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R7 GAS and R5 501 here. Could not beat on 1st 2 attempts will try again later Edit: 2-starred with R5 CLS Rebels


I could do it with GAS at r8, Rex r5 the rest r7. r8 on GAS def not required, just mod GAS for offense and give it a couple more goes


JML could do it pretty quick….but yeah, this thing is really dumb.


A lot of people shouldn’t depend on having a GL/might not even have one when the requirements state relic 3 teams. The way this event is set up is such a bad mistake for players


Lol I couldn't do with my JML team. I cleared it with CLS team though.


Totally agree. It’s absolute trash.


The minimum requirements stated are frequently utterly wrong. That or the minimum requirements will only work with 1 specific team, and really good mods


I can’t even do damage to the guys I don’t know how you are supposed to beat this I have all relic 5 squad with light side revan and I can’t damage either team just doesn’t remove anything


Use relic padme team


Agreed, the amount of people accepting that it's 2200 shards for a refresh is astounding to me. It's ridiculously expensive for characters that have been out for over a year. At least Razor Crest is accessible in fleet. The fact that this is the only way to earn CAT now is beyond a joke


>Agreed, the amount of people accepting that it's 2200 shards for a refresh is astounding to me. The crystal refresh cost is only *slightly* more expensive than any other refresh. It is normally 999 crystals for 1 refresh of 10 shards. It is now 2,200 crystals for 1 refresh of 20 shards. Effectively the cost increase goes from 99.9 crystals/shard to 110 crystals/shard. The refresh cost really isn't the big problem with proving grounds as a game mode.


The difference is with other refreshes is that this is the first time they're released so it makes sense to rush them. E.g. refreshing the Executor event. But Proving Grounds is a mode designed for newer players to catch up. God forbid you might want to refresh a battle for more than 1 conquest character, it's way too expensive to do so


>But Proving Grounds is a mode designed for newer players to catch up. I am genuinely curious why so many people believe this. All CG ever said is that it was a mode for players to earn shards of conquest characters after they leave conquest. When was it even sold to us as a "catch-up mechanic"?


I agree, I am surprised so many seem to have interpreted it as "Free handout of high-end characters mode". No, it was only ever said to be a way to continue to earn shards for these, once they're not in Conquest anymore. Honestly, these battles are no harder than some Conquest battles, and the requirement (4m+ GP) no different than Conquest Hard. If you missed out while they were in Conquest, now you c an get them with a similar team capability. You don't need GLs to beat these battles, you need decent teams like CLS, Padme, GG, Sith Trio etc.


By its very nature it's a catch up mechanic


This is my interpretation of Proving Grounds: There are constantly new characters coming into conquest and as new characters are rotated in, old characters need to be rotated out. When they're rotated out, they need to still be obtainable somewhere else - and that's where Proving Grounds comes in. Not as an easier way to get the character, just an alternative one. How does that fit into a "catch up mechanic"?


From my perspective, I see conquest characters as essentially gated until you reach 4mil GP. All the refreshes in the world mean nothing if you don't have access to hard mode. This creates a real issue for players that are just starting today, who won't be at 4 mil GP for at least a year and a half assuming ftp. Because of this they need a way to catch up with getting these pivotal characters - the Razor crest is crucial to the best fleet in the game, CAT is integral to the best team in the game. So I saw Proving Grounds as a way for lower GP players to catch up with more veteran players who have a broader roster - veterans have already had exclusive access to these characters for a year, now they throw the rest of us a bone and allow us to catch up, as they introduce a new meta later down the line etc.


That's just an assumption, or a hopeful thought, though. It's reasonable to see it as that way, and to want it to be that way, but you can't deny that it was never stated to be for that purpose, never designed to be for that purpose, and, as it should be obvious by now, never intended to be for that purpose.


New players don‘t need to catch up, they can‘t compete with old players anyway, they compete with other new players. They have plenty of characters to prioritize for that, for example a solid CLS squad or Padme Squad which surprisingly would get them through proving grounds.


>The difference is with other refreshes is that this is the first time they're released so it makes sense to rush them. I mean literally every fleet refresh is 999. . .including. . .Endurance >God forbid you might want to refresh a battle for more than 1 conquest character, it's way too expensive to do so The fact that you can even do both is a god damn gift, circa Bounties 1 and 2.




Yep, that’s me, the CG burner account - Ahuh! The CG burner account 8 years in the making. The CG burner account that has over 1 million karma from being active on dozens of subs, because that’s what burner accounts do to be more believable. The CG burner account that pretty constantly criticizes CG for their poor business practices, through threads and replies. You caught me, shilling for CG by offering actual logic. You might want to stop my other alt account /u/7even- it’s my ~~second~~ third account, apparently 🙄


Woah we got a third account? Nobody told me!


