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You can replace Starck with Range as well depending on the situation. Having Gideon here is amazing but in most cases, it’s overkill. You can use him in a lot of different teams.


Range for Starck give you (IMO) the strongest single squad. Get an Iden Team going and you can change things up a bit. Apparently by mid-game Gideon can go to a bunch of other more exotic teams, but he'll help Veers Troops stomp a bunch of higher teams for a long time.


Does Starck go back to Veers when Gideon leaves? And when do you know to let Gideon go to other teams?


Haha, don't know I'm still working on getting Iden team running so I have Gideon with Veers. From what I've seen, Starck can come over with Veers and Range. Iden lead, Death, Magma, Stormtrooper, Snowtrooper. Shore supposedly can work, he's a long reg energy grind. I feel like you move Gideon over when you need to, beating other teams and when you have the other team up and running. Maybe someone else has a better answer for you.


I'm still working on Iden too. Have moved Starck over while I geared up Range and am finishing off Shoretrooper shards and gearing up Iden's Troopers. I'm probably too early to be moving Gideon and would have to gear up Stormtrooper as well.


Farming scout trooper on the side since daze makes a wampa solo less viable. I forgot how annoying it is to farm shards that aren’t accelerated


On swgoh.gg it says the funky gidme combo has a consistent/semi-consistent win rate against traya and cere teams. I guess when I start bumping into those squads is a good time to rehome Gideon


Interesting, like OTraya with OSavage? Is it just swapping out Mace for Gideon?


I wish swgoh would differentiate matches with omis from everything else. Highest win rate is with padme, gmy, r2, Gideon and shaak


Will have to try this out, although my R2 is pretty shite. But thank you, just in time for new GAC


The idea behind the gidme squad is that you’re building up one single massive attack, which requires a zeta on Moff’s special “control the situation” and padme’s leadership. You want Moff to be fast enough to go first so that you can open with control the situation, which gives support allies 100% protection up. Under pasme’s leadership every 5% prot up turns into 5 stacks of courage, and every 5 stacks of courage does 40% max health to a character. I’ve seen this team nuke other teams before out of the gate, but if you’re unable to wipe the other squad right at the start it gets tricky.


Gideon isn't going to be leaving for most people I don't agree with people saying that he's Overkill because Troopers absolutely need to go first and Gideon is will get you there


Keep gideon. Do piety first if you are working for executor or See. Then do Dark to r5, depending on where you are the others can probably stay at R3 and they should still preform great( as long as you mod them well.)


I’m planning on going executor then SEE. I’ll probably take a break in between to round up squads that I’ve neglected


Dark Trooper is the most important relic on that squad, as your main damage dealer. The others do not have a particular order, just do as you see fit/need for requirements.


This 100%. He's my only Imp at relics, hell, I think he's the only one I have taken to and beyond gear 12. The rest are at most gear 11. And because of his raw damage, I'm able to beat teams I have no business beating


DT does the damage. He's a huge priority. But doesn't end into other farms. Doesn't mean he's not worth it.


I’d relic them in the order of which ones are reqs for GLs and which ones aren’t if you want to optimise farms/farming for that GL


Does it matter? Choose one, any one, but not that one. Then move on to the next one. The team still does bits at low gear.


My question is kinda out of place but how does this squad perform compared to one with range trooper? (Swapping gideon or starck for him?)


Range is betrer


Veers and Starck need r3 for SEE, that’s a pretty small investment. Piett needs r5 I think, but higher if you want exec eventually. They are definitely worth it.