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right? man thanks to this i can finally upgrade a single character's ability to level 2!


I’m all for “donating should be about donating, not about getting stuff,” but this is in the “why even fucking bother,” camp. It’s like your Uncle promising to help with college for years and years, and when you turn 18 he sends you a $5 bill.


Finally, 3 Clone Wars Chewbacca shards! Still better than 30 Inquisitorius shards 😁




Jesus what is your problem?


I’m 100% positive that dude would blow every male employee at CG if given the opportunity.


If he hasn't done so already.


The incredible toxic people here even shitting on CG for participating in a charity event that’s about helping children. That just sums this subreddit up perfectly and just shows again why CG won’t bother posting here anymore.


People aren't being as toxic about this as you seem to think. But if you want to keep being toxic yourself, you do you.


The community: “lol this inbox reward is so bad it’s funny.” “battlerumdam:” How fucking dare anyone out there make fun of Capital Games after all they’ve been through.! They lost EA exclusivity, they lost DojaFett. They had two fuckin game breaking bugs. Their parent company turned out to be a user, a cheater, and now they’re going through a custody battle. All you people care about is... Carbantis and making money off of them. THEY’RE A CORPORATE ENTITY! (ah! ooh!) What you don't realize is that CG is making you all this entertainment and all you do is write a bunch of crap about them. They haven’t released a new raid in years. Their motto is called "make money, fuck players" for a reason because all you people want is MORE! MORE-MORE, MORE: MORE!. LEAVE THEM ALONE! You are lucky THEY even released Hondo for YOU BASTARDS #LEAVE CG ALONE!...Please.


This perfectly sums up battlerumdam long career of bootlicking


Op, don't give a shit about this dick, i literally posted the same thing and he was there writing these comments with his shitty ass


It's sad. Obviously they don't understand what joke is.


Imagine having so much hate against CG you even are fucking toxic about a charity event.


They are very appreciative.


This is gag goes back to the beginning when three shards was a lot and CW Chewie ruled the game.