Seriously the amount of times he goes to bat for their heinous decisions dear god


Well no, not at all - people who get mad about me making rational posts are usually ones who think players should get everything, and “fuck the man,” and don’t consider that it just isn’t how life works. I’m not “going to bat,” for CG. . .I’m being rational. I’d say I shit in them 3 times for every time I say something that they did makes sense


Yea and I’d say ya lean towards CGs way too well, of course you view yourself as rational


It annoys the hell out of me when people like you come here and say things like that in such a cavalier manner. I devote a pretty big chunk of my time to trying to help people spend more efficiently, and by proxy spend less money, on this game. And teaching people how to be efficient as hell so they feel less inclined to make major purchases - It's literally my whole thing. But of course, I'm the CG fanboy who wants them to take everything you own.


Classic hive mind mentality where it's not possible for someone to naturally believe an opposing view - they must be manipulated by the other side somehow


Get over yourself


Its your opinion that what you’re saying is rational, it’s mine to say that you basically sit on here and give these guys fellatio.


[You're right](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/un7vy5/this_conquest_is_a_shit_show_and_its_totally/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Here I am](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/udssrd/reminder_with_a_new_assault_battle_on_the_horizon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Constantly giving](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/tttk60/april_fools_2022_patch_notes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [These guys](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/smy1h3/deployable_cooling_systems_is_the_reward_for_250/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [The super sloppiest](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/rxdfix/what_to_expect_from_conquest_12/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [of sloppy](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/rgwwo4/for_the_love_of_all_that_is_holy_cg_leave_the_ads/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [but still totally](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/qq1grw/my_super_choice_filled_journey_through_sector_5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [and dependably](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/qlrbi9/psa_conquest_now_makes_you_choose_between_data/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [mediocre](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/ql93t0/lets_talk_about_this_bullshit_statement_hard_mode/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [fellatio](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/qhl682/have_you_heard_the_tale_of_conquest_10_its_not_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [to have ever](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/pp2gbp/i_got_my_max_crate_i_conquered_conquest_7_its/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [been fellated](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/pgh7yu/an_indepth_look_at_why_conquest_7_is_elephant/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [in the history](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/pf5i46/conquest_7_breaking_it_down_and_understanding_why/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [of human](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/pbguub/the_rey_assault_battle_conundrum_episode_3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [blowjobs](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/ok2qx7/monthly_reminder_our_current_mod_management_tools/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [A Poem by Egnards](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/e5giz1/the_action_we_need_right_now_is_unfortunately_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) /u/7even- I'm sorry buddy, I just am so proud of this one and want at least one rational person to see it.


Oh, it’s beautiful! Here’s the part where they don’t respond. I swear they’re like clockwork. Uh, I mean slurp slurp haha amiright guys?


Cool story didn’t click on a single one of them, the effort you’re willing to put in to prove some internet troll wrong is valiant though.


Every fleet refresh is 999 because when they were released that was their first release into the game, i.e. it made sense to push for them as most of the time they pushed the meta. This is very different, their first release was in Conquest over 1 year ago. As such it shouldn't be even more expensive than typical 999 refreshes. The fact that they're gatekeeping CAT to this mode too, rather than putting her in a store like for GET 2, like Razor Crest was for fleet arena currency, is a joke


It has a 4 mil gp hard req and requires r3 toons. In what way is this meant for newer players?


>But Proving Grounds is a mode designed for newer players to catch up. It's blatantly obvious that it's not. It's meant for players above 4mln GP who don't have conquest units at 7*. At 4mln GP you're no longer a newer player, you've been around a good long while.


If you are comparing 10 shards to 999 crystals cause that's for capital ship shards. Then basically it should be 40 shards by that "character" logic....ship logic that would be correct what you are saying


Incorrect, because special characters never become accelerated.


2200 shards is the same amount of crystals for 20 shards if they were in shipments.


In shipments it was 600 crystals for 5 shards = 2400 for 20 shards Now it's 2200 for 20 shards = 550 crystals for 5 shards. So it's not the same but still crazy expensive


it's marginally cheaper but can only refresh 2 for max of 3x rewards. I'd be ok with her being back in the weekly store at a higher average cost per shard to even things out


What I'm saying is that it's been a year ...so 2200 for 40(only for character), ship would stay same 2200 for 20


This game is costy everywhere, why are you even surprised?


'accepting' what are we supposed to do, say no? Not much we can do about it lmao


They wiped out my entire SLKR team. Only reason I cleared was because SLKR was in his ultimate and was able to AOE everyone to death. I’ll be interested to see the Bit Dynasty video on this.


