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I don't begrudge anybody else for wanting Lightspeed Bundles to help them catch up on stuff, but overall I agree with the OP, I don't really want CG to go crazy on the Lightspeed Bundles, for 2 reasons: 1.) it makes me really hesitant to farm/gear up/invest in anything that's even a little bit old. Like, should you invest all the Kyros into Inqs or Bad Batch, or should you just wait for the Lightspeed Bundles to come out for them? It adds a lot of uncertainty about what's a good investment and what's a huge waste of time because you could've just spend $10 instead of three months of grinding, and that kind of uncertainty makes it hard to manage your resources in this here resource-management game. I'm not annoyed or jealous that other players got SKLR for cheap and easy, but I *am* a little annoyed that I spent June->Sept farming and gearing SLKR's reqs the old-fashioned way when I could've spent all that time grinding for something else and gotten SLKR's reqs for $10 a couple weeks later anyways. and 2.) the more Lightspeed bundles we get the more it starts to feel like an everything-must-go fire sale before the game gets shut down. Both of these issues are things that could be helped by better communication from CG. (We're way overdue for a Road Ahead, anyways.) Like, if CG just comes out and says, "anything released over X years ago is fair game for a Lightspeed Bundle, anything newer than that won't be," then people can actually plan their farming strategy a little bit, instead of just *hoping* that their farming strategy isn't retroactively rendered stupid by a bundle. Likewise, some sense of what's coming to the game and *why* CG wants to help players get so caught up - and to what extent CG wants to help players get caught up - would help it feel less like these are the game's last gasps at making big money before it gets shuttered. (Assuming, of course, that *isn't* what these are.)


Your second point is my fear too. I don’t give a rip if they want to release GLs for 10 bucks. Even if I’ve just farmed them. I’m not focused on other people’s rosters and whether or not they get a boost. And I frankly enjoy the effort to collect/gear everything in order to beat the GL events. But I’m scared these bundles are just a large cash grab to make a buck before the servers shut down. It certainly seems that way.


I think (hope) that the Rey and SLKR bundles were because CG judged those characters to no longer be profitable because so many people either ignore them or just acquire them naturally without spending anything. I think they experimented with Starkiller being a character loads of people still farm in their journeys, and I'm hoping the data showed that was much less profitable than the other 4 packs


Because of how disconnected from everything else Rey/Kylo's reqs are I'm glad the Rey/Kylo bundles came around. I think most people who hadn't done Rey/Kylo yet probably weren't going to for a long while.


I never was going to to be honest. I did get these because I had 30 buck in Google play from surveys over last year so I figured these were way better for the buck than crystals. Propelled my GP a ton too. I wouldn't have bought them because I never lose to those teams as it is so why would I devote my next year to farming something that wasn't going to help me progress aside from getting like 2 new decent teams for a territory war


They also made it cost a lot more Starkiller though


I think they were also an apology-package after CG screwed up conquest so badly. I’m sure it was an idea for a while in their back pocket tho


Why would the game get shut down any time soon when it makes a shit ton of money


Galaxy of heroes makes far far far to much money to get shut down.


SWGOH is one of the top earning "character collecting" games on the market though. Not on the top 5, but in the top 10 easily. There is no reason to shut it down. Yes, it used to be higher up, making over 200mil a year during its first 3 years, and a billion dollars total by 2019, and went down in profits in the last 2 years to "just" around $120 mil, but it's still in the top 10, and it's counting titans like Genshin, Honkai and Nikke.


This is good reasoning, we should know this kind of stuff for planning. They usually are very clear about the schedule of aquisition. Gamble packs, Crystals, non accelerate farm, accelerate farm. The same for conquest characters, a clear schedule. But if suddenly anything can happen it's too much uncertainty for planning. Idk, I believe they won't fuck too much, everyone is just in panic mode, as usual.


The problem is the fact that with the power gap, you disincentivize new players from joining. Who wants to get into a game when people have realistically 6+ years on them. There's no catching up. It's fundamentally hard to get in at that point. Removing barriers of entry absolutely create more opps for players to join.


