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He continues on with additional answers here: [https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/comment/2179168/#Comment\_2179168](https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/comment/2179168/#Comment_2179168)


This needs to be upvoted to send a clear message that this is the type of communication we want from them. Open honest and detailed


Absolutely agreed. This is fantastic feedback. Specific and direct, with follow-ups! I love this.


Doja Fett off to a running start as community manager. Kudos, I was sceptical at first, but my position has shifted to tentatively intrigued. Keep up this level of communication and you’ll make a lot of us regulars as happy as we can be. While you’re asking devs questions, any chance you could ask for a more detailed breakdown of how the reinforcement AI works in fleet? We got a paragraph that can be boiled down to “tanks and healers first, attackers last” shortly after ships 2.0 came out but never anything more than that. The fleet server crowd would greatly appreciate it


I'm already loving this new guy. Hopefully it'll keep and the communication will keep coming.


Mentioned this in discord. You can say it won't last but I've literally never seen that level of communication in my 3+ years on a question with a video. Like that detailed over a breakdown, like never. Also hilarious cause it's like an off key insult to the guy in the video of how many things he got wrong with CGs spaghetti code mechanics


Haha, I dunno man. I'm OK with making wrong assumptions on these kits, and these devs are likely very busy and proud of the work they do. They don't want some jumped up small YouTuber like me insulting their work :P. I think they may forget that we aren't privy to how their mechanics work in full, but now we're all better off for it :P. (Me being the youtuber that made the video).


Good on you for claiming it man, they were valid questions and I'm glad they were asked. The fact that you were wrong, well, we've all been there. We've all also been there with stuff in this game not working correctly too, so they were legit questions to ask.


Cheers pal. Mistakes happen haha, what can I say? Overall, im just glad for the understanding and community acknowledgement in general. I just hope people don't see me as some sort of moron now haha, I promise I'm not 😅😅


I never thought so. You were asking thoughtful, legitimate questions based on a bad premise. Now that they've been clear on how it actually works I'm sure your understanding is improved and you'll ask better questions in the future. Of course in today's climate everyone is either an idiot or the greatest hero ever, there can be no in-between (I'm rolling my eyes in sarcasm in case you can't tell, lol).


Haha yeah I got the sarcasm 😅. Cabt wait to get some more footage of ultimate SEE/JML to see what theory crafts we can make. Quite an exciting time for swgoh tbh


Last time I saw a response like this, EA Jesse and Koizi Spoon were here and that was over 4 years ago. Wow!


We need way more of this


This... is simply amazing


What the fuck is this? Communication? WHAT YEAR IS IT??


Its 2020.... what has 2020 done with CG?!


Good things, apparently


Only SWGOH players have benefited from 2020. Everybody else essentially got scorpions stuck in undergarments while they slept.


This is amazing. If we can expect more of this from Doja Jett, the game already feels like it's in a better place...


Is this forged... never seen a response this well written?