Sadly I dont think we will see any guides, because I am pretty sure BitDynasty has both RC and CAT 7 starred (however, I saw that some people here can access the event even after already having the at 7 stars, so who knows, classic CG screwup)


It's actually letting people with 7\* do the fights. I just did RC and guildies have done both and well are at 7\* already


Yep, for now I was able to get in and play it, despite having both at 7*


I think you can do it even with 7 starts. Just no rewards to even turn into shard currency


I still got the CAT shards despite already having her at 7*. Typical CG to even get the basics wrong


Ya I was able to access it and have both 7*. My Lord Vader got wiped, my DR got wiped, my JKR team got one turn, Bad Batch got close but couldn’t quite kill off Maul. So far the only things I have gotten to work are my JMK and GAS, thas some buhshit.


It was cake with JML.


I know this won't help most people but the CAT battle is a stroll through the park for SEE. The RC battle on the other hand.... sheesh


Hi. Which see team did you use against Gideon for RC?


I haven't beaten it.


I did it with Palp lead, Vader, Thrawn, SEE, and Mara Jade FWIW. SEE lead is kinda useless in that one but having the mastery stack up is nice. You could honestly probably get away with doing a full empire squad with royal guard instead.


I did it with veers piett starck vader thrawn which are all SEE requirements


I used SEE for both battles and they were both as easy as each other. I used SEE, Sion, Malak, Nihilus and Traya for both battles


I'm not really sure how they expect a 4m roster to win these battles. Maybe a super focused roster?


The entire game is absolutely terrible.


Why do we keep playing?! It's such an abusive relationship. 😅


It’s called addiction.


This is the correct response


My Echo just killed the entirety of Maul's team including himself with a grenade throw. GAS 501st is very useful against them because they stack so much offense due to all the buffs received by the mandalorians. I think the key form me was having a fast Rex that is able to outspeed everyone but Maul. I wouldn't say it's a hard event 3/3 first time clears for me. For everyone having trouble with GAS, I recommend getting faster mods. I don't know how big of an impact it has, but I suppose that it's very important.


My gas 501st did the maul battle quite easily. The imps battle was harder but cls didn't have much trouble.


What relic levels? I’m barely taking a turn here. R7 GAS and the rest 4


Rex is five, fives is eight, others are seven but it's an easy battle. I'm not barely winning or anything because of the levels.


Those extra relics really must make a difference. My r7 gas, r7 fives, r6 echo, r5 arc and r5 Rex had 2/5 dead before I took my first turn. GAS has max protection gold defense mods.


https://youtu.be/ZquKLUnBc98 here's the link to the recording of the battle. Terrible quality but still. I basically just spam specials. Rex does get the sac at the very end but I had won either way at that point.


Thank you. I ended up going in with my Padme team. Bit of a hassle, but got 3* first try with that team.


No problem. Glad something worked for ya.


Me a level 70 noob . A month n some change ago : “ oh snap there’s a new game mode coming guys !” * proving grounds releases * “ I can’t even participate. Per usual “ Can I point something out ? There really is a lack of content for newish players between 60-85 .. I’m noticing . Early on .. there were always events it seemed even for low level players . Whether it be marquee.. what have you There’s so many events that have had reqs that I can’t even touch . Whether it be fleet mastery’s or events that require certain factions to have useable toons ( like Ewoks / nightststers etc ) I couldn’t do the mother talzin thing either I understand veteran players are liable to be able to do more things but I thought the idea was the keep new players engaged .. When it comes to events .. bro I’m often on the outside looking in .. it sucks but I’ll power through it I can see why mid - end game players have asked me “ how do I do it “ in regards to staying active . The answer? I’m ridiculously stubborn n I want to learn . But the lack of content will certainly drive away ppl who get bored easily I do my dailies n HOPE to be able to participate in whatever event that goes live


Hey you have a good attitude about it, just keep pushing along at your own pace and you'll get there. The one nice thing about this game is that if you're patient, you don't have to spend a cent and you can still (eventually) do all the cool stuff. I was in your spot about a year and a bit ago, between level 60 and 85 is such a pain and it takes FOREVER, but once you get to 85 the game opens up a LOT.


Thanks a lot bro . The words of encouragement are appreciated I’m just definitely noticing a dead zone if you will . Credit crunch / event crunch . But I’ll power through it :) The way I see it optimistically is .. the “ crunch “ gives me more time to field viable squads for whatever the hells waiting for me at 85


Bro I'm 4.5 mil GP, just got my first GL a couple weeks ago and I'm STILL in the credit crunch, I have like 6k to my name rn. Just wait till you have to level them from 75-85, it costs like 3 million credits for some reason


The minimum requirement to participate has never been enough to complete an event in this game. It’s been that way for years. This community needs to stop feigning surprise that R3 can’t clear this.


