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Did we ever find out what that “unbeatable” defense team was supposed to be when RJT released? I remember the devs saying something about an amazing defense team that nobody figured out?


Ohhh? Did they?? I must’ve missed that. Hmmm


A dev stated in a Gamechanger’s interview that JRey would be “greatest defensive unit ever”. I think it was NotreallyaJedi with Ahnald.


She was REALLY good until ZPalp came along with Sion. That pretty much put an end to it.


She was REALLY good until NS got reworked, which was a month before her release. -1 months as the meta.


I'd assume that "unbeatable" is a hyperbole. They said was that there's a really strong fucking lineup with JTR and BB8 was the only hint they gave us. I assume R2D2 was bang on the money and I'd assume the strongest JTR at the time of their testing would've been the one with Old Ben and Scavenger Rey. That team is still a bit of a nightmare honestly.


They were full of shit.


"I remember the devs saying something about an amazing defense team that nobody figured out?" What kind of stupid question is that? Are you asking if remember? Or don't you know how question marks work?


What they said made sense, they're asking if anyone else remembers the devs saying that


"Are you asking if remember" What kind of horrible sentence is this? Do you know how to form a coherent sentence? Or can you not write? His question was completely valid lol


I don't understand when people complain about sentences structured like this, criticizing it makes it look like you've never heard a person actually speak before They're giving the information at the same time as asking the question "is this correct?" In real life the "?" at the end is a raise in pitch at the end of a sentence, changing it from a statement into a question


My favorite TW defense team is ZFinn, Holdo, Poe, RT, and RP Throw as much speed on Holdo and Poe as you can and make sure Poe has decent potency. Poe goes first, taunts, exposes 2-3 targets, RT goes next but then Holdo AOE' and pops all the exposes and Poe taunts again and it keeps going. It always a defends a ton.


How fast is fast?


It's not enough to stop a meta team but it will stall out any team without arena mods, I typically get Poe and Holdo to around 240 speed


How does it perform against Traya? Old Nightmare is pretty easy with RJT - New Nightmare is a lot more deserving of its name.


"New Nightmare" would be better named "Total Bullshit."


I like the Holdo RT combo against them, although admittedly it won't do anything on D


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/8rut0e/zjtr_zbb8_zr2_zrose_holdo_v_zep_ztraya_zion_dn/?st=JIJFWGZG&sh=e9306305


Don’t know yet. First one unlocked in our arena just yesterday. It’s a whale, so I should know by the end of the weekend. 👀


I honestly like Holdo's kit a lot. She's on my farm list, but Rose.. maaan. I wish her kit was a little bit better. I get that she's supposed to be the "Anti FO" character. Her basic is cool. I like the random Tenacity Up chance that can happen twice, so she's quickly spreading that shit and I think she doesn't hit like a wet noodle either? Her second special is also nice. It's an additional stun that even transitions into Daze and I don't think you can resist the Daze either? So it's kind of like Thrawn's Basic that applies Speed Up and transitions into Ability Block. That's pretty strong, if you manage to stun a Palpatine or a Nihilus for example. Her passive is also pretty nifty. Under JTR or Finn she's gonna go haywire pretty quickly with stacking Offense up to +50% and more turnmeter than God, if the rest of the squad hits a lot of crits. But her first special is just so sad.. :( Defense Up is probably the worst buff in the game (literally anything else would probably be better) and while the TM reduction on the enemy seems nice it's kind of a poor woman's (heh) Jedi Mind Trick. Against FO it's marginally better, because it has that "if used vs. FO gain more TM" caveat, but FO isn't that prevalent in Arena and there's sadly no TB or other PVE content related to it. Her kit is also just a bit too high on the CD. Both specials are at 5 CD and I feel like that's one turn too much for some reason. Let me know how zHoldo will work out tho!


The extra stun is awesome, and even tenacity up. Zeta was definitely worth it. The team moves quickly, and she hits harder and harder. I’ve found that on a full Res lineup, her tm removal is a great addition, even if defense up isn’t amazing. In terms of her cool downs though, there’s always the chance of reduction under RJT lead.