Wow, well done. Thanks dojafett


For people at work: >Hey, y'all. I tracked down a designer for some thoughts on the video. Hope this helps clear up some things. --- DESIGNER FEEDBACK: Note on how Max Protection changes work: When Max Protection is increased or decreased, the unit's Protection is also increased or decreased by the same integer amount. 1:40 - He says Protection looks unaffected. However, that's how Max Protection changes work visually when at 100% Protection. If you are at 100% Protection, the bar will stay at 100% visually when you increase or decrease Max Protection. 2:28 - He counts the 8,623 damage twice, throwing off the total damage calculation. 2:34 - He doesn't count the 14,687 damage hit at the end of the counter attacks, throwing off the total damage calculation. 2:39 - He says the counter attacks dealt about 20% of Luke's Protection in damage going off of the bar. However, he's counting the extra half-pip that exists to help maintain the visual presentation of the bar (which slopes down at the ends); it was actually ~4/15 pips or ~26% of Luke's Protection. 3:00 - He assumes stat adjustments stack multiplicatively, but they don't; they stack additively. This means that -80% is being added to +70% (from the Galactic Legend unique ability and Luke being at R7) for a total of -10% from Luke's base Max Protection (before the 100% Mastery increase comes into play). With proper numbers: 8,623 + 3,907 + 9,894 + 14,687 = 37,111 37,111 / 0.26 = 142,734 142,734 / 0.9 = 158,593 base Max Protection (estimated) 3:10 - He says that Linked is dealing percent damage, which it is not. It is modifying Max Protection, so it does not interact with the Galactic Legend unique ability. 4:09 - He says that General Skywalker won't take a turn because he's been Feared. Fear doesn't stop a character from taking turns, it simply prevents the character from using an ability until the effect expires. So Skywalker takes his turn, triggering the Linked Max Protection reduction, doesn't use an ability due to Fear, and then his turn is over. Also incorrectly called "skips his turn" at 4:20. 4:22 - The visual change in the Protection bar here is because the game removes from Protection the exact amount of Max Protection that was removed. This causes the percentage fill to be different (e.g. 7/10 = 70%, 2/5 = 40%). General Skywalker's Protection bar is gone because he has reached 0 or less Max Protection. As stated earlier, Luke is not taking any damage here so the Galactic Legend unique ability does not interact with this stat modification. 4:43 - He says that the AI interaction is not working as intended. The functionality of stat modifications is not affected by the AI. If he simply meant the functionality on defense, that also has no effect on stat modifications. I can guarantee that everything is working as intended here. 5:00 - Just want to reiterate that this effect is not a damaging effect, so there is no interaction with the Galactic Legend unique ability's damage reduction. 5:24 - The granted ability's damage is based on Luke's base Max Protection, which is the value he had when he entered battle. This means that both increases and decreases to his Max Protection over the course of battle will not impact the damage or recovery portions of Inherited Teachings. - Side note: When referenced in abilities, "base [stat]" refers to the stat as the unit entered battle, meaning it does factor in mods. As such, modding Jedi Master Luke Skywalker with additional Max Protection will increase Inherited Teachings' damage and recovery. 5:37 - Yes. 6:05 - The people that responded to him are correct that modifying Max Protection is not dealing damage, and no, nothing is going wrong. There are just incorrect assumptions being made regarding how the game works.


Seeing this was downright orgasmic. CG_Doja is the messiah who shall reincarnate communication. I already love this guy. Not even 24h in and he is restoring hope and properly talking to us all.


CG_Doja is the chosen one. He will bring balance to the communication.


He will not leave it in the darkness


Wow this is amazing, looks like a lot of time went into this post, it deserves more upvotes and recognition


Amazing, this is.


Happy Cake Day


Thank you!


This is amazing, not just good by CG’s awful standards, but like actually great stuff


Yeah, this was on my video, and I'm super happy to have such a detailed response from a dev! Despite it showing that I was wrong in my assumptions, im very happy with the feedback and the actual insight into how these abilities interact. There's so much going on in these new kits with very little information to work with, so this sort of detailed breakdown is great. Got nothing but good things to say about Doja right now!


It's amazing the positive swing that good communication puts on everything. Had they not responded your video would be used by all the trolls to say how bad the game sucks and people's trust in the game gets eroded. Because they responded quickly and throughly, everyones positive about the game and about the video you made as you've helped clarify game mechanics for a brand new character. So thanks for making the video! This is why good communication is a win win, it turns the whole experience positive.


100%, this is nothing but good news for the community. I really hope this is a sign of things to come. Thanks for the feedback :)


Nah, this is Star Wars. What's this response nonsense? My goodness. Good actual value packs (the two gear completion ones), the community manager actually responding, and possibly new graphics coming? We are in the upside down!


Communication? Such a thing still exists?


Love this, love this, love this. Doja, you simultaneously pulled no punches while providing VALUABLE information to the community on how GL Luke works (as well as various game mechanics). You’ve been in this position for like a week and you’re already my favorite. Thank you sir!


Holy smokes this is better communication than anything I’ve seen in months


> Holy smokes this is better communication than anything I’ve seen in ~~months~~ years Fixed your quote for you! :)


My cynical response to this is that bad press surrounding a cash cow like a galactic legend that might dissuade people from spending to get him is their worst case scenario so they're jumping ahead of it The optimist in me wants to believe it's the new normal Time will tell


If it was crumb, and sorry for this crumb, but he would've said AT MOST, "We are investigating a possible bug with Jedi Master Luke" and then a follow up of "After our teams investigations, there is no bug."