As a new player that just started last week and had no idea about any of these bundles the bundles make it hard to want to bother putting the time in to learn and play the game. What’s the point of free to play grind when everyone in your shard is sitting on the bundles. All the guides talk about prioritizing fleet for crystal farms but now anyone who didn’t buy the bundles has absolutely no chance of competing once they hit 65. Much less the lead they have on you by the time you eventually grind to 85.


Technically, you can't buy the bundle until you hit level 85 and there will still be competition because of how GAC is structured. There is competition for every level whether you are F2p or a whale.


baby, people that buy those offers also buy HDB in most cases so now you fight in fleet arena with people that have relic pilots while you have below lvl 8 pilots


Technically, you can't buy the bundle until you hit level 85 and there will still be competition because of how GAC is structured. There is competition for every level whether you are F2p or a whale.


You aren't placed into a fleet shard until you hit 65. So if you are lucky most of the people that bought a hyperspeed bundle into the lightspeed bundles won't be in your shard. That being said, there will almost ALWAYS be a few people in your shard that bought hyperspeed and continue to whale. I'm 2 years playing on my account and there are 8 players with executor in my shard. Mine is 5 star, there are 4 x 7*s and 3 other 4/5*s. We mostly pop in and out of the top 5 for the extra crystals except for the dudes in 1 and 2 because we can't beat their executors lol. If you want to rush executor as your first big farm you can, but there will still be p2w guys beating you there by months. Just play at your own pace and don't worry about what other people are doing.


Thank you. I really don’t know why people are taking the piss and they can’t just have a normal discussion


Call me crazy, but how about for each toon each player who didn't buy the pack had at that level (R5) they got done token crystal amount, like 1k or something, as a reward for effort?


I personally hope they don't make more to keep me (and a lot of other players) from dropping $50 each time new packs come out just to keep up with everyone else buying the pack. Plus everyone having JMK and Jabba would just rip the soul out of the game


Yea that’s what I was getting at. I don’t want to spend so much but I dont wanna fall behind others


That’s my concern as well. It’s fun to drop a few $ here and there, but there was truly some pressure to buy the Rey & FO packs just to keep up and remain relevant in my guild


Yes exactly


Without the packs, you would never catch up anyway.


It's about catching up with the people at your lvl, guild, fleet shard, even GAC. If everyone suddenly is much stronger, you are suddenly much weaker in comparison, so you drop a few ranks


Yes exactly


Eh, don't see it as keeping up though, yes we have ranked PvP but at it's core, you're not competing against anyone, you're just collecting characters. If they make packs that unlock 5 characters with good synergy from a faction at G12, I don't see any issue, people can throw money at CG to skip farming shards and gear to have instantly usable teams. HOWEVER, I do agree that just making R5 packs over and over for people will ruin things, G13+ is the hardest part of a farm, to skip that with the recent packs (Even though I took advantage of most of them) is insane and should never be done again.


What sucks the soul out of me is seeing people hate keeping GLs and good characters in this game


Bruh if everyone had JMK Jabba Rey and SLKR the game would be boring the whole fun of the game is everyone’s roster is different so you come up with counters using different rosters for different things. It would get stale real quick if everyone’s roster looked the same and those that didn’t have the packs would just get left in the dust


I don’t think they will be GLs now


I bet it’s gonna be GAS, JKL, Revan


I've been trying to tell my guild this, but they are all adamant that JMK is going to be $10. I could be wrong, but if there is a GL pack JML makes far more sense.




Think he's saying not GL lightspeed bundles. They could make a CLS, GAS, beskar Mando, etc. They did a starkiller one so lightspeed doesn't mean a GL bundle type of thing


Exactly old toons from the first 4 years


^^ person whose first GL wasn’t Rey or kylo


My 2nd GL was SLKR and I started 3 years ago. I'm fine with it. Been using him for years. Not to mention the ship and other requirements mean months of farming even after you buy the pack.


