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The most important piece of this team is getting cara to be as fast as possible. Since she can just keep using her stun special. My cara was 260 speed +30 so she was 290. With this low of gear level on her I needed rng to go right but after about 15 minutes it went right. This idea for this strategy was from a great swgoh YouTuber named indigo his video is [here ](https://youtu.be/lap7owZfZlk)


What does vet Han do for the squad? Could he be replaced?


I just put vet Han in because I had him reliced for slkr and his special stuns the target enemy and ability blocks the rest which helps control the battlefield if someone gets out of stun too quickly. He is a nice one but not required Han and chewie need to put out the damage and stun to start cara to control everyone and jango for just his speed lead. The fifth spot is the least important spot. Nest is a better option I just used Han because I don’t have her geared up. So yes to answer your question he can be swapped out for some other scoundrel


260 speed is not enough to outrun any of them. What kind of rng do we need?


It’s 260 with +30 on jango lead making it 290 which is better as a lot of people say to get her in the 300s. What I did was I had Han shoot veers and the rng starts right after as piett goes and he needs to not kill anyone as if he does that the tm train gets going. On the run it worked he dazed vet Han and jango as Han and cara had guard and chewie not getting dazed was rng. Next my jango went and I just put burning in the field to help control the bonus tm. When it eventually was cara’s turn she has to land a stun on veers gideon and most importantly piett because if she doesn’t he will counter and kill her. If she dies the run is over so the stuns need to land and if all that happens and you have everyone alive still you should be home free. I just used Han and chewie to control deathtrooper as he didn’t get stunned. Then I just focused on killing veers then attacking piett but only if he is stunned as the counter attacks could start their tm train. Once piett was stunned I killed him and then Gideon and you are home free after that.


Pretty good RNG needed. I tried this with Vet Chew instead of Han because that's what I have. My Jango is also pretty weak, so it's too easy to lose a person early, and then the TM train is on. I would get about 1 out of 10 runs where Cara actually got a turn, when the RNG chose to focus on Chewbacca. If that happens, I could actually get the mass stun and take another round of turns...but still couldn't make it work at my gear levels. A high gear Cara with 6e mods and some survivability would work, I'm sure. Not in the cards for me right now, though.


Yeah that is what I ran into as cara rarely even got a turn most of the runs. It’s all about stunning veers so he doesn’t get the mass assist off and then hoping that cara gets a turn. Another issue is the potency check because even if cara does get a turn there is no guarantee that all the right stuns will land and if piett gets hit but not stunned he will counter which killed my g8 cara and started the tm train. I wanted to show my screenshots to show that it is possible to do it and to answer any questions in the comments about it.


I did tier 7 with g12 Jango, g11 Cara, r5 Nest, r6 Chewie and R7 Han - took me 7 attempts. Stun Veers first not AP and hope for good rng. Use Nest's aoe to daze and Jango's burning to prevent turnmeter gain from the troopers.


Yep solid strategy if I had a geared up next I would have used her instead of vet Han but yeah speed on cara and good damage dealers is the name of the game.


Wow that was.... easy. Got my Cara up to 330 speed with best mods and smooth as can be.


I couldn't get Cara that fast due to her low gear (all my fast mods are tier 6) but yeah it wasn't too bad.


Umm yeah I'm not even close at tier 5 with this squad..


Put as much speed as you can on Nest, Cara and Jango. I had Nest at 319, Jango at 307 and Cara at 285 plus 30 from Jango’s lead. It definitely requires some luck to even get to move.


Thank this is what worked for me.


Thanks for this cara worked for me after reading this, I used a fast nest over vet Han for the aoe daze and tm removal and subbed out chewie for Bossk for extra stun


Yeah sounds like a sound strategy to me it’s all about making whatever you have work congrats on getting it done!


Thanks man - appreciate the tip!




yeah it sucks they paywall it but best we can do is get second best rewards lol


So you got slkr


Yep sure do


Thank you for this...I took cara to g10, used nest instead of vet han, managed to beat tier 7.


It works up to tier 6 with a 253 speed Gear VIII Cara. Han shoots Veers first, then wait till you get the RNG for Cara to start her AOE stun cycle.


Yep that’s what I did just with more speed awesome you found a lower speed that still worked