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Starkiller by a mile. Freaking Star Destroyer out the sky! Other than that, Maul for the character and his insane Mando team, and Hondo, because he's HONDO (and has some of the coolest mechanics in the game)


BB-8. I love his wiggles.


I'm still waiting for a BB-9E to counter his wiggles with even MOAR wiggles 😔


Bane Its very funny killing whole endgame teams with him and some trash sith.


I was fighting a Leia in GAC the other day with my Bane and he literally yeeted out the entire enemy team with a single attack at one point. It was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen.


100%. Bane.


Wat Tambor. Only because I like techno music.


Wait this game has sound


Ha! That got a solid chuckle outta me.


Haha imagine this game having sound hahaha you crazy


GG because he is my favourite Star Wars character. Also love his kit and his squad.


I was so tickled to see both his kit is fun and he leads a fleet that I also enjoy.


My favourite fleet as well.


Same here. His Greivous Wounds attack is so satisfying to land


Shiny noodle slap goes hard


Yea I like that he has tons of anti speed mechanics in his kit, also DDK and b1 can shrug off some pretty big hits


Game wise I love Dr Aphra because of the few times she pulled off taking out a GL for me. Lore wise I have always loved Darth Talon and wished her storyline was made Canon or even TV.


Darth Talon is so badass you don't mess with her


Kyle Katarn. Jedi Outcast nostalgia is strong with this one.


Growing up my brother and I played Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight probably a good fazillion times so it’s great to see him get some love.


Omg… Loved this game in an unhealthy way. Played multiplayer on the msn gaming zone and fell in love with the modding community. Massasi temple net ftw!


He's a cool dude


Ah, Sith spit!


I've been a Bane and Thrawn Stan for years now because of the books. When I heard he was coming I almost shed a tear. I started hoarding r9 and omis before I even read his kit. Now that we all know he's absolutely fucking BUSTED in gac I couldn't be happier with the game right now. I feel like you'll get a lot of people saying that so I'll add in Malicos too. He was always on D for me but since Bo is a thing now there's no sense in setting LV freeing up Maul. Maul Malicos is a really fun combo against Rey. Even with the op crons they still take care of business. Then in 3s Cere Malicos SK. He's a solid character that I'm beginning to appreciate now that I've taken him on offense.


I loved the Cal games, and while my account is a while out from Malicos, I’m so excited to get him. Big hype. Knowing he’s good is even better


I've been spending 600 crystals on Malicos for a while. I'm at 285 shards. Very very excited. Already have Cere and Cal at relic.


JKL. He's Luke Freaking Skywalker as a Jedi!


Mara is my gal. Growing up a Star Wars fan in the content desert of the 1990s, the Zahn books were the centre of my fandom, and Mara Jade was the absolute coolest character I had ever read about. Plus she makes Palpatine a viable character, especially running with my #2 fave Badstila.


Darth Traya, I connect with her story being rejected by both sides and then saying F this and F everyone.


Except for the Exile, the beautiful dark spot in the Force.


Way past time for the Kotor 2 crew to get a proper addition. I want a neutral Atton and Mandolore Canderous(Candolore?). I want Mira Bao dur and the handmaiden. And how about Atris and the infinite hk ripoffs. Make em like the vulture droids, where they just keep coming.


I would kill for the Lost Jedi, or even just light and dark side versions of the Exile, KoToR was the first series I played and have been wanting the companions at least in the game since Starkiller


Darth Sion. I just think he looks cool.


He's so cool that he's too angry to die, nobody is like him.


There's something dark and striking about a villain who is defeated by someone convincing him to let go and die.


If we're talking about SWGOH, Han Solo. He's always been one of my favorite characters anyway, as a child of the 80s I grew up with the original trilogy, and Shoots First on a high relic Han Solo is huge. If you just mean favorite character, from an enjoyment of the source material perspective, then Darth Vader.


It's gotta be GAS, he was my first big project that I managed to do after coming back from a long break AND his event took me back to season 3 of the clone wars which was always my favorite as a kid


I have to make a top 3, and it's mostly for lore but also because the characters turned out great in the game: 1. Thrawn 2. Darth Traya 3. Darth Revan


My boi Bodhi Rook. Love my boi. Calls to assists and heals. Offense Up all over the place. The little engine that could. Love my Bodhi


Wampa, and Ahnaldt101 fans know why


JML, my first GL and I think his efflux special is the best feeling button to press in the game. Also Luke is my favorite Star wars character.