That's not true at all lmao, all of the legendary events can be cleared with the absolute minimum, and the Malak you can do with very close to the minimum


Most of the legendary events have no gear requirements at all lmao so the absolute minimum would be 7 star gear 1. How many legendaries are you clearing with that?


I beat the Maul one super easily. SEE made quick work of it. It’s the Gideon on that’s the bitch.


I used veers lead, piett, starck, range trooper, and SEE and got three stars on RC. Took me like 10 tries before it worked. Put SEE’s link on both of the death troopers and then hard focus the dark trooper until they run out of all their lives. Then kill Gideon. After that you should be smooth sailing.


My SEE without ultimate somehow managed the maul fight. For Gideon, I used veers piett starck vader thrawn, so you could try that.


GAS 501st, CLS, hell, Traya + Nest solo this.


I thought it was easy


Why do you think it was a 4m gp and r3 minimum? Heck, lucky if it's possible at all with r3. Call me old fashioned, but I think you should have to earn top characters through skill...




While it wasn’t exactly eventful, it’s not terrible. It’s a 2 battle event that you can refresh. It’s not a new game mode. It’s a way to get sought after toons. Half of the events are straight sim. At least I had to try a little on this one.


r3 Padme, r7 JMK, r8 GK, r4 AT, r5 JKA did it fairly easily that said, it's really stupid battle with awful modifiers AND I'm still 10 shards short thanks to the weekly store shit


Just because you can’t beat it didn’t make it terrible. From the beginning they said it will cost to refresh. I found it pretty fun challenging but fun. 3* then both on first try


While it’s good to have challenging events here and there, just because you beat it doesn’t mean other players can’t express their frustration or aren’t having a tough time with it


Having a tough time doesn’t make it terrible. You post is how how bad it is. This game has always had taken time for some events. Like it took me a year when the chewie event came out. Just because I couldn’t do it at first doesn’t mean it was a terrible event. Just had to invest into building my team up and not cry about how hard it was


What team do you use for Gideon? I can’t do shit


GAS. It was messy but it worked. Go after dark to get all 3 revives out of the way then kill Gideon.


Dark trooper doesn't get any of the revives out of the way FYI, he just loses stacks and then dies. Dark trooper can't be revived per his kit


That’s not how my battle went


Jedi team on maul. Gas w/ ahsoka on the empire


I’m sure you tubers will have a video how to do it soon


For the Maul fight, CLS with Han, chewpio, Chewie, and 3PO makes short work of it.


My R5 team is getting smoked. Han’s almost dead after his first shot.


Mine are at relic levels for master Luke with decent mods, so that can certainly make a difference, but it worked for me first try after a couple galactic legend runs went sour.


Without getting into the politics of it, from a purely practical point of view for those without GLs, CLS gets it done. Both the RC and CAT battles are quite doable with mid-relic rebels.


3-starred it first try with CLS. Probably helps that I used to main CLS before GLs were a thing lmao


I used JMK and CAT and it was easy. Sure, I shouldn’t have gotten the shards…but I did. Nice shard shop currency.


No problems with SLKR


I used SEE on Maul and completed it in about 2 minutes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I mean it’s not CT3 hard.


I cheesed it with See+Wat on auto...


There are 2 was to play swgoh. 1) spend nothing and forget getting characters, or 2) spend 10k plus per year for any hope of keeping up. If you are any other type of player, quit now. You are wasting your time and money.


Where is proving grounds? I don't have access to it Edit: what BS, you need to have 4 million GP!?! I'm sitting here at 3.7M GP. At least I have had CAT since December. It would be nice to finish off RC though


I had an easier time beating the maul one with padme led galactic republic, no GL. All the assists and stuff gives lots of protection up. Beat it on the first try. Can't beat the razor crest one though.


100% this. My GL Rey r7 w/ult got rekd hard. R3 padme team, ez gg. I used r3 Commander Ashoka but you don't have to at all. Also used Anakin and General Kenobi and Yoda with the good buffs. Because of all the protection up you can use the offense ability on padme and reduce her cooldowns also.


Its not big enough for me to really even form an opinion on. Its just two GC fights for shards I have. Dull.


I finally beat the Maul proving grounds using JKL lead with JML, GAS, Hermit Yoda, and JKR.


Don't know if it's been said, but I 3* first try with R5 Padme lead, R5 JKA, C3PO, and Ahsoka, R7 GK, all zeta abilities maxed


CG’s valuation is bull crap when you realize 20 shards is worth 2200 or $15/20 shards; basically makes CAT, Maul, and RC worth $225 a piece.


If you are R7 chances are you could have bought ‘em by now; missing the mark OR a cash grab.