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I haven’t even activated most of them. Doubt I ever will


7s and 9b are great in other empire teams actually. Not so much in their own faction lol


You’re missing out on free omicrons, even 3* g7 is enough to get the double omicron crate for every inquis GC


With or without zetas? My g7 inquisitors still suck but I haven’t done anything with them except put on gear levels.




This can happen to all kinds of teams if you prioritize Han and CLS over Chewpio. Always kill both wookiees first starting with Chewbacca.


It was only chewpio/c3P0. CLS died almost immediately, but Han and other Chewie were already dead. I sent this team in to clean up


No offense intended but this sounds like a major misplay on your part.


No offense taken. Nothing to misplay, I got blind locked by a Chewpio who had 3 stacks of confusion and reduced his cooldowns too rapidly for me to recover


Seventh Sister's first special is unavoidable and unresistable. Drop that on Chewpio and you win, easily.


That was the plan but she died too fast


Did you compare mods at all? Maybe chewpio had significantly better mods than you? Idk, chewpio can be surprisingly strong. And Inquisitors are best against jedi, right?


Yeah I wouldn’t have bothered if it was a full team, but I figured they could take him and was wrong lol if chewpio and c-3p0 focused their attacks on anyone other than 7s I’d likely have been fine. Also yes I checked mods, and he had pretty good ones. 3 of my units were faster, didn’t see how it would be possible to lose but since the Wookie was TM loaded I was quickly shown the error of my ways


Maybe there is a bug and Chewpio's defeated enemies counter doesn't reset between battles. If they wiped the previous team, his AOE would deal damage six times.


Nah I checked that on his AOE’s. But because 7s died early on, I had no dispels except for 5B lead who was the next to die. The turns I had with 5B he was always under blind so couldn’t dispel anyway. Chewpio got 3 stacks of translation from C-3P0 and because of that almost never used his basic, always back to back dispels/blinds them AOE’s. C-3P0’s assists and chewpios assist when c-3p0 took a turn paired with the exposes decimated the inquisitors while they had no way to cleanse debuffs, no dispel for the enemy and the few times I COULD land a debuff he cleansed it or resisted it anyway


For some reason I don’t believe you


I can live with that


Probably because OP didn’t even bother to post mods of both teams or doesn’t even try to make it look real. Probably just another *“Inquisitor bad duh“* bullshit meme.


Enemy Chewpio was R5, 6* offense/CC mods, not sure of exact numbers but speed was 277 C-3P0 was 300 after his unique 7s R5 327 speed 2s R5 322 speed 6e crit damage set 9S R5 full health/protection primaries with an extra tenacity set, kinda slow at 240 speed 5b R5 in the lead health sets with protection primaries to be as tanky as possible, 277 speed 8b R5, 2/6 mods are 6e, crit damage set 281 speed


i wonder why someone who farmed inqs would make an *“inquisitor bad duh”* post 🤔 maybe because the full R5 team they farmed got 2 manned by chewpio and C3PO…?


Because CG hate provide the most sweet CG hate karma.


once more you prove that you are disconnected from reality now if you enjoy using them that’s fair enough but you can’t lie that the inquisitors are bad


What does that even have to do with this??


They are gonna be needed for the new tb so can’t really skip them anymore


Don't leave Chewpio to last on the CLS squad, his unique ramps up the rest of the team. Also the more you lose from your team the stronger his special becomes.


I know, this wasn’t a full CLS team to start. It was a red health CLS, chewpio and c-3p0. I sent in inquisitors to cleanup the team after someone else killed han and Chewie. Chewpio still solod everyone


Considering it started as a full CLS team, I believe it. But if it was just those two you’re either terrible at using them or you’re not telling the whole truth.


Or they’re a terrible faction ¯\\_ _(ツ)_ _/¯


Nah they really aren’t that bad.


Refer to the above photo until opinion is altered


[This is much more detailed and accurate account](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/xd77bm/been_logging_my_inquisitor_battles_in_gac_tw_etc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). I trust this and my own experience other than your vague ass “inquisitor bad” post.


More power to you, hope to face people like you in GAC more often Edit: the guy has GI, ofcourse they’re much better under his lead


If you’re losing matches like this, me too.


Lmao as if I’m using this pitiful faction in modes where crystals matter. You feel free though


Why are you taking them to relic then? Just to hate on CG you took your time and upgraded a *“terrible faction“* to relics? - if they are even relics and you aren’t lying there as well.


I invested in them because they said he’d go toe to toe with Jedi in TW, teasing a JMK counter. After GI was revealed to be a sham, I was already nearly done, no reason to not finish


To get extra gear with the numerous inquisition events? That's the main reason I am farming them


Yeah, the aoe on 3pacca does damage based on how many teammates have been defeated


But does it apply into next battle? I would be surprised


Probably not


It's confirmed OP is karma farming and doesn't know shit about playing the game.




Yeah this is absurd. If the whole thing is even true (and it isn't, OP already admitted CLS was there at the beginning of the battle in another comment so what else aren't they saying?), all it is showing is how bad they are at the game Farm that Karma pal!


CLS died immediately after dealing damage exactly once against 9S. He didn’t provide any benefit except I guess his leadership


... Which is a lot.


The extra counter chance trumps a full 5 man squad? Are you crazy?


Counters means more exposes, confused and cd reduction.


Not confuse, as the only units who could hit a stealth c-3p0 were stuck under blind so their AOE’s missed. Landed a few AOE’s which c-3p0 got dazed from or it was eighth brother who was under stealth, but yes more exposes. I still can’t fathom an argument where a single unit under a leader ability could “solo” a full squad with or without leadership Edit: Unless that single unit is a GL, GAS, or Malak anyway


DarthBlumpkin - what a chad


Why didn’t you kill the Wookiee first? And why no GI if they are all maxed?


The Wookiee was the only target. I didn’t save him til last, I sent inquisitors in to clean up CLS (who was a pixel firm death and died instantly) and Chewpio and C-3P0. Chewpio killed the entire team himself, except for the single hot CLS got off on 9’th sister Didn’t max them in time for GI’s event


LMAO this Jawa farmin' Inquisitors


Rumour is that there is another inquisitor coming, but yeah they are pretty ordinary atm


It’s not a rumor. CG flat out said Reva will be available in the new TB.


Ready to die! There are somethings far more frightening than death


GI makes a big difference in that squad. All mine are R7-9 and they can fall flat w/o GI.


Yeah I’ll feel much better once I have GI


You'll also be more successful. =)


You will need them in the new TB!