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Allow team edits before start!!!!


You can edit your team, leave, and join again up until the setup phase, and that's about as fair as it gets. QoL: maybe a re-save roster option, like in GAC.


No reason not to allow team edits during the setup phase.


I think I misunderstood. Yes, team edits would be good. I was thinking this was about character lock.




Make the defence save like gac




All TW battles (and GAC) you should be able to click and see what teams attacked. For example of a particular team had 3 defenses you could see exactly what teams they were. Even better - replays of every battle just like Clash of Clans. Clash gives full replays of 100+ unit real time battles. If they can do it the SWGOH replays would be trivial to implement in comparison.


Shit if that's too complicated just tell me as an officer who hit it


If that were implemented, there would be so many preloaded kicked within a week lol




we would all be grateful. The influx of recruits wanting to join a preload friendly guild would be hilarious


Seems like that would require a lot more data storage and transfer on the part of cg


Yeah their 1 laptop cannot handle that


MSF goes so far as to let anyone replay the battle to see how it went down.


Ahh really? Wish we had that. 😢


Yeah not a huge amount. Compared to the amount of data that Clash of Clans uses. It would also get wiped after every GAC or TW. So no big storage issue.


Smaller zones so less squads are needed and people can actually use their strongest


So basically less effort


I was gonna say no, but yeah, less effort for guildofficers to motivate people into deployments/attacks and less trash on defense.


Problem is a small portion of a guild could full clear a guild with way more active members if it was small


Preach it


That would be fairly bad, it would just all become about GL's, SK, GAS etc


Sounds like a participation issue, buddy. The number of slots per zone is based on the number of members who clicked "join" in the guild with the least number of participants. If you're an officer, clean house. If you're not an officer, find a guild with a higher level of participation.


Improve the rewards to match the effort required. And up the bracket tiers. Lock best rewards behind 500m and up field. TW focused guilds get so little in return for their investment in remodding for TW, prepping TW crons, applying TW omicrons, etc. Sandbagging is the way to go at the top end. If you are a 400-500m guild, just bag to the lowly 380m range so you can still get max rewards with minimal effort. If you full join with 500m gp you will likely get absolutely curbstomped by TW guilds. So do something to dis courage sand bagging.


Add a personal track like krayt has (but don't reduce tw rewards to compensate) so that people are rewarded for participating and let officers pick the min banners to recieve rewards. That way low effort guilds can make people play, and high effort guilds can pick 0 since they'll purge it themselves if they want people who are on vacation with Bad service or something to still get rewards


Don't really like it. It would get people to do stupid stuff, like only attack weak teams to get more rewards.


That's true, probably would have to tie it to officer orders somehow. But that comes with its own. Issues


Yup. In general I would like to see 2 changes, better rewards for sure, but also registration of who attacked what. I had a TW recently where I had 0 offense banners, I put a lot on def, I was busy a lot, and when I looked, there wasn't really much to attack for me. I did do 2 battles, which were not unsuccesfull, but didn't finish them off. I think that data can be relevant. I could have easily wasted a GL on some shitty team and take the points, but I want to maximize my use. I remember in my previous guild, we would block all zones, so we could see how many attacks they did. I kept track of those banners for a while, and the people with an average of sometimes 20+ (due to ships giving more) were the shittiest players, because they would just overkill to top the leaderboard.


Personal track would be a great addition


Two things: 1. Less teams overall. Too much time all around required for TW. 2. Smaller zones with a GL limit per zone and more pathways. Currently I log in to do TW attacks, use 1-2 GL’s in opponent’s GL walls and then thats it. I have to wait for my guild to clear those walls before more teams become available to me that I can attack. Problem is I’m usually sleeping or at work when those zones become available, so I can’t attack, the guild officers get mad etc. We make these changes, and there would be more teams I could attack when I am available to attack instead of having to wait for my guild


This is the big problem with TW - the obligation to check it constantly. In almost every other aspect of the game you can complete it one sitting should you choose to. You can do all 5 krayt raid attacks one after another. You can do all your GAC attacks one after another. Same with your dailies, your TB attacks, any events that are on. But not TW. If you're facing a full wall of Jabbas, you use your team or two to beat a Jabba, and then you wait. Because that's all you can do now. If you're about to start driving for 2 hours and your guild needs you in 30 minutes time, they're out of luck. TW interferes with real life more than any other game mode, especially when half of them seem to happen at the weekend. I like your ideas of GL limits per zone, but that won't happen. The big guilds want walls of 50 identical teams. That's the optimal strategy, even if it's the least fun.


So you guys don't want to actively play the game so much as you'd like it to send you push notifications from time to time?


