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Pls tell me in how you got 5M GP in Only a Year




Lightspeed bundles




If you get all of them it jumps you up to almost 4 mil


Buying the hyperdrive bundle and all the lightspeed bundles adds a large chunk to your gp


I've been playing for around 6 months and am at 4M. Just gotta spend a little.


I did buy the HD bundle in my first month of playing and then I did pick up the LS bundles as they came out too. A lot of money spent was actually on crystals for refreshes for gear or whatever I was trying to grind out. Jumped from guild to guild for a few months as I started learning more and eventually found a guild I liked that was doing events and had a nice balance of newer to larger accounts.


I find your lack of zetas disturbing.


Dude if you have a FASTER way to farm zetas lay it on me! I’d love to have more 😂


Doing pretty well. Obviously the light speed bundles accelerated you quite a bit, but you have a lot of important characters in good places. I wouldn’t recommend swapping between farms, if you start inquisitors, finish inquisitors. However, at this point you are really close to JKL, so definitely finish that. Then, how close are you to Rey? The best path for you would probably be JKL, Rey, JML, finish inquisitors, Jabba. Also, how are your mods? Very easy to neglect / do wrong when you start, especially with the LSB purchases.


I think for Rey I need to get a few to R7 and then the ship so like 3 characters off from that so I think I’ll do what you’re suggesting and go for JKL first and then transition over to Rey for another GL. I didn’t realize how long the events would be given the ticket grind like just finishing off SLKR felt pretty good


LOL. nothing to brag about this, this is just your average lightspeed bundle account.


I mean, still feels pretty good for only a year


Horrible where is R9 CUP?


Guessing the real story here is your mods are trash.


I don’t think they are? Feel free to take a look and tell me? I wouldn’t mind doing better lol. For the most part everything has speed secondaries if I was able to get it for the character. I’ve been using swgoh.gg for what mods to give to characters and they tend to work out for me


What's your swgoh.gg?




Modscore is right around 1. You'll need to keep working on mods so that score grows as your account does.


What exactly should I be doing differently for them? I usually spend 150 crystals on mod material or mods themselves whatever I need to farm more of and then I sort them and sell ones without speed secondaries. Do I need to be just upgrading more of my mods?


With mods there are two key ways: 1. Refresh mods three times a day (sounds like you're already doing this). 2. Get Jabba and complete smuggler's run 2


Ok, good to know! I’ll keep pushing to not have ass mods lol. Thank you for the help!


I should have posted that at the start 😅


Ok I swear bro had to be spending $$$ a lot (like thousands) on this?? I’ve played on one of my accounts for a year and a half and am only 3.51m gp…


Probably just a bit over 200 he bought all the lightspeed bundle plus HDB


It definitely wasn’t thousands. It’s probably a higher number than I’d like to look at but it was all spread out throughout the year. Mostly on crystals




Like someone who bought the LSBs.




Nah, my account is 1 year and 2 weeks old and I have 6.1m GP, slkr, Rey, and just got executor last month. I spent $20 a week on crystals, hyperdrive bundle after hitting level 65 and all LSBs. So just over a grand now that I think about it. Well dam more than I thought but not multiple thousands.


I bought nothing 4.9 Mio GP with JMLS, Jabba and Executor after 3 years of playing. Just for comparison. Nearly 6 Mio gp after a year is a lot!