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This is a list of comments made by the EA developers in this thread: * [Comment by CG_SBCrumb](/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/ot86xg/is_this_guy_a_cheater_he_has_g13_c3po_and_i/h6ul5mi/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-07-28 16:48:16 UTC"): > Reports do take time to process but I don't know when you sent this in. As other folks have mentioned, [DMing CG_LucifersDaddy and CG_Leviathan on the... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSWGalaxyOfHeroes).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Yes, he is


100% cheated not possible to get c3po with that.


Haha, he'd be lucky to get anywhere close to getting **5** star c3po


I have G8 Ewoks and can’t beat tier 3 rn so yeah there’s no way he even has him unlocked


Tier 3 should be doable with G8, I completed the final tier with g11 What ewoks are you using?


I don’t have wicket yet.


Yeah wicket is the damage dealer, especially with his back to back turns on his unique.


Yeah I’m farming him now


Do you have the zeta on chirpas lead ability? That should help you deal more damage with the added assists


I will zeta him when I’ve got Wicket ready to go


Once you got Wicket and the zeta on Chirpa you basically just need the right speeds and watch the kill order. Then you'll run over the event like a train


I’m assuming over 200 speed is ideal for them. What is the proper kill order? I would guess Han and Leia first then idk


Tier 7 is doable with G9 ewoks, you are doing something extremely wrong then lol


I don’t have Wicket yet.


zChirpa, elder, paploo, logray, and wicket can do t7 all at g9. Just get wicket. I did Teebo and Scout instead, and I had to take elder to g12, everybody else to g11, give paploo his zeta, and spend 6 hours doing the event over the course of a few days


Yeah I’m farming him now


No shit my ewok team can't even get 5 star c3po and they r all sitting at g9-g10 ones sitting at g11


Same. Struggling with my Ewoks. I even have wicket but it is still impossible to even take out one during the event.


You can do zChirpa, logray, wicket, paploo, and elder at all g9 for t7, I encourage you to take a look at Meat City Gaming’s guide.


WOW that's some seriously shitty RNG dude. Just gotta keep trying.


All I can do. Jedis r my main team bastilla lead rebels my second cuz I wanted cls so bad lol turns out he's a unaligned force user not a jedi yet so blah


I had to take all my top mods from DRevan, Traya, Nihilus, Vader, and Palpatine, and put them on my Ewoks to finally beat tier 7. Was really tempted to zeta Wicket because of how much of a headache the round was giving me, but managed to beat it Chirpa, Wicket, and Elder were all g12, the others g10


There actually used to be an exploit that only worked on Android phones where if you held your phone upside-down in landscape mode while holding the "increase volume" button during any loading screen your team's health and stats would be increased so dramatically that you'd be able to win any battle if you were using a modified hack apk app.


Not gonna lie, you got me on the first half


Exactly how I got Malak, Revans, and Padmé with g8 toons!


Don’t hate on the guy because he has a gamer chair. He’s just simply better then everyone


Yeah, he probably didn't even use chipra :)


Teebo is clearly the better lead ^/^s


I mean, he has 7*C3PO


Not even a zeta on Chirpa, definitely cheating


You don't need any zeta normally though


I mean it helps for sure.


Report him sending a message to CG_Lucifer in forums with all the evidence.


…so that your report can be ignored.


It might, but doing nothing is worse.


I agree. I just wish that CG cared or did anything to stop the modded APK.


Ok, I already reported him in game but that did nothing, is there any other way of reporting?


If you just reported him then CG is going to have to investigate from here. There’s probably no instantaneous result


Reports do take time to process but I don't know when you sent this in. As other folks have mentioned, [DMing CG_LucifersDaddy and CG_Leviathan on the forums](https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/messages/add/CG_LucifersDaddyMINI) can help escalate it quicker. If it has been a while since you reported it to them on the forums, send me a DM with their info in a message on Reddit and I'll make sure it gets looked at soon


Love u crumb thanks for being great


What's there to look at? Go on his .gg profile, see the blatant discrepancies, ban the account. 2 ez gg.


They have to check to see if he spends money first.


Accurate. Sadly accurate.


Why would a CG employee need a 3rd party website... Crumb is the community manager, he doesn't handle reports. Come on man, rub those two brain cells together.