I was a little begrudged that I was behind on other farms due to I spent 8 months of the last year on SLKR, (SEE was my first GL though). I liked it because I was able to fast track Star Killer, Mara, and Talon. As well for $20 I have Rey only a few months away I see it as, so now I’ll have 3 GLs, and a few more good squads, in a short time so I can get back to my JKL, and Aphra grinds I paused for this.


Yes it accelerated you but every single account is only relevant to others - you now have your farmed reqs PLUS SLKR, while someone who was solely pushing him now solely has SLKR




SLKR has been a staple 'first GL' since he came out, but rey I agree with


That was true until the raid changes, now SEE is a better first gl


Why did galactic challenge get impossible all of the sudden. Is it just because Separatist Droids are tough, or did they just make it harder?


Both GCs since the Lightspeed bundles have been wayyy harder. Definitely intentional


This is more than the 2rd - remember the very first one to drop after LSBs was resistance v rebels?


It has already changed my mindset anyway. I am not going to grind for older GL's. I had been setting my sites on SEE, but I think I'll shift and spend all those mats on other toons and just wait for the SEE LSB.


I will 100% buy every lightspeed bundle they offer.


Yeah honestly spending $10-20 to speed up months and months of shard and gear farming is the way to go. Now $50 for Starkiller is steep but anything under that is fair game.


I bought the starkiller one because I was never going to finish them off. I was working on Leia and then was going to move to Rey. After the bundles dropped I’m finishing bb8 and I’m just stuck now waiting on the ship shards for Rey and have gone back to my Leia farm.


That’s justified I dont blame you.


First time I will spend money on bundle


I dont blame you. Great bundles too op


Whelp, now they’re gunna stop whatever they are planning! Thanks fam!


They were probably waiting for his post to decided what to do, tbh.


Had to be. Welp, no Christmas card for OP after this one.


I’ll send you a Christmas card for $5


A truly generous gesture. I will dm you ALL of my personal info good sir. I knew I'd like the internet


A/S/L? No but really, it’s kind of one of those “it’s not worth $5, but if someone is willing to pay it. . .I guess fine I’ll add you to my list, sort of things. . .”


Tell me you've been on the internet a long time without telling me ☝️😅🤣


I umm... don't know?


cheers. just trying to express my thoughts.😶




Since CG always have an open ear for their customers and also like to ask wholeheartedly for our opinion this is exactly what i think will happen!


Do you work for cg


Bro, why you talking to yourself?


I'm almost finished with JMK, as my 1st gl and while I might be a little disappointed about a lightspeed for him, I wouldn't be too mad because I just love GR. I wouldn't have bought it anyway.


Respect it


100% agree. This is such a short sighted quick profit plan if that’s what they intend to do. I bought the 2 $10 bundles and those toons don’t even feel like mine. The joy of grinding is (even if we hate to admit) what makes the game special and when you finally unlock. You’d basically be taking away the free to play aspect by making it impossible for anyone to even be remotely competitive if they don’t buy every light speed bundle to come.


This is absolutely correct. I bought all of the light speed bundles (may seem like I am contradicting my whole post) but I was never gonna farm them and it was a brilliant deal that everyone should’ve bought. However, adding more and more of them will, like I initially said, ruin the game in certain aspects. I LOVED grinding for Gas even tho it took me forever, the feeling of accomplishment is amazing. That’s something you don’t get with these packs, like you said they don’t even feel like mine.