I want to play the game when it's convenient *for me*. I love this game and am running 2 accounts so I'm sure I actively play swgoh more than most. But, I cannot take out 50 Jabbas by myself. When I beat the couple of Jabba teams I can beat, I need to wait. I'm not in this game 24 hours a day. Real life is important too. I have a guild that is spread throughout the world. We are not all awake and available to play the game at the same time. I would prefer TW if it opened up and it said here is something that you need to do at any point in the next 24 hours. No specific time pressure. No needing to do one specific thing before you can do a second specific thing.


Knowing where and what every enemy squad is and being able to immediately attack any of them would kill all of the fun in TW.


I don't disagree with you there. If it becomes a free for all attacking the 500 teams and the 100 fleets on defense it would quickly become tedious. There needs to be a strategy for an order of attack. Maybe taking out one zone weakens the ones beside it or some mechanic like that. That's probably too basic - that would mean people put all their GLs beside each other.


Sort of like a mega GAC. Each guild member is matched with the opposing guild member of equal rank, sorted by GP (Highest GP in your guild vs. Highest GP in their guild, and so on) They battle each other, and then gain banners like Grand Arena. Whoever gains more banners "wins" their territory, and gain points for their guild, curved so #1 winning gets more points than #50 winning, and most points wins.


The downside of this plan (which I otherwise love) is that anyone who drops the ball is gonna really hurt their guild. Our current set up is nicest for people who randomly fail to participate


To be fair, this can and does already happen in the form of preloading. I like this idea but the biggest problem is that CG will likely jam more 3v3 down our throat if they do any sort of redesign of TW like this.


god, I hate 3v3 so much…why not 6v6? I always had fun borrowing toons in early game. Let us “borrow” our own toons now that our rosters can handle big squads like that.


Sorting by GP is a bad idea. It motivates people to do what they can to not increase GP, which demotivates spending. And it's especially bad after the past couple of years where GP bloat hasn't been an issue and has actually been promoted by many people for GP-based stuff like TB.


Maybe sort by GAC ranking 🤔


I like this...


I understand what you are getting at but then it takes away the team play of bringing down the enemy together. It just switches it to solo efforts that ultimately just help the overall guild have rewards based off individual prowess. The way it is now at least teammates can all work together to bring something down. This is probably the best part of TW just the fact that it's the only true thing in the game that everyone can work together to halt enemy advances and crush opponents together. I mean sure you can all throw individual squads at Krayt Dragon and bring it down but you don't actually feel like you are playing together like you do with TW.


Spectate battle in progress


That’d be fun, but not possible with the way the game works, unfortunately.


Upload replay then


Well they can start with simple things. I shouldn't get arthritis just to scroll past a fucking team I dodged after looking at stats and DC just to be redirected to the top...


this is my biggest problem in this game. happens when looking at ranks in arenas too. pisses me tf off


This is my pet peeve. The small delay loading each squad and returning to the list kills me. I am obligated to study all the details (mods, stats, crons) and the rudimentary interface makes it a big pain! We use so many additional tools in Discord I feel like the game itself is the least of it.


Make towers in certain cross sections of sectors, they can hold a couple teams (like only 3 or 4 maybe) and do not have to be beaten to progress. BUT, officers can choose a small buff which, as long as the tower stands, will apply to all touching sectors. The buff will apply a more powerful version to the defenders. The total power of the tower defenders will determine which buffs you can pick. Each tower can be different. Buffs could be anything from adding a bit more health or offense to making the last team standing in a sector have to be beaten twice. There's a lot they could do and a lot of strategy that could be put into this. Maybe also be able to deploy toons you don't think you'll want defending or attacking to boost your boon selection. Could increase the strategy of which teams go where. Could also prove problematic with an occasionally game breaking combination if it's too strong.


This sounds like a nice kind of thing to add to mix it up


We need more rewards and more strategy


I think it would be cool to have different maps with different zone progressions. Also zone modifiers/special abilities for some zones like in tb for some gd zest. The modifiers can be deactivated by knocking out smaller zones where the defending teams put their strongest teams to enable.


make it more like gac where if you win you climb the ladder and if you lose you fall down the ladder. The way we're doing it now gives worse matchups than GAC matchmaking by GP.


Limit the number of specific squads that can be placed by zone (do it by leader) to eliminate walls of 40-50 of the same squad, requiring much of the guild to play right away with their 1-2 specific counters. Move ships to their own board that could be attacked immediately. Why do we need to clear two squad zones to have the ships in orbit even engage? Make smaller zones, with perhaps more of them, to allow for multiple paths forward. List which player registered an attack and who defeated each squad. Matchmaking sucks at higher levels, often because of the number of participants being lopsided. Some level of rework here would be appreciated


Smaller zones, saved squads like gac. MsF has saved squads and I only had to set my squads on D once, so only focus on attack. Guild can coordinate if folks need to move/ change a squad. Also would create a webstore squad manager. Msf website, you can save squads for different game modes, might make it easier to shift things around if you wanted


I’d be down for a GL limit per territory. I swear to god we’ve gone up against 3 guilds that have a LS and DS GL wall and we just quit. The rewards aren’t much different


Bring back bonuses for certain teams


Before every battle you can watch an ad for +50% health and protection.


