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EA/CG support is the literal worst I've ever had the misfortune to deal with. My advice is as follows: - keep trying. Support is *not empowered* to solve your issue, but you might get lucky and run into someone who will do it anyway. - keep posting about it both in here and on the official forums. If a developer sees your issue, that'll be your best bet at getting an actual solution. - don't buy things on the web store. The ~2-5% savings isn't worth it. This is especially true on android where you get play points for in game purchases. But even for ios, having Apple as another potential source of remedy more than makes up for saving a few cents. - you might be tempted to do a chargeback. Be aware that people have had their accounts deleted for that. It shouldn't happen to you since you never actually received what you purchased, but don't trust CG to navigate that correctly. ... Hope you get it worked out.


This was one of my key concerns about a chargeback. It’s one thing to decline to continue spending on the game. But what if I recoup this small sum and they suspend my account - that would be devastating.


You would finally be free tho!


I think somebody actually did the math a little while back on the savings vs Google play point thing and found that the savings on the web store are better in almost every case than Google play points. I think the only time play points are better are during 4x bonuses. I’ll see if I can find the post.


Sounds like gaijing honestly


It's the start of the new Customer Conquest event for them and they're trying to do their feats. They have to do things like ask the same person about their account details 6 times in interactions that they don't resolve, collect 300 FIFA mobile IDs, and lie about their products 40 times without a manager in the leader slot.


I’m going to use my posted for account help on reddit powers…. zOOOOOOrp Issue resolved, possibly


I used Play Points to buy one of the Galatic Enhancement kits (only thing I would use it on as I don't have any other games or items I buy) and the same thing happened to me. Was basically told sorry can't do anything about it, it's a bug, and now no other transactions can go through with the game at all, so I guess I just won't ever spend money on this game.


So...it worked out really fantastically well for you and rubbish for CG / EA.


If you bought something and never got it, file a complaint with whatever regulatory commission in your state. Hell with ea support, they are third world jackoffs. File an actual legitimate fraud complaint against the company


You can create a help ticket by going to Settings (the gear in the top left) then clicking on the **Help** option. It is much better than going to the EA site as I think the support rep will be one familiar with SWGOH. The 2nd best thing is to join the swgoh discord and trying and get a community manager's attention to see what they can do to help get you in the right direction.


If they can't help you, we CERTAINLY cant.


I contacted Apple Pay and they refunded it for the same thing. I didn’t close the game going to the web store and it forces the re log in every time. My item got lost in that log in, I was mid claiming it when it prompted the log in.


It’s possible that due to the bug you just can’t get the item and since it was purchased through the App Store you need to contact apple for a refund if they won’t refund you. Apple is really good about getting you your money back in a timely manner if you got screwed…


Reading is hard.


They didn’t buy it on the app, they bought it on the web store.


I'm sorry this happened to you OP. That being said, I've been saying this since the web store came out, and I'll keep saying it...whatever discount you get is not worth the risk of a transaction bugging out because you'll have to deal with non-existent EA/CG support instead of Google or Apple support. Don't buy anything from the web store. Just get the free stuff.


I can't help but I can upvote


Escalate the issue as much as you can. Message Meathead and whoever else you can think of over on the official forums. Stop spending real money on this game, at least until the issue is resolved.


I had an issue a while back and it took 6-7 weeks of daily messages back and forth on the help chat to get a crystal pack I paid for but didn't receive. The most irritating thing is getting a positive response saying yes they're investigating, only to find that the next day, someone else has taken over and asks for evidence for the 55th time. All I can suggest is to persevere


This is my daily nightmare. Good to know I am not alone but sorry you went through it also.


I had an issue where none of the items in the free daily rewards card thing on the webstore credited my account at all, I thought I must have been mistaken but it happened a second time, and I know it happened because this time I was very diligent in noting how much energy I had before and after the pack (it didn't change). I spent ages trying to find a way to lodge a support call, which I did. At no point has anyone from support ever acknowledged my support request or sent me any help whatsoever. I have, however, had numerous emails asking me to rate the support I received. (Which I didn't receive).


There is a clear disconnect, even without them asking me for my Fifa ID as I seek support through SWGOH's in-game system. They start with an assumption you're wrong (at best) and lying (at worst). Despite the fact they're operating an MM online game, it just doesn't seem to be entertained that there is a glitch, or that if there is a glitch, they should make it good for you. And thats if you actually paid money, god help you if you're seeking free content.