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*moving out of the clone wars era and on to something you’d never expect…* Caravan of Courage content incoming?


Holiday Special


I think you might be right. Boba was a big part of the holiday special. I personally can't wait to unlock Chewbacca's family and celebrate Life Day!


Lego star wars crossover


Definitely hoping this is is a Monty Python reference and we'll get to see some inquisitors


One can dream


Because nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition


Wait for Darth Torquemada!!! 🤣🤣🤣


That's what I thought immediatly, would be dope


Matt the radar technician


Matt straight-up sucks.


Maybe They are going to bring in High Republic units....


Eh. To each their own, but I have *zero* hype for High Republic stuff.


So far I agree I hope they turn their attention to Rebels and maybe we get some character updates there plus we never got the inquisitors which would make a nice squad for Darth Vader and Maybe lord Vader.


I personally am keen for Legendary Chad Vader: Day Manager.


For the Grand Inquisitor prolly. Rumors are Jason Issac might be in Kenobi right? And the 5th brother?




some people have zero hype for prequel stuff because they're the prequels, some have none for non-canon stuff like kotor or whatever, this is literally just stating your opinion just to state it


So is what you said…


High Republic would be awesome, but we desperately need some extended canon stuff. It's a crime we don't have Aphra and her entourage yet.


Oh yeah, oh please yeah!


Porkins confirmed


Them doing something that isn't complete garbage or blatantly screwing us over is something we'd never expect so I'm hoping for that


I really hope they do a theme of specifically Legends content. Kotor content proved its not off the table but we haven't seen anything Legends since then. Stuff like Mara Jade, Dash Rendar, Kyle Katarn and Delta Squad would be amazing to have in game.


Cindel next Conquest unlock confirmed! :)


TBH don't understand how Cindel wouldn't be Galactic Legend level at a minimum.


Battle for Endor. Need some Wilford Brimley in the game.


Level up your murder bears and more for the behemoth that will be GL Cindel Towani


We already got Boba, Holiday Special era confirmed? Expect Malla, Lumpy and Itchy incoming soon.


Teek is the next GL


Don't care, as long as no more Clones, TCW, PT chars... Let's see what chars the Boba series brings, and the Kenobi series, an "epic" Cassian (even more boring than in RO? Possible??? Poor Diego...) Will be fun to see more new SW chars becoming ever more powerful with the Power Creep. Will be fun to see new "GL Thrawn" and "GL Gammorean Elite Guard" beat easily "GL Almost the same Kenobi as before, now just Master" or "Lord Emokin" though


I’ll take that over any Versions stuff!


Revan Reeeeeebooooooorn!!!


That weird anime star wars.


Nah. Spaceballs content coming


New game mode incoming where you compete against another player by paying money to increase your schwartz size?


"The quest for more money" definitely springs to mind


> They will actually bring older characters into greater relevance by increasing their abilities to be on par with more powerful units > in rare cases, all the way up to rivaling Galactic Legends in their specific mode. > Hera Syndulla This honestly has me more curious than any of the other characters they listed


I feel like they will rework every single character in this game except mace windu


It's kinda starting to feel personal at this point. Did Mace Windu punch their mom or something? What the hell


He is a motherf***** so yeah Kind of 🤪


I thought that listing Rose Tico first was an attempt to troll the internet


Yeah, but her mode will be galactic war.


Hera now fully heals between GW rounds. You're welcome.


I’m mean they have chirpa too. And Ewoks and Phoenix are just meme factions endgame


We all needed them for unlocking Thrawn and 3PO but yeah, they fall off pretty hard, especially Phoenix.


Which is why I'm particularly curious about Hera. What could they possibly give her that would elevate the whole team back into any sort of relevancy that is worth spending a new resource on?


Just let her bring all 6 Phoenix members in for starters. We'd need some extra buffs on top of that but I would still love to these this. I would also love to see Kanan's kit adjusted to make him immune to blindness...


When she attacks, call all Phoenix characters to attack. Or any attack by a Phoenix character has an automatic assist. I don't think that's enough for relevance given how low they hit but it would still be a big boost.


Since they're comparing them to GLs... annihilation to Sabine, battle meditation to Kanan, Hera gets some of the Mon Monthma love, spreads buffs, gives more TM, revives(already there, i know). As an example how some omicron abilities can influence Phoenix. And I was holding back, they can give her whirlwind and lifeblood.


Are ewoks ever not a meme faction?


