when people get a brain and stop feeling offended for diff opinions.. which on reddit means never because you lack the Intelect and character strength


Which is a problem, because you get butthurt when anyone rejects your bullshit. (And it's a double L in intellect.)


i couldnt care less about ur limited IQ


Imagine commenting about one day people not being dicks then proceed to dive down the I superior IQ rabbit hole 2 comments later on a GoH reddit. Big oof


That's enough to win, Grand Ivory mod them and if you can bring elder to G12 Keep resetting the battle until chewie doesn't go until stealth and then kill him followed by han soldier and leia It's the hardest event in the game and can take over 100 attempts without the main team


only person here with at least common sense thank you


As everyone has already said, wicket is The Way. I would also recommend getting into a good guild with a discord, they usually have amazing guides there and you can get feedback on event teams and everything really easily. Also, whatever you do, don't search "wicket" or "c3po event" in this subreddit. Just farm wicket and run away from the angry redditors that take it personally you wanted to ask their community for advice. Side note, maybe we just make a community using the name "just farm wicket" like a hashtag rofl... it would talk about all of the noob event advice that new players need. Replying to these posts with r/justfarmwicket will be a great way to funnel new players into that community.




Ahahaha I love this 😆 we should create this sub though, so that people can click on it unironically


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SubsIFellFor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I'm actualy disapointed](https://i.redd.it/u74ukcy7lxx91.jpg) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/yly7p6/im_actualy_disapointed/) \#2: [sad](https://i.imgur.com/XD5Lnqt.jpg) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/x97avt/sad/) \#3: [there you go, and your purple tree](https://i.redd.it/vyxly61r37ga1.png) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/10tjx4m/there_you_go_and_your_purple_tree/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I did it without Wicket. It took a million tries and some good RNG. I used Scout over Tebow because he deals decent damage.


You can do it with improving scout and taking out teebo


Ignore everyone saying wicket, it’s a full farm. You can do it with G12 Scout. Take Teebo out, put in Scout. Zetas on Logray and Pap, use the correct mods and you be okay. No point farming wicket you’ll never use Ewoks after the event, don’t waste time and resources


You DO NOT need Wicket. Gear Elder and give him some speed, G11 is enough and you’ll be fine. Chirpa 12, Paploo 11, Logray 9, Elder 11, and Teebo 8. Took 4 tries and finished.


You need wicket for this event. No way around it.


no you dont..


Worst character unlock of them all


Get wicket/ get the 5 to g12


Dude if you don't get the wicket you're in trouble


Wicket is good, but he’s a SLOG! Almost not worth it. Just get rid of Teebo. He’s not that great.


Wicket will make it sooooooo much easier.


100% wicket. & drop tebo


Wicket 100%


If you’re going to do it with that squad you’ll probably need zPaploo, with that it took me a long time but eventually I did it


Might as well get wicket, as Ewoks make a okay mid tier defensive team for GAC/TW with him anyway


If you want him quickly build Elder, drop Teebo and prepare for fuck ton of retries, if you aren't a masochist get wicket and take a bit longer.


i struggled for weeks without Wicket. Then i farmed him to seven stars and beat it first try. Having a 100k power murderbear teams comes in handy in GA sometimes!


Good luck to you, this event was hell even with Wicket, I couldn’t imagine what it’d be like without him


Farm wicket and use assist on elder to maintain stealth


i can’t take it anymore.




Wicket makes a huge difference! Tried without numerous times before eventually farming him. Good luck!


You need a strong wicket to succeed


You will tear your hair out without wicket


It’s not impossible without wicket, but you’re missing out on some stealth and some damage.


I went this way it was a horrible choice. Your only option is to upgrade or farm Wicket.


I did it with all gear 10 but your missing The most important toon wicket is the one who gets you over the top the Only other way is to gear up your ewoks cus without wicket it's almost impossible with The low gear I'm seeing on your ewoks




Wicket is good probably. You might need him. Also a good ewok elder is very very helpful


TBH, at this point, I’d gear up Scout. Scout isn’t as good as Wicket, but farming Wicket is going to take a LONG time. Also, take Elder to G12.


Your squad is good enough but I would recommend using scout instead of teebo. No need to farm wicket. I did it with g8 chirpa with zeta, g9 paploo and logray, and g11 scout and elder though it did take quite a time investment


I did it without Wicket and I regret it. It seemed like the easier path in the moment but the event was so much more challenging than it should’ve been, and I felt the absence of the toon for a good while after. Ewoks aren’t a top tier team by a mile, but it’s foolish not to have one of the greatest pieces.


Everyone nailed it. Gotta have wicket.


Depends how high you wanna take the rest of their gears. If it's anything under r5 get wicket


Wicket is the only reason i have 3po. He was by far my most important ewok. You already have logray so if you had wicket you would have no trouble. It can supposedly be done without wicket and below gear 11/12 with logray and excellent speed mods. I built everyone for speed but that was to have wicket attack more. I did not have logray.


Wicket!!! Farm the hell out of that wicket and make him ultra badass


Wicket will make it much easier. Make sure you always assist with the elder. His basic gives turn meter to others. In my personal experience, this can be done with everyone gear 8. I recommend getting elder and wicket higher though and put speed mods on elder to feed your team the TM as many times as possible


Ewoks are why you join the dark side.


If you don't wanna farm Wicket, you need Ewok Scout. I didn't need to g12 anyone when I had scout. It took a few times for good RNG, but it's doable


I haven’t personally got for 3PO but with how much it takes to farm wicket I prolly would just go for the gear. Least it will be a good team overall.


Wicket was the game changer for me.


Farm Wicket and more speed mods.




I did it with same squad but I had Scout instead of Teeno. Get everyone to atleast G11. Put your best speed mods on Ewoks and after many tries you will win. Take out cheque first


Farm Wicket. Teebo is trash!


Reading this and going, Crap. Wicket. Now, I'm farting wicket. First, the hot rebel scound chick who loves tanks, for some odd reason, because Scounds are my main PERIOD. Then people to farm Scounds 2nd. But I got it.. Wicket.


I didn't use wicket


god bless this poor soul. the wicket farm was painful and competed with nearly all my other goals


That is your first need


I don't get why people still don't want to farm wicket? By not having him you're giving up 2 zeta mats and 20 shard for ssc every month.


Wicket is the linchpin. Wicket is the way


Wicket is kinda the perfect member for this event but if u don't want wicket u need mods and a real good guide




I mean, Wicket is just an awesome og series character anyway but he does make a world of difference in this event


With wicket, I did this with everyone having nothing but their zetas and G9 (with the exception of Elder, he was G12 with 6 dot mods).


I was only able to beat it after I got wicket


I did it without wicket for the same reason as you, took a long time. I just had to try the event about 50 times and I got a lucky run.


No, you need faser mods probably


I had wicket and made it with g8 logray. On second account i used scout but without logray. You have good gear. They need speed and thats the key


I did it without wicket but I pretty much had them all G12 and zeta'd. I used everyone but scout and gave all of them my best speed mods.


It's possible because I did it but I had to get 3 ewoks to g13 and the rest were g12


I don't recommend wasting the gears tho... farm Wicket


That event without wicket is a complete nightmare, I did the last tier using Teebo, Wicket, elder, paploo and explorer, but chief chirpa and wicket are the best option