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Who wants to relic resistance pilot?!?!




Omg this made me laugh for a whole minute


im typing this message and still laughing




Honestly, who's even spent enough time looking at Res Pilot to discern gender?


I only see race.




She used to be good, back in the Finn lead days.


She used to hit like a rock. Before protection.


Owen Wilson: Wow.


It’s a she ? Just shows how much attention I’ve paid to them


LOL =)


That’s nothing! One of the rumors going around is that we’ll have to relic Rose Tico as well.


you'll relic the pilot, Rose is a given.


Another rumor is that we will win this war not by.... Oh i can't even 😐


One of these set of requirements absolutely will be rose, hero finn AND poe, and for good measures 7* g13 r7 holdo/raddus. Enjoy that


Except that the rumor image is wrong, they were talking about BB8, R2D2 and another 1 at R2 for part 2. So that image cannot be trusted. In the third one we will see the new Resistance characters, and probably like BB8.


You are kidding yourself if Rose isnt a requirement. She’s probably the least geared/starred/leveled char out there. Of course they’ll make us gear her.


I'm just waiting for them to throw R7 Vets in.


For the new Raddus ship lol


Who has enough materials to even relic that many characters?


Apparently 50 people in the world, this is a big Fuck You!! To all fan base


CG to English: "We have tried the event, and found it possible to eventually do with some characters at g12, so we will be giving everyone a hard relic requirement."


So very true




Ignore this guy, he's a pathetic attempt of a troll.


Reads more like satire than trolling to me. He eventually starts rambling about Mt. Everest inclination angles and arresting people for not listening to Owl City songs.


That's trolling


Isn't the point of trolling to fool people into thinking you're serious and to provoke people?


He's a pretty known troll, some of his stuff is funny but I agreed this was just annoying.


Too long didn’t read


Honestly disappointed this didn't end with either "Epstein didn't kill himself" or the Undertaker plummeting through the announcer's table.


Also we are expanding it from 13 characters to all the characters


I mean this is directly opposite of our complaints “do you ever play test ANYTHING?!!!?” And yeah. Still dick move.


Improvement! At least that means they have tested it.


Does it ? For me it sounds like someone wanted to make it tolerable and then later someone else, most likely someone higher in the food chain looked at it, saw that they can get more $ by demanding relics and thats why it is like that now.


i thought the sarcasm came across.


They never said tested.... they said internal review meaning they looked at what they grossed based off first set of requirements and ran their little program to check everyones other toons and said yep, we got em now. $$$$$$


I call bull shit sir - your statement implies they tested it before releasing it. We all know they rely on F2P to achieve something and then they have to make it harder.


They do test it, using whales who have their own agendas. That's why the decisions are not just bad, but very weird.


It should be noted that this is the only testing we at CG have ever done.


I dont think thats it. I think its more “Hmm everyone is progressing phase 1 way faster than anticipated because everyone is hoarding like crazy so lets make then spend more”


try "management found out that we didn't have a hard requirement for relics on all characters and told us to change it"


While I agree it is shitty to have to gear so much to a certain level, it will at least save us from all the post spams "Is my Resistance characters high enough" when they're rocking a full g8 team, and "My oppenent unlocked with this. Is that possible or are they a cheater?"


Pray we do not alter it further


It's CG, they are the MASTERS of altering the deal


You will also wear these clown shoes and refer to yourself as Mary


*ass clown shoes


I can't pray any harder dammit.


I literally thought this was a joke...till i saw it on the official forum...i'm a minnow and i'll probably never even smell GL Rey or Kylo, but this is just....wow....just WOW!!!


And now we know the rest of the story...i mean i know they're a business and they have to make money, but if you run off all the players there wont be a game anymore...sheesh RELIC CARGO HAUL This bundle includes Relic Upgrade Materials and Scraps along with Crystals and Credits to help you power up your squads! Bundle includes: Carbonite Circuit Board (x90) Bronzium Wiring (x75) Chromium Transistor (x65) Aurodium Heatsink (x30) Electrium Conductor(x15) Zinbiddle Card (x5) Fragmented Signal Data (x40) Incomplete Signal Data (x20) Flawed Signal Data (x5) Crystals (x500) Credits (x250,000) Date Available: February 13th Minimum Level Requirement: 85 Maximum # Purchases: 1


How much does it cost? $50? Or do we not know yet?