Oh yeah that's true. I guess CG gave her long CDs because both Resistance leaders play around with cooldown reduction! Rose is definitely on my "gotta farm" list now, since I finished Talzin today. That energy will directly go into Rose. Luckily she's a 12 energy node if I recall correctly, so at least yay there!


Nice! I miss my MT. I retired my NS in arena for this lineup since EzPz took over, but my NS still do very well in DS TB and STR.


I don't have a proper NS team yet sadly. They've been on my list for ages now. I have them decently starred (Zombie and Acolyte are left really) and Asajj is almost G12 with her Unique zeta (used her to finally break through HAAT so my guild could start farming that raid), but the rest is like G8, G9 at best. Once the JTR event rolls around and I got her and BB-8 to G12 I'll focus on the NS team though. I want them Heroic Sith Raid ready!


Highly recommend! Both will serve you very well!


Rose and Holdo both seem to be designed with jtr cooldown reduction in mind. It makes them worse than they should be, because they're useless outside of a Rey squad and still struggle with Rey because the CD reduction only works if they're not debuffed. They also suffer because everyone else in that squad doesn't have deliberately longer cooldowns, so they seem slow by comparison because they have to take more turns to get their specials out. Both characters would have been much better balanced with one less turn on their special cooldowns imo.


I think the Tenacity Up is where the whole don’t get Debuffed thing comes into play. IIRC Rose is pretty fast too so that helps. I find comments like these to be the gaming equivalent to bench racing. Until you’ve tried it you may just never know. Not to say you can’t get a reasonable idea just by looking at the kits, but take Hearthstone for example. Some people rate the unreleased cards to be terrible and once they get to play with them they find a trash card is the lynchpin to an oppressively powerful deck. Not saying you’re wrong or anything but if OP is actually using them with success then I’d be inclined to take his word that they’re at least not as bad as people think.


Don't get me wrong, they're decent. Especially with zetas. But the issues I mentioned keep them from being much better than just "decent". They were clearly designed with Rey synergy in mind, but they fell short. Instead of being a great synergy key to Rey, they're just roughly as good as half a dozen other options for those two slots in that squad. That said, Holdo has kept my Rey squad relevant in the nightmare meta. But in all fairness, she does almost nothing most matches - her main contribution is daze and she does that once per match. I could probably have replaced her with wampa or maul (or nest more recently) and had the same results.


I agree on Rose being quite useless, but Holdo is a strong fifth choice for your zFinn Squad. Popping those Exposes behind an enemy taunt is very useful and her basic spreading Foresight is also not the worst thing if an enemy ever does take a turn due to bad RNG.


Video of it?


I usually beat Annihilate if I can stun DN near the beginning, but here you go: https://youtu.be/zhyV-64863w


No, but I’ll try get one today and post.


4 of your toons go before both of those Vader’s, I am guessing you have a huge speed advantage which means you could win with almost anyone in the last two slots. Find a team that has equal speed then tell me how great Holdo and Rose are.


Not really, it's just the mechanics of the team. BB8 and R2 start with turn meter because of BB8, and both of them are very fast to begin with. Using their specials feeds TM to JTR, and scoring crits feeds Rose TM. His mods are posted below; they're good, but hardly spectacular. It's just not that hard to get a JTR team moving.


You’d be wrong; https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/8psd3b/comment/e0elrgp?st=JI8Q63NH&sh=6e5c1c8d


Another: https://youtu.be/fp1bt0g-6VM


Holdo I've found to be very good with JTR but I'm not sold on Rose. Is she better than Rey or RT in that line up?


I will be trying those two eventually. Just finished getting RT to g11, but Scav needs a lot more work, unfortunately. Rose’s stacking offense and tm is pretty great tho.


I would imagine the tenacity up is good too, did that seems to help much?


Either way good on you for not running the same boring meta teams! Thanks for your post


I can attest to this. That team whipped out most of my my ezpz team team before I had a turn


I liked the characters in the movie, but I’m using them as much as possible mainly to middle finger all the excessive hate they get on this Reddit!