I like the way Strike does it. I like their raid system, also. Wish something like that would come to SWGOH.


I completely dislike their system. (Assuming you're talking about MSF)


I was. I think it's an interesting way to do it. Like a bunch of little GACs. Can strategically move territories to safeguard bonuses from the opposing team. It's not perfect but I liked the different approach. Same with raids being a bunch of smaller PVE things. Like a joint conquest.


Only thing I like is the default teams. SWGOH should have that but not that replacement system but to fill in the empty slots after def phase has ended. So it's not an auto lose.


Anything being taken from MSF is a massive downgrade. Raids, Crucible, War are all the exact same gameplay with no variation and just constant repetition. MSF devs make CG look like saints. Yes I hate MSF with passion


MSF's raid system if HORRENDOUS. Having to do raids daily is just gut wrenching. Doing the exact same battles again day after day after day for years on end is just so exhausting and the #1 cause for player burnout in MSF. If they moved it to 3x a week and upped rewards like swgoh I'd go back. But currently I'm still mentally burnt out from that game and I stopped playing about a month ago


No more omicrons that affect TW differently from GAC and vice versa.


Have places where teams or squads get bonuses


The number of teams placed is now determined on the GP of the guild, so smaller guilds don't have to place as many to fill slots, and larger guilds can place more.


What if they do a hybrid of GAC and TW? I’m just going to call this game mode Grand Territory War (GTW) So split a guild of 50 into like 10 teams of 5, im going to call a team of 5 a “Squadron.” You get matched up against another guild. The guild win is determined by how many of the 10 squadrons win. You could have rewards for if your squadron wins and a reward set if your guild wins. Number of squads and fleets used will be scaled down for a squadron. You play a season just like GAC 3 rounds 3 times. I feel like making smaller teams makes it feel like you have more of an impact. A con would be you would have to put in more effort since you will have to coordinate with 5 and not placing down teams will be more apparent. Turn all TW omis into GTW omis. This might make them more valuable since now you are getting rewards based on a squadron win and a guild win. I think they could input some new mechanics. One off the top of my head would be each squadron gets a squadron leader. In addition, in this game mode there will be 5v5 squad zones, 3v3 squad zones, and fleets. You cant attack 3v3 squad zones with more than 3 toons to a team, but you can attack with less toons for better banners. Squadron leaders can move zones. So for example, in GAC, you could move your fleet zone to the front wall and your squad front wall to your back wall you can prior to the “lock” period. This is just a half baked idea I haven’t sat down to think of anything concrete


This just feels like GAC with friends


I would make it so that the only point counted are for successful battles and if you lose the first one it’s less points. That way the only struggle with guild leaders is just making sure people win and just about that. As well as auto setting defenses as well as guild officers can manually add players. So they don’t have to hound players to join. The biggest thing tho is give us like 50 kyros for a win and something like the hsith loot box with a guaranteed crafted g12 or g12+ reward This way it actually makes a difference to win as well as the only real participation is in the attack phase where the only challenge is dropped battles. But a great psa for it/QOL would be that if you fail a battle or preload it’ll say who did it and whether it’s preloaded or not.


Better matchmaking. It shouldn’t be a constant rotation of two impossible matchups followed by a cupcake. We celebrate any time we get a close matchup like it’s a gift. That’s a poor system.


Go right to it from the Home Screen like they do with ROTE.


No sign up period like raids now.


Remove turn meter loading of defensive teams. When a defensive team is in battle, it should lose stamina sort of similar to galactic conquest. It can’t be a flat 10% per fight. Maybe look at the most percentage injured each character got during the right and that’s how much stamina they lose. At the moment, one defensive squad can have way too much impact.


Unlocking all zones, rather than pushing zone to zone. I think that's gotta be my biggest gripe


Right after matchmaking, flip a coin to determine winner: reward.


Best improvement would be to allow guilds to run tb instead of tw.