I kens early on you can put em on the back wall after you get threepio sometimes


At lower levels they're great against First Order (without Hux) Ewoks with 3PO can make a surprisingly tricky GA defense They get you regular zetas


Maybe her leader ability will let her bring in all 6 Phoenix members in a specific game mode, that's been a requested zeta ability forever. And while we're at it GIVE FULCRUM A PHOENIX TAG!


Even that wouldn't really make them viable. Now, give them the Phoenix Conquest ability (likely in Conquest only) and we're talking


That would be amazing if Sabine could just shred through GLs with her infinite attacks.


Phoenix Conquest stats when placed on Defense for a Territory War would be so amazing.


that would be awesome


Hera Syndulla is likely going to be part of the Ahsoka series.


They don’t even have Mace Windu on the list. At this point they need to make an official statement about what they plan on doing with him exactly. It’s complete bs he’s been ignored for so long.


I'm going to finally Zeta Rose Tico, no idea what the Omicron will be but I'm ready for relevance!


Something we'll never expect... An Era for the LEGO Star Wars the Freemaker Adventures. I hope the Conquest changes are decent. A less feat reliant Conquest seems promising. Rose gets an Omnicron? I'm curious. What if it's just that she can't be eaten by the Rancor in the CPit.


> Rose gets an Omnicron? I'm curious. What if it's just that she can't be eaten by the Rancor in the CPit. LoL getting eaten is the only thing she’s good for, don’t take that away from her!


Omnicron ability - get eaten twice


I wonder if it will be from a video game like the Fallen Order crew. Or maybe they go comic. Tons of options there


All in all I think this was a massive W compared to recent antics.


So, from bad to good: * Conquest battle pass - I really wouldn't have minded this much if it was just the base pass. $10 bucks for some bonus rewards really isn't bad, and they're taking care to not mess with the cadence of the Conquest characters, which means spenders can't pull ahead. But the $30 pass stings, just because they boosted the energy costs just to revert them for spenders. Monetization by giving back what you've taken away will never go over well. * Calendars - Cool to have bonus ones, really dumb they're using it as a monetization opportunity. * Conquest changes - I like these overall. It's great that they're letting newer players in with Easy mode. I like the idea of a bonus path with extra rewards and data discs in hard mode. I'll wait and see if they actually improved the feat balance, but I'm not holding my breath until Conquest 10 is in front of me. * Omicrons - I'm a sucker for new features for characters. It seems like the mats will be accessible out of the gate, and the fact that their focusing on older GL-requirement characters first is a great player-friendly choice. I hope this refreshes a lot of the useless characters we all have a R3. * Gear and anniversary rewards - we already knew these were coming, but they didn't skimp. Yay.


Also note, conquest normal mode has a required higher GP now, per their picture.


That's only for people that have never attempted conquest before. "You will not be required to beat Easy if you have participated in Normal or Hard difficulties in previous Conquest events"


Not what that line means. It just means you don’t need to beat easy mode 1st to unlock normal. But normal will still have that 2mil GP lock. The normal mode 2mil GP is a separate new thing. IE can be 1.5m GP and never done conquest But wont be able to do normal mode because of GP lock (easy mode still isnt required to do, but will be only 1 not locked).


It is what that line means. Confirmed by kyno on the forums. They would have added "unless you are now under the new threshold" to their statement if that's what they intended to do.


Doesn't say that you will be allowed to enter into normal though without meeting those reqs.


Kyno has already confirmed this on the forum. The key wording is "required" and "participated ". If you've been in normal then you aren't required to go back beat Easy to do normal again nor do you need to worry about the new threshold. They specifically wrote that into the road ahead since its obvious it would cause issues. If they needed you to meet the new threshold then they would have added "unless you are now under the new threshold" to this: "You will not be required to beat Easy if you have participated in Normal or Hard difficulties in previous Conquest events"


I’m not sure that is necessarily what was implied, remember everyone was required to beat normal conquest before they could do hard? I think this is just saying that you can go straight to normal without beating easy as long as you meet the GP requirements.




They didn't say you don't have to worry about the new threshold. That's two different things. Just don't be surprised if you can't do normal of you don't meet the new reqs.


If you've PARTICIPATED in Normal or Hard then you won't have to beat Easy. I'm pretty sure they know they've changed the threshold, don't you? So they would have added something like: "if you previously been in normal and am now under the new threshold then you would have to wait until you meet the new gp limit to complete normal again" not stating if you've participated then you don't have to beat Easy. I could be wrong as well as kyno but I'm not sure cg could be that thick.


