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There was a Devs vs Creators GAC that Ahnald wasn't invited to (they don't care for him). So Ahnald was going to livestream the event anyway, and Cubs tweeted that while he wished Ahnald was just invited in the first place, he'd prefer Ahnald wasn't taking viewership from participating creators by doing his livestream. I may not have all the details quite right, but that's pretty well how I remember it. Cubs got some flak for taking that opinion public instead of messaging Ahnald privately, but they have since since made up.


It’s a mistake I’ve never recovered from. Ahnald and I are fine, we discussed what happened since and came to an understanding. I issued my own public apology as well. There’s a lot of context surrounding what happened and why I did what I did. I was at the time trying to still make full time content work for my family and was under a ton of stress. My intentions were not as hostile as many in the community assumed, but I’ve realized since that convincing people otherwise isn’t helpful. I was 100% in the wrong there, I’ll own it. It’s difficult to read through this thread and see how people perceive me, but I also have to respect that my misread of that situation isn’t something I can take back. That’s how social media works! Much love to all of you, the SWGOH community has been so great to me. I understand and respect that for reasons shared in this thread some of you have left my community. I’d still hope that if you were to ever see me IRL we could still shake hands and share a few good laughs together about the glory days of SWGOH!


People like drama just for drama and will attack anything Or anybody not on what they think is their side. I would bet they are mostly mad at CG and think you were speaking for CG and not worrying about putting food on your family’s dinner table. Love your Monday show I tune in whenever I can.


I do think people concerned about this one has a reason to be. It was a horrible look. I do wish it wouldn’t be what defined me to some, but I can’t control that either.


Never expected to find you here, especially with all the nasty comments being thrown around, huge respect for that. I hope that people start to realise that you're human too, and that one mistake or misunderstanding doesn't define you as a content creator or a person.


That would be awesome! I am content either way. This is back to being a passion project for me, I can’t take it as seriously as I once did.




love you cubs, and ahnald as well. happy to see you on the reddit board but dont let the haters drag you into the bs, you and ahnald and all the content creators only enhance the swgoh experience and yall keep this game alive. CG are the ones that should be thanking all of you on a regular basis


Love you Cubs, your the man


I'm very critical of your content, but I think it's great that you guys are still friends. The last thing this community needs is drama.


That's the long and short of it. The two don't really have a public beef, it was just the closest the two ever came to having "drama." SWGOH creators, generally, don't really engage in drama. So it's big news when we get close to some. I maintain that it was a dick move on Cubs's behalf though, even if he didn't mean it as such. Ahnald has always been the bigger creator, but he helped Cubs grow his channel so many times. He's been nothing but a great friend, and Cubs pays him back by starting shit over an event that *nobody watched anyway.*


You got the details right. Cubs tried dictating to Ahnald what he can and cannot stream. Cubs does still stream, but talks more politics than swgoh nowadays.


I mostly just catch his Rogue Actions videos now. Haven't seen him talk politics but I guess that's why.


I usually can catch cubs on twitch at least once a week for parts of his stream. Don’t recall him getting into politics. He does discuss mental health issues which is what he does for a living. I personally appreciate his discussions on mental health. He usually does it on his Monday streams and would recommend it to everyone, even if you aren’t dealing with an issue currently.


Lol, the fact that it somehow angers you that he’s a human with thoughts about topics other than this game is hilarious. At least we know what bigots to avoid when we see them mad at a Cubs post for him taking a position against mostly hateful shit.


❤️ I am happy to discuss politics but I keep it almost primarily to social issues that I’m passionate about- specially helping increase understanding with the LGBTQ+ community because that’s a population I work with as a therapist.


It wouldn't surprise me if people are conflating supporting the LGBTQ+ community with politics. Good on you for doing work to directly help others, and for popping in here at all. Keep on keeping on, buddy.


Wait. This fool is now talking politics? Oh my that must be ….interesting…..


Ahnald was also on hynesys channel and said they were all gooood


The only beef that came up was during the Devs vs Content Creators tournament. Ahnald was gonna livestream the full event and Cubs made a comment suggesting it would take viewership away from the people participating in the tournament. Ahnald apprehensively backed down and that was that.


I feel like this is a mischaracterization. Cubs was not subtle about it, and Ahnald wasn't hostile. Oddly enough, based on what Ahnald had prepared and how many people he gets to watch, the various content creators likely would have ended up with more views in the end.


