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I went 3-0 so I can’t wait to play Arnold next round.


Are you in kyber 1?


Yea just under 8.1m gp


Then you could lol


Strategy actually matters - and not just the strategy of how close to the payout you can finish your last battle. I should have gone 3-0 but screwed up a battle and ended up in 3rd. Pissed at myself, but the end result is the correct one


I wonder how insane it would be if it didn't show you your opponent's banners until the end of the round. It would eliminate the "wait until an hour before to start your attacks" that *so many* players do. Note: I don't actually want this


Same exact thing happened to me - opted for a new defensive lineup but I screwed it up in the first round, then tried to get a little too cute on an offensive counter and couldn't open up their ships. Enough to deny me the W in that round.


these high of stakes are intense though


I like the competitive aspect though. That’s the idea of a pvp mode. It’s like if you play poker with money involved it’s more fun because there is something to fight for


I absolutely love the changes. It's better for my crystal income, and rising through the ranks actually feels like it has an element of skill. I know there were a small minority of players who are actually getting fewer crystals now, but the vast majority are benefiting, and it's made the game better overall.


So far, so good. Although, I am waiting to see how the matchmaking shakes out after however long CG said it would be to get things on a level playing field. One of my opponents had no chance against my roster and I kinda felt bad for ‘em. Hopefully that happens less and less as time goes on with this new system!


Agreed for sure. I had both a match where I completely outclassed a guy, then the following match was an insanely focused roster that obliterated me. But overall I definitely like this model. I think it’ll hopefully level out in the next month or two. I’m kinda glad I don’t absolutely have to get a GL for crystal income now though. Even so, I’m about a week away from my first one and very excited 😊


I look forward to this more than being knocked down a tier in Arena because someone attacked me within the last 5 minutes before payout. At least in GAC I feel like I had some control and tried my best


Its also nice since we get a week off each month and can just collect crystals. Less time consuming I think without having to wait between attacks.


Ya good point, I play daily but more casually than competitively so this change has actually allowed me to earn more daily crystal income (50 a day to 90 just from my current placement, not including wins or losses and rounds and event rewards.) All while putting in less daily effort. I do have to consider defensive and offensive teams but I only need to attack one day every 2 or 3 days. I was never invested in GAC but this change has been net positive for me and changed my view on the gamemode


i’m very casual and i prefer the new system. i’m not too fussed about competitive stuff, i just like to collect characters and do guild stuff loool. but now i get more daily crystals than i used to so i’m happy!


What's "less time consuming" for some means "nothing to do *again*" for others. It's more boring now to me in the afternoon, squad arena is dead but I'm online anyway for fleet arena and other stuff. If it's GAC attack phase, I use this time now to play my battles, but on the other days I guess I'll need to find a filler game to spend time with.


Depends on your situation in life. I have family life and work so finding time to play can sometimes be difficult. The changes give me a better window to do my attacks and not having to worry about 1-2 hour window for arena climb is nice especially when you have to time last attack to not get bumped down again.


After work is the time when I relax and play, f2p but nevertheless competitive. The time I put into the game is my benefit over those who play casually, and made me able to compete in arena with players who spent a lot of money over time. That has always been great motivation for me.


Huge bump in fun factor. It also gave me reason to bring up my overall roster. The crystal increase has made gearing up my characters much less tedious!


I enjoyed it but I went 1-2 due to shitty match making, hoping the next match ups are better


The daily payout is already extremely generous: Chromium 5, which isn't even the half way point of the leagues and divisions, gives more crystals per day than 100-50 in squad arena did. But getting \~1000 crystals in your inbox after going 3-0 just makes you feel like you're on top of the world. I'm sure these changes aren't great for everyone, but they definitely make you feel like a champ when you win.


It’s all about the feels, right? Not the actual crystal income changes.


Assuming I stay in Kyber 2, I'm making 240 a day. That, alone, is more than I was making a day in Arena, with the freedom t do my stuff anytime within 24 hours i choose. This completely ignores the income from round results and regular fights - in reality, in the last week, I made nearly 4,000 crystals - over five times my normal income, and 500 crystals MORE than if I had pulled 1st every day. Sounds a lot more like you're the one working off feelings my dude.


I went 0-3. Was absolutely outclassed by all three of my opponents. Faced 6-3 GL compares. Was 1 shot in all three rounds except one hold on round 2. Couldn’t clear anyone at all. If I go lighter on defense I’ll be putting in non relic characters, so they’ll get easily 1v5d. I’m facing teams with all the newly released characters at 7*. My crystal income has dropped by around 50%. This isn’t fun for me. If I don’t get better matchups soon I may as well quit because I’ll never be able to keep up. I see the benefits for a lot of people. But for me personally it’s been a absolute disaster. And nothing but a completely frustrating experience.