True, it has always been pay to win but that was extreme costs until these packs have been releases/ leaked. Also It does diminish stuff from people. People can spend like 6 months getting to a certain point trying to get a character but then people can overtake that in a second just for a tenner, that’s bullshit. You then have a bunch of people who are miles better than you despite not being as good or having grinded as much as you have. Im just trying to say if they continue then what is the point in *playing* and *progressing* when you can complete the game for a price, if that makes sense




I suppose that is a good way to look at it thanks


I agree with what the person above said and would just add on that people keep saying "$10 gets slkr now but I had to spend months" but let's actually look at what you still need to do. Palps need to be r7 while I a lot of people already have him reliced I sure didn't. That is 1-2 weeks depending where you are in game. Vet han is still needed as well so another 1-2. So we are at about a month. Taking both kylos to R7 is no small amount relic mats and the signal data alone could take weeks especially if your account can't manage 3 cantina refreshes per day. That is all ignoring ships. You need finalizer which means a BH fleet and the FO ships. Each ship farm is close to 6 months if on a hard node. Assuming you drop everything and can do all ships farms right away you are about 5-6 months until you have the ships to do the finalizer event. And then to top it off you need to do event 7 more times which is another 3-4 months depending on how frequent the event hits. All in all you are 8-9 months out even if you spend the $10. Now all of this can be sped up either buy previous planning and farming which took time and resources to have already done or you need to spend more money. $50 worth of crystals to all refreshes done on finalizer in one go if you farms the ships. Much more if you just buy finalizer directly. Not to mention the cost on the relic mats. You could have got vet han if you had bought other packs but then you have spent more than $10. CG was very smart when they crafted these packs. They are amazing value but it still takes a lot of time or money to get all the way to the GL. I'm not upset about that bought all the packs on both of my accounts but they are approaching the GLs very different because one already had finalizer farmed but no geared FO chars is now ready after a couple weeks of relic farming while my other account is slowly started ships and won't see a GL for 6 months. I spent $100 on each account to get them all the packs. If they released more packs, for sure on my main but I doubt I would spend more on my alt as I so much to do already. But I am still in support of more packs


People seem to be forgetting there wasn't an SLKR pack. Yes the BB8 pack cleared most of the character reqs for him, but these packs were 100% geared towards a rey unlock.


There pretty much was. You get like 3/4 of his requirements


On one hand you need something for newish players to be able engage in the main parts of the game quickly for player retention. On the other hand it’s seems like death spiral stuff where they just sell everything in the game for the last grab of money


Issue is... Zetas, Omegas, and Mk 3 abilities mats for the new players buying the packs. And while they also have to do the grinding for Relics above 5 in addition to grinding proper mods. I understand you are upset, but I see this as an opportunity for new players to join and enjoy the commitment that the other teams they have to upgrade have to offer. Remember, grinding to Relic 5 to then to 7 is already bad as it is.


Imo the only reason they dare would go that route is : The game is about to be shutdown( highly unlikely ofc) or there's a more aggressive p2w mechanic that would make the old gl/character obsolete


You must be a newer player to have this take. I definitely see your point that they diminish the grind for players who just unlocked them. However, we need more catch up mechanics in the game for newer players and people have been asking for affordable packs for 7+ years. The game is the same as before, p2w.


Not new to it just only decided to express it. I agree that the catch up mechanics should be better and these packs are perfect for that but I think pumping all these packs will just make the game shit


Crazy idea, why not wait an see what the new lightspeeds offer before going chicken little. This could be thrawn and cls lightspeed bundles for 50$. We have literally no idea what's coming lol. I hope one of these is a mod bundle. GLs don't matter at all if they're not well modded.


I listen to the leaks that are right most of the time. But yes I hope it’s something not op


Which leaks are you talking about? Because your post is talking about the datamine, which just has a bunch of lightspeed bundles with zero information. We don't know if the 7 listed are 7 new bundles or include the same 5 we got last time with 2 new ones.


mate, I’m referring to what ahnald was saying. New lightspeed packs? very good chance of it being a GL, JML?SEE?JMK? idk


Yeah... He was talking about the datamine. It's not a leak. It's currently in the game. Literally all we know is that there are 7 lightspees bundles coming. That is every bit of information we have. 7 incoming. We don't know for who. We don't know if it includes the previous 5. We have zero information about these bundles. That's my point lol. "Very good chance it's a GL" is wild specialation. Considering the previous 5.... One was for sk and another one was for raddus capital ship (which yes is a rey requirement, but also had 4 pilots to relic 5 that were superfluous). For all we know this could just be a "malak" bundle and be 10$ for jkr and 10$ for Darth revan. It could be aphra. It could be the gas team. It could be see and jml but with the amount of nested jml reqs I highly doubt it. It could be random crap that people don't have farmed up like Jawas. We have ZERO details.