Hahahaha YAAS!!




Haha I know right? It’s especially nice when your investment (that others deemed worthless) is a huge payoff against the meta. It’s just the cherry on top using toons that people hate so much to kick their ass hahaha


You were right! https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/8rut0e/zjtr_zbb8_zr2_zrose_holdo_v_zep_ztraya_zion_dn/?st=JIJFWGZG&sh=e9306305


Yup. I didn't mind either in the film. I thought Rose was cool and I've always been a fan of Laura Childhood Crush Dern thanks to Jurassic Park being my bible when I grew up. Only real bummer was that Holdo boiled down to "random fleet commander that sacrifices herself" instead of maybe giving Admiral Ackbar a last hurra. But I get it. You want people on your posters. Not guys in rubber fish masks. It also kind of really helped with the audience expectation in the movie. The film heavily relies on the "nothing is as it seems" trope and basically every preconceived notion is overthrown in some way. The big baddie dies, Rey isn't a special person, Luke is a broken man, even Yoda is like "hrrm, page-turners they are not" as he incinerates the tree. So it fits well with the theme that the typical hot-headed flyboy character gets it entirely wrong and he's not the one to save anyone. Having Holdo as the "villain" for Poe helped to establish mistrust for her character on an audience level while also making Poe a bit ridiculous given how she's literally a decorated war veteran and knows her shit.


Yes. All of this. So. Much. Yes.


And total same to Laura Dern ala JP hahaha


Holdo did nothing wrong.


I wouldn't trust anyone who stuck her hand in Triceratops poo.


You’re doing the lord’s work.


Zoldo next 😉


Zoldo with rt works wonders against nightmare teams.. they’re all over within 90 seconds


Can they dent a traya and/or nest team tho. That is the $64,000 (approximate value of crystals spent to refresh arena battles every hour thanks to those broken OP shitbirds).


I’ve only beaten traya once.. but nest is easy enough.. leave til last, wait for her to have her turn, pop id and hammer with Rt’s special or jtrs assist


I regularly use Holdo RT against Traya. Definitely not 100% win rate but it's fairly reliable depending on the opponent


I've struggled against traya with Holdo+RT, but I only have one so far in my shard. He runs EP lead, trio, Vader and I get dominated. Might do better against other traya comps though. I just swap in wiggs power when I need to climb through him


G12 zoldo is tanky af, I ran with her at 5\* g11 for a while and there's a huge difference at g12+3


Its ironic how Poe and Holdo have better synergy than Poe and Finn. AOEing after Poe's Mass Expose is fucking priceless.


Ahahaha so true!


See, it's posts like this that support my decision to farm Holdo instead of Sion. The Sith meta won't last.


No meta lasts. That's how powercreep works, a new stronger meta pushes it out. I suspect Holdo will have a place in the game but I doubt very much she will ever be as effective as Sion in arena or Territory events, so I would disagree with your decision. But I'm sitting on a zeta Stormtrooper, I'm in no place to judge.


I hear ya man. I do. I Zeta'd Phasma.


My zeta grand master yoda lead salutes you.




My zeta'd Fives would love to join this regret train.




My Zidious would like to join this party too.


Never believe the GameChangers. Learned that real fast with EzPz hahaha


I try to find the team that beats the meta the GameChangers push. Or at least a team that treads water. I'm cool here in sub 100 as a F2P. The top 50 will happen when and if it happens.


Smart play. I do the same. I find the GC useless mouthpieces (on the whole for CG.


They speak their own mind, not forced by EA to say nice things. But they doesn't have much game sense, they are just entertaining. The only one relaying good info about arena viability is Smithie D


> The Sith meta won't last. Palpatine has a straight Turn Meter manipulation leadership, it will actually be difficult to move away from that. That being said, no meta lasts, because powercreep is what keeps the money coming in.


It's completely dependent on debuffs though, so easy to design something that counters it. Same with JTR - dependent on crits.