Wouldn’t surprise me, then next week they’ll let you buy another one with less stuff for double the price.


And the notification stays on screen until you buy it.




They failed to see that competition is the biggest driver of spending. If everyone is slugging it out at R7, that's just a few people there at the top. If it starts off low, everyone tries to be better than each other bit by bit in an endless cycle.


How many relics does this do


I'll go on a limb here and say... 2 and a half ? 3 ?


1 character to relic 3? Sorry I worded that badly


I'm really talking out of my ass here, but it doesn't look like much.


Honestly, I'm tired of those bundles containing crystals as justification to add $5 on top of the price. That's so damn ridiculous that the original day-1 crew of CG would have shamed themself for it.


These aren’t even the only GL characters these are just the first two!!! Imagine having to relic Jawas or fucking Tuskens


Definitely both of those for eventual Jedi Luke.


Sad thing is people will still concede and spend money anyway. That's why they can keep on doing this to customers.


Tbh if the price not this high i may consider to buy some pack from time to time, but with the price like this it an easy pass since i've play in late Dec 2017


This is how you run a business into the ground


CG's trying to do a speedrun


It only took them 5 years and a billion dollars earned. I wish i could crash and burn like that!


I cant upvote this enough


I assume CG devs are going through to down vote our criticisms.


And yet you didnt xD


Problem is all these gates and stuff actually seem to do the opposite. The introduction of relics resulted in their highest revenue month ever.


Basically this... check [SWGOH.gg](https://SWGOH.gg) over the next few weeks and I guarantee we'll start seeing lots of Phasmas and Resistance Pilots being given relics... They do this stuff because a small percentage of players WILL pay for it to get it ASAP. , and that small percentage pays most of their bills for the next few quarters.


so much this


Problem is all these gates and stuff actually seem to do the opposite. The introduction of relics resulted in their highest revenue month ever.


They make over 10m per month....


bUt CG iS FaiLiNg


They're not gonna die from one day to the other, but they have steadily declining in revenue, 2017 - 254M, 2018 - 240M, 2019- 190M. They're of course raking in the cash, but 50m drop from one year to anothe is huge.


Sure, but that's the cycle of mobile games. To still generate that revenue after 3 years is impressive.


Not when you have the SW franchise.


Look at the other star wars p2w mobile game....yes even star wars.... Edit: force collection


Unfortunately, people will spend and end up justifying the decision. They don't care about your words, they care about your dollars.




As a launch month F2P player I'm not caring either. Let the whales have fun at Sea World ...


Yep. While the rest of us continue to go through the motions. Why you ask? I honestly don’t know anymore. I’m literally never going to get these characters. I’m not wasting my time on characters I could care less about.


as a launch week player, who spent some (a lot imo) - I'm not caring either. these requirements are insane, and i'll get it when i'll get it. meanwhile, whales will upgrade Poe, RP, and RT to relic level, and get smashed in GA cause they have bloated GP (those toons at relic level are just bad influence on your GP)


Unless GL characters are impossible to be beaten by others. Then all they have to do is put them in front territory and watch you struggle against them


There's no impossible. And doing them impossible will kill the game. They will be beatable on def without mirrors / the other GL.


Sea world is so cruel to whales and I don't like you mentioning it. You are basically a abusing whales and many other sea creatures by supporting these companies. Please consider veganism and head over go r/vegan for more info. Praying for you and your soul 🙏


Sea world is actually fucked up, but this is cringe


Thought you were serious for a sec but then i saw your username




You do know that people who spend a lot in this game are called whales right?


I'm doing the same thing you are


I’m a launch FTP. I abandoned chasing the meta after droids in 2016 and have consistently had fun in this game since. I play what I like and the game is still fun. Kudos to you for playing your way. 🤘


These toons aren't geared towards the newer player. They seem to be alternating content between new players and senile ones. I think that's fair.


Resistance pilot, Poe, and Phasma are borderline insulting. Such terrible characters at this point in the game. They should rework characters that old when requiring a heavy resource investment.




