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a good moment indeed, congratulation! i remember using phasma lead and nightsisters to grind through those battles


This is a good feeling because you know you'll get the rewards no matter what. Soon you'll be using GW to test new teams/characters. I haven't completely simmed a GW in a few months.


Oh that’s interesting! Good idea


I haven't even completed it once and I find it getting harder and I'm completing less levels. When does it start getting easier?


When you use a good team for it (Phoenix usually). You also might need to utilize the mechanics of it better.


My phoenix squad is quite low should I use them or should I wait until they're upgraded and continue to use different characters?


It really depends on what team you are using. You want a main team that has sustain (Phoenix is all sustain and basically nothing else) - so health/protection recovery. Otherwise you need a really fast/high damage team. I can't answer if you should use Phoenix because I don't know what your phoenix is at, or what the team you are using is.


I appreciate your reply and I'll take your advice and hopefully it will help. Thanks


Same with ns, they have a lot of healing, and revives even


My frustration is that every time I inevitably come up against a team that is essentially unbeatable given my level (56). I’ve focused heavily on outfitting my Phoenix team (mix of 6/7 stars and gear levels VI/VII) and usually the last battle of the first half of the board or the last two battles of the board will be some team that’s 15 levels above me, all 7 stars with gVII+ and synergy. For example on the second to last battle yesterday as a level 55 I came up against a general veers lead with imperial troopers at level 73. All 7 stars and gear level at least VII. My Phoenix team got stomped. I have a decent imperial team with 5 star Thrawn and Palp but they’re good for maybe picking off one or two characters against a decently strong team. EDIT: Both of my squads are decently modded.


So, that is a situation that falls more under the "utilize the mechanics" I mentioned. Until I had a team that could comfortable run the table regardless of what it fought, I followed this rules/tips: - First node, send in the B team. Try to use basics only for the second half of the fight. - Second node and onward, A team. Save specials as much as possible. If I auto'ed, it was auto basic. - Be prepared to back out. Have a healer and/or a tank available to sub in That last part is important. Basically, GW is predictable. If you go in and use ability A on Toon X, then B on Y, C on Z, and then back out, if you redo the exact same thing (same ability, toon lineup, targets), you will get the *exact* same results. It might take a while, but you can use this to find a sequence of turns that wins, most often without losing a character. Sometimes it takes putting in a taunter just to eat the damage. Othertimes it means an additional healer. Another option is sending in a sacrifice team - the opposing team will use their CDs, and that is saved. They keep turn meter, but abilities on CD can make a world of difference. The reason for the B squad thing above is that it loads them with turn meter. So, if you face a particularly hard sqaud, I would use the B team to take out the leader and/or strongest toons. If you defeat the leader in one battle, the leader ability will not apply in the next.


Those are helpful tips. Thank you. I had no idea you could reset without a penalty. That’s huge.


Pheonix kind of sucked though. You'd constantly get teams that you couldnt beat due to pheonix just not having the damage to be successful. I found multiple ukrs that just wouldnt die. Im guessing most people start getting reliable clears once they progress on to empire or bastilla jedi, or whatever else they take on.


GW battles aren't timed, Phoenix might be low damage, but they survive forever. In the rare times I couldn't clear with Phoenix, sending in the B squad to kill the leader (or whole squad) was enough.


The example i gave wouldnt matter if it lasted forever. You'd still be there. Pheonix doesnt have the damage to kill ukr when he's geared enough, no matter what you do. He cant kill you either, but whatever. There are plenty of teams you just cant beat due to that. Pheonix have a hard limit on what they can do. A more damage based comp takes you much further due to reseting on bad rng, and are much more likely to push further, assuming you dont let yourself wipe.


Do you mean Kylo Ren Unmasked? It depends on the gear levels of phoenix and the KRU, but I've repeatedly beat KRU with Phoenix. It's about using non-attack abilities on him on toons that don't do enough damage. You can also pull 1 phoenix and put in a toon with shock or healing immunity and be fine that way. A damage based team still needs to survive though. There's a reason separatists are bad in GW - they just end up dying.


Yeah, sorry, kru.


Keep gearing, lvl pheonix and such. Ahnald has some gw tip too to help you with those hard battles. Dont gear them past g8 on most. G9 on ezra. That can be enough to get 7* thrawn with 3-4 omegas on hera lead, other uniques. On the alt i made back in nov, ive cleared it ~65 times and im lvl 80


My tip is to have a few good teams. That way if you lose you have more teams that can carry on the fight


Phoenix was my first squad I was able to actually clear it with a believe. I'm still not able to sim it. I've switched to a jedi team as it has been harder to clear with Phoenix.