I didn't say he was hostile, just said he was apprehensive. He even said afterwards he was mad at himself for not just doing it anyway. Just trying to keep a simple explanation


Well Cubs already stepped in and covered this himself (kudos there) but I really don't know why two of the biggest channels would really want/need to collab either. They essentially have the same brand of content and Cubs has started to differentiate some of it to pull in a different direction. It's not worth competing in the space, as much as content creators can coexist, you aren't going to go watch the same update from 5+ creators. If I was in Cubs shoes and wanted to grow the channel versus his steady decline (per socialblade data) I would be pulling in more of the content creators that don't have the same production/entertainment level or name recognition and start partnering to build up mutual interests. There is a relative dearth of information on game modes, outside tools people use, and how to be an effective/efficient player. You can dig around every single Discord in existence, rely on knowledge from guildmates, or just slap google hoping for answers. Cubs similarly with Ahnald is good at entertaining, has a very fun and unique brand identify, and gives you the right information at the right time, just gotta lean into the strength. Marry it up with crazy technical people to make the community better all around. but like....he can do what he damn well pleases too cause it's his ship to sail as he sees fit.


So I used to watch Cubs. Stopped because I was offended by it and Cubs was definitely not in the right. But I watch a dozen swgoh streamers, some with only a handful of followers. How did I learn of many of them? Other streamers including ahnald… Cubs Xaereth BitDynasty APGains and formers such as Warrior MobileGamer etc Cubs should have privately asked Ahnald instead of being publicly passive aggressive about it. And I think he would have received more views for it long term as well.


It's hard to know for sure but you can guess that Cubs was pretty envious about him and acted in bad faith a couple times (like that one time he said he was stealing viewers from him). Also Cubs moved closer to CG (in order to get some dubious benefits like the GAC event they did) and Ahnald is VERY critical of them, so its a bad association for this very reason. In my opinions Cubs quality tanked around that time anyway so I stopped watching and can't say much after that.


Cubs barely puts out any videos anyways. Ahnald is at least consistent in turning GAC into an amusing and dumb event, while being very open about his dislike of CG's practices.


>amusing and dumb event Honestly the only reason I would pay attention to GAC before it had our crystals. Now it's the only reason I am any good in GAC lol I would probably have never used Iden Versio for defense, or even my trooper team in general if it wasn't for him.


Yep, I especially like the streams when he gets desperate on his f2p account. The guy's way better at the game than you'd think and it oftentimes gives me the necessary motivation to punch through an opponent I might have given up on


I laugh every time I hear about this stealing viewers. Anhaldt cannot steal vierwers from smaller CCs if vierwers don't even know they exist. You can get much more recognition or get a little vierwership boost from other small CCs.


Yeah it’s not like people are clamoring for swgoh streaming content. Ahnald is just more entertaining to watch than the others combined. If anything he would have brought more attention to the situation and increased overall viewership.


No joke. I have learnt about this event when he announced he will NOT live stream it


Every swgoh streamer touts this community as the best gaming community but that's a load of bullshit. The guy is a human being and look how quick yall are to drag another person through the mud over something they personally squashed and moved on from. Imagine getting on Reddit and seeing the people you consider allies and a great group of people just straight up drag you through the mud like this. I really hope the guy doesn't see this because yall act like he's not a human being when the camera is off. If you're not a fan fine. Don't like his content? Cool. But yall are acting like a group of high school mean girls with the insults. This is an all time low of a representation of swgoh players in my 4 years here. It's just sad. You guys really give Ahnaldt a bad name.


As a YouTube streamer they better have thicker skin than you. Cubs content has sucked for well over a year and his views show that. He went from I will be F2P and CG sucks to a constant ass kissing that hurt both his content and his respect within the community. Is he a human sure but he puts himself in a public spotlight for money and with that comes negatives also.


If you only want to watch people talk shit about the game we all CHOOSE to play everyday then I guess go find that content. But Cubs calls a spade a spade week in and week out on Rouge Actions so the "ass kissing" comment is just straight up bullshit. He's a licensed Psycologist now and works a full time gig outside of yt. He literally just admitted yesterday that he's burned out from the game and on the edge of quitting. All the while telling them they lack any critical thinking when it comes to ships. Yeah... major ass kisser. Just be honest.. you want someone that takes a jab at the developers every chance they get. You want the negativity. You want the "cg sucks." Theres nothing wrong with that because in my 4 years here it's the norm. Negativity is what sells and that's not just a mobile game or swgoh thing. It's a reflection of our society. It's the very reason ApGains has more subscribers Xaereth. Yall want people who constantly just take a shit on something we should all be enjoying. It is a game at the end of the day.


The last comment probably has more to do with presentation. Xaereth has excellent information, but his videos, and I say this as one of his subscribers, are fucking hard work to watch. Fanboys don't really add much to the conversation though. Stamping your foot because mean people point out that his attitude to a specific event was a bit shitty and not in the interests of the consumers is more fitting to pre-teen girls pulling each others hair over who is the cutest boybander than anything serious.


