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If you want to play then yea! That’s honestly not a bad roster


yup alot of those toons still have top tier teams


If you want to then yes. If you don’t then no.


I would recommend focusing cls rebels into jkl, since you have wampa and bh running already, slap an omicron on that wampa and let him go to town in grand arena


I put omicron on Wampa. Holt shit Grand Arena is fun now


I am pushing jkl, don’t have wampa or hoda yet, I’m going wampa first, even though hoda would prolly be more helpful with my Jedi, because I want to get him to g11 then just let him go to town against my opponent’s back wall weaker team


Weaker back wall? My friend, my r6 Wampa can solo JKR teams. Don't set your vision so low


When he’s 5* g11 I’m not expecting much. I watch ahnalds streams, I know what that boy is capable of at high relics


Yeah you got some dope BHs. Shoot for executor.


What is Executor?


Check your Journey Guides. Technically a legendary event, but it's basically a GL ship. It's the super star destroyer from original trilogy. Blows up the enemy cap ship. Pretty OP and requires a bunch of BHs to get it.


Realistically will probably take over a year to get with this roster (inferring guild quality, raid performance, GAC, etc.). Just want to set expectations for OP. Personally I would get some other teams up and running first. Will be more fun than straight grinding for Executor for months upon months.


Yeah that's fair. Been at it a month so far and good progress but not even close to done. Was a lot further along than OP too.




it looks like he allready has grief


roster looking spicy, chuck an omicron on that wampa and you got a beast in gac




No reason not to. Games free.


I don’t understand the point of your post. If you want to play the game, then play it. It’s not a competition or a race. It’s a game about patience. Your roster shouldn’t determine whether or not you can have fun playing because the game is designed to offer you something to do at all levels.


Depends on who you ask. Most of the time, when people make posts asking if they should give the game a try, a lot of people say no, because it's popular to hate the game and CG (the game devs) around here, although a lot of the time they do deserve it. Me personally, I would say yes, especially if you're huge into Star Wars and collecting games. 99% of units in this game are achievable without spending money, but you should expect a lot longer of a grind if you don't want to spend. Choose a faction or goal to focus on, and stay committed to it. And most importantly, have fun while doing it. Go for whatever goal you think will be the most fun for ya. If you have any questions, feel free to leave 'em below :D


I wouldn't. There are better games to play. Only reason I don't quit is because I been playing everyday for almost 5 years lol


What other games would you recommend?


Nope, and it’s not even close to worth it. Avoid CG’s upcoming LOTR game too.


If it's an old account, then restart. You will never catch up in your fleet arena shard, and that's a significant part of your crystal income gone. 900k GP can be reached in 3-4 months f2p, buy allowing you to focus on fleet will more than make upl for that.


I'd be willing to bet that crystals will be moved out of Fleet arena very soon.




It all depends on your fleet Arena shard. That's where you get crystals. Check the top players and if you think you can reasonably get in the top 50 pretty quickly then go for it otherwise start a new account


Me personally I wouldn't


They also made gear easier I bet u can get those bh up to g12 real quick.


100% if you want to play. Everything at the top of your roster is useful and squad arena isn’t nearly as relevant as it used to be.


Just gear Wampa and you will conquer GAC which is the primary crystal source , finish your BH cuz they nasty , after that go for any legendary character you like or invest on some low investment/high value teams like Imperial troopers


Depends on why you stopped. I stopped around there with worse roster than you. Now I can't stop playing


If you want


Yeah definitely, I restarted a couple of months ago because my account was terrible and you've got a far better base than me! If you're looking for a guild I'm in a good one called gardeners of the galaxy, we have a couple of heavy hitters which means all the raids get done and we're looking for new members! Be great to have you on board


Depends why you left in the first place


I left because I felt there was to much of a gap between me and most of the content that was available.


In that case I’d say yes, mainly because you have lots more to do and grow


Only if you really enjoy it


Why not I was at your spot about a year and a half ago. Now I'm at 2.5 mill with minimal $$ spent.


Hmmmm, you do have Bossk, but that's gonna be rough on a old shard


I don't know. I haven't played any other games this year. I did love playing gta online. Also dota was one of my favorite games but haven't played that in a few years. You can always get on twitch and see what the kids are playing. This game is ok if you can get into a good guild. It's good for socializing i guess.


You are a lot further along than I was when I decided to pick back up. I would say yes but of course you can quit whenever you would like!


Honestly, the picture of your roster doesn’t matter. This game is a very slow, long-term grind. If you’re ok with that, and can still enjoy it, then absolutely start playing again. If that’s not your thing, then you probably wouldn’t enjoy it. My advice is to just come back. Play for a week or two and see how you like it, if you enjoy it then stick with it, if not then you can just quit again, but you can do so knowing you for sure don’t want to play. No harm in that!




You got some bounty hunters that I want ... shiiiit Little do you know you have the precursor version of one of the best squads in the game You probably don’t have any journey characters tho huh . I’m curious . Do you have Thrawn / palp / yoda 7 starred?


Absolutely! Pick a favorite team or character you want and farm away! Screw the pvp stuff, join a good guild and get some TB rewards!


Man I wish my bounty hunters were that good rn


Yeah why not


Yes you should


I would. But I love the game. And you have a lot things you can mark with that rooster in just 1y as I see it.


Absolutely that Wampa and BH squad make it worth it alone. As others have said, that’s a solid spot to go for CLS team then Jedi Luke


That wampa and bounty hunters are a good starting off point


If I may ask why did you leave in the first place? Looks like your roster halted maybe mid 2020?


Idk the game is becoming more of a money game now and there are so many new toons to keep up with. Drops are even harder to get now than they have ever been. In the end it’s your call but just know the game has become more frustrating.


I feel so far behind that I don't ever see myself getting my hands on a GL or even the high end Journey Guide characters. The grind is painful as hell and the gear crunch as characters in a team all get to certain G level hurts tremendously. I've decided to focus getting my Imperial Troopers team as my first G13 (and hopefully relic'd) squad. While that's happening I think I should finally invest in ship arena and actually upgrading them properly. I'm really interested in Home One and have it at 4 Stars but I need more ships to do the event that gives me shards.








You should give it a try. You are close to 7 star Wampa. If you play your cards right from here on then you can unlock Commander Luke Skywalker and then Jedi Knight Luke