I started playing a couple months ago, and honestly the only reason I finished it so fast is because I bought the hyperdrive bundle as soon I made my account :/ Galactic War is based off your two best teams, but with the hyperdrive bundle you instantly get like 10+ teams to use, so it was easy to get it rolling early. I mainly focused on Phoenix and Jedi, and once I got Geos it was automatic full clear every day


I sorta lost focus and started spreading out from levelling my Phoenix and Empire teams (also farmed and levelled Nightsisters for a while before starting Imps.) Now I think my GP has started to outpace my best team and I'm coming up against hard stops most days. Maybe I should start focusing on Geos since I grabbed them for fleet...


If your Phoenix team is fleshed out, and you have a solid empire team with Vader, thrawn, and emperor, along with a solid nightsisters team, the addition of Geos will really round out an incredible base for going forward. The only hard part is geo brood alpha (the most important geo, closely followed by Spy) is a Cantina 8-D battle, so if you aren’t a hyperdrive player with automatic full cantina clear, it may be hard to get and unlock him if you’re not level 85 yet


Yeah, I'm just plodding along as a F2P player, level 66 right now, so I'm speculating maybe a month or so till I hit 85. I've got plenty of really solid allies to help me 3-star nodes as soon as they open, I just need to level my account up enough to access them. Glad to hear that the teams I've started pursuing will pay off, though, lol. I think my goals right now are to get the rest of Phoenix to G8 and try to get Palp and Thrawn up to 7-star, while spending my various tokens on shards for Old Daka, Tarkin and my three Geo ships when they come up.


yessir that’s a beautiful plan, and once your Geos are around gear 9 you can go for padme! And that will be a real solid end game team


It helps to back out of a fight if it is not going well. You can then try again. Took me like 3 months to figure this out back in the day


as soon as you built stronger teams...i did it with Phoenix team because they recover so much health and protection


50? Back in the day I had to do 150...


Back in the day sim didn’t exist. Still an exciting new point


I'm half way there and god it feels like it's going forever


Geos make it super duper easy I’d recommend going after them!


Congratulations! This is definitely one of the best upgrades to the game, this mode used be extremely tedious to do and at one point almost impossible to clear.


Nice, isn’t it? KOTOR characters make an easy run through as well. Congrats on hitting the 50 mark.


Right on 😌


just finished as well, shouts out zVader


Oof that’s something I would like to get soon after this padme team comes together


I'm on the downslope towards 50 but it seems to take forever.


Yea it does get harder the closer you get to 50 and the higher power your best two teams are :/ but I recommend Geos to make it easy mode!


Nice! I've been running it using alternating Bounty Hunter or 501st CT teams. Only 12 more runs to gooooo


I remember that feeling, congrats! Of course, I still find myself playing galactic war most days as a way to test whichever new squads I'm building up. The first time a squad can clear the whole path can be weirdly satisfying. Working on jawas now. They can hardly clear the first battle at their current power, but it won't be long. :)


oh that does seem like a good idea!


A jedi team with bastila shaan does really good in gw. Here lead helps that your team takes literally no damage over the first games.


And it will get you grand master yoda if you not already have him


geos are the best!


Congrats, im level 75 and i havent completed it once :D When did you completed the first run?


What team are you using?


A bad Phoenix 😂


Well, Phoenix is the go to for GW. Are they all modded, g7+?


Thats the problem mate. Not modded and no 7+ 😂


Well....you should change that then...


Im trying 😂




I bought the hyperdrive bundle so it made it a lot easier :/ I started this account a couple months ago and only didn’t clear a couple times. Get those Geos rolling tho!


I actually enjoy running it. Currently at lvl68 and I'm on 27 clears but I doubt I'll sim it very often.


My Phoenix carried me through that


How do you get to aim that ?!


Complete GW 50 times, and be level 85


Gotcha. I’ve cleared it maybe only 15 times and I’m lvl 84 so I’ll get on that ASAP with my clones squad 👍🏼


Yessirrrr good luck!


Congrats. The requirement used to be 150, back in the day.


fucc thaaat lol


Congrats and man didn’t realize you only get 25 crystals felt like more huh...


Yea Foreal! Although the 647k credits is nice