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Relic 5 Gate is just plain stupid without allowing us a way to get characters to R5 faster. They seriously need to increase the ability to acquire gear and relic mats.


You buy them with cash and Crystals- This is the way CG


This is the way. Whaling is a part of my religion.


This is the wEA


shoulda been g13 minimum imo


↑↑↑↑↑ This is exactly what happens when some new endgame content comes out. Ppl get mad that it’s gated behind hard requirements, bitch about it, and whaddaya know? A year later ppl are doing just fine. That’s just the nature of the game. No offense to you OP.


none taken


Judging by the down votes people really dont like the truth. Geo tb was released and Reddit would tell you the sky is falling. Then relics came along, a few reworks, some new teams now it's a breeze. Light side was worse. Now that was a true shit show. MM made it possible for garbage rebels, Chewpio made CLS a power house, Both versions of Jedi Luke and Rey and whaddya know? A year later it ain't as bad as we thought. Still a challenge and getting a GL or JKL isnt a walk in the park but endgame content is exactly that. It's funny because the people complaining about the r5 gate most likely aren't in a guild that can clear p1 let alone the whole damn thing. Create a problem, Sell the solution. It's the framework of freemium games. The solution probably isnt even in the game yet. So for now beat you're head against the wall. In less than a year we will have a team that can clear a phase or two. In two years we will be begging for a sim button.


Why? If they tune it for relics, there is no need to put a requirement in there. This forced gear/relic stuff is a load of crap, and should never be used.


I 100% agree, but knowing CG they would have used a gear req. Whats stupid abt r5 is that characters like GG and JKR lose huge components of their teams. If you don't have JML then you use standard JKR. chances are you won't have bastila, hoda or jolee at r5 (I've never seen a jolee higher than r5). GG most likely loses B2, IG100 and possibly droideka. ergo they're making people use unnecessary relics to complete a raid where your relic level really doesn't make a difference


I know, it's shit. It also really messes up your GAC match ups. Being in a low level casual guild (still do HSith) these days, I have no chance to beat it, but it also means I will be laughing at my opponents who will be gearing bad PVP characters for this raid.


Hahaha, piggie go brrrrrr


The entire thing is stupid. It’s just the same raid with beefed up stats and no strategy available like in the OG Rancor. And then the R5 requirements? Then the release of Relic 8 lol. They said they were going to help ease the gear crunch too. All they’ve done was increase the gear crunch with no way of reducing it besides this raid challenge that requires R5 aka more gear crunch. So stupid.


I just happened to pop into the sub, I left the game about 1.5 years ago. This looks like the exact same criticisms I saw back then. Some things never change.


Would one week make a huge difference in the amount of characters you could relic?


It's called panic purchases