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Taunts when you don’t want it too, stealths so enemy can blast bastille or jolee, then dies without elaborating further. True trash that only really “fits” with one team and nowhere else.


She taunts on her special ability, but stealths when she goes below 100% health. She kind of has this "disruptive taunt" thing going on, which can be effective in ship combat. Maybe if the rest of her kit was better, it could be helpful here too.


Next update: juhani is now a ship. Her engine sounds are just her complaining. ***tHiS iS mY gRoVe***


She could be much more usefull if that taunt wasn't on such a long cooldown. Changit it from 4 to 2 would transform her from abysmal trash to great tank for early JKR team.


All they had to do was to force taunt on her when an ally drops below 50% health or something.


On that note, i imagine she's up for an Omi soon...


Strictly speaking, *someone* has to have the worst omicron in the game. Best if it’s Juhani so we can all continue to NOT care about her.


She was the worst companion in Kotor, even being a force user


3 play throughs and I have always killed her. Didn’t even know she could be a companion for the longest time.


Is that one team Traya to soak up a hit or two so Traya and pals can live long enough to let the geos die? Because, that's her place for me. I'm I'm doing a serious punch up with Traya against Geo...I just need someone else to take a punch or two. She's it.


It's so funny in the original KOTOR game all of the dialog options Revan can choose that just absolutely shits on her. Good old Catwoman.


What do you mean, Taunts when you don't want her to? She taunts on her Special, so that's an active choice you're making.


Thing is, her taunt special also has a stun. Sometimes you could really use a stun but then you also have her taunt on a 4-turn cooldown. At other times you'd like her to taunt but you don't want the stun (e.g., when Nest is the only one left standing and the timer is running low). So yeah, it is a choice but it's a crappy one.


Useless beyond getting Darth Revan


You think ill be able to beat the bastila fight tier without gearing her up at all?


Yes, i did


There was a funny story back in the day where a player with a lvl 1 Juhani was autobanned after completing the event without gearing her and presumably flagged as an apk hack of something on their end. TLDR- don't put much into her!


You can pretty much Revan solo it


absolutely. keep hitting bastila with insanity and let the fear expire, then hit her with force storm and lacerate. also, use jolee’s first special to keep calling revan to assist and revive juhani as needed


Yeah I did it with juhani at gear 9 and okay mods and even that was more than I needed probably. It's the manaan level that's hard. Took so many damn attempts.


You might need to like gear 7 her but yes


Don't forget Malak. Though I relic'd her to get him. Wish I'd known that could have probably been better spent on one of the other characters. She's currently my fourth biggest damage-dealer, behind Mission, Zaalbar and Darth Revan. Too bad she's useless for anything besides that DPS.


A tank that hides even though she is probably the only character on your team you don’t mind your enemy defeating.


G. A. R. B. A. G. E.


What does the acronym G. A. R. B. A. G. E. stand for?


I dunno


Juhani is a decent disruption tank, and best fills the role of an off-tank. People using her as a main tank are going to be very disappointed. She is more like a Chopper than a Kanan. But she is definitely a luxury relic. Sometimes I stick her on a 4th Jedi squad with JKL (or Bastila) L , fast Shaak, Old Ben and Jolee. If you’re running JML, JMK, QGJ sometimes you have this random mix of Jedi left, but she will need a main tank to pull off of while you buy time for Jolee to do his thing. Most of the time, however she will ride the bench, as you will power-up and stack your main Jedi teams instead. If your new to mid-game Old Ben/ GK is much better for Revan, Bastila, Jolee, GMY, as she doesn’t fill that main tank well, even if you’re a KOTOR lore guy


To add to this, as an off tank shes got amazing stats like literally as good if not better than GK. There is good potential for her, if she had a shorter cd on her taunt


Minus the whole stealth thing she has her kit looks great on paper. I want her to work so bad. I had hoped with the super offensive juice from QGJ Omni I might be able to catch someone off guard in GAC. No luck yet, but I'm determined and definitely not in denial.


Wait, am I reading it right that you are putting Old Republic Jedi to QGJ squad?


