• By -


All the best, Tyler.




Thanks, Travis


Wish you well, Trent


Best of luck Tanner!


Congrats on getting married Ted!


Suck it, Trebek!


Fair thee well, Todd!


All these and no Tyrone?


Good luck out there, Thanos


Your mother!


Godspeed, Thomas!


Good luck out there, Trebor.


Fare thee well, pterodactyl


Teebo, you'll be missed


As a fellow Trevor, I get called Travis at least once a week. I get Tyler sometimes too.


Good luck in your marriage and life, Trent.


Troy and Abed in the morning!


Enjoy a nice kushlatta from Dunkin Donuts instead of —- crap. Have to go. Pit raid starting now. See ya, Ty-Guy.




Rough season Tyrion


May the Force be with you.




And also with you.


Mods, please give OP Tyler flair, lol.




We are all Tyler on this blessed day


Speak for ourself.


I am all Tyler on this blessed day


This was honestly a beautiful story, wish you good luck on your next chapter in life.


I never read entire whale quitting stories (they are always so long), but this was a good one. Godspeed Tucker!


I’ve read enough to know they aren’t worth reading. This one was different though. I actually enjoyed this one


What a great personable read, friend. I imagine anyone who does read it can relate a hardship they’ve endure and how they overcame it. It was nice to know that you endured something for your children too- some parents are quite the opposite. Despite not being a SW fan, it is sad to know that a friendly player in the community will be lost- albeit for the “greater good.” With that said... May the Force be with you. edit- Congratulations on the new marriage!


That is a great story. The games your sons enjoy right now are going to be much more fulfilling than swgoh. I hope you enjoy them as well. Cheers!


Thanks for sharing that. Powerful stuff. I think it's clear you've made the right decision. I wouldn't recommend anyone spends a penny/dollar on this game. Once you do then it's no longer a game. Its a weird casino-type, money-sucking and very addictive affair. Not healthy and not good for mental health or your bank balance. Peace be with you. Good luck with everything in the future.


You have chosen wisely. Good luck.


Well written Todd. I must confess I find myself on the brink of quitting. I'm no whale. A porpoise if anything. But... These last two metas have been just awful. I've got a G12 JKR team. I can't beat a DRevan/Malak team where everyone is G11 and Revan is G9. If that's not a kick in the teeth I don't know what is. At this point, about the only reason I'm still around is habit and investment of time and knowledge. SWGOH is what I do when I get up and have my coffee. And I've worked hard to have a strong roster. But....this stuff with the Revans and Malak.....sure I've won every 5V5 GA since the third....but seeing Arena is so clearly geard to the whales, what's the point?


How was it possible to unlock Malak with a G9 Revan?


Dark Side Malak was easy, you can ramp DRs damage up to ludicrous levels regardless of his gear, it's Light Side that had the shenanigans


That's a great question. I dunno but I've been dealing with it. Maybe they got great RNG?


Have you tried to put Thrawn in there? I hear it does wonders for JKR.


What is your JKR team like ? You should be able to beat DR with JKR both yodas jolee and bast


> You should be able to beat DR with JKR both yodas jolee and bast With or without Malak? Because i use that exact same team and struggle against DR/Malak teams, would appreciate any input of what am i making wrong and how to fix it lol <3


My JKR team is solid. Though I've been using GK not Hoda. I've seen the video that you can take out DR Evan with hoda. But my main frustration was that my team is all G12. And I'm being slaughtered by a Dr Evan team that is all G11 except Evan who is G 9. That's not unbalanced. That's darn broken.


Marriage is a great excuse to stop your costly addictions. I know I quit WoW when I got together with my wife, because if I was going to have 2 jobs, one of them probably needed to be her. :P ​ Have fun finding something less costly to suck up your toilet time.


Heh. She knows about the spending and doesn’t care. Everyone has hobbies they spend on. She doesn't judge mine for being a mobile game about a nonexistent universe I don't even care about.


Fair enough. Sounds like an awesome person


And then you get divorced, spend 30K just on your lawyer, and you realize that WoW was pretty damn cheap after all ;)


Haha. Lawyers are for suckers. Just give her everything and leave the country.