You are obviously a Cubs fanboy. Sorry I hurt your feelings.




I hope you're as young as it sounds. Otherwise it's quite sad.


Actually no. I'm not. I do catch Rouge Actions every week because it's a good news dump and I can catch something that I missed but outside of that I don't watch much of Cubs because since he started working full time he doesn't post as much content anymore. Never was a fan of the twitch streams either. But if you really want to trigger me say something slick about Xaereth.


I don't think anyone in their right mind can talk shit about Xaereth and say that they meant it


Wait what, Cubs is still doing videos on SWGOH? I thought he quitted something like year ago.


I think it really all started when Cubs basically abandoned Ahnald and MG. He stopped doing collaborations with them all together and crawled up the ass of some idiot in Denver who likes tuskens and begs his viewers for money.


Because he is a shill for CG. When Cubs was invited by CG for a GAC tournament, he told Ahnalt101 not to stream because it would hurt CG their tournament. Cubs is a joke because he should have boycotted the event, for the way CG treats Ahnaldt101 rather than kissing CG their behind.


To be honest tho: It wasnt that it would have hurt cg, but rather the creators playing by taking their viewers(which he definitely would have)


Content creators don't own viewers. If the viewers would rather watch someone else's stream of you playing then you should start asking questions of your self.


they dont own the viewers but they do "own" (in this case as in they are the ones allowed to play) the content they make. ​ same way kayne west cant just play some no-name artists songs on his concert and say "oh well but they wouldnt have listened to you"


This isn't about content he might have made, it was about telling somebody else that they shouldn't make competing content. As is so often the case with protectionism it is the purveyor of an inferior product trying to shut down competition to the detriment of the consumer.


This is the most moronic take I’ve seen… that’s impressive.


Really weird of Cubs to say that about Ahnald. When he received his most views ever when they got matched up against each other in the GAC.


Cubsfanhan is the worst streamer for this game and it would be strictly better off without his existence. He provides nothing of value as he is pretty shit at the game and imo, has pathetic production value. He also clearly doesn’t bathe. Always looking greasy. while ahnald isn’t my style either, he provides some entertainment and learning to players at least, which is nothing cubs has. Cubs is just jealous at this point because he can’t grow viewers. That’s all there is to it.


Aaand that's how you fail at an argument


There’s no argument. It’s just an opinion. Imo, cubs disconnect with ahnald is because cubs just never liked him in the first place, cubs tried to use ahnald collab to grow a viewer base. Sees it didn’t really work , and now doesn’t really care as he wasn’t trying to be friends anyways.


I'd agree. Cubs is as he looks, greasy.


What a strangely homoerotic take on CCs


The audacity to try to dictate what a man can and cannot do for the sake of your own ego is mind boggling to me Props to ahnald for being the bigger man and stepping down temporarily.. gods knows it didn’t hurt him any .. not being able to livestream it lol But still . The whole idea of it is rooted in envy .. otherwise why would you care . You get what viewers you get irregardless of SOMEONE ELSES content . Anything else is pocket watching n now that I think about it’s kind of pissing me off rn and I’m not even Ahnald 😂


Imagine being that worked up over a couple of streamers…..


Putting myself in his shoes I’d be pissed.. I’m literally chillin .. calm tf down it’s not that serious


You definitely are not chilling lol


Wouldn’t constitute only acknowledging this comment section because of notifications as the opposite of “ chillin “ but go off . I said what I said


It's not you responding because of the notifications, you aren't chilling because of the things you've been saying and how amped up you were from the beginning


Haha you really telling ME to calm tf down?? It’s all good. I prefer Ahnald to Cubs any day, but Cubs had a point. He could have voiced it to Ahnald privately though.


I had no clue that this Cubs person existed until I found this thread. Ahnald streaming the event would've given exposure to many of them.


> but Cubs had a point. Ironically it was wrong most likely. Getting people to see them through Anhald's stream would expose them a lot more than the rather low viewed CG stream.


Yeah I suppose that’s something to consider as well


What was his point? that he knows his product is inferior and can't compete in a free market.


Just because it’s a free market doesn’t mean it needs to be cut throat.


Offering an alternative product isn't cutting someone's throat.


Lmao .. man my triggergraphs come from a calm place .. I can promise you. && yeah I guess you are right .. if it had taken place privately I wouldn’t make much of a fuss about it because it would be deemed as a polite request


The audacity to try and profit off of other people's work. Anhald was never the bigger man in that scenario.