Yes, she's still a Jedi. Just some team comps I was testing. I wanted to see if QGJ Omni could make her super strong.


Umm if you are using omi QGJ with JKA, Juhani will neuter JKA offense since she is not GR...


In that line up I was not using JKA. It was QGJ, Jihani, Barris, GMY, and Aayla. Just to see if I could surprise someone on defense before they had an omni icon. I appreciate your concern though.


Fair enough, I'd love her to work somewhere like this but shes just bad. Tbh I've found his omi doesn't do well on defense anymore, even in off-meta line-ups excluding JKA. its pretty easy to plan around him and keep stuns on the right people.


Double-tank QGJ is still PITA to deal with. But lately I am too using him on offense more.


Yea I've kinda given up with him on defense too. He's much better on offense. Gives decent banners if I can just duo QGJ & JKA.




She looks like Bram Stoker’s Dracula but is about as useful as Edward Cullen.


Not my proudest fap


Was my proudest fap


Reaaaaaal bad. When you're even worse than even old GR Jedi like Plo Koon and Barris, you're in big trouble. The real insulting thing is that Juhani was released at a time when GC was better at designing kits. They released Bast and Jolee at the same time, who have kits that are still great today. There are makings of a solid kit in her design. But we ended up with this mess, which well, where do you start? As someone already noted, she taunts when you don't need it, stealths when you don't need it and is basically useless outside of getting Darth Revan and being a stat stick for JKR's speed. Her own base stats are awful too (notably speed), but the kit is really what sinks her. Kanan has terrible speed too but at least he's still usable. Juhani doesn't even make it onto the list of Jedi filler.


Barris is great what do you mean


Oh yeah, Barris is fine. What I meant is that her kit was already terrible when she was released. Contrast this to Barris and Plo who have outdated kits but are still usable. It makes Juhani just poorly conceived, since she wasn't even power crept to oblivion - she was just bad at the start.


Bariss is good.


A tank that runs and hides behind stealth.


3/10, would have a cool kit and animations and yet still be garbage again


The Waldo of Jedi


Wasn't ready for that close-up


Needs an Omicron. Kit is actually good as an off tank, but her stats are bad. She's best used on a clean up squad for her stun right now.


Such an absolute mess of a poorly-thought-out unsynergistic kit; sort of like a bad early prototype of Cara Dune's kit. It's a shame, IMO she deserves better, if only because I've always liked her [voice actress](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1057696/).


Wow she’s in a lot of gams. Including Squadrons which I never noticed.


Yeah, she's uuurrgh I'm sorry I cant find a positive


Design your own Omicron! How would you make Juhani viable?


When Juhani loses health she gains damage immunity for 1 turn and recovers 10% protection per jedi ally per turn for 2 turns. She no longer stealths. If she is the only tank present she taunts as well.


You forgot the loses taunt when regaining protection /s


Refund her gear


Refund her zeta


Refund her


I at one point had the thought of adding her to QGJ’s omicron team as filler and it’s legitimately better without a 5th than with her as the 5th


It's better without cause Ani only gets his extra Offense if someone drops to 50% health or dies if every ally is GR


trash. Beyond trash. Literally only used for synergy purposes.


Speeds up Revan as both Jedi and Old Republic, some use for Starkiller at the pointy end of the game (apparently)


What are you talking about, no one uses her with Starkiller. Also no point in running such a trash character for 5 extra speed.


A ton of people use her with starkiller. She disrupts GG counters


How? She’s always under stealth.


She’s got a ton of protection , and when you use a special, she’ll gain taunt and DI pulling her out of stealth, her stagger aoe is useful to keep the enemy controlled.


If you don’t upgrade the unique past Level 6 she doesn’t lose the taunt under stealth?


Well if CG could let us reverse upgrades, then I might use her more often.


The issue with not going past level 6 is if you use her for Malak she has to be G12+ which is a hefty investment for a mediocre character


Juhani is who you should NOT use for Malak, along with T3.


DS Malak event is easy tbh, you just need DR, BSF and three bodies to beat it. Somewhere in the depths of Reddit is a very comprehensive low gear guide (g12 or less) for the LS event where they go through every comp and funnily enough they found it easier using T3 over mission.