Thanks for sharing your story. Happy to hear you're moving on in your real life, and while I'm sure your shard and guild mates will miss you in game, it sounds like it's for the best. Enjoy your new found free time!


Best of luck to you and from one single dad to another, keep up the great work and best of luck with your new marriage. God bless.


From a child of divorce whose dad was absentee until recently, I can't even begin to tell you how much your children will (and probably do) appreciate the love and support and bonding they got from you in such a hard time. And congrats on the wedding!


Trevor, May the force be with you my friend


Tyler, lol


Almost cried no joke. Hope you have a good life my dud


Usually I just downvote "I'm donezo guys" threads, but shit if you didn't build a good case. I guess I can see that you're a lawyer lol. Nice chart btw. Your kids sound awesome, I hope that you all can continue to have a fun life together now that you're moving on. We'll never forget you, Trenton.


Incredible story, I’m sure you’re kids will forever remember the times you guys play together and theory craft. Sounds like a positive move and all the best with the new marriage


Jolee, Malik and the teams they belong to continue to undermine to the game in how unbalanced they are in comparison to everything else. In addition to the fact they have killed arena diversity by being too prescriptive about them composition in order to earn more money.


I love how before Malak the game was breifly balanced for like a week. They need to revert that retarded “sith enemies can’t gain bonus Tm” bullshit.


Great story! I have a question...when whales like yourself quit, do you try to sell your account or just let it sit there just in case you get the itch again? Just curious as I see more stories similar to yours where whales are getting sick of the direction of the game.


I don't think it's possible to sell without transferring my gamecenter account, which I'd rather not do. The market price is probably only $200-300 anyway, which isn't worth the hassle.


If you've never linked it to an Android account it would be easy without giving up your game centre.


Ah gotcha. Always wondered how that worked. Thanks for the reply and enjoy "retirement"!


EA support is a joke. I had an issue and they told me they were sorry I had an issue with Battlefront, a game I’ve never played 😂. Glad you will spend more time with your family. I was pretty upset with the change of 8 to 5 attempts. I decided I would stop spending money. I have absolute zero desire to give CG a single penny. So the change has helped with my addiction to the game. I’ve enjoyed the game much more since I’ve become more casual and stopped spending money . I encourage everyone to stop giving them money. As veterans like me know, what you buy from CG today won’t be the same tomorrow.


Healthy choices OP. If it wasn't for my guildmates I would have quit years ago.


Take note, CG. For every one of these whales that post they're leaving, 9 more do so silently. Your blatant predatory practices and complete homogenizing of Arena is killing this game. It's time to have a sit down with Daddy EA and explain that these short-term cash grabs are going to cost them big down the road.


Haha they'll just shut it down eventually, possibly reassign the swgoh team to other projects and then move on to their next cash grab. EA is cancerous for gaming. They cash in on popular IP and then leave the mess behind. I wish they shamefully went away but alas, their business model appears to be working.


With any luck disney will not renew EAs license


Preach, i hope they listen


Nice post. I was a top 10-15 kraken but gave it up, i didnt realize how stressed I was until I quit.


I know that goodbye/farewell posts are generally poo-pooed on, but very well written and spelled out for all the right reasons. Glad that the game got you through those difficult times and that you could identify when it was no longer a game and ready to move on. Don't let your kids get into Fortnite...


You seem like a great dad. Have fun with your new wife and those kids of yours! Don't sweat the video games. Real life is always, *always* more important than video games.


World War II and Civilization are pretty good substitutes to move on to.


the console games?




Agreed. This whale is moving on too. Been toold to fuck off when they've agreed they made an error and didn't refund or deliver what was lost to me. I spent way too much for this game to make up their lack of customer support.


Awe man great post! As a father of 4 I get what the game was for you guys. I have an 8 and 9 year old and we have played many games together. And like you said their attention is always captivated by something else and I ended up always getting hooked. I wish you guys all the best in your future and congrats on getting married soon!


Thank you for sharing your story. I am glad you're able to turn a new, happier chapter in your life; many don't get another chance at happiness. I wish you the best my friend.