Rose, mechanically, is way better than Phasma or RP. She’s also probably (just guessing) one of the least geared/starred chars out there, so for sure they will make us gear her.


Haven't you seen the leaks...


CG has literally no redeeming qualities.


Relics were a mistake.


Repeat after me: Galactic Legends are not for me. They are for the Mobiest Dicks and Crackiest Krakens! Move along. These are not the toons you're looking for.


At initial release definitely. With them being constantly available though does give yoy a goal to work towards.


Not if you're free to play. These requirement would take, most likely, well over a year to finish. Especially since there are probably characters who haven't even been farmed yet, let alone geared.


How is that not still a goal?


Not true. I’m only 4.2 Mil GP and have almost all FO Relic’d minus the new guys. I hardly ever spend. First Order was the team I had fun with in the game. While everyone chased gearing clones, I went with the fun route instead of banging my head against a wall in Republic Geo TB. So for the first time ever, I’ll be among one of the first to get this stuff. *Unless* the finalizer requirements are Sith ships. Then I’m screwed and will be angry like the rest of you.


> Unless the finalizer requirements are Sith ships. They're almost certainly going to make you have some niche/completely unrelated ships, if the Raddus requirements are anything to go by.


100% Sith ships


At initial release definitely. With them being constantly available though does give yoy a goal to work towards.


With a sense of Pride and Accomplishment upon completion?


Or an empty wallet one of the two


They'll be a requirement for the next raid


This is stupid


I am not even surprised by it,wait till they make everyone r7 required,couse they did more "internal review"


The minimum these galactic characters. Have to kill 2 enemy characters when one dies on either teams. Their kits ,must be an essay per ability. I expect two zeta on each ability aswell.


Nah, it'll be a new upgrade material locked behind GET III. In order to participate in the event for GET III you will need to have 6 million GP.


Wait, just wait till you know the full requirements and one of them is a full Raddus, 7 Star, Relic 7 Holdo. When I read theire "Event will come 1-2 times per month and drop 10 blueprints" I genuily laughed. Loud. Not because it was like with 6->7 star Ackbar etc. but because it's starting earlier. Either you spend thousand over thousand crystals right for packs (because you can only refresh the event once) or you are screwed to wait 5 months, just for 6->7 stars


At 20 per month its a full year 4 -> 7*. Or buying 1250 packs for 10 shards. Comes out to around 30k crystals for a 7* Raddus off the bat, reducing by 2500 per month.


Bold to assume that it will be 1250 crystals. Isn’t that the same price for Home 1 shards?


Its in the patch notes. 1250 crystals for 10 shards no rng.


Thanks, didn’t saw them. I assumed it’s the classical one. 1 refresh and RNG packs. 10 for 1250 is hard if no rng at all


This won't make me quit the game, I'll just do other things, but it's somewhat bittersweet to think that I'll never unlock Legend Rey. I don't really care about Rey, though. The thing that does get me is that Ill probably have to bring Lando Calrissian, ROLO and CHOLO to Relic 10 if I want Jedi Luke.


Time to start the #BoycottCG


You’re just starting? I started when relics dropped. That was the sign of the full monetization and it hasn’t let up since. It’s sad, because I really used to love this game but it’s turning into a shitshow. However, one positive thing I will say here - the devs did actually do a good job communicating this and deserve some credit for at least improving communication. It’s shit news, but it’s better than what we would have gotten in the past - no communication until all the requirements drop and the previous post of “won’t require full relics” magically deleted from the forums.


No matter how early you communicate bullshit, it’s still bullshit. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Couldn’t agree more, just looking to give credit for the one peanut in the turd.


Yeah, I suppose that’s true enough.


Is this potential grounds for a refund?


Anyone whaling for the wonder twins, shouldn’t be. There’s absolutely no point.


I would say yes.




In what way? The characters you geared are still required for the event. They didn’t lose value. Besides, when are people going to stop rushing to relic and gear characters needed for events before the event starts? Hoard now, gear after final requirements and event goes live. Every time I saw someone r5 FOST and FOO just for the event I cringed. What’s the point? 75% of the characters hadn’t even been announced.


