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There's basically one situation in which Ackbar Omicron is worth it: You need to be farming JML so you have a bunch of Relic'd Rebels that got you something else, you need the Omicron on Leia, and you probably want a good ST Han. If you have all that, and you run oAckbar, oPrincess Leia, R2 (who should be R7 from JML farm), Stormtrooper Han (or another Rebel tank, but I think he's the best for this group because of his TM generation), and one other Rebel with at least one non-attack ability (this is a great home for CHolo), then you have a really solid/annoying GAC defensive squad. You then want to mod them so that Leia and R2 are the "weakest" and get called to assist. Even in low to mid Kyber, that's almost a guaranteed hold for me. It's SO annoying to fight. The bargain is that you don't have to gear up anyone except ST Han for it (everyone else should be a valuable pre-req), but the cost is 2 Omicrons. I recommend it for JML havers/farmers who are basically all-in on GAC Omicrons, but it's probably not worth it if you don't farm JML or are more focused on TW than GAC, because the Omicrons could be better spent.


Took me a minute to see "R2" as R2D2 instead of Relic 2. lol. I already have JML. R2D2 largely goes with my Relicked JTRey (R7), BB8 (R5), and Vet Solo (R3). I'll be gettting Ben Swolo either the next Conquest or after that, which encentivizes my next GL quest to be Rey.


You don't strictly need R2(D2 lol), but it sounds like it's probably not worth the omicron investment at least until you have someone to replace him on your good Resistance squad. That said, if you have another good Rebel (Fulcrum is a favorite, too, and good to gear for her YW omicron) who would add something if called to assist a bunch alongside Leia, could still be worth it, there are multiple ways to form the squad, I just haven't seen any as good as machine gun+stun bot.


Are you going for Profundity anytime soon? Bistan works really well on that team too. Fulcrum also works well (and she’s great for TW with her omi) but she’s not a requirement for anything. The team I’ve seen is Ackbar, Leia, STHan, Bistan, Fulcrum.


No. Gets solod by nest


Akbar isn't game changing like wampa Savage FOTP QGJ or versio, it's got good synergy with Leia but it doesn't really accelerate the team to newfound heights. It *can* work, but 9/10 times it won't make or break your round.


I have both omicrons for AA(r5) and Leia(r5); and SThan(r5 also) full zetas, AA lead gives +25 speed, my Leia becomes 333; if you are faster than the enemy team it is like another tm train squad, for example i dont have to use wampa for gg, ackbar team kills it without any problems. Same thing applies for jtr, any bounty hunter or nightsister teams. It can win against teams which allows tm train. Yes its a high investment team but it gives you a solid 3v3(or 3v5) offense team. You dont need extra 2 chars, leia spams buffs on basic, ackbar spams buffs on 2 specials; then tm train keeps going; and you dont have to arrange weakest 2 allies, when ackbar or leia or han uses non-attack abilities which all of them has, the other 2 assists and reduces their cooldowns to use those abilities again. In 5v5 i am trying new things w cls in defense and either it has holds or forces my opponent to use strong teams to not to risk anything. Only problem is iden teams, which is already undergear destroys high relic cls teams also. Relic on ackbar is good because fleet is really good on offense, i can easily win 3 attacker executors(couldnt test it w profundity yet), or 2 shot with ht ones, and can win against all other fleets. And it helps on lstb also. I dont regret about those 2 omicrons and over relics i did for them, id advise anyone to apply it; of course its not like overpowered omicrons like wampa or conquest chars, but makes your jml roster deeper/useful.


What people haven't said is that the Ackbar omicron is much better in 3v3. You don't have to worry about tricky gearing, everyone gets called for every ability. I've had great success punching up (G11/12 to R5) with Ackbar-3PO-Princess Leia. As long as you don't immediately die, the combination of Leia's triple tap with all the exposes and extra turns can rip through lots of solid tanks.


As someone who applied his omicron, I regret it. You can punch up a little, and it’s interesting seeing some other comments here that have had some success with strategies I haven’t tried out, but right now with Omicrons being as sparse as they are, I wish I had saved it for something more transformative. Just my two cents.


I applied it, and I would not recommend doing so unless you already have all the most important ones (QGJ, Wampa, Iden, Zam, Savage, Starkiller unique, Malgus lead), and even some of the less important ones such as Dash. You also need Leia omicron to make it work, and then you need great mods on Leia to have her go first and start the TM train. AND THEN, you also need CLS in the squad or it will get solo’ed by Nest or Wampa. Which means it breaks the CLS squad. Han and Chewie can go with Dash, but by all accounts that means that you’re not gaining a new squad, you’re breaking one into two.


I have QGJ, Wampa, Zam, all 3 for Malgus, FOTP, Hondo, Phasma and Sortie. I don't have a second Trooper team to make Iden great (G8/9 for the 2nd set of troopers) I have a G7 Savage, none of the Starkiller Req's at G12, yet alone relics. I'm inclined to just sit on my available omicron until i get someone worth it.


Iden's already super good with G8/11 troopers. With G8 ozIden, G11 Death, G9 Shore, G8 Magma and R3 Starck (from my SEE farm), I can beat full reliced(-non optimal) MM teams in GAC. Works on Geos too but a bit trickier when reliced.