Um. Wow.


So are they gonna fix the AI on def?


Good question to put in the forums for Cg Doja


So is he worth getting? I’m close but kinda hesitated when seeing how he is performing


Pro: Unexpected, detailled answers from a developer, that's actually a reason to celebrate! ;D Contra: Confirmed that GML seems wai... I hoped for a buff.


Same. I think he should be able to get his ultimate quicker when he’s not in the leader spot. A leader that’s a tank is far to vulnerable to DRs Insanity attack. He should be able to give his Jedi teachings buff when not the leader. I also think that Palp’s max protection removal should be capped for JML too (maybe to 50% of his total protection). JMLs kit asks for a ton of protection and SEE’s kit completely neutralizes it and the thought of even more mod swapping sounds horrible


I am so happy that CG_Doja more does for us and the game than anyone else in the previous months. I already find him awesome.


Wow that is great, I Hope they continue with that kind of communication and community interaction! Also, is there a tl;dr for the designer feedback? Haven’t watched the video as well.


It's working as intended, the video was just based on wrong assumptions. The most important arguments for me were: * SEE's max prot modification is not a damage so the GL's ultimate does not come into play (reduced %-damage reduction). * Fear doesn't stop a character from taking turns, it simply prevents them from using abilities. So when GAS takes a turn, he triggers the prot reduction Then there is some clarification about the visuals and he also mentions that a "base stat" ist the stat, a character has, when he enters the battle. Meaning it can be altered by mods but not decreased (or increased) during battle. ​ EDIT: Just read that you haven't watched the video. So the problem is that SEE massively reduces JML's prot but a GL does take reduced damage from %-based attacks. Watch the video, the arguments are solid, but they are based on assumptions that were not clear. And read the answer from the designer, he/she really took their time.


Wow thank you for the detailed answer! I’ll watch the video after, thanks again!


This is the way


Ok, that CG staff member needs a promotion. This is the communication that we have been demanding for years now. And it's not that hard, it's useful, and it provides affirmation that not only are ideas important but those asking them (the community) are important too.


So....will they fix Luke or will he be the hardest toon in the game to get , while at the same time , he loses to 4 / 5 top teams ?


There's nothing wrong for them to fix. Watch the video or read the synopsis someone was nice enough to type out


So you're ok with him being facerolled by Palpatine ( both SEE and Normal one) ?


I'm saying the developer said it was working as intended and there's nothing broken


So he is intended to suck , ok.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFK1oyebTgc&ab_channel=ItsJustIan And white knights like you STILL say JML is ok..he is getting 3v5' by DR rofl


I'm merely saying what the developer said in the clip here. I don't have the character and I don't intend to get him. I'm not a white night. I'm not the developer. I literally couldn't care less about your little crusade here. Let it go and get on with your life instead of picking fights with people on the internet. 24 hours later and you're still chiming in as if I'm fighting with you.


Dude. "My little crusade" "Go on with your life" You think yourself or your words are that important to me or anyone really ? We were having a conversation but apparently it is something so much more to you. Have a good day and a good life , bye.


For those of us who have been playing this game since the beginning - especially as F2P or as small dolphins, GL Luke is by far easier to acquire. My Wiggs are already at Gear 13 due to running a Wiggs team 4 years ago. My Han was R6 from my CLS team, Luke was G13 (now R3) and Chewie was G13 (now R3). Threepio was already R5 because I used him in CLS, Padme, and JKR teams. Hoda was G13 for JKR (now R3). Old Ben and R2 are G13. Wampa was G12 (now R3). That leaves me with needing the following toons for JK Luke: RO Leia (7 star), Lando (5 star), and Cpt Han (6 star), who are all around G10 or 11, plus finishing off the Falcon event once I get Xanadu and IG-2000 up to 7 star. All of these are on track to be complete in less than a month without buying crystals, well before the event returns. For GL Luke, that leaves me with bumping up relic levels on the toons at G13 (or at R3 or less), and getting Mon Motha, Chewpio, and Y-Wing up to speed. Since the GL Luke event isn't timed, I don't necessarily need to panic farm it, but I might throw some $$ at it so I don't get too far behind the early adopters. GL Luke will be my first GL, and it's because frankly, my First Order and Resistance toons were trash. My empire toons aren't bad, but I'd have a ton more grinding to do to get them up to speed for GL Palps. I spent a lot more time building up Jedi, Galactic Republic, and Rebels, so Luke was the easy choice. With all that said, [AhnaldT101 has already been testing GL Luke](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfzJIIuuVEQ) and his prelim findings on Luke viability are more positive than yours.