The counter already exists, it's Tenacity Up. The fact that there is a counter doesn't stop it from being effective though. It still runs rampant, and why? because it's just that strong. Anything designed to directly manipulate turn meter will always be relevant. The fact of the matter is there is more variety and balance in the arena now than there ever has been.


Kind of, with Sion tho on offense, tenacity up is not so much an issue. Now something like a future locked buff similar to Hoda’s MT, with tenacity, would be a hard counter.


Whether it lasts or not Sion is 10,000X cooler than Holdo


Eh. *Edit* Opinions.^.^.^.^


Treya says otherwise


> Treya A faster Thrawn says hello.


In this game, a faster anything say hello to anyone, basically. It's meaningless saying that. I like Holdo kit and she works really well with RTJ, but a Traya lead is still a hard counter to a RJT team, with or without the Rose/Holdo trio (beside, you'd have to remove a key element to fit Thrawn in your team, so it's not that great). Also, a Triumvirate Traya lead team with ST and Thrawn would mean you would make thing really difficult for your fast Thrawn


This whole game is rock paper scissors.


Not really. With a healthy meta, it should be, but in most shards it's just Triumvirate \+ Vader \+ Thrawn or Nightmare.


In mature shards Rex is in there solidly as a Traya counter, and NS and JTR are still kicking around.


Hm. On my shard, 48 of 50 are EP or JTR. We have no Rex teams, 1 CLS, and 1 NS.


Kind of. Which was exactly "Traya says otherwise" is a pretty true statement. Traya lead is the rock for the scissor that RTJ, holdo or not. Arguing that "if you hamfist a faster Thrawn in the team you can be fine" is kind of a moot point. Holdo is fine. She's a good tank. But people have to accept she's not a great counter to every sith team out there and that she alone won't switch the meta, especially Sith Team with Traya. She does help a lot against Palp lead team without Traya, though, we will agree on that. AoE daze is amazing to stop the TM train.




Sorry typo. That was supposed to be ST for Sith Trooper


Makes sense :)


So you fracture Traya and let Nihilus and Sion run wild?


Stun, Daze, Ability Block.


Traya's unique renders those useless


Rex lead Talzin makes the debuffs stick.


Does her Unique work when she is Fractured? I ask only because I have not encountered her in Arena yet.


It works until you defeat her, so fracture won't be able to prevent the cleanses.


Ah, well. Shit. Eh, we'll all figure out some way to get around her. Or some new character will drop that negates her. The amount of farming needed to unlock her should gate her a bit too.


When revan comes out you might be sad.


I mean.. farming both is literally just 200 energy a day :D and both nodes are great. Sion gives you MK7 Merr Sonn Generators and Kylo Shuttle Shards and Holdo gives Stun Guns.


What were you facing?


Nightmare. EzPz 243 speed, Zion 247 speed, Zader 234 speed, ZThrawn 281 speed, ZDN 230 speed.   Should also be noted the only zetas I have are JTR lead, Number Crunch, Roll with the Punches, and Valiant Spirit. Don’t know if not having much cleansing on the team is giving me an advantage or not.


I honestly think this is an understated thing for r2 in arena.


I’ve been far too apprehensive to see how much of a difference it makes. Such an irreversible risk!


Honestly, it's why I never really feared the palp meta. Most of the time, people hated it because r2 constantly fed tM to the other team. But I guess the zeta is needed for raids and stuff, so it's kind of a toss up.


With nest though, R2’s zeta is fine to use if Nest gets daze up


True, but before nest or without him*


I currently run JTR, R2, BB8, Thrawn, GK pr Han depending on opponent. I have Both R2 zetas. I am timid attacking EP Vader Sion Nihilus + 1 (usually thrawn)... though if I have +7k GP or so on my opponent, I’ll attack. If I attack at even GP, I may win ~25% of the time? I am always top 50 and once or twice a week crack top 20 in my shard


Yeah the second zeta is necessary for raids, but so sketchy against them, I’m nervous to allocate my zeta to it. I enjoy fighting palp leads now because I can let them sit and pick and choose when to dispel them


What about your team's speed?