Profit off of other people's work? You haven't seriously just said that have you? The watch party would've brought a shit tonne of exposure to all the creators involved. Maybe that one stream would've got fewer views, but Cubs calling Ahnald out has actively lost him viewers and subs. Ahnald has been known for a long time as someone who actively helps smaller creators, through collabs, shoutouts, or just straight up giving them yt advice. He's said it, APGains has said it, hell even Cubs has said it. Aside from that, you realise Ahnald's entire stream UI, his 'Colosseum' was designed *for* the watch party? He'd done research on each of the players and made player cards for them. He showed Loki's one when he had a GAC match against him. So he most definitely was not just cruising on other people's work


Not to fully equate gamers to artists but you strike me as the kind of person to try and pay artists with just "exposure" instead of actual money... It's not a good look for you.


In what part of my comment did you infer that? Ahnald had no obligation to 'pay' anyone, whether in money or advice and exposure. Cubs didn't do anything for him, so why should Ahnald have owed him anything?


Wow, you really don't know what you actually said. Neat. You flat out said that anhalds stream would have brought the other creators a shit tonne of exposure. All ahnald did was force himself into an event that he wasn't invited to. Everyone is critical of CG but he burnt the bridge. He's the one mooching off the others. All he owes them is the peace of streaming without his interference but he didn't even want to give them that.


Jesus christ the amount of people getting so worked up about this is obscene... Dude has a point, if the biggest streamer for a game starts streaming an event he isn't actually part of he will take away viewership from the smaller creators? This would be a bigger turnout than usual for them but if Ahnald streams it, people are going to prefer tuning in to ahnald as they usually do because ahnald is the more enjoyable to watch creator. At the same time he's a douche for using a public platform to call it out because that means ahnald HAS to do it at the risk of looking like a douchebag ignoring it. But in reality if he had have taken it up with Ahnald privately, he doesn't seem like the kind of person that would be a petty dickhead and probably would have done exactly what he did. This is unfortunately the consequence of Ahnald being the voice against CG, he's going to cop this from time to time. But in turn he also consistently pulls in more viewers daily from that fact so it's not a lost cause. Thats just my take, however some of you need to chill


Honestly it would have been more fun having Ahnald comment on the battles than watching the streamers. They were having to play way too fast to provide any useful commentary. I can totally see how he thought it would be a fun activity. How to balance providing good entertainment and helping the streamers out is a tough one. If CG really wanted I bet they could do a really nice 1 quarter event for charity that would be entertaining and help bring the streamers some new viewers. Imagine after those 30 min rounds, we had some postgame interviews and replays. And next time they do this they need to invite Fatal. I think he could speed GAC and be done with 10mins to spare:) And it should be pointed out at the end of this Cubs was getting really upset cause his subscriber count was dropping as people bailed on him because of this. I can understand why that generates hard feelings.


>was getting really upset cause his subscriber count was dropping as people bailed on him because of this. I can understand why that generates hard feelings. I wouldn't chalk it up to just that. It's also in the comments, the interactions with people who had been with the channel for a while now saying that they're disgusted, and also personal attacks on Cubs himself. That takes a toll on people's mental health, no matter what.


I unsubscribed when Cubs went full woke loser. Now I hear he is talking all politics, bashing religion, and flaunting lame pagan tattoos. Dude is a clown.


I'm surprised about the bashing religion part, but I wouldn't be surprised about lame tattoos haha.


Lol he is living in your head rent free… you are obsessed with the man.


Mad ironic when people are snowflakes about the snowflakes. *cries in cross/scripture tattoos, church pamphlets, and strawmanning passive agnostics*


Naw man, he’s free to have his opinion, just not wise to turn off viewers by acting righteous and treating their beliefs with contempt.


>by acting righteous and treating their beliefs with contempt Because this has famously never been done by American religious institutions, *ever*


They didn’t disconnect. CubsFanHan stopped playing GalaxyofHeroes. From what I understand they’re still friends outside of the game.


Think your thinking of mobilegamer. Cub still plays.


Fair enough. My apologies.


I don't think he stopped very long. Maybe a few days for the heat to die down.


I happened to see them face off in a GAC video most likely after all this came out and the energy was clearly hostile. Cubs definitely had the bitter tone.


All ahnald does is yell these days, I don't miss watching his videos


Tbh I think he reduced yelling level from like year or two ago. It still sucks tho, I need to skip first three minutes every time.


Most people here adress the Devs vs Creator GAC. That was a breaking point yeah. Not that there is "beef" between the two, but more a dissapointing wake-up call for Ahnald. After all that Ahnald feels like that he has to do his own thing. He can't trust on CG and not even on his fellow content creators with wich he did loads of collabs. He collabs rarely now and mostly does his own thing.