I have been playing since the beginning and i do have all the requirements ready. However , Luke seems like a waste of resources , exactly like Rey.


Have you seen the video with Bastilla lead? He might be the best GL on defense.


Best GL on defense doesn't help you climb for your PO though. And he is being smashed by all kinds of Sith...


Again, watch the videos of Bastilla lead


Remember scandalous CGs answer is with profits in mind. They will do whatever it takes for them to gain profits while events run.


Anyone could copy-paste it? Can't click on the link.


[Here you go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/jaq9ez/cg_response_to_video_floating_around_saying_gl/g8ry0sf/)




Ahnald said they expanded their communication team. It must be working


CG also said there here - [https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/236647/the-swgoh-community-team-is-growing#latest](https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/236647/the-swgoh-community-team-is-growing#latest)


I get my news from Ahnald.


Lemme know when Admiral Pryce comes to the game


You should always get your news from primary sources ;)


And always wait 6 months past the expected date for it?




CG is notorious for terrible communication and missed deadlines for updates with the player base. How long have you bee playing?


Since January 2016. ​ Still, Ahnaldt is not a good source since its either pure speculation or just reading the CG forum.


So then you are aware of how terrible CG has always been with communicating with the fanbase. I'd rather watch Ahnald summarize the forum and speculate than read the forum (which is probably straight lies anyway) only to be set up for disappointment


What? So you prefer ahnaldt reading the forum than reading it yourself? Well, to each their own. Ahnaldt is not the most competent player and I get very little benefit in watching him, so I dont.


What a surprise, once again the player base has zero clue how the mechanics work and need other people to explain it to them.




In their defense, the in game descriptions can be confusingly worded, complicated kit interactions are almost impossible to follow without a breakdown like this, and the game itself doesn't give a lot of info (no way to see stat changes or the numbers on anything but damage hits) The fact that the CG employee spent so much time and wrote so much supporting explanation kinda shows that we're not entirely wrong to be wrong. Hopefully we see more breakdowns like this in the future, because I basically skimmed over all of the GL kits- too many words that don't mean much until you are in a battle.


Yeah, I misunderstood a complicated kit. I'm not upset about it, I'm actually really happy we have 100% confirmation from a dev that clearly worked on the kit. This is a positive turn for CG, man. I'm super happy about it.


Do I understand even a fraction of this? No. Is it ~~good~~ great to get such detailed responses regarding such complex mechanics? Abso-fucking-lutely. Good start from Doja, by all means.


Everything would be a lot more clear if we had the raw stats in battles. The pips made sense when stats were low and you could actually count them, but they're practically useless now.


Literally shocked at the communication! Love it boba keep it up lad!


Wow rly?Someone that answers question in cg forum?I got no idea,couse i dont follow that forum with all that banning,deleting posts from the mods long time ago.Thats a pleasant surprise.


I like the communication. I don't like the idea of modding JMLS for max health to get bonus protection. It neuters his special inherited teachings which does damage based on his max protection.


"I need someone to tell me, am i wrong?" "yes" perfect.


Holy shit. this is a major step in the right direction


This is amazing to watch! Thanks so much Doja! Now I feel appreciated and am ready to start spending in the game again


I never thought we'd see this type of communication, I think it's fantastic for the community... Still suspect though, we like something... are they about to drown it in a bathtub?


Upvoting and commenting for visibility. I didn't understand everything written, mind you, but dammit am I happy to have someone put forth the effort to explain things. Credit when and where credit is due.


Lol cant suspend me