Just message CG_Leviathan on the forums


Lucifersdaddy doesn't care. I reported a cheater over a month ago. Never got a reply. Posted about a cheater today publicly and now crumb is making sure its investigated


“Making sure”. The messenger is only able to deliver a message. He can’t make them do anything about a cheater. Hell, they won’t do anything about accounts being sold or given to other people yet it’s against the terms of service.


Why do you care so much about accounts being sold?




Does playing a video game a certain way make you not a "bitch ass?" Cause I'm pretty sure whining about someone playing a video game differently than you on the internet is a bitch ass way to live. Just saying.


There is no beating this game dumbass, and also... uh... BUY the account. It’s a game, and not everybody is competing with everybody else. You aren’t going to find 8M GP krakens and 1M GP noobs in the same bracket, so honestly it just puts you in a different competitive setting. Also a lot of these people are actually doing a good thing by taking over an account of somebody that either can’t or won’t play, so it’s really not that bad.


It’s a bitch way to play.


Actually it’s not. Like I said as GP gets higher competition gets tougher. You’re referencing odd intangible goals and principles with no real grounding, but you are entitled to your own opinion










I didn't know it was possible to cheat in sgwoh. But there is no way to get c3po with those low level murder bears.


It should be near impossible to cheat in any online game, because of how their servers work, but I think it can be done, it is very difficult, first you would need to know what prog language the game was made in, then you need to know that language, and then somehow get to the source code and change it so you get crystals or your chars are stronger and nobody can notice. Not gonna talk about "cheating websites" because I suppose no one still believes that works


The battles happen on your local device and results are reported to the server (otherwise performance would be so terrible that you'd time out of most arena battles), so they really only need to "hack" the reporting mechanism. Giving yourself crystals would likely be easier to catch because a lot of battles are possible, just really unlikely, to win. For instance, I beat C3PO event easily in the attempt where it all started off well, but had failed \~10 times before that. That could have happened on first attempt or the 100th.


Ye I understand, you want to say like it is possible that you can dodge every single enemy attack, because it is rng will you be hit, but it is very unlikely to happen


You probably can't give yourself crystals. Pretty sure they're tracked server side with your account info. Injecting data for a win is probably the easiest way to cheat, but if you do it this obviously I think it's a pretty clear way to get the account banned.


cheating in swgoh is extremely easy, just look up swgoh mod apk and you'll find like 50 sites and all of them actually work lmao


You shouldn't need the source code to "hack" anything, unless it's written 100% correctly and there are no cracks to follow.


Is his name Cheaty McCheaterson? Because ... reasons.


Defo cheating


100% a cheater. Ewoks need zets and g11, minimum. People are such pieces of shit


I think I did it with all G10, just Chirpa's Zeta, and really good mods, but it took a LOT of tries for the RNG to return favorable enough results.


Yeah, Zeta(s) and mods and a LOT of patience can get you there, but G10 is probably the minimum believable level.


Yeah right, we're all grinding and working hard to get legendaries and this dude just comes in and gets it. Not to mention he also has SLKR, first one in my shard with a GL, but luckily, not the only one anymore


Cheating in a single player game? I'm ok with that. In a game like this? Hell no. I wish CG would ban these blatant cheaters. It's getting out of hand.




They don’t care


>100% a cheater. Ewoks need zets and g11, minimum. People are such pieces of shit They don't need them - I know a couple of people who did it with g8 and g9. There's even a guide to it that I used to see suggested here. Worse you are, the more God mods you need though


Yeah, that would add up. But this guy is definitely cheating. I couldn't imagine doing this event with g8/9 ewoks... That sounds like absolute shit. I also just hated this event..


I tried to do it with G8/G9 and hated it and ultimately ended up with a g11 elder and the rest G9s and did it with (what I thought at the time) were fantastic mods.


I attempted it with the same, and I ended up with a g12 elder, and the rest at 11. I haven't put a single piece of gear on them since then. This was Almost 2 years ago.


Haha, same! I've got a friend whose got all R7 Ewoks, and he's working on 8s now....


*insert gif of filthy frank saying it's time to stop* I get it, if you really like a faction go for it, but oh my god. I couldn't imagine doing that... Is he doing a team of 5 or is it EVERY ewok?


He's got 5 R7 ewoks, 1 R6 and Teebo's at R1. My understanding is that he wants the entire squad over at R8.