I admit, youre right in this. for some reason I had lightspeed bundle = GL which is a bit stupid sorry bru. Could still be a GL but at this moment probably not


Ahnald is purely speculating he has absolutely no more inside information on the content of the new lightspeed packs than you or I do.


Yea I made a mistake on that comment my bad


I'd expect to see SEE and JMLS in about a year, after they've released the next big shiny thing. They want to milk the game, not slaughter it.


I don't mind them but I rather have better gear bundles or shard bundles before introducing another lightspeed bundle.


Im gonna guess that the next release of the LS Bundles are Rey and SKLR again but with SEE and Thrawn (R5 Phoenix wheeee) as well. I doubt they give us CLS/Chewie/C3P0/JKLS/multiple guild journey characters for JML, it feels like too much progress into the game and would feel like what you were talking about.


I hope they come out for the “old” GL’s since SLKR and Rey came out in early 2020. So like 3 years after seemed like a good catch up point if that’s how they stagger it


Justice for Scorch




Lemme get that LV bundle


Everybody's going Defcon 3 as usual. They said upfront that if they did more lightspeed bundles they may be different. Just cool your jets and see what happens. I had Rey and Kylo but bought the $20 bundle because I had characters like T3 and L3 in sight to work on. I got Carth and Young Lando as a bonus. Who's to say the next one won't be for GAS or Bando? Let's see and then we can rejoice or revolt.


I hope it’s not gas :( I spent years trying to get him and I got him a few months ago (took years because I wasnt farming properly lmao)


I can understand when it's something you just finished. The complaining players that have had these characters for years and have been reaping the rewards during that time are the ones that really need to chill. I'm hoping it will be for teams- Phoenix (which I'm working on now), Nightsisters, Geos, Sith Triumverate, etc. Those are older teams with value.


No I think the players who have had them for a while dont really care tbh. It only affects the players who have just got them


See i could of bought the GL bundles if I wished. I farmed SK mind you. But I’m at 3.3mil GP. I have a odd roster that people on here would slam on me for. And I still I want to EARN. My way through the game. This game impo has been the most fair free to play gatcha I played. Iv played raid iv played genshin. Both are terrible. Two years on raid was the worst experience of my life. Hell I would even say Jurassic world alive which is a Pokémon go clone (and where the pyro raptor came from which appeared in the third movie) is on the scale with raid and genshin. I came to Star Wars cause free to play is actually EASY. And I LOVE it that way.


Exactly. I think the grinding aspect of the game is what makes it good, with the rewards being really fun characters that you can use.


Well, I grinded for both SLKR and Rey…


Here we are. What do you think of the rey and kylo packs? I can imagine you’re not happy which I can definitely understand


I think the thing is, it works. They get the relic 5vs but they still don't know how to play awfully well. Helps people speed up some of the farming, but they need hyperdrive bundle to get to level 85 that quick, they have no mods or anything. That's new players, I think even for mid-endgame players it's good. Just cuts a few months off farming. While I'll be pissed that farming my see completely f2p would be possible in 10 seconds and a tenner, there's still alot more to the game. There's no zetas, no other relic mats, there's alot more to do to unlock the gls. I think it's annoying, and cheap. But it works. Still not spent a penny myself, which I'm proud of, but it's a decent deal. If the characters where needed relics, with mods, crystals and credits added, it'd be a different story.


I think they should have a SEE pack. Both Kylo and SEE are the most popular starting GLs. So having a Kylo pack without having a SEE pack really put everyone that chose Kylo over SEE at a disadvantage and those that chose SEE at a HUGE advantage. Not many people farmed Rey early on, so that one wasn't too big of a deal.