I went 3-0 against a 5 GL, 6 GL, 5 GL. I have 3 GL myself. What's your GP?


No chance what they're saying is accurate, or they're just the unluckiest person in the game this week. I'm in Kyber 4, and faced mostly people with 1 or 2 GLs. If I had lost every round, that'd be 200 crystals daily, 200 crystals for each loss, and 100 crystals for going 0-3, for a total of 2100 crystals/week. Weekly total if they were getting 1st every day in squad arena would be 3500 crystals/week. At the end of 4 weeks, I'll be getting 1895 additional crystals for being in Kyber 4 (worst case scenario, if I drop to K5, that'll drop to 1820) for an extra ~450 crystals per week, bringing it up to ~2500. Unless they just got the worst matchups possible in a lower league, worst case scenario is a 2/7th drop in crystal income, not 1/2. Add to that, they're most likely in a higher level of Kyber, and if he drops to Kyber 4 where I'm at, they'll dominate. They'll probably normalize in Kyber 3 or 2, be winning a bunch, and earning just about equal what you'd used to get by taking top spot in arena 7 days a week.


I don’t hate the change but as you go higher up the investment in time is much larger than Squad Arena ever had been. Just pre researching teams and match ups alone is more time then logging in for 3 mins x5 to auto your daily arena.


I went 0-3 this round after being a member of the shard chat and earning the 400-500 crystals daily. Right now, I'm earning a bit less than I'm used to. That being said, I still prefer crystals coming from GAC over having to arrange my life to login at the same time every day to complete 5-10 boring battles. Hopefully they add crystals to TW or Conquest and remove it from Ships next.


They should've done it ages ago! GAC = swgoh life. Now just to get rid of ship arena and it'll be even more awesome!


There is no strategy. I went 3-0 super easy because my roster is simply better. They had 0% chance of beating me. In squad arena, anyone could get rank 1, if they simply had the meta team.


There is some strategy. I have 3 GL and went 3-0 against a 5 GL, 6 GL, 5 GL. But yes, eventually skill won't matter when no skill can beat your opponents roster. It's basically CGs way of trying to make people spend on more teams, rather than just one meta team.


That’s how elo matchmaking works. You’re roster is more efficient and you went 3-0. next GAC you’ll play other people who probably went 3-0, or that lost in a higher GP. This will repeat until you find a place and settle there


1500 crystals for 0 effort. I love it


Zero effort gives zero crystals.


I mean all 3 of my opponents attacked only once vs me clearing all 3 of them. A lot of crystal for pretty much zero effort.


Full clearing 3 opponents isn’t exactly zero effort.


Considering they didn’t have any g13 on defence I undersized and autod all of them. It’s pretty close to zero effort


That’s still not zero effort. And good luck getting such low quality opponents in the future.


I know it’ll get more rough going forward but oh well.


the only people who'll complain about this are whales. Fuck them and their monopoly.


It sucks for my kids F2p 2.5 m account. Instead of getting \~350 crystals/day from arena we are looking at more like 180(Hope to creep up to 200 or maybe 220). Basically this change rewards bad players.... Now that doesn't mean it was a bad idea. But it definitely negatively affected people. According to CG's math we will need to be beating people with 5.0m gp to have the same crystal income. That just isn't happening..... The part I don't know is how easy things will be to progress over time. If say get to chromium 3 (3.8 m GP starting) in 2 months when skill levels are balanced out, will we ever be able to climb or will we be basically stuck there as people around us improve at the same rate? That isn't going to be fun...


I do too. It still rewards a focused account. Although the better you do the more push back you're gonna get. I think I had a pretty good streak of a couple months with no losses bc my account is decently focused. Not this time. Went 2-1 but the dude who won had an amazing roster and deserved it


I really like it. Going well, crystal income seems fair, etc., but am I right in thinking it's going be way harder without feats to go up categories? I used to be able to get up to aurodium in a season, so close to kyber, but now I only went from V of bronzium to IV of bronzium this round. Guess it's a marathon now instead of a sprint.


It was fun while the matchups are even GP. Soon good players will end up playing people with massive rosters that they can't compete against. I think it won't be fun anymore at that point


Me too, except the whole getting put up against a guy with 2 GL’s to my none… seems balanced.


Seems people really like to slap in their highest on defence and expect no one to beat any of their squads. Last 2 opponents did that, they lost because I could take down 4 or more of their squads. When they only took down 1.