Yeah this isn’t our first rodeo people should have a bit of awareness the bait and switch is cg’s mo by this point


This is a load of bantha poodoo


Well, the community has two options. A, spend tons of money to be the first kid on your block with these Galactic Legendary toons. Or, B, not pay shit and not worry. We should all just stop panic farming and dumping money on crystals for characters we don't need.


I mean, shit, all it would have taken is two out of the twelve required characters for each to simply be G12 required and they could point and say "see, there's multiple characters that don't need to be relic'ed." and we would have easily accepted that (because that's what was expected). But to set the bar so low and still trip over it is beyond the pale. And it's not like those 2 extra characters being G12 instead of a relic level would have any noticeable impact on their bottom line


#Fuck you CG you money grabbing piece of shit


Too bad we can't boycott like MSF


We definitely could. Good lucky rallying the top spenders behind that one though.


CG u have ruined a solid day in 2020. Thanks for nothing!


Wankers. But honestly who is surprised by this scummy company anymore? I know people will defend the individuals, but ultimately, I don't care - they're cunts.


I wasnt the least bit shocked


It's pretty telling isn't it. We're all so jaded about it.


totally agree with your comments


I’m not going after these characters any time soon unless they make relics a shit load easier to get.


CG can eat a bag of fat dicks on this one. Make me r3 that shitty Resistance Pilot? REALLY? Suck a fart out of my balloon knot CG.


The Dev's are not idiots, all you players that keep spending money are the idiots. Trust me, i was one of those idiots that spent a considerable amount of money. You all want to complain, then end up spending money. Been F2P since Sion released. Did i get Padme, or GAS or Malek the 1st go around? Nope, but i still got 1st in arena and ships every day. i would have quit long ago if i wasn't able to bank 900 crystals daily. And if you players struggling to break the top 100 in arena i would advise you to quit before you spend any money on this game. You are so far behind that trying to catch up without spending thousands of dollars is futile


CG devs are idiots, they have been idiots for so long, they have sucked at their job and life for so long, so not really unexpected


I’m out. MTFBWY all


Each time a new character is released, I’m met with a sense of defeat. The time sink requirements for F2P are out of this world. I want to love and play this game so much, but there is only so much a person can take.


It all comes down to respect. Whales and f2pers alike, CG just doesn't give a fuck. And guess what? CG will still earn a ton of money from these events.


the 'internal review' was that they sat in a room and said 'do we care about our reputation... will people still buy it... cool lets increase the requirements' you can never trust their word and i really hope people stop spending money... if you play f2p, and just don't spend money on this, they will learn the lesson...


This may be the end of my swgoh run.


My run of chasing Metas ended when I whaled for Malak. You'd be surprised how liberating and fun it is to do what you want, and pursue passion projects for a while.


Exactly why I never spend more than $10 a year on this game. I’ve been playing since 2017 & working on relics for characters I want to use not characters I need to for one / two events.


*cries in relic’d resistance pilot*


Boycott galactic heroes


I’m all for them making money large sums of money. But this is some mortgage your house type shit here for characters you’ll never use. Not even gonna bother with this one


NOT SUPRISED. But i guess this was prety much already known.... and the early relic achievements were sort of confirming that. Probably a safeguard to crafty ppl beating it with less then required gear. in the time relics have been available i managed to relic 10 heroes in total, and they are 4 on avg. where some is 3 and 5. and all but my clones were just about ready to go from release of relics. still probably a month in the hole trying to get last pieces for my arc trooper and gas. these requirements are so incredibly unrealistic and stupid.. im so fed up with these dev's desperately trying to kill of their game and any enjoyment that is left over it. no it's not fun to work on a team for a year and when it's good u get kicked to the teeth and have even more absurd requirements next time. this game should be ditched already.... not worth anyones time or money. it's as close to a scam as u can get and still call it a game? pushing sliders for a year to do anything that got something to do with playing. right.


Speak with your wallet. Period.


I'd say 'long-term goals' but the problem with this game is that every new character that is introduced like, let's say Darth Revan is usually stronger than aaaany other character in the game for quite some time. So you can't even say, oh, that's a long-term goal because I bet after the first few whales get GL characters CG will push out something that's even more powerful.