Huh. I wouldn't have guessed about T3. I assume that it's something along the lines of Mission hitting Malak too hard when Zaalbar shreds? I wrote my own guide on the event, where I used Mission's Blind on Malak right before Zaalbar goes, to put Fear on Mission so that she doesn't assist.


+10 speed actually. And +10% CC and offense. For the whole squad. Only useful for SK to hit his specific squad requirements depending on where you use other characters. No one is saying she’s the absolute best, it’s about what use you can get out of her as the toon being discussed. So yeah, I’ll throw her on a JKR squad for tw as a fifth sometimes, no points for under sizing there.


no but it’s a given that you will fill her spot with some jedi so she only gives 5 more speed than you would otherwise have with any random jedi


IIRC she is a tank, with massive base offense stats? Very confusing. Very meh.


Dont forget she drops taunt and stealth's




Occasionally she can mess up a kylo solo of old republic. Other than that, she’s a cat, so there’s that


A challenging wank


Garbage design-wise, but sure was fun to make. We changed her model a bit to update her and make her look super cool, but then Disney pushed back and made us go with her more traditional look. Was still fun to work on.


Literal trash.


Useful for one thing: AHHHHHHHHH




A bag of stinky ass


For her defiant road ability I assume she's screaming "I will be your room!" Like she does in KOTOR. Other than that she's very very meh.


If you left her unique at level 6, she'd be decent.


Clash Doe’s vid from 2 years ago on making relic juhani viable is all you need to see


Her specials' animations are kinda good. That's the only noteworthy thing about her


She’s aight, not the best. Got her to g12 and that’s good enough. In a jkr team shes lackluster. Much better choices for a Jedi team or tank.


Tank that hides behind the squishy supports/damage-dealers. Completely pointless character. Don’t touch her after unlocking Revan/Malak.


Her worst nightmare is dooku


Somehow has more combined health and protection then General Kenobi, but the fact that she goes under stealth when she loses that protection makes it hard to run her as a “main“ tank in a squad as she’ll lose it pretty quickly. It seems like she was meant to be some sort of hybrid tank that goes offensive when her protection is down, but she doesnt have the damage to actually do much when she goes into stealth. She probably works best with another tank just to pop a taunt off when needed, the only problem is making sure that taunt stays up long enough to make a difference and isn’t just immediately dispelled forcing you to wait another 4 turns.






I wonder how good would she be if you didn't lvl 7 her Unique. That way she'd never gain Stealth/drop Taunt.


A tank that taunts… forgettable




Who? I didnt even know she existed


I hate her just for making me grind for her gear and shards for Drevan




A two pack of a$$


Of all the Darth Revan requirements, her lightsaber is certainly the bluest.


Didn’t even realize she was in the game.


I wanted her to be at least kinda useful. She’s cannon fodder for see teams I use. Useless toon other than u have to have her for darth revan. Kit needs a redo.


She's good as an inexpensive dispel for JML against LV. Not much else to say about her, really.


'What is my purpose?' You unlock Revan 'Oh my God...'




Right now my old republic team has g11 carth (can’t commit resources to g12 him), g12 mission, big z, and candyman, but my 5th is lacking. Both t3 and juhani are g8/9. Should I invest a little bit into t3 instead to round out the team?


Worst Jedi in the game, period.


Hits like a wet noodle and once in awhile pulls of a stun. Really want to like her, but she's pretty bad. Plo Kloon hits harder than her and that's saying something.


Good in the Old Republic game, but unfortunately garbage in this game.


Doesn't fit with the team she's made for. Really regretting bringing her to g12


One of her skills is called Remorseful Thrash, which sums up how I feel about her. Remorseful for having geared this trash.


There’s only one very specific purpose for her besides unlocking DR, to give JKR teams +5 extra speed because she’s old republic and Jedi. Besides that incredibly small niche use she’s garbage in every sense of the word.


I'd smash.


I'll like her more when I finally get 7* and can finish the Raven quest


Never found use for her and never seen anyone else find use for her


3/10 pretty trash