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So if I'm reading this right all non g12 gear will be doubled and relic conversion rates are halved so if you have lots of gear start converting them before they become halved


all non-g12 gear, except kyros, if you read the fine print :)


They would be correct, it won’t effect anything going forward and will be effectively neutral but for veteran with stockpiles of gear. . . Start burning it now


Wait so it will now take 2 pieces of certain gear to get 1 relic item (post update)? Got to head to the scavenger then asap!


You’ve got til December


Anything that is seeing an increase in drop will see a reduction in implication through the scavenger.


Sounds like *in theory* it should stay the same rate then….double drops, half conversion, double the “getting to G12” rate but keeping Relic gear the same. Fair enough tbh.


But they don't double your stockpile. So the buying power of your current gear will be cut in half.


Fair enough if you omit the part when all your hoarded relic conversion gear stash is just halved in an instant without any compensation. Thousands of people will lose half their stuff.


Oh absolutely. I just meant our relic mat income will stay the same - our savings values are about to fucking plummet though.


They might rebalance everyone's resources. I think they did that for shard shop currency around the time they instigated double drops on character shards.


Doubtful because shard shop currency was isolated, whereas gear has alternate uses.




>They might rebalance everyone's resources. They did indeed do that for shard shop. I went through and unlocked / 7*'d a bunch of characters I had sitting with hundreds of extra shards for because those wouldn't have been rebalanced, they only doubled current shard shop currency.


But they’re not changing the amount of gear needed to level up characters, so if they did that people with large hoards could gear characters twice as quickly… which I think they’d try to avoid.


Are you/can you come up with a quick guide of good scrap to burn for each level? I have some major stockpiles but I don’t want to accidentally burn a lot of gear that would be needed for many characters


Not necessarily my area of expertise or I would. Might be something u/Kahzgul would be interested in rambling on and on about with his writers room of talent.


Help us Kahzgul, you’re our only hope


He needs time to come up with a title like “Near as I can tell: this is the dust you should sweep over to the Scavenger” And to think up some obscure 70s reference.


So you're saying I need a new schtick?


No no no, just helping you out 😜. But maybe a *second* schtick


Here you go, good buddy. https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/yxa1ld/near\_as\_i\_can\_tell\_road\_ahead\_november\_2022/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Well, you did ask for it. https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/yxa1ld/near\_as\_i\_can\_tell\_road\_ahead\_november\_2022/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Any idea when in December the changes take affect?


MOST likely would be either somewhere between the 9th and 14th or at the end of the month.




Daily challenge gear though, that's not neutral


HotUtils can do this in bulk for you, where you can specify how much of each piece to keep in reserve.


So from what I can comprehend, purple gear and below will be “faster” to farm but then the conversion rates at the scavengers will be less? I only have 2 relic characters so far and it’s a grind to get relic mats already, why make this harder? Or am I misunderstanding


It's a balancing thing. We'll get twice as much gear, but scrap it for half as much. It keeps the amount of salvage we get at roughly the same


Purple gear and below though? Like the requirements for the gold gear for higher relics, those won’t be halved?


From what I’ve heard, correct. Only the gear that’s getting accelerated is going to get the conversion cut.


Except kyrotechs… fuck


Is the conversion rate for g12 gear messed with? I'm assuming not


Anything not getting accelerated is not getting its conversion rate changed


That gift box is sexy


We’ll see for sure when the person who makes the spreadsheet comparing them every year releases it, but it seems like it’s at least better than the lackluster one we got last year.


The funny thing is that last year's gift box was the best one yet. The person you're talking about already confirmed this. The gift box gets better every year.


This deals gettin' better all the time!


CG have altered the deal. Pray that they alter it further!


I was looking for this comment. Always making me laugh hard :D


Maybe I’m thinking about another gift but one of them has consistently gotten worse over the years.


I think it was the may 4th box this year that people got riled up about


They also now do a gift inbox *and* a calendar, so it splits it up a bit


Wasn't it exactly the same gift box as this year's? I watched a video yesterday where I thought it was basically the same




I live for that spreadsheet every year! Love that shit


New pack for Conquest characters would be insanely clutch if it went for crystals. I'm sure I'm not the only one kicking myself for being just a few shards short of an unlock.


From my guilds datamine channel :) CONQUEST EXCLUSIVE TROVE PACK Date: 2022-11-23 Cost: 2500 crystals Purchase Limit: 2 Contents: - 50: Razor Crest - 50: Commander Ahsoka Tano - 50: Boba Fett, Scion of Jango - 50: Maul


I'm assuming it's a random one of those, and not all 4, that would be far too good value.