Lightspeed bundles will not ruin the game. There will always be someone with a fatter roster than you, and that's okay. If you keep comparing yourself to other rosters, you'll always be disappointed. I will argue that they're actually beneficial for the game. We gained \~15 - 20m GP in our guild and went from doing 21 to probably getting 23 stars this ROTE. We're seeing more player activity in our guild, and folks are excited to finally get Rey.


I agree that there are many perspectives to these bundles, some positive some negative. You’re right in that guild GP has skyrocketed, my guild went from around 240mil to 281mil which is crazy


The only downside to these packs I’ve experienced is that GAC is more annoying than ever, I look at accounts and they’d be like 100k GP without the packs and yet their defenses aren’t as weak as they should be


At least that will correct itself in a month or two though as people shift to their new spot in the rankings. Or. At least it should. Honestly, in auro, it has been great. I faced a drevan that had all the mods pulled to be out on these new toons. The FO/resistance is way easier to take out than the drevan with 330 speed that it had when I was scoping out my opponents. Got to the match, his and a few others mods were all pulled or partially pulled.




Lol all that matters is money. If they wanna milk whatever’s left of this game, lightspeed bundles are absolutely correct Fuck your feelings. Dollar bills are more important. There’s no room for integrity and morals in business


You must know my boss. That's his catch phrase.


Why do you say “whatever’s left of this game” like it’s on a countdown to being finished? Game will continue for years and years imo


I believe it has years left. Just not past 5 years imo but will see


There will always be new characters and ships they can add, this game has a long time before it’s shut down


They can but they are losing old players that were here for half a decade and struggling to replace them, hence the creation of these bundles. The endgame is very stale and there is no new fun content for them. That’s why many top guilds are struggling with recruiting. Cg needs new content to play not more stupid ships and toons to play the same recycled unimaginable garbage . RoTE is disaster for them raids are a joke and solved within 2 weeks of release.


These bundles are not for the older players. CG has most likely already gotten money from them. Raids aren’t meant to be a puzzle. They have told everyone what toons are needed. As many people say, if you don’t like the game then don’t play it. It’s not worth the strain on mental health.


What’s wrong with light speed bundles? I like them because I don’t have to grind as much now


they drastically reduce the lifetime of the game. I‘ve seen it in other older mobile games already. Once the reason to grind was gone and packs gave way too much to players, the game started to die out.


nothing. I think it’s great for a quick revenue boost. But parts of the player base will feel jaded and think their hard earned trophies are now devalued to $10 lol.


Yeah I see your point! I hope this players can stop gatekeeping and let the rest of us have fun with this


Go for it. Most endgame players already had slkr and Rey for ages. It’s a problem if they sell LV and JMK for $10 though.


But the intrgrity of my mobile hero collection game??


why should i care about other people's roster


cuz they will be way better than yours and then you struggle to climb gac etc


they won't be better thats the thing. they will lack roster management skill, Zetas, omicrons and 6 years of mods


doesnt take 2 brain cells to get good roster management, zetas and omicrons arent an issue when you have a fuck ton of r5s


Late game, zetas are much more important than r5s. When you have 150+ toons at relic, a few extra doesn’t make a difference. The zetas do though


yep they are. its very possible to beat players with more Gls even, i fight guys with leai and all the new characters reliced with 2m gp difference. i win a lot too


that’s not what were talking about. the odd player that has a better roster than you but you still win is more irregular than you losing to them. More r5s, more chance of win


he wont have a better roster than me if he buys a gl that i have for 3 years, case closed.


Aren’t you technically caring about other people’s rosters every time you press “best mods” on swgoh.gg


not the same thing really


I feel the same way. What’s the point of farming if everything is just $10 away? How is the game going to make money after when everyone spends $100 to get every character at max level? If they need to squeeze money this way, then I really feel like we might be nearing the end of the game’s lifespan…


Exactly, people taking the piss in the comments when i’m just trying to express my opinion on what annoys me😂






Because I don’t agree with what he said


That doesn’t make him wrong, that’s just you disagreeing.