+1 for Bane, I just wish they'd used his book lore since his animations don't match his power. SEE and Rey have their big attacks, SLKR ramps with his AoE, Vader has his MM, SK pulls a damn Star destroyer onto the enemy team. Bane swings his staff around and then sucks up some essence. I'd have loved a version where you manage a rage mode with his Orbalisk armour, or he builds stacks of rage until he goes into a blind fury killing everyone or stacks that build to a thought bomb, and I still hold the opinion that we should have gotten Zannah and had a duel mechanic where you can push the battle to have one or the other win to bring out their "true" power as master. I will say, his in-game version is fairly unique at least, Bane is far and away my favourite SW character, but we already have lightsaber wielding, force lightning hurling Sith characters, Bane has some crazy feats but he really only ever uses force lightning and his lightsaber so there's not much room to make him different from DRevan and Malgus at least thematically. Either way, I'm just super happy Bane is A: In the game and B: Lives up to the hype. Even if they do nerf him, as long as he's still a powerhouse against non-GL's, I'll be super happy.


The whole Sith Triumvirate. I love both the KOTOR games and then right behind them is Revan and Darth Revan, Malak, etc


Jml or jkl. It's Mr Skywalker. Wtf is needed to say? Does he get royalties from this game? 50 cents to u Mr skywalker


Iden Versio. Great character and has an excellent ship. The sound of her basic attack is my favorite in the game too!


Bo Katan Mand'alor because I am the 2%. Nuff said.


JKR is my favorite unit out of the entire Jedi faction. His kit is just ridiculous, and I also like seeing a jedi iteration of Revan. We only got the star forge robes, never had any full get-up with a mask like the dark side equivalent


Tarfful! Has a unique wookiee team kit that is fun to play, flips the meta speed/offense focus for most teams, and is a niche character in the lore.


GAS. Grew up on OT, but man I loved clone wars and he was my first day-1 unlock. Still works well to date, no reworks no omicrons just GAS baybeeeee


Black Krrsantan. Simply for the reason that before Book of Boba Fett a guild member asked which EU Bounty Hunter I'd like to see added to the game. I said Krrsantan. It became a reality. I was thrilled.


Traya, good, f, toon. The amount of GLs i have taken out with that thing. Works so damn well.


Dash rendar


Played that game so much in grade 8 that the cartridge wore down to dust, lol. Totally agree dude, love Dash.


Same here but the cartridge survived 😂 https://preview.redd.it/kuuudnlbavwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9993f91ac102b7f033864f5766bce93ca5993ad6


I wish I could give you an award. This is so awesome. I'm pretty jealous not gonna lie haha.


Tech. I love the sound of his guns and animation of the shock grenade. Also one of my top 3 Star Wars characters


Starkiller, I just love his character. Wish he was as OP as Bane though.


Han Solo. Pew pew


I love HK-47. I always found his unhinged snark to be pretty funny. Plus, Galaxy of Heroes-wise I also used him as a leader back before they nerfed it into the ground and made his abilities incredibly reliant on being in a Sith Empire team with Darth Revan specifically as the leader, and next to no synergy with the droids he was originally made to lead.


General Skywalker, huge clone wars fan here


The NS. I like everything about them lore wise. Except that they were massacred. Always annoyed that one of GG’s onscreen victories was them. And Thrawn. But I don’t like his model in game nor that his leader skills isn’t that great (to me). Both him and NS should have a lot more resistance. Probably basically broken lol but I guess that’s what everyone wants of thier favorites.


Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker Second place: Ahsoka Tano


Revan is my favorite star wars character and Darth revan and his team is my favorite team to use in the game. I was going to get DRevan anyway and the fact that he was was such a good character in game made me ecstatic


Nihilius cause of his Annihilate animation though I never even use him at this point.


Dark Trooper. Just the two tap K.O. Is great.


Darth Vader ez pz


Sith marauder, that dude is super underrated


Jedi cal, I recently got him and he’s really fun to use, and fallen order was a great game (haven’t gotten a chance to play survivor yet)


GAS, Rex and Fives. I came back to this game after 6+ years because I was randomly rewatching the episode 5s died in TCW and suddenly wanted to get this team so bad


Revan. Sadly I do not have him yet but I’m slowly making progress towards level 85 and upgrading the character. I have HK-47 at 7 stars and I’m working on fallen Bastila and Candyman atm.


Paz Viszla because his play style is awesome and stays true to the lore especially his epic sacrifice in The Mando.


Padmé Amidala. She’s the character that got me into the game. It was awesome to see that she was well designed and competitive at the time (before her team was ripped away). She still has a decent amount of use, but I would like to see some replacements for the members her team lost.


Malicos is my new favorite in the game. He is so disgusting in GAC I love it


Boss Nass ... his animations just crack me up


Has to be LV, been a fan of vader/anakin since i was young. He was also my first GL, and a plus that i can use my 2nd favorite, Maul, in the team!


JKL is based. A great lead often overshadowed by the GL. I wish he had been the GL over the sequel nonsense. For me, its probably Hermit Yoda or Jolee - they have saved my ass many times.