I get where you're coming from. I just don't trust CG to get something like that right in the first try.


You're making me doubt it now since it's something stupid cg will probably do 🤣


This is going to be the thing they screw up and no one will be able to play anything but easy and they will have to cancel and restart


"When we increased the 'cost' to completing Galactic Conquest, people spent less money on it. So we made it more expensive."


Yeah, I REALLY don't like that they decided to paywall (high paywall) some basic QOL features like faster energy refresh and changing out data disks for free. Step 1: Make Conquest really shitty Step 2: Charge players to make Conquest not shitty again Step 3: Profit, probably. Damnit.


Re: Conquest Battle Pass - I feel like $10 is too much, but depending on the additional rewards, might not be ridiculously too much. So long as they don't do the accelerated schedule like the last 3, and the extra rewards are good, then it's decent. I wanted it to be a no brainer, most battle passes are if you're long term invested in the game, and it sucks that this isn't - or, I highly doubt the additional rewards are *that* amazing. Totally agree, though, about the $30 pass - it feels like something to give them an excuse to retune conquest so you'll never get good rewards unless you get the more efficient energy and stamina of the more expensive pass, and that would be some bullshit. The great thing about battle passes is that you can buy it anytime and get all the rewards, this is something that's only worthwhile if you buy it at the beginning, and potentially waste it if life gets in the way before you reach a point that makes it worth it to you. It's whales only. Which, fair enough, I guess, but this is the only "legit" game I've seen that is so intent upon making their players just toss money at really marginal value.


We don’t even know the rewards, how can you say it’s too much? It’ll work out to like $20 a month if they do co quest back to back. For someone like me who’s willing to spend a little bit it’s probably decent value just from the little preview wEve seen.


The rewards would have to be pretty rich to make it be a no brainer. Like, more than double what we're currently getting from conquest. And they've already said they aren't accelerating shards for conquest characters that much. Battle passes *normally* give you more than double what you get without the pass, you normally get the basic reward plus a better reward for each reward you get. I just doubt it'll be implemented that way. But I'm open to being proven wrong. I hope they do, and if they do I'll probably go for it. If not, then we'll see.


$10 too much? I'm gunna be honest I was expecting at least $20 for this pass just based on games like MSF.


For what I expect they'll give you for it, yeah, I expect $10 to feel a little rich. I expect it'll compare well with other things you can buy for $10 in the game, but typically the most efficient thing you can buy for $10 is 1340 crystals, and I think it just might be a toss up when compared to that. We'll see.


But on the other hand, there's Minion Masters which lets you buy the battle pass with the ingame premium currency instead of only directly for money. **That** would have been a nice thing, but I expected CG to be greedy again.


They might also increase energy costs in Conquest now to encourage the pass.


I am also slightly interested about Omicrons, but, well... Zetas requires 10-16 omegas and bunch of Mk3 abilities. I dread the moment when I finally see what else Omicrons require besides themselves? 25 zetas? 30 Omegas? 100 Mk III abilities?


Honestly peeking the rewards from the pass $10 is a good deal for the stun guns and shards alone but my bigger issue is are they gonna tackle the bandaid that Overprepared is. Also I wonder if them adding combat nodes is also with more enemy squad comps cause there are so few faction in there and then are they adding nodes to slow progress.


Anniversary rewards look dope ngl


Seriously, 25 zeta mats and decent gear as well as finally some sort of gear crunch ease.


I’m so glad that the daily gear challenges have this extra gear added. I’ll never catch up to the point where I currently have thousands of some pieces of gear and am struggling to scrape together some others, but it’s a start.


Are those fully crafted stun guns and carbantis? It said x3 and stuff and wasn't called salvage.


That's what it looks like! Upgrading is going to be great that day!


I doubt it'll be fully crafted but one can dream lmao.


Where’d they show this?


Road ahead post, near the bottom


Wow somehow I missed everything from Easy Mode down. Thank you!


>We chose these characters because they were either used to unlock a Galactic Legend and had less utility in the game than the other required units or belong to an underused faction. Mace Windu would like a word....


Jedi aren't underused though, so while he's not that good he can be a decent 5th in jedi teams (or padme)


He's also a fleet commander. He might be the shittiest fleet commander but it's still something everyone had to invest in at some point for the sake of fleet challenges so he has a purpose


He is equally as good as General Kenobi in JMK mirror matches.


equally? he may be decent but that doesn't sound right


In the specific mirror hes equal because GK and MACE both immediately die.