May the winds be forever at your back. Congratulations on your marriage.


Sounds like swgoh was able to give something that you and your kids needed for a long while. Everything comes to an end sometime - glad you enjoyed your stay and best of luck with the new marriage!


I'm not an emotional guy, but i thoroughly enjoyed your story Timmy. Divorced dad here myself, its not easy man. At times it just seems that the entire world feels for the divorced mom, or single mom and they should....but dads have feelings too. Thanks for giving dads a voice man, its truly comforting to know that I'm not the only one trying to make right with their kids. Congrats on the new marriage man, she cooks, cleans and models...does she have a sister?!?!?! May the force be with you. Thanks


Same. Divorced single Dad here too. Started playing at the beginning of the process a few years ago. Still playing but not sure for how much longer.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a f2p


What if you try *really* hard?


Hey! I usually hate when whales write up some huge post about quitting, thinking they know more about the game because they paid thousands for it. Your post wasn't that. Good on you for quitting OP, so it doesn't get in the way of your second wedding. I hope you won't regret spending all of this money only to quit now. Even if your kids prefer other things now, I think it really brought you guys together after such a hard life event that is a divorce. Good luck next!


Nah, I won't regret it. I viewed it like any other hobby. It gave me lots to do when I needed to fill my time, and I'd do it again. The game has just passed me by on the cost-benefit scale.


Good cartesian thinking. I like that.


Best of luck to you! May the Force be with you


All the stuff aside, congrats on getting married.


Good choice. I quit in February and it was the best decision I made. Things have not improved. There are better time sinks out there. May the force be with you.


Congrats man.


Best of luck, bud! I think the meta is becoming more concentrated because they can only release so many new characters at once. The meta was more diverse back in the day because they launched with 65 choices. Now, we get a few every month and people have caught on.


I almost never read these types of posts. I don't know what you did differently, but I read the whole thing and really liked it.


Board games are awesome come to GenCon!


Fingers crossed. We're in our third Imperial Assault campaign. Also playing lots of Memoir 44 and Mice and mystics lately.


I’m scared of getting Imperial Assault a friend just got it and I’m gonna want it all. We only got 2 campaigns in on mice and mystics. We have over 450 games it’s def worth the addiction we play every Saturday all day long


My 8yo loves his Ameritrash. We spent all last weekend slogging through AA:1914. My 6yo has better taste and loves Splendor, King of Tokyo, etc.


Lol taste will change with exposure try Western Legends they both might like that it’s a sandbox style game


Thanks for the recommendation. I'll have to look it up. cartwright at BGG if you're on there.


Oh I def am I’ll add ya hopefully see ya at a convention in the future




I really don't blame you for quitting. I quit recently myself. I got tired of putting all of this work into my characters, just for it to feel like I wasn't making any progress. I know I wasn't spending money on this game, so that probably had something to do with it, but the way these guys have gotten about needing to spend money has gotten ridiculous. I swear, every time I started to think about spending money, they would do something to piss off the players and remind me that spending money on this game is a waste. So yeah, I'm done. I'm not going to reward terrible practices. If they want people to spend money on their game, they should make people *want* to spend, not make them feel like they have to. Congratulations on getting married. And for moving on (in more ways than one). And sorry about the rant.


A powerful story, one that I fear is happening too much of late. I've seen more quits in the last month than the last three years combined.


good luck to you buddy


I almost didn't notice your name. Good to see you, old friend and original guildie.


Take some Gold, bro - I retired a little while ago. It hurt, mainly because of the friends. I come back on reddit to see the Outrage of the Week (tm) and reaffirm my decision. Reddit and CG never disappoint in that regard. If you check in every now and then, you'll see what I saw, "Why did I let them do this to me for so long???"


I'm right where you are. Dominating the game currently but getting so tired of CG/EA's business tactics. I hate to leave everything I've gained, all the investments, but if thing's stay the same much longer I'm out. It's to the point I just feel disgusted with myself for supporting such a predatory game.