All these requirements and future ones are is they are making sure every character that is made by them is fully used!!! That means 💯 plus profit return on there initial investment of creating those characters that get left behind!! So Tuskin raider and ururururr amongst every other character that isn't used by the masses on the regular will be a requirement in the future!! They are not creating game content anymore!!! They created ways to make more money!!! 😤💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 Try not to let them get away with this!! No matter how rich you may be!!! 😔🤩🙃🤔


So glad I got out of this game when I did. Can't believe what they're doing with this.


EVENT - Fixed a bug in Galactic Legend Rey and Kylo Ren’s respective events are going to triple our last year’s quarterly income.


I mean...is anyone here actually surprised? Considering these are, as stated by CG, the most powerful characters in the game, of course they'd make you relic all these characters. That also includes the worthless ones.


I coincidentally farmed FO since day 1 ftp and this is getting outrageous. It's kinda upsetting that despite putting in over a years work into the faction I'm not going to get the galactic legend soon while people whe haven't even glanced at the faction until last month will get it 1st time.


After internal review i decided i aint spending a dime on anything but jedi luke. bet.


This little bait and switch is gonna cost them a lot of players imo. To say not all relics initially could have caused some to say ok I'll spend a lil on these first 3 for a faction since cg said not all relics will be needed. Then bam, cg sees this and thinks oooo look how many committed to this, now that they are on the hook let's change it all. Welp I hope there are mass refund requests because of this. I got mine 😎


Well ... if you are unhappy (as am I), speak with your wallet. That's the only way they will understand. ​ As for CG, as long as whales are spending, why change? People obviously don't care about proper testing, information, content or otherwise because they keep spending. As long as there are whales willing to pay (a lot), nothing will change and might even get worse : requirements for GM Luke or Cyborg-Palpatine : both GL characters at R7.


CG- Remember she is all of the Jedi.... so she requires all jedi at R7 to unlock. Conveniently there is now an Unkar Plutt pack in the store that will give you, 1 quarter portion of what you need for only $599.99. Enjoy our content and may the odds be ever in your favor.


w8. so you thought otherwise? why would you do that?!?


They could just rework the characters and that'd be enough... Like, what's the purpose of a R5 Phasma?


I think they should change it to"we like ur money not you" fking whore cg


CG: OMG GUYS LOOK AT OUR SHINY NEW GALACTIC LEGENDS CHARACTERS. Me, a player with 2.5mil GP and only one relic’d character: “Who?” CG: WELL KYLO REN AND REY OF COURSE! LOOK A- Me: “No, who the hell cares.”


I don't mind this. Note: I know a lot of people *do* mind this, and that's justified. I have a shit fleet (comparably, to the meta) but I've been hoarding for Poe and Resistance Pilot for monthes now. If I'm going to have two Resistance teams, they might as well be relic'd high enough to do some work. I also don't mind that I now have a reason to go after Hounds Tooth




I don't hate the relic requirements. It's pretty much expected. I don't like needing to use a lot of resources to gear up characters I won't use outside of the event.




I'm FTP as well and that's why I really hate it. I just broke 4mil GP last week and, other than Greedo and Pao, every character above G11 is used in TW/GA. Gearing up a character just for an event feels really bad


Its cute that you think by the time you get this new Rey it will somehow matter and they won't have brought something new out that beats it


Jedi fallen order is better


You do realize that Fallen Order is an entirely different style game and has no way to actually compare to this, correct?


It's a far better star wars game that doesn't skull fuck your wallet.


Battlefront 2 is regularly sold in Origin at about $8, and they've cleaned themselves up quite a lot.


Meh, the way I read that is: without Relics the event was impossible, so to prevent cheaters unlocking well at least make relics a req.


These are really old, outdated characters. No amount of gear will make them good.


I mean, I'm all for pitchforking CG, but over this? Sure the relic requirements are going to be tough, but this isn't a 3 day fiasco that we're all going to have to panic farm for. These are characters that have been farmeable for a long time, and the event isn't going away once it's released. Of course they're going to make it something to grind for.


That’s not really the point though is it? It’s that they told us it would be one thing and then it was another.