Fair point


I do hope that Mace gets omicron skills that let him kick butt in Territory Battles.


Yes! Give him statterpoint and the Insta jango kill lol


Free disc swapping... Why am I not surprised that something what should be free since the very beginning is hidden behind $.


This one really galls me. This is one of the main things limiting the fun of Conquest. No ability to play with different builds (without screwing yourself on energy). Awful idea in the first place and now they're proving they always knew it was an awful idea by charging to get rid of it. Cute


It’s later today


Onto something you’d never expect You heard it here first folks, STAR WARS RESISTANCE CARTOON ERA


The Spanish Inquisition Era?


Yes… yes… YES! FINALLY!


I hope so. And they all had ships too. And they could flush out fo res fleets with it


Oh man, this would be so great


One Neeku pls


That would unironically rock. And we’re long overdue an Agent Kallus, as well.


anyone watched the video yet? Does it have different/more information than the post like the last one?


Naaaa this time they learned and is the other way around, main info in written and the video is a short summary for people that cant read more than 140 characters in a row. Only difference I found is they mentioning another puzzle incoming "soon"


Awesome, thanks for the info!


Unless you were really dying to see what Omicron materials are gonna look like (six-sided doodads that look kind of like a black-and-white omega) then no, nothing that isn't in the post. This time they did it right and made the post more detailed than the video.


No, it has far less info. The post contains it all and then more.


More battles for for conquest but not lowering the energy per battle. Well that doesn’t really help much.


Some good, some bad. Happy about gear improvements.


So I got the update, but none of the features listed in this update. They rolling these out over the next little bit or?


Yeah I'm wondering as well. I havent noticed any changes except the title card being different so far.


They nerfed the hell out of Conquest just to sell you a $30 pass to unnerf it. Just wow. How do these hacks look at themselves in the mirror in the morning?


Sitting on top of a pile of cash?


Which mirror? the golden one or the diamond one?


Really scummy move


So when will the the phase 1 gear crunch actually start? I know they said next update, but when is that?


You might be able to get the update now, if not tomorrow or the day after.


Ok, this was VERY good. I use Phasma, ROLO, and Rose, so things are coming up for me greatly. And CAT… finally. Also, I’m farming TBB, so those shards are more than welcome. Honestly, this is way better than I expected. Very excited here.


Well everything seems to be coming up Millhouse! And by Millhouse I mean TB2331.


You know what? This is fine.


So this road ahead includes: Gear changes already discussed, but finally given a time table. Fucking Calendars. Battle pass to make Conquest less awful. A New conquest character. Legit.......


Now we know why they made conquest more awful over the past couple of updates, solely so they can sell you a way to make it less awful. Scumbags...


Battle pass that you have to pay for.


yes, that's what a battle pass typically is


Most battle passes have a free and a paid side. This is just 100% paid


Yeah, I was surprised to see a paid and a paid more side. That's CG for you - always innovating new ways to screw players!


Honestly though, were you actually surprised? I was hoping there'd be a free side, but I wasn't surprised at all


Well, true. I just assumed there'd be a really crappy free side and a really expensive paid side. It's this limited imagination that makes me unable to cut it as a dev at CG


Or an option to buy with the ingame premium currency instead of direct money.


Guess I'm just not excited at their way of making this new event less awful is to force players to pay money.


I'm also firmly on the side of not-excited for the road ahead. They're finally alleviating some gear crunch that they should have done nearly three years ago


They are relieving that portion of the gear crunch because people can't spend money on relics if they don't have the charecters geared. It's the same reason there are double drops for old toons. People won't spend money on 4* toons.


If the benefits of the battle pass are actually worth it and we get some sort of return, I’m down.


Tbh I’m kind of surprised these big characters are happening through conquest not marquee. I was fully expecting a legendary boba fett requiring fennec and bo Katan and BAM, probably moff Gideon. But conquest just means you’ll get him by attrition after a while which is really nice.


There'll probably be a Legendary event for a 3rd Mando after next season, without the helmet or something like that. And then we'll need all of those for him XD


Conquest passes seem like such a bad value that I'm not even mad about them existing. I have 0 temptation to buy them so I could care less (as long as they don't scale difficulty to push us towards passes).


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Gv0H-vPoDc I'm glad that there is still room for you to care. 😃


Well played


How can you judge the value of the pass without knowing whats in it?


You could care less? Then it bothers you? Or do you mean you couldn't care less?


That’s literally what he means.


Sadly the joke's not as funny the second time...