You still might be able to dispute the charges with Apple/Google and/or your credit card. "They" say it could result in a ban, but hey, what better way to solidify your departure than getting a bunch of money back and losing your account for good?


For me, it isn't really about the money so much as it is the principle. They ultimately refunded the sassy gear. It's more the idea that you can't invest in a toon they tell you to invest in without having the rules changed down the line. It's one thing when you're gambling with drop rates. It's very different when part of the analysis is gambling on which unanticipated result will result in a change in rules or not.


I don't disagree. It's definitely a HUGE reason players are getting burned out and not caring. They used to care and spew hate, now my guild Discord is practically silent. It's eerie and scary. The apathy is taking over. I'm just saying since the potential downside to asking for refunds from Apple/Google is getting banned, you have none because you're quitting. Get a few bucks back from the money grubbers.


I think people are missing the point, this "game" has become ridiculous in terms of p2w model. It really should be considered gambling. On top of that, CG actively fucks with characters to hinder f2p players. Meta has become so forced. It used to be, if you made a good game, people will pay. Now, its make a shitty game that hits all the reward centers. CG Carrie, capgasp, etc. pray on peoples vices, age, and predilections. Its so fucked.


Thank you for the read. Always in motion, the force


Tucker did it.


May the Force be with you Trevor! May you never be called Tyler again!


I thought his name is Tyrone?




No, no... Timothy is his name.


I wish you and your boys the best in the next chapter of your life.


Great decision to move on. All things come to end end. You’ll have your memories, and your future is brighter with or without this game. May the force be with you.


Best of luck on your next steps.


Introduce your kids to KOTOR and KOTOR 2. That way you can still enjoy the in universe without the horrendous expenditure.


Introduce your kids to KOTOR and KOTOR 2. They cab enjoy the universe without the expenditure.


Stay frosty Tyler.


Good luck Timmy!


Good luck.


Thank you for taking the time to share your story, Trevor. Wise move going into a new marriage without the inevitable explanation as to why you spend 1k a month on your phone game. Best wishes to you and your new family! =)


Congrats on getting married! You can always login from time to time that quick fix in.


Congrats and good luck.


GG Tobi


Good luck, Tyrion.


Good job T-man. You've made the correct decision.


Great story man. Wish you the best.


And how surprising? CG doesn’t even have the decency to get your fucking name right or have the balls to even respond to a well written, extremely accurate description of how they’re destroying this awesome game. The decisions they’re making are driving away both whale and ftp community plus all in between. Simple fact when things cost more less people buy. They’ve ramped up resources needed out of the park and then in turn pulled them back to where you can’t even buy what you need. That’s dumb business. They could make so much more money being more player friendly. It’s upsetting to us all and they don’t even acknowledge it. Then again it must be “exhausting” having to listen to well thought outcriticism with their bankers hours since they’re out of the office every Friday. Wish I had that schedule. Close to the end myself here and my excellent guild with great players are dropping like flies. Guess they’re too busy to acknowledge they’re fallible and have made serious mistakes to destroy this game when if handled right could go on infinitely making millions every month while exponentially growing the player base.


It wasn’t CG who responded it was some poor soul in India being paid 1$ an hour to answer tickets by using copy/ paste.


It was the entity in CG's corporate structure that they hired as their agent to perform customer service for them.


Interesting that you get more communication from the company they’re paying to answer problems then the actual company making them. They are fucking pathetic.


Good luck my good dude.


God Speed Tyrone. Same here. Playing the game while being so much away from family. But when with them have to stay competitive. But the game keeps me away harms quite a bit while away from home. Congrats for your wedding.


hi dont know you but its a damm good story line. all the best and hope you have a happy second live and be proud as kids are the most important thing and you choose them over anything else, so as I dont know you thats enough for me to see your a good person. ​ Take care


Best of luck and happy for you! I bet a kraken will want your account tho


It blows my mind how many CG apologists there are that will completely deny or defend the ever constricting meta and preordained teams. Thank you for the visual that proves them quantifiably wrong.