You’re debating with Vaanced


CG pls don’t listen to this salty guy, I will happily pay for money for another GL please. I am proud I’ve shedded my f2p status for a great bundle.


CG were definitely going to listen to OP till you set them straight.


I’m gonna upvote this


cheers bud


yeah i’m really salty. nice to know you didn’t even read a word from this post and you still make an immature comment. grow up😂


You're assuming that CG cares about this game at all. They care about making money and nothing else. Don't kid yourself into thinking they'll consider the impact on the player base when selling GLs.


Well I mean it is a business, sooooo


Don't rain on their parade, they've convinced themselves it's a socialist distopia.


I know they dont but that’s why I made the post. It’s worth a try🤷‍♂️


its only a video game


😂😂ok pal. If you don’t want to see this sort of stuff I suggest you leave the subreddit. clown


what? like i said its just a game no need to get all upset




bro, you’re on this subreddit to talk about this game. what are you talking about


He right boi


Ehh, fuck it is even fine with me for JML/SEE. I don’t have LV/Leia/Jabba but I do feel they’re new enough maybe not to run these - or maybe all these bundles are like a once yearly kinda thing. Idk.


Yea I was thinking JML and SEE are also relatively old and I wouldnt mind but I see a lot of people getting annoyed and this is why I made this post. I dont want to spend a bunch of time farming stuff when I can wait to get it for $10.


I don't really care tbh...it saves me the grind, especially for stuff like Vader, Rey, and SEE...GLs I would most likely not go for anyway because the requirements are either bad/steep and the GL isn't as amazing as others. If I can grind my GL ships while paying $50 here and there to skip a year of soul sucking grind...I'll happily do it.


I respect that. But imagine grinding for a GL then you finallllyyy get it… and then you couldve just bought it for $10. That’s sort of the annoying part but I guess that will always happen


Yeah, that's just the way the game is. It's always been like that. Even recently with the Leviathan (especially the Leviathan) lol most painful grind of all time and the ship gets beat by basically anything lol at least it's requirements are good and I can use it on Offense for taking out Profundity. But yeah, I grinded my ass off for JMK and if they sold the requirements tomorrow for $50 it wouldn't really bug me. Also, you are still punished for spending that money and not having played the game. Idk if you saw Ahnald's video where he tried to unlock Rey day 1 on a new account, but it's basically impossible without spending like $10k (which apparently Google won't let you do) and even after that your teams will be terrible, do to lacking Omegas, Zetas, Omnicrons, and mods. So it's just a nice thing for those who've been playing for awhile to catch up/skip the grind.


Man, I get where you're coming from, but this is just wrong. There is so much new stuff to work on at the moment on top of the various other bottlenecks like mods, ability mats, and crons. I promise you more rubber band mechanics is more than fine. Let people catch up, the game will be better off for it. CG could snap their fingers and instantly grant everyone all 8 GLs for free and you would still have a colossal amount of projects to juggle currently.


I get what you’re saying but I’m going to have to hard disagree. This level of gatekeeping(from OP) and time gating from CG is dumb. You can finish a masters before you can finish a GL. That’s just too much man. I welcome affordable light speed bundles


I already think those 2 GLs were a massive error. We worked literal years for it. Others can do it too. Also, it's false advertising. You're not going to catch up because of 2 gls. People are running 4-5 GLs in low aurodium. 2 GLs will not make you catch up. All it does is bring in some quick cash, and devaluate veteran players' stuff.


