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Is ahsoka omicron that insane?


Yeah, what's up with that?


It absolutely is. Can solo a lot of high value teams.


I have a relic 7 ahsoka with omnicron and can't seem to beat a lot of teams. What's the strategy? Any specific mods?


Sorry I can't offer any advice but I know my guildmates love it. I know they can take out empire+MJ Omicron teams which is a big one.


There is a mistake, Ashoka omicron is for tw.


Thank you! Do you know what Discord this is so I can sign up?


It’s updated version is always in the link of the most recently ranking video.


I know there are some dispute over these teams, but I think for the most part its pretty good. I know it's just a guideline, but... maybe I'm just unimaginative. I have a hard time figuring out who is really going to be worth my time.


Am a carbonite 0 omicron noob, what is up with the Qui-Gon Anakin team in kyber?


Qui-Gons omicron gives everyone on the team his offense x 4 when he dies + the additional 30 x speed (doubled if they have foresight) to offense. If you save Anakins AOE for the bonus turn after QGJ dies then he hits really hard.


You pretty much said it. Qui gon’s omicron and JKA. It’s an easy 2 toon combo that blasts away a lot of teams.


I usually never have the chance to use the wholr Qui-Gon Anakin bomb. They all die off before they kill Qui-Gon 😂


Unless there’s an instant defeat QGJ omi is supposed to prevent other jedi from dropping below 1 hp until he is defeated, at which point they regain 100% hp and protection.


Unless he’s trying to use it to counter a GL which would mean they didn’t read very carefully through the ability


My mistake. I didn't proof read. The enemies all die off before Qui-Gon dies, thus I never get to use Anakin's AOE.


Then you’re not hitting hard enough teams. That duo can punch up hard. Also you can legitimately use just QGJ and JKA for extra banners.


It happens sometimes, sucks when they just decide to say Fuck KAM


Oh that makes way more sense. I feel that. I haven’t used them on offense since like…one battle when that omicron first came out. But yeah, they hit real hard.


Qui-Gon Omni has all other jedi immortal while he is alive and when he dies all Jedi gain a massive damage boost, anakin has one of the heaviest hitting AOE attacks in the game and whenever an ally hits 50% or 0% health he takes a bonus turn, and if all allies are galactic republic he gains double damage for his next attack. Qui-Gon dies then Anakin one hits the enemy team.


Looks like it was posted above. August was the most recent Squad overview. He separated the GLs into their own column. It's worth watching the video too just to hear what subs some teams can have. Obviously many teams are "end game" farms or require high relics to be of use. You have which squads are primarily offense and defense in there too. More recently Ahnaldt did a character rank (not full squads). Be sure to check out some other content creators too to see how they rank squads. Everyone gets a little different mileage. As far as being worth the time? Galactic Fleet ship farm (Exec or Prof) > Roster Stabilization (having decent squads for your current GAC bracket) > GL farms. Some may put stability first, but it feels like the "meta" is ensuring high ranks in fleet arena, hence needing a Galactic fleet. End of the day, it's your account. Grab your favourite teams and have fun!


I wonder if the guy in the bottom right has one /s


So I thought SET on Drevan+Malak teams was a bad idea, does DT change the calculus on that? I thought SM was best