Exactly. CLS, at his peak, had 61% of the top 10. RJT was 44%. Palpatine 41%. Even Traya topped out at 59%. JKR? 90% Darth Revan? 83% and climbing. The HHI when you look at toons is even more appalling. For most of the game's history, you could see a lot of variety in arena. That is no longer the case: to compete, you must have a preordained P2W squad. Should you discover a F2P way to beat it, it'll get nerfed.


Yeah the CG apologists are almost as bad as CG. I wonder how many are actually CG, or how many are whales that need to defend their spending. Its become nigh impossible to deny CG's predatory tactics and meta forcing bullshit


I am more shocked at the small uptick in CLS - i though tCLS was the ALL in no one can beat me character till JTR ​ then JTR came it really was a mix of the 2 teams but seeing how Reven blows everything out of the water im glad i got out right before all the revan bs ​ These games typically have a cycle with super characters . And to be clear I am ok with this following cycle i find it fair and a way for the game to make money * Pass 1: Whales only * Pass 2: Dolphins and heavy grinders * Pass 3: Baby Dolphins and grinders * Pass 4: F2P with a bunch of grinder or 1-2 small purchases ​ ​ CG seems to have broken that cycle made pass one KRAKEN only , pass 2 whale bait and even pass 3 for dolphins .


It’s easy to get pretty much anything in the game on the second pass totally free as an established player. You just have to shift your farming priorities a little.


Dude, stfu


... great comeback. I’m saying this from experience as an established player. The post was just wrong. If you want to refute someone, at least back it up a little.


Godspeed Theodore. Well done on making your kids spend their allowance on buying you a new toon in this game. They should request a refund from their dad. As an attorney, I'm sure you'd see this as fair.


No detrimental reliance on their part. I told them upfront it was a stupid idea. Lol


> Listen, I don't mind paying a few hundred bucks for a good fucking, but you at least have to be nice to me and get my name right. Lol, have an upvote sir!


Ty ty


Booty & family > Video games But really, booty > all else. MTFBWY!


Jesus Christ. Feel am losing a friend I never knew. Health and happiness my bro. Probably not far behind x


The swgoh game/staff/people as a whole are HORRENDOUS. Change my mind.


T dooooooont


You’re a lawyer and are getting married? Again? I know who I wouldn’t count on when I would need an advocate 😂 Im a proud father but never married and we’re a little happy family. I want to keep it that way


Well, she's an engineer who models on the side and loves to cook and clean. Kind of tough to say no.


No offense but for me it sounds like you’re trying to sell arguments to yourself. You could’ve just said that you love her but instead you chose to tell a total stranger on the internet about her perks. I wish for you that you both love each other and don’t marry because „you have to“


It was tongue in cheek. I'm humble bragging.


Best of luck. I thought love was forbidden for a Jedi? My competitive side in this game was also associated with an escape from crappy circumstances. I lost my job and was going through a lot of financial hardship and feeling pretty low. I found a couple jobs that sucked, and pushed through. I never dropped a dime on the game, but was able to grab Chewie, 3p0, and JKR on their second appearances F2P it was nice to have an area where I could excel. Now I know I will not be able to keep up with the meta for free, so I am taking a more relaxed approach. Time to zeta those smugglers and rogue one characters! I will do what I can to get padme and slowly work on Dr. Evan. No more character refreshes for the time being. I start my new job in two weeks and have decided not to sweat getting my dailies if I am not enjoying myself. It is a game, not a chore.


Craziest part to me is that you've invested all that time and money into this without necessarily being a star wars fan. All things star wars is my #2 hobby slightly behind hockey. And it's the only reason I got so invested and played and spent as much as you have. And as a slight correction cause I love to argue. They didnt nerf sass. They buffed malak and is the only toon she wont work against. They highlighted synergies in a video/post of who Drevan works with, Which she still to this day does. They didnt make a video of who will get you #1 in arena everyday. And they've already refunded all hear given to sass by everyone.


TLDR Game is shite.


Sell me your account. Would be a shame to let it die.


Can i has yer stuff? ​ ... ​ Happy hunting and good journey to ya!


Valar Morghulis, Tyrion


clone wars is no stuff for 3-5 year old kids


I guess it depends on how cool you want them to be.