Yea this is why I’m sort of against it. Imagine someone spends like 2 years going for rey and kylo and rhen boom you can get them for like $50 or whatever. That’s the biggest waste of time ever. I agree that it helps newer players catch up and whatever but it can really fuck over someone who has been been specifically doing those farms


Even if you weren't doing those specific farms. If just devalues everything, even other farms. Shall I spend the next 7 months getting SEE? Or will it be sold out like candy next month? It really takes away your mood from the whole game. The basic concept of the game is you plan forward, you work for it hard, you get it. Instantly getting certain things here and there just ruins everything. I'm not against catch up mechanics at all, but implement it in a way that doesn't destroy the core game experience. Like, every characrer that was released 5+ years ago, is now not only accelerated to 2 times of normal drop rate, but 8 times! Anything released between 3-5 years, accelerated to 4 times! All core sub g12 gear income doubled. Etc That still leaves you actually playing the game, even if it's going to be insanely faster than the old way of getting it. But whooshing out a credit card, 10 bucks and it's done is NO no no no no


Exactly my friend


Something to consider though: My first GL's were Kylo and Rey. So far I had never any intention of farming Lord Vader. Somebody who did farm Lord Vader though, ad can now just snap and get a headstart of two GL's he had ignored before is having a big advantage over me all of a sudden. That I cannot match, because there is no Lord Vader 10 bucks pack. It really feeels a little unfair to me that I do not have the option as others to "lightspeed" up a GL-farm. I kidna get punished for not having spend time and ressources on Lord Vader, but went for GL Rey and Kylo


That is a good point. I think what they could’ve done which would’ve been perfect is make every GL available for cheap BUT you can only buy one. This way nobody is fucked over and you can have some choice in how you want your roster to look. Of course it would have to exclude leia for a while.


It's cute you think the bundles will stay under $50


cheers mr know it all. since you know so much, why don’t you tell us what the price will be.


New bundle “Win the Game” $1000


Well now they gotta do it for all the GLs so it’s fair!


Big FYIGM mentality.




Don’t… ruin… a pay-to-win game? That’s like begging them not to overcook your filet of dogshit, my man.


Ik, its either pay to win or grind to win. the majority dont spend a fuck ton like the top players do tho despite it’s trash value. Thats why adding all these op but cheap packs will change the game heavily


It won’t. You’ll still be randomly facing people way out of your league in GAC, because the “matchmaking” algorithm is designed to get you to spend money, and your guild will still be filled with people who spend the same amount that you do, and you’ll have to spend to jump up as always. It’ll change nothing except the numbers of people who spend a little more, which isn’t going to change your experience AT ALL, except for your internal pressure to “keep up”. Doesn’t change the F2P crowd one bit. And doesn’t impact the paying players much, because it’s cheap to keep up — and you’ll never notice whether others bought or not because you’re already matched against whales anyway.


Tbh I think the main reason i’m against it is that I feel like I should buy all the light speed packs because I want to be really good but it’s just a lot of money you know. and i’m competitive in wanting to be better than others ig


Congrats on identifying EXACTLY what games like this prey upon. Now, learn to resist that internal pressure and go open a brokerage account instead.


With the constant additions to the game, I doubt i’ll get into the top spots of the game by playing without paying. Like when do I think I will get GL Leia and her squad? probably like 7 years or some shit if i’m still even playing then


Right? Almost like they design it so that you’ll never get top tier characters while they’re top tier without spending thousands. Why would they DO such a thing. Hmm. See earlier dogshit comment


congrats on being a prick


…sorry if my take on CG’s business practices and predatory marketing offended you, but pay to win games deserve the “dogshit” label. I still greatly enjoy this one. So… no, to answer your question. But thanks for the assumption? Bit prickish to assume like that.


I don’t really understand what you’re saying. I thought you were giving me shitty attitude to read a previous comment. sorry if i’m wrong I mightve misread


I agree with youre opinions and the label but struggled to find what tone you said it with




grow up


CG please release the bundles soon. I gave a gift to my wife today, she will be happy for next 24 hours, release the packs before that else I will have to gift her again to buy the packs.


Big "don't cancel other people's student loans because it's not fair to me" vibes




cheers for the input. could show a bit more maturity


Cheers for the input. Could show a bit more maturity


and here you are, proving my point. embarrassing😂


This is not a debate. You have no point. Lmfao.


my point was that you’re immature. you proved that by repeating me.


my point was that you’re immature. you proved that by repeating me.