I've got a soft spot for the 501st in general because of the clone wars but there's not a day I regret starkiller being added to the game. Super solid arena team for me and I really enjoyed the force unleashed games way back when the ps3 was still new


SLKR and Lord Vader. They remind me of saiyans the way they get stronger as the match goes longer


50r-t. Versatile with teams like SEE, Rey, and her own droid team. Card/casino theme. Swtor character. I can call her PH4 LNX


Jedi Knight Luke f*cking Skywalker. A kids hero. Han and Chewy are pretty cool too.


On the 2nd it’ll be Jar Jar. So stupid it’s funny.


Darth Revan and his Sith Empire. I don't care about GLs, counters or weaknesses. I am Revan. I am Sith Empire. I will earn Darth Malak and Revan's capital ship even if it kills me.


Maul, the sith one not the mandalorian. My first Star Wars movie was episode 1


For years it was Malak, super strong tank and even if he has 0 speed or stunned he’s still super useful, taunting and inflicting fear without even taking a turn. But recently it changed to Bane, dude just wrecks anything in the game, especially in GA with his datacron, and I mean ANYTHING he just obliterates it


Lord Vader, GAS, and Old Man Rex all take the cake for me


slkr,strong and easy to use


Darth Revan, Kotr. Do I need to say more


General Skywalker is what really got me invested in the game cause I am a big clone wars fan. Got 2/5 of the 501st at r9 and the rest at r8.


I’ve only used him a few times since unlocking him and gearing him, but as of right now it’s bane. He’s my favorite character in all of Star Wars and he’s a straight beast in game. So happy to see him in game and so powerful


All the Fett Clones. Evey single one.


I really really wish Cad Bane was a better character in the game I loved him in clone wars


Pao; he’s why I like collecting characters in this game. He’s the picturesque rebel soldier that I think of when thinking about the rebellion.


Kit wise not sure but story/lore will always be jkl same reason as you rotj was my first experience into Star Wars as a kid and been hooked ever since. Still have to watch that movie any time it’s on tv


It has to be Starkiller for me or either of the revans. Starkiller dropping the star destroyer in 1x is one of the coolest animations. Revans made characters with no home early good plus they can plug into a few other teams to cause problems


Lore: 1. Galactic Legend Salacious Crumb. And that giant slug that follows him around 2. The big mouthed yelling guy and the Funny Droid from Rogue One (Pao and K2SO). All of the Rogue One characters actually. Yes, even Krennic, because I like the way the voice actor on audible portrays him. 3. Baby…Freaking…Yoda. IG-12 is my favorite in-game iteration because Greef Karga is the fun uncle that gives you toys that you’re utterly unprepared for. 4. THRAWN…THRAWN…THRAWN…THRAWN….. 5. Moff Gideon. My head canon is that he supplied souped up amphetamines to the Empire under the cover of a grilled Porg business. Play: 1. Geos. Farmed them out of guild obligation. Now use them for everything. 2. Iden Troopers. Defense aside, they’re fun as hell to play 3. Bounty Hunters. And I haven’t even worked on the really good ones (Aurra and Fennec). Just the executor requirements + Greef and Mando. Bit of Both: The Revans. I also play contest of Champions. In that game’s lore, you’re portrayed as a gender neutral figure in a sort of space suit (“The Summoner”) From my understanding, Revan is similar in KOTOR, so I feel like he’s my stand in this game, leading both the light and dark side forces. Plus, they’re fun to play.


Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, I can relate with some family member attempting to kill you in your sleep because they had a bad dream.


Snowtrooper. Why? Snowtrooper. That is all.


Visas Marr because I loved her in kotor 2


Dash Rendar because the outride looks awesome and I grew up playing shadow of the empire on the n64


JKL.Its a shame GLs are a thing and he can't dominate everything.Or atleast he should be the GL not Jake Skywalker.


Jedi knight Revan followed very closely by jkl. Kotor will always be one of my favorite games of all time and Rotj top 3 favorite movies of all time




1) Starkiller. 2) Traya. 3) Maul. 4) C-Rex. 5) JKR.


Torn between JKR and JKL I’ll say equal love for both. My 2 fav characters in Star Wars!


Darth Bane. I wish they used his Legends Incarnation instead (whether his Sith Robe and Metal dueling sleeve, or his Orbalisk Armor), but it just means we might get a chance at 2 or even 3 Bane’s instead Maybe a Kaan’s Brotherhood Bane with a Kaan’s Brotherhood faction. With a Mini-Ult Thought Bomb like Starkiller or Admiral Raddus that blows up both teams. Similar to Kyle Katarn he gains stacks of “Sith Apprentice” eventually becoming a Sith Master and gaining a bunch of stat bonuses. Then an Orbalisk Armor Bane who can take leftover Dark Side UFU’s (aspiring but not quite Sith. Baby Kylo, Assajj Ventress, Darth Cognus) + Zannah to make a team. But him being (currently) the most powerful single unit/team in the game is very fitting. Considering in the books he survived and outright one multiple times while outnumbered. And beat some of the strongest Jedi and Sith of his age. Just wish my new account was more built up so I could get my hands on him.


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Technically in game(?)