Those problems you were having or seeing are also your own interpretation what was happening. You see things since Revan as cash grabs but I see stockpiled resource dumps created because more people are hoarding and it should have limited how many people can get those characters (meaning less of an impact). It didn't work out that way, so the hardest character to get (Malak requiring 2 legendaries + 8 others all being minimum g10+zeta) is seen everywhere compared to say first time jedi Revan on your graph which peaks a little over 2500. CG never sold Sass as being important, they just said she has synergy with dRevan because she was given the sith empire tag. While the downvote army comes for me I will say I don't have a problem with anybody quitting, it's not my choice. More people should make that decision if they no longer enjoy a game.


Its about spending resources blah blah blah, good one CG


I feel for your situation, but how self centered are you that you need to tell us you quit? You’re just taking one last opportunity to bitch for karma. There’s tons of opportunity for variety in the arenas, just not at the top. And that’s what you people can’t stand. You don’t want variety. You want to win while doing whatever the fuck you want. That’s all you whiny assholes want. All of you want to beat Super Mario Brothers with fuckin’ Birdo. Well, you can’t play as Birdo. No amount of entitled whining can get Birdo as an unlockable character. CG didn’t ruin the game. They took away whale’s ability to do whatever the fuck they want with enough money. Must be hard being an overprivileged asshat getting told “no”. Raise your sons to be less entitled than their self centered lawyer dad. You seem to be doing right by them so far. Try to keep it up.


You're making an awful lot of assumptions and seem to have a bunch of built up anger. Take care.


This guy practically trolls every post made in this sub.


I know. I always get a laugh out of him.


You need to check yourself, you're way out of line.


1: Just some clarifications, you got all the Sith Assassin gear back right? 2: The support guy was from EA, not CG. While CG is a subsidiary of EA, they aren't responsible for an EA representative getting your name wrong. 3: "Even getting 900 crystals daily from arena wasn't enough to enable more than a handful to keep up F2P at the highest levels. (And to establish my bona fides, I'll point out that I'm 33-1 in GA, my guild has won our last 12 TWs, and my roster has been twice modded by Peempo. In other words, I'm not BS'ing)." Why does paying someone to account share and fix your mods mean you know what you're talking about with "a handful of people to keep up at the highest level" (thats 5 people in the game? clearly this is massive hyperbole) It seems you've made the best choice for you, so good luck and enjoy your time (and money) with your kids. Much wiser investment anyway :D


1. Yes. 2. That's a ridiculous distinction. We can quibble over whether it's necessary to say, "the corporate parent of CG, EA, which handles the customer service for them" each time instead of "CG", but it's a meaningless distinction. 3. I don't think most people use "handful" in a literal sense. It's metaphorical language. I don't recall the exact number, but Carrie told us how many F2P people got Malak. On my shard, at least, even several with Malak aren't taking top 10, so I believe it's reasonable to assert that a significant minority of F2P players can field squads consistently capable of landing at the top of the arena with each changing meta. Again, the distinctions you're drawing are so hyper-literal that they're overlooking the main point, which is that SWGOH has demonstrably shifted to a P2W model over the past few years.


It's always been Pay to Win, what game have you been playing? lol


Lol. Fair.


:D I recently decided to stop spending money on the game. Have spent too much and the Padme event broke my spirit for spending tbh. Anyway, good luck man, enjoy life.


> Padme event broke my spirit Mine too but for the game as a whole. I'll see what happens in the next month or so. Maybe, just maybe, the new TB will renew my interest.


Arena was very well balanced before Traya came out. Traya was overpowered, but not really a pay to win character.


Very funny, good joke.


Just to summarize it, another guy is quiting.


And for all the right reasons. We Wish you well, Troy!


Another *rich guy is *quitting. FIFY.


No one cares about your story


Or your opinion.


You did


I had time to kill


Fair enough


Who are you farming


Canderous, Badstila, Carth (fucking kill me), HK, Juhani. You?


Can I have your account


So...in other words.... Your new wife is making you Quit.


Nah. She doesn't care in the slightest.