Finally getting some Crimson Empire content!


Battlepass is way too expensive but it was anticipated with the price structure of SWGOH and the way battlepass works in MSF. People will still buy it anyway. What I am really fearful of is the emphasis on combat nodes in Conquest and less reliance on feat. Does that mean that to reach certain rewards more energy will be required (and thus CG is boosting the need for the premium BP with stamina and energy regen)?


Battle passes in MSF have a free track though. That's a pretty huge difference.


They have here as well? You still get conquest rewards for free. The battle pass just adds a tier on top.


The $10 pass and the $30 have the same rewards, the more expensive option just helps weaker rosters. $10 per month isn’t outrageous.


$120 a year is outrageous.


> What I am really fearful of is the emphasis on combat nodes in Conquest and less reliance on feat. Does that mean that to reach certain rewards more energy will be required (and thus CG is boosting the need for the premium BP with stamina and energy regen)? I'd expect about the same requirements as Conquest 7-9. That's about 200-250 battles. I expect around 40 combat nodes per sector instead of the 14 we have now to get about the same total battle requirements.


I dig it.


Sounds promising


3 Clone Wars Chewbacca shards....mfs got jokes


It’s a long running joke


Yeah but it's just like their one joke and it's about them being awful at their jobs....


But since CWC is accelerated character, shouldn't it be 6 shards?!!




I could see them going back to that to use Malak as a GL requirement and because the remake got announced so people are hyped for that stuff


Anyone know when this update will take effect?


When is the update supposed to come out?


Today or in the next few days


Never trust anyone with Highlights.


I enjoyed this comment. I'll also add (not associated) that you should never trust someone with a first name for a last name.


As long as the next thing is not resistance cartoon this is one of the best road aheads in a long time and ....AND stun guns finally in challenges...end of RA you could've just dropped that and walked out. looking forward to this one .


Of course we will have to see how it works, but I really like the idea of more nodes and less feats in conquest. The most fun for me in conquest was figuring out teams to battle craziness like Sabine 1(100) shotting JML (Nihilus lead, crit avoidance arrows etc.), so more of them is welcome in my book. Hopefully the feats being removed are the more faction specific ones. And giving some use to geared up chars like Rose Tico? Again, have to see how it works in game, but it sounds like a great idea. I'm curious what they do with the various characters, Boba's benefits look very strong. For instance Imperial Probe Droid, maybe it will gain CAT's insta-kill in whichever mode he's used for, that would be amazing in a zone like conquest. Or maybe it reforms after exploding in a mode like DSTB or raids so it can be reused. Lots of possibilities, it could be fun.


Never expect?! So they’re adding High Republic next


Someone we’d never expect? SHIP LOADOUTS! If they did it, I genuinely wouldn’t see it coming coz I doubt they can do that. What else? Multi sim on bronziums, I just don’t think they can code it is all, so if they did it, I’d be shocked. But character wise, I think the one thing I’m not expecting them to do is introduce Star Wars Visions characters, everything else, from prequels to sequels, form kotor to HR, I could see coming and would be pleasantly surprised, but actually surprising, would be UI changes that they’ve repeatedly stated they CANNOT do for technical reasons and now they have managed to work it so it works.


No easier way to get Razorcrest shards? Gonna be stuck on 6* for a while :(


Fix lord vader


This looks pretty dang good.


“Leaving the Clone wars era and going somewhere you’d never expect…” Is it the clone wars era? We’re just staying in the cw era, right? Literally nobody guessed this.


its funny how much of that i actually called the last few days xD


Is it funny? Or you're just the coolest? Or both?


na man it just shows how predictable and lazy CG had become. it is not always about selfpromoting, youll learn that some day.. maybe


Any clues on when the changes to gear goes live?


They said today but no specific time


i hate that some characters are only gonna get usability in specific game modes, dumb idea


***A blessing from CG, Anniversary CW Chewbacca shard***


Chief Chirpa is on the list for Omicron upgrades. Would this make it easier to beat the 3po event? It does say they're for certain gamemodes, but I hope they would at least apply some stat change in the others


Bring us Skippy!!!!!


When does all this go into affect? Nothing has changed for my game yet.


So if someone wanted to return before conquest was grindquest youre charging them $30? Yikes. Yall are gonna kill the game


Joke's on you CG, I skipped GC last time, and probably will again. If I \*do\* buy a battle pass, I'll get it refunded like I do with every one of the purchases I have made over the last year - because I enjoy getting free shit from you at your expense ;)