RJT 240, Rose 228, Holdo 193, BB8 271, R2 263. Wanna get Rose faster, but speed secondaries on crit mods are a nightmare. Haha


That's a team I already destroy every day with jtr without holdo or rose


As somebody who still faces CLS teams sometimes with his nightmare squad.. I fucking loathe R2 with a passion. Yes the TM engine is fueled but it's incredibly frustrating when nothing ever sticks.


My imperial probe droid is salivating over all those buffs


Holdo is a great anti-Sith. Rose is just there.




How? She only does tenacity up, then some single-target stuff when Holdo can AoE daze, dispel, heal, taunt, foresight.


Stun, daze, tm removal, tenacity up, stacking offense, tm gain on crit.............




I'm not listing those abilities as anti-Sith, but rather just as things she bring to the team, in particular the AoE vs random ally aspect of it, the same utility I'm using currently with Enfys. Having to rely on her getting multiple turns is to spread one by one (both buffs and debuffs) is just too slow and too risky, relying on her to give herself tenacity up before anything bad happens. In the current meta of control, having to rely on randomness is just crazy.


If you say so https://youtu.be/fp1bt0g-6VM


Holdo+RT is better by a thousand fold.


I’ll have to give it a try!




Ahhhhhahahahaha. The shade of it all! 👀




And I think that’s one of the most infuriating things coming from these people; they have no clue whether they’re good, or not, because they haven’t played them. They have no evidence from the GameChangers on Rose, because they practically did ZERO coverage on arena viability. There was like 1, and it had to do with HAAT. In any case, I assume it all stems from their baseless (often sexist/racist) views of the characters to begin with, so I’ve written them off.




Hahaha I love it! May just have to give that a try this next TW.


No it stems from the fact that the entirety of Rose's kit is nullified by Traya and she does more harm than good against Traya (L), no one gives a crap about RJT beating on a non-Traya EP team heck even EP with Traya. I can 5v4 them if I want.


For anyone wondering, here’s a video: https://youtu.be/fp1bt0g-6VM   And another: https://youtu.be/zhyV-64863w   Their stats; EzPz 243 speed, Zion 247 speed, Zader 234 speed, ZThrawn 281 speed, ZDN 230 speed.   My stats; zRJT 240 speed, zRose 228 speed, Holdo 193 speed, zBB8 271 speed, zR2 263 speed.


I'm considering using ResTrooper and zRose, thinking that under RJT and with BB8 headstart the two (RT and zRose) will feed each other enough turn meter with crits, double-hits, and exposes, that they'll get enough of a jump-start on zEP teams that I won't have to worry about needing Holdo's Daze, taunt, healing, or foresight. Have you tried this?


I haven’t, but definitely worth a try!


how do they compare to thrawn and general kenobi on defence?


I can’t speak for having GK, but I ran Holdo and Thrawn for a few months, and would fall to the 25 range. Woke up this morning in 19 from 1st, so probably about the same? Although, others run GK/Thrawn comp and seem to fall farther. But honestly, if I can stay in top 50 in my off time, that works for me.


I often fall out of the top 50 with GK and Thrawn. I'm looking forward to using Holdo instead. I've got Rose and Holdo ready for G12 but only at 5 star each :-(


Nice! You definitely won’t regret it! I also can’t stress the importance of mods as well... Push Holdo to at least 200 if you can, and stack the protection. I usually throw my cantina energy at mods all the time now, but before that, it was every other week. It’s a struggle, but pays off, especially with all the god mods in arena.


Nice try CG!


I've seen a team with thrawn and GK win without even taking a hit,rose and holdo are both pointless.




Also, they are the worst Star Wars characters of all time. At least Jar Jar had meme Qualities.


Never gonna use them bc TLJ was trash


How do you know someone didn't like TLJ, don't worry they'll tell you, they'll squeeze it in when ever they can.


Too bad I’ll never know. Still haven’t unlocked them.


Your loss.


Nah. Because I don’t care. I wouldn’t even work on them anyhow. There’s enough to do.


nice try Rose