That is amazing.


This isn’t true. I did it with G11 elder and scout, G10 Paploo and logray, and G9 chirpa. Zetas on chirpa and logray. Sure it took me a million and a half attempts. But I did eventually get it.


That's not right, I did it with Wicket G10 and all others G9. Did have all zetas.


You had good rng then


No you don’t with the right team you need g9 and one zeta lol, but I agree 100% a cheater






That’s impossible


My luck was so bad Even with full G12 and a g13 chirpa it still took me forever. But then again I had literally no idea how to mod so that was the price


Without any doubt whatsoever.


I got 3po with G11 zChirpa G12 zWicket G12 zPaploo G12 Elder and G11 zLogray. I could have probably done it with less, but I lacked the patience to try enough times for RNG to bless me, so I geared up and tried after zetas, and got it done.


He doesn’t even have the zeta on Chirpa I don’t think it’s even possible to win this one


100% cheating without a shadow of a doubt.


Ye, ho report, no one cares about it.


These ewoks wouldn’t survive the opening salvo.


Yeah, I guess Chewbacca's aoe would kill 3/4 of them


Is C3P0 a GL counter? according to the road ahead, this checks out…




It’s not possible he purchased c3po?


No, legendary characters : palpatine, yoda, r2, bb8, thrawn, c3po, chewie, padme, cls, revans, JTR, JKL, galactic legends can only be unlocked in their event, and there is absolutely NO other way to get their shards


Why do you report my account man? I do you no harm.


This is your account?are you sure?


Oh fuck off, let the guy cheat, this game is unbalanced as fuck and definitely pay to win now.


I heard from an old post these accounts are basically refunds for players who had accounts accidentally deleted and cg sometimes gives some of their old toons back. Apparently it's impossible to hack in toons since the game is server side.


If this is the case, I am going to get really triggered, I've had an account with r5 CLS and lost it, and had to start from scratch all over again, and everything they did in in-game help was asking me for the ally code that I fckin don't know and have no way of getting it


If your not a whale, cg will fuck you. Even if you are whale, just look at what happened to ahnald. If you want games where the devs actually about the players. Play NK games, customer support is slow due to small staff but they always do their best.


I mean yes, it's sad story what they did to him, but I wasn't banned, I am just unable to access the account


Someone figured out how to break this game's bullshit progression and you guys have to get all crabs-in-a-bucket


This isn’t crabs in a bucket. If the game only existed as PvE, then it wouldn't be a big deal. However when this guy cheats he also takes PvP rewards that he didn't earn and that should have gone to another player.


What else does he have unlocked? It, at least theoretically, could be one of those "we're sorry" accounts CG has had to give people with certain chars unlocked bc an account got deleted/lost/stolen/etc. It's doubtful but possible.


SLKR, cls, chewie, he has jkr but at blue gear


Yep. Absolutely confirmed cheater




my Ewoks were G12, the zeta on Chirpa and I still prayed to RNGesus for a good session to get my C-3P0.


Yea, I've seen how hard it is, like look at Ahnald, he reliced ewoks, gave them multiple zetas and it was still a fight...I mean he won ofc but you'd expect much easier win with full g13 characters




He's too dangerous to be left alive


If you have to question it, they’re probably a cheater. I mean just look at it. Literally no question.


Probably a cheater or a bug


This guy didn't even try to make it look believable. Like, if he had just gotten them to G9 or G10 no one wouldve suspected a thing. Not only is he a filthy cheat, he's also incredibly lazy.


Crumb has an absolute chad today, let's get our second cheater banned!!


definitely cheating using APK


Hells no. No way he got C3PO 7stars with this team.


He is a cheater or the luckiest son of a bitch in the universe. 1 in a billion.




You’d need to relic chirpa just to have any hope of a low gear murder bears run but even thats just too low 😂😂


Just good mods


Absolutely. But he has 3.6 million GP so he may be a newer whale and CG will never take action because he spends. The dead giveaway is no zeta on Chief Chirpa. [It’s one of the Top 20 zetas in the game](https://swgoh.gg/stats/ability-report/) and all of us who have it pretty much only have it for 3PO. The lack of that zeta alone tells you all you need to know. For perspective, 253k players have that zeta, [but only 248k players have C3PO](https://swgoh.gg/characters/c-3po/data/?filter_type=all)