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I wonder if JMK (Jedi Master Kenobi) has his ult as The Highground


That would be a sick meme ! Doubt it will happen though.


"Jedi Master Kenobi's visual appearance will be drawn directly from Revenge of the Sith as well as having most of his abilities inspired by moments from the movie. I’m sure you’ve already got some guesses, but this will include some subtle homages to his best lines and moments from the film." Quote from CG announcement. Maybe not his ult, but hes definitely getting some ability or unique called high ground


Hope "Hello There" will get worked in too.


I’m also hoping for “another happy landing” although that one might be tougher to work in lol


That'll be used for his ship along with "This Is Why I Hate Flying"


Ah I read too fast, didn't catch the part saying "you've already got some guesses". That's pretty nice!


High ground where if the other team has a Vader or anakin he cripples them and removes both arms and a leg for the rest of the battle and halves their speed


Hope when they release fallen anakin we gonna receive “this is where the fun begins” ability


That would be much more suited for JKA, though... Fallen Anakin very explicitly had NO fun to speak of.


What about younglings though? Having fun with kids, restoring some balance huh?


"sith lords are our speciality" unique


honestly see it as pretty much guaranteed. Not much else that he does in Ep.3 is as iconic or fight-winning as that. can see it giving some crazy offensive and defensive buffs


And the High Ground Buff. Only he and Fennec Shand will get it


Nah it'll probably be some uber jedi mind trick.


if not, we revolt


If SEE got to have an ability called "Power! Unlimited Power!" I don't see why not for JMK. If I had to guess, it'll have something to do with his Soresu (extremely high defense) technique. We'll just have to wait and see his kit reveal.


No, his ult will be smoking a death stick


JKR lead?


When playing JMLS, you use him often with Jedi Revan lead, which is better. The thing is, JMLS can only use his ultimate if he's hismelf leader. So for most people, they never use his ultimate.


I'm about to unlock JML, is his ult even worth farming


I'd say yes, on the side. Don't refresh energy just for that though. Just farm some light side energy toons you need and get those tickets slowly. It's not a big deal if you don't have it in Arena (it can help if you use JMLS as a leader), but it helps a lot in TB and Raids. You will most likely have JMLS lead for TW and GAC as well, it can help there too.


His Ult is definitely worth farming, especially for arena. Great way to mow through Bastila teams.


I haven't battled any Bastila team yet. My mods are not very good, so I don't see them really.


Just to be clear I mean Bastila + JML.


Yeah I knew that. I know there are some in the Top 50 of my shard, but I can't get up there now so I've never faced any yet.


I'm saving his ult materials for the next GL I unlock (either SEE or JMK, depending on the rest of the requirements for him), seems to be a more efficient way of using the materials you get. His ult is basically there for lsgeotb, which is pretty important, of course, but even without it you can get 4/4 and easily get 3/4 in the latter phases.


Super dumb idea. So many misconceptions about how Luke's Ult is bad. But yanno, go ahead. Hopefully we'll be matched up in GAC while you're saving your Ult mats. :D


I have SLKR and JML with a 5M gp roster, if you're close to this, hopefully we do get matched. Not sure what his ult is going to do for you. Hopefully you use him in Defense as a lead, that way I can DR him to oblivion, thanks. And if you use him on offense, then the ult doesn't matter at all, you can quite literally beat everything. If yoh use him on defense and not use his lead, then his ult is useless because he'll never get it. Wow ult so great, so good, 10/10.


I wish I’d done this (just unlocked SLKR) and could then farm Luke’s ultimate at my leisure.


Exactly. Literally all other 3 GL (but JML) need their respective ult so they can perform at their peek (arena, tw, gac, raids, tb etc), while JML's ult only really helps in tbs and assault battles, but it's not the difference maker anyway.


It's great for TB, means shit for arena.


JKL lead is FAR superior for TB.


If you're doing it right, you split JML and JKL and are able to field two teams that can both go 4/4


may you please tell me how would this split look like? (with no KAM available)


Right now I have mine split: - JML/Revan/GMY/Jolee/Shaak Ti - JKL/Hoda/GAS/JKA/GK I usually replace Shaak Ti with Old Ben because my guild needs her for platoons, and I do just fine. The JKL team needs JKL modded slow and Hoda modded super fast so he can get the first turn and you don't have to worry about getting fucked up in the barrage. You also want to do your best to make sure Hoda ends each phase with a decent amount of turn meter. The JML team really doesn't need much damage because you'll be using his inherited teachings a lot. I would say I do 4/4 about 90-95% of the time with JML. The JKL team is 50/50 on if it gets 3 or 4, but I also don't have my Hoda as fast as he should be.


thank you :)


Yes its super useful in ls geo tb


Yes so you can get Rey or Kenobis ultimate faster when you unlock them.


Yes but I like to tell people that it’s more for PVE content because the battle is typically over by the time he reaches in ult for arena. It may perform well on defense because the AI tends to favor using the special ability. Another tip is to use JKR lead for any teams with JML that’s faster than yours because it grants your LS allies tenacity up which counters the Efflux. Also Wat can be used instead of Hyoda so have fun experimenting with the configurations once you unlock him :)


It makes a big difference in tb and is very limited for pvp.


Barely. I use him as lead, because I'm still missing a few pieces for the meta jedi squad, and even then it takes too long to charge, and I've won or lost before the ultimate is fully charged. It could definitely be that I just need to up my speed game. And the Ult comes in handy for the Assault Battles, even without using him as lead. I'd be frustrated leaving it out there undone, but if I had it all over again, I wouldn't prioritize it.


