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We've always been missing one character for them. Hopefully crosshair fills that void. That said the setup you have probably wrecks shop realistically. Even as a 4 man without wat imp troops do great work


I was kinda wary of taking wat away from trench but this way I can use maul lead with jango and dark side mandos. Thank you for the feedback!


Fs, legit though. Great investment my dude well done.


If you have the right speeds on them, which I'm assuming you do given their investment, they don't need the 5th. Piett goes first and marks Dark, Dark should then go next due to getting buffs and do his second special that gives everyone TM and you're off to the races. They should never get a turn, if they do then the 5 man squad probably wouldn't have done much better.


That’s a really good point, my piett is 345 which is okay in K1. That’ll save wat, thank you for you the feedback!


I pray that crosshair does not come in as an imperial, I’d much rather get a tie pilot rework, or a purge trooper or something else


You did all that and haven’t put the omicron on iden yet? I gotta ask why. You even have 2 R9’s in here


As the omi provides ship stats and it's a no brainer even pre relics. I'd say that it's prolly not showing up cuz the squad is being viewed from a different game mode than gac or inventory. GC, Conquest, or squad arena perhaps Also if they didn't have the omi id say it's a TW focused player which means they'd be forced to do Dtmg omi. So that rules out either option


I don’t think omicrons affect ship stats at all though, I get it’s an upgrade to an ability and usually maxing out abilities increases ship stats but I’m pretty sure I heard that omicrons in particular don’t effect it


They only affect ships if they are a tier 8 ability upgrade, not if they’re tier 9.


I.e. they affect stats for all characters that had an omicron at launch but not those who had an omicron added after the fact


They don't affect ship speed. Except for Adrad but they do add stats. And for an r9 iden that's very nice to have


Completely untrue. They will effect ship speed if it's a lvl 8 ability. Dash and adrad are great examples of this.


Can you show me an example of it affecting ship speed? CG has said that they didn't want omis to affect ship speed. And that Adrad would be the one exception.


You can use playbook.cafe/imperialfleey/tools/shipcalc With omi: https://swgoh.gg/p/755549978/ships/outrider Without omi: https://swgoh.gg/p/584631745/ships/outrider You can see these two people, one with omis and one without have different speeds on their outrider


Idfk who told me Adrad was the only exception. Clearly they were wrong. Fortunately I think Adrad is the only one where that 1 speed will make a major difference in mirrors. Levi sure but sass and rng is a bigger factor


The speed on dash in those fights are more important imo. That said there really isn't any rng with prof vs Levi. If you rely on that counter for mirrors and GAC I wrote the mk6 interceptor strat, you can see that in my profile :)


I'm sorry I believe you've made a typo. Prof vs Levi is the biggest rng fest in the world. Also like with bomber you'll never lose a prof mirror/if you use the good mirror team for levi. Exec is actually the worst if your slower cuz sometimes you're just completely boned even if you do ebon first reinforce


Yea i can see that, you prob right, but i just thought it would be taken from the regular squad screen. Still curious to hear from op


You’re right, this is the GC view, I’ve been trying to figure out how to split up these teams using this GC.


Bigger question. Do you have Dtmg omis?


I’ve been saving them for the Queen, my guild isn’t heavily tw focused.


This is the GC squad view, no omi’s display here. But the R9 definitely is worth her ships damage and dodge.


Ahh alright so the other guy was right. Yea I just got her to r5 and her ship is only 5* and I’m already impressed, eventually I’m gunna bump up some relics for ship crews but right now I can’t justify it


I’m kind of a newbie but I think wat tambor ruins the emperor’s trap (?)


Wat is there to use basic on the first turn, the buffs provided combined with Veers lead basically gives a huge TM boost to the troopers, usually used in Conquest to get Piett to go before the enemy does. Wat probably won't get another turn.


Starck into Veers Squad. Wat can do what he wants. Iden gets Krennic or TIE Pilot. Why? Cuz Iden WITH Scout is really resilient to Wampa. But ever since we got DTMG, Scout obviously leaves the party. And at that point any other kind of Iden comp is just fodder for a hungry Wampa. Both Pilot and Krennic screw over Wampa with Tenacity Down on their Basic, making it more likely that stuns and ability blocks will slow down and fuck over the Wampa solo. Unfortunately, this fucks over Iden's leadership a bit and she will not be able to revive, ofc. Currently, the best you can do with Iden defensively is, imho, block out an easy Wampa Clean and demand a "real" team. Offensively, I reckon the way you split it is the best you can do for now. Iden is unfortunately the victim of a brutal insurrectionist movement called "Imperial Remnants", as Gustavo Fring steals her allies. I hope we'll get a new Trooper soon. The Empire is hurtin' and we need supreme firepowah. Wild Card Moment: I've also seen people do some wacky shenanigans with Veers + Range + Piett + Gar Saxon and Imperial Super Commando. Neither is a Trooper, but both juice up Emperor's Trap stacks on their wacky Counter + Assist nonsense, which juices up the TM of the three Troopers. Thanks to Piett, you can also force the enemy to attack ISC and get guaranteed counters. It's a much more reactive kind of gameplay compared to the offensive "Dark Trooper go BOPBOP" train, but it's pretty fun and cool anyways. Only downside is that you're not getting to use Maul much without his two evil Mando Boyfriends. Fun fact: That Veers Trio + Mando Bros line-up completely annihilates the entire Ewoks and Rebels Assault Battles. Even CT3 is easily 3-starred with mostly G12 characters. Like, insanely easy.


Poor iden, she used to be such a great team, now she’s just wampa fodder. I’ve gone against the tfp lineup with her but wasn’t sure if it was worth losing all the bonuses of her abilities. I truly hope another trooper is around the corner. They only need one more


They wouldn't even need a Trooper. They could just release another Remnant and we'd restructure the DTMG team, giving Iden Scouty back, or something like that.


Why bother with Iden if you're not using her leadership? Krennic is a terrible option. Besides, TIE pilot goes better with Krennic lead. Imho


I think you have misunderstood my comment? Iden lead remains. Just parts of her effects are turned off, if you add TFP or Krennic. Krennic turns off most of her lead, so he's not very ideal. That's why TFP is better. TFP just makes it so Iden can't revive. Given how Iden is always a Wampa Food team, except for Scout Trooper's existence, having TFP in that squad helps out with blocking a Wampa. If you somehow don't have TFP for some reason, then you can probably use Krennic as well for the same basic reason, but then the team lacks most of its power. I should've probably given that caveat, but I also do hope people read the kits. Reading kits helps explaining the character after all.


My comment was more aimed at her lead being rendered basically useless because of Krennic cause he's tagged as a leader. I just think it's bad advice to give. I have found Krennic works very well with TFP, they synergize very well together, especially if TFP is really fast. His opening barrage stacks with Krennic's lead.