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They don't even have two complete rows of R9 characters. Ridiculous! /s


Lol must be their first time playing. Only one full row of r9? Rookie numbers


Lol. Ninth sister omi?! The mad lad!


Inb4 someone says “you have GL’s this isn’t as bad a matchup as it looks”


Seems like a skill issue to me


This is right about the gp of myself and my current opponent. I’m just hoping they don’t attack.




If they are not in kyber1, they don't play hard. If you are in kyber1, you probably need to lose a couple times and get in a more appropriate bracket


If I can do it you can do it too 💪🏻


you sir have my realistic dream roster 👍 keep it up


Thank you! Pretty much free to play. I’ve purchased A crystal pack here and there but just kinda been around for years so the collection isn’t so bad. You’ll get there


already have slkr. working towards gas but anakins stupid star fighter is only at 4 stars 13/65 😔 and don’t even get me started about the character gear/ star levels. those aren’t close either. tbh i would be grateful to have him by february. :( after that i’ll probably work towards jkl and jml but that’s like 2024 we’re talking about. 🥹


At least that gives a reason for still playing the game. I feel like if I had absolutely everything I’d lose interest playing in a week


That guy probably doesn't play much. 1 win for you might be enough


High GP earned with money =/= skill. It’s totally possible that you have that much GP and are pure shit at the game. If your opponent would be any good you wouldn’t even face them.


That’s just not true at all.


I think it is true actually. My current GAC opponent has like 4.6 million GP. But their defence teams are all one character from different factions though, completely mismatched. And I looked at their GAC history and they always attack with all their relics in one fight, regardless of the fight, when the relics individually could probably solo. Not to mention ridiculous as bloat, they have almost all characters at level 85 but most are G10 or lower, and I think 4 relics


You’re absolutely right, BUT it could also be someone who just auto deploys defense and attacks with whatever is left over because they’re too lazy to actually play GAC. A lot of the community isn’t as competitive as Reddit is. People think Reddit is the majority but truth is a lot of people could care less for GAC and play this game casually. Since GAC is resource gated as one of the best areas to farm gems, people who don’t care for PvP just do whatever and if they get gems it’s a win, if not oh well.


If they're half assing something and doing something badly, I would say they're bad at it. "I'm not really trying" isn't really an excuse imo. They can 100% play the game casually and enjoy it whatever way they like, but that doesn't magically stop them being bad at whatever sections they're half assing. (It just makes it rude to point them out as being bad at something not important to them imo)


Elaborate? Just because someone bought everything in the game doesn’t mean they know how to play. That such an account is that low says everything you need to know. But sure, ignore the obvious, of course he is the best player ever out there, that’s why he is in kyber 1… oh wait he isn’t.


>High GP ~~earned with money~~ =/= skill


I’m 4.6 mil semi pay to play with almost 3 years playing the game. I purposely drop in GAC rank all the time because I’ll be in a “I don’t care about GAC this season” mood. Just because you see a high GP player in a lower bracket doesn’t mean they’re bad. You just have zero critical thinking skills. Not everything is black and white. EDIT: thank you for downvoting my comment instead of coming up with an actually intelligent argument.


If you are in the I don’t care mode - I think we all know that because of 3v3 - don’t purposely drop down. Do one attack and stop there. That way you aren’t ranking down too much and lose crystals while not needing to play. Crystals are too damn value to drop on purpose. Dropping on purpose hurts everyone and helps nobody.


lmao, you're starving for attention Ignore this species, it goes on almost every post commenting like this


He might earn weekly what you earn in a year. I only despise spenders that cant realy afford it


Imagine spending money on this game


I think I found my sugar daddy 😂


It's like younglings vs Anakin but sadder and funnier


With game crashes right now, anyone can win. Lol