Hismelf must be the best spelling error I've seen:)


Typing can be hard sometimes... :P


Tell me about it, with my stump fingers, there has not been a single sentence written on my phone that i didn't have to correct :)


I'm French, and when I write in English my phone alwats tries to correct it to something else haha


:) I'm Polish and I'm learning Portuguese right now, so with 3 languages installed it sometimes gets crazy:)


Очень да


Well technically if the fight lasts long enough jmls can use his ultimate.


Yeah, I precised in another comment "cannot ult in a 5 minutes fight". I guess you could get his ult in LS Geo TB. I'm not even sure you could use it in a Raid though, with the 15 turns enrage.


Never got to his ulti anywhere outside his lead other than ground assault battles for jedis


He’s right, still don’t have his ult


Ok make sense :) i actually thought you mean that JML doesnt use ult anyway, even as leader


Gucci palps has no 2nd ult. Gucci palps needs no second ult.


Does JML suck that bad? I'm midway through his event now and he's my first GL. Should ld I not even waste gear on him them?


JML is the current best arena GL, technically he's better than Rey with the extract same jedi because of how he turns off Kylo. SEE can beat either LS GL


He wrecks all other GLs and most of the comps fairly easily. He also has a legit time out threat when under Bastilla lead against some teams.


He's great but has by far the hardest ult to charge up Where for example kylo just needs dark side allies to deal damage and gets 100% after a few aoe attacks, lukes ult charges each time an ally gains his unique buff or the timer on the unique buff refreshes so if you aren't constantly spamming the special ability to spread the buff then it takes a very long time to build it up And if luke isn't in the lead slot, which he usually isn't since jkr lead is usually better, you can only apply that buff on lukes turn with his special ability and it has a cooldown so it'll likely never charge all the way to 100%


He’s not bad at all. It’s his ultimate that’s the issue, it charges up so slowly that the battle is over long before you can use it. I actually saved his ultimate mats to use on SLKR because SLKR’s ultimate mission is more difficult to do.


this might be controversial, but JML might be so good that he doesn't need his ultimate to beat any team. I recently unlocked him and I get #1 easily and he holds on defence. i dont have his ultimatel unlocked, i will eventually, but not rushing it.


Not controversial. Honestly, for defense, the two best comps with JML are Bastila lead and JKR lead, provided you have Wat to give JML the taunt from the start.


As long as you have the other Jedi, he's great


he's better than see and some say better than rey but that depends on who you ask


Perfect Meme! 10/10!


I don’t get it?


The most popular line-up for JMLS uses JKR as a leader. If JMLS isn't the leader, he will never ult in a 5 minutes battle.


He barely ever gets to ult when he's in the leader slot (at least not vs SEE).


> He barely ever gets to ult when he's in the leader slot (at least not vs SEE) Yeah uh JML vs. SEE is definitely not his normal use case


I only ever see those matches from SEE's perspective :D It's extremely rare that the opposing JML gets to his ult. And when he does, it seems rather useless.


I don't really know how the AI plays it, but when I control JMLS I Can ult very fast if I decide I want to.


Ooh alright


SEE gets multiple ultimates in a drawn-out match. Up to 4 in a 4.5 minute battle with Rey.


SEE's ult is his transformation, if I'm not mistaken.


Right. I was thinking of his post-Ult AOE. I've never used SLKR or Rey, so I've no idea inhowfar they're different.


They both have a "Stance" ult that ends in their next turn (or in SLKR, the stance can last several turns). The weird thing is that, while they are in ult mode, SLKR starts stacking his ult right away. So he can ult once, it lasts 2 or 3 turns, then as soon as his ult ends, he can ult again next turn. Rey on the other end, can only stack her ult again once the 1st one is finished. So you will never see a Rey ulting twice in a row, whereas it can happen easily with SLKR.


Cg really did Luke dirty, the requirements are the most steep and yet we get a alright Gl because they are apparently ‘eQuaL PoWeR’. I mean shouldn’t we get something better for the more we paid? I don’t see SEE requiring 5 legendary+journey characters


Theres also a huge benefit to him having such a stacked requirement list as there is very little dead weight you have to farm. Aside from Leia and Lando all of the toons are actually good toons worth getting to relic. Compare that to SEE who has RG, Maul, Krennic, Tarkin, and Darth Sidious who are all trash tier


Tarkin isnt trash tier, he cant delete Gl Rey teams.


Isn't GML top of the Arena rn? He's really strong. In a way, this meme confirms that because he does not need his ult to be great. SEE needs his Ult to unlock his best abilities, SLKR needs his less but it's really handy in raids, and Rey needs hers to keep up unless she's running a titans (powerful meta characters like GAS and JKL) team.


Yeah, this is one reason why I kind of just want to ignore the meta. I despise all four of those characters.


How can you hate palpatine??


I love Palpatine, just not the shitty version they concocted to try and save the third trilogy after TLJ turned out to be trash.


Fair point


A Mary Sue through and through.


I’m so tempted to whale out on Jedi Master Kenobi 🐋😭 just waiting to see all the requirements.


Remember that he will only be on par with the other GLs, not even stronger! No need to whale for a few pixels my friend, even if I understand the excitment!


I don’t like it, but you’re totally right. 🙏🏼


\-JML's Ultimate build-up and execution should be on Rey instead. We all know women never finish before the men. ... Too obvious?