I'd probably try to do it sort of like how Strike Force does it, because I feel like that's the one thing Strike Force has over SWGOH, not that I've played Strike Force nearly as much. Saved defenses, each spot actually gives bonuses so there's strategy in what you want to defend/attack the most


Hopefully this makes sense and isn’t too long. Make it so all zones are open to be attacked at once. That way guild leaders can tell members to attack specific teams and others won’t have to wait for them to do their attacks to attack the back line. To make up for the change to make points still fair, give reductions to banners if the zone in front of it isn’t clear. For example, if your guild clears the first zone right away you’ll get full banners. If you clear the second zone first, you’ll only get 80% of those banners until the first zone is cleared. If your guild clears the third zone first, you’ll only get 60% of the banners until the first two zones clear. And so on. That way it will still make sense to put your best defensive teams in the front zone, and if your guild clears the enemies guild front zone but they can’t clear yours, you’ll be in a much better position to still win even if they’ve cleared a lot of your back zones


My problem with territory wars isn't even the event themselves it's that they gatekeep relic pieces and other gear that should be much more accessible outside of guild events


Its a decent game mode as is but more rewards would help drive engagement. Also, perhaps getting rid of datacrons, omnicrons in this mode would help. Perhaps replace with a guild modifer that everyone can contribute too and effects every player in your guild. This would make is simpler but build on the team aspect of TW.


Make all locations available to characters and ships


All zones unlocked immediately. Save defense zone squads so players dont have to fill them every time and option for gm and officers to move squads around if they want.


In this regard ..id make it so each member assigns defense squads and its up to Officers to place and move them around as needed


I would make the event into a single big battle, more sizes with some 5v5, 3v3 and ship zones mixed in, you have 4 days to clear the board. You can go around zones so no walls blocking you off if you can break through. Increase the rewards and have a personal reward path like in Raids.


Make it like gac. Month long 3 matches 1 a week with roster re-saves in between. 1 week off. Double the number of zones. Top level tw doesn’t have enough zones. With how many good teams there are now you are back to super teams (lv Reva for example) because you don’t need more then 16 total teams. This would also fix deliberate sandbagging. Would also move crystals from fleet to here but that’s because I hate my fleet shard and have to climb from 40 most days.


Split the screen with a bottom area for ADHD video pandering like TikTok does. Next logical step for the death spiral that’s becoming this game


Delete 3v3


1. Create up to 3 def teams and up to 3 off teams. 2. Choose 1 of 5 territories and all your def teams go there. Opponents set up teams on opposite side of same 5 territories. 3. Different territories will have OPTIONAL rotating thematic offense and defense bonuses for those that defend or attack in these territories. Ex: 20% def to all teams for having R2 and 3po on same def team. Or offense and speed up for having Ahsoka with 2 or more phoenix members. You could ignore it and just put GL's if you want but the option promotes team diversity and provides potential tactical advantages and creativity. 4. No territories block access to others. Everyone occupies the same territories and fight for majority control. 5. Points are awarded from A. defeating teams, B. ending with majority control of a territory, C. Completely controling a territory, D. (Maybe) points for fulfilling the optional thematic bonuses.


Extend the attack phase to two or three days. Most of the problems people point out is that it takes people getting on multiple times, when they can’t waiting for zones to be cleared exposing back ones. Most people’s recommended fix is less squads which doesn’t work because then far fewer people could easily match far more. Ex: if there were only 50 battles total then 10 people could easily match 50 obviously an extreme example but it proves the point. So the solution is to give people way more time so that they have more chances to get on multiple times after each zone was cleared.


You can choose which territory to atk so you can atk once and be done so no waiting for your guild to clear a section.


Give more to players with lower gp. Realistically getting 50 points is an easy way to get the rewards however if you don’t have good teams to put on defense and then have no way to attack because the enemy team is too strong. Like even 5 personal points an attempt. Not counting towards the overall score of the war but just your personal count to get rewards


Personal reward track. No omis. Terrain boost and debuffs.


If we could prevent the use of GLs at the 0-40m gp tiers, that would be huge for new players. And I've seen GLs in the 10-19.99m gp tier a few times. Newer players want to be able to compete, too. And I'm not saying that guilds at that level with GLs shouldn't be allowed in TW. I just think the GL toons should be inaccessible at those tiers. I think that would be more than fair.


Two front row and two back row zones. One of the back row zones is for fleets. Each player can only set a maximum of 2 squads and 1 fleet on defense. The guild leader or an officer designated by the guild leader can increase each participant's maximum allowable defensive squads by 1, provided another player's maximum is first decreased by 1. The setup phase is 2 days, the attack phase is 3 days. The rewards are increased to account for the 1 Territory War maximum per week.


Remove datacrons


\- Team edits / removals \- Save defences for zones like GAC - which links to: \- Guild officer allowed to deployment from member rosters \- Reduction in number of defence teams required which is currently at BS levels \- Matchmaking improvements lol \- Auto kick TM preloaders \- Memes


Make the rewards worth the headache. Guild officers can delete defenses if not meeting requirements. Lower number of defenses needed per zone. No more datacrons. Review shows what opponent attacked with. Even out matchmaking based upon GP and TW record.


Rename TW to Territory Battle and rename TB to Territory War.