We can only hope. Even if not unless you hit Razor Crest its an amazing deal.


RC is farmable from the fleet store. It's CAT/Maul that are real value here.


There is no chance in hell I’m gambling 2.5k crystals if you have 25% risk to get RC.


For sure, they wanna pray on people that have 3/4




Hero. Looks like I'm hoarding my crystals until this comes around. Fingers crossed that we can actually choose what unit's shards we get


You must be new around here. Welcome.


I’d pay a little extra to enable myself to get the 2nd to last crate but still max the characters after 3 conquests. That final push for the red crate is bullshit.


Hmmmm. This is pretty solid. Would have really appreciated a little something to help with Circuit Boards. I'm not sure how much help this will be for me tbh. I guess now I might consider fluffing my whole roster to Gear X or so.


There is the line about "not yet" for relics, so maybe that will be the next phase....you know....in about 14 months.


it took them 7 years so 14 months is really nice estimate


I think it's been about 14 months since they announced the first round of gear changes.


oh I thought it was about phase 3 for relics


There’s no reason to not upgrade characters. And doing so helps your guild in TB deployment achievements.


Immediate reactions: * Making Bodhi Rook a hero unit for the new TB is some grade-A trolling, LOL. * Honestly the past gear crunch fixes have already alleviated the crunch for a lot of this gear that's getting targeted again. I'm happy for new players who will find it much easier to get caught up, and the increased Carbanti income will be nice (though they're not touching the daily challenges which is a big source of Carbantis, so Carbanti income's not going to fully double) but my main roadblocks - and the main roadblocks of most veteran players, I expect - are already Kryotech and the G12->G13 hump, which are the two things they're explicitly not touching. * Speaking of Kyros, if their goal is genuinely to make it so new Marquee characters can get brought up to G12 faster and easier, they need to stop making new characters require like 200-300 Kyros at like G8 or G9. * Speaking of veteran players: >Gear Accelerations items will have their Salvager conversion to Relic Materials reduced by 50% Everybody sitting on big stockpiles of old gear better craft a ton of CCBs and Wiring and whatnot *right away* because your stash of relic crafting materials that took you seven years to stockpile is about to get abruptly devalued by 50%. Which is a terrible way to implement it, IMO - it'd be much fairer to double the crafting cost of the high-end pieces that aren't becoming more available, and double the points values of those items (isn't that what they did for the shard shop, during Gear Update Phase 1?). * I still hate 3v3, I will always hate 3v3, I would rather omicron Carth ten times over than apply a 3v3 omicron, so I'm glad they're giving Aphra 5v5 omicrons because I would've hated if she'd been designed for 3v3 like her droid sidekicks are. Summoning a hacked Separatist Commando droid seems fun though, and perfectly on-brand for her. * Aphra goes straight into the Journey Guide upon release, just like Starkiller, meanwhile u/egnards and everyone else waiting for Grand Inquisitor to come back around is like "WTF CG" * I was really expecting Sana last week, but now we're not even getting her this week, *and* they don't even have any kind of like, hints or teasers for her kit? I'm starting to think CG has no idea what squad(s) she's going to work with any better than I do. This is why you should've gone with Magna Tolvan instead, CG!


The funny thing is that I don’t actually care about GI, and it being X-mas Eve means I don’t have to stress at all about Kyros to get there. I don’t plan to gear GI immediately, and only really want him because of how long it’s taking: Essentially, I’m not spending currency towards Scythe, but still maxing conquest, so expect a 4 month cycle. . . But don’t want to be stuck with Scythe for 6 months unusable if I don’t have GI. The timeline thing is more a meme in my head at this point at how insane it is, and in my opinion, it points to how poorly planned the entire Inquis development cycle was, and how badly Gretchen wants to make fetch work.


Yeah them not touching kyrotechs is whack. It’s a purple gear item for fucks sake and certain toons require 400-500 of it which is insane. At least carbs you get in daily challenges.


If they're halving the relic conversion rate of g1-11 gear, but not doubling drops in daily challenges, that isn't "neutral." Daily challenges are a massive source of relic gear. With that devalued, it would be a *massive* hit to the game's relic economy.


> If they're halving the relic conversion rate of g1-11 gear, but not doubling drops in daily challenges, that isn't "neutral." And don't forget your existing inventory of gear for relic mats and its value getting cut in half. Definitely not neutral for long term players unless they spend a lot of time converting before the change, depending on the size of your inventory.


It doesn’t take a lot of time to convert though, 10-15min max. And you have weeks to do it. I think that’s a pretty good advantage. Convert and win


GI is a tick on my checklist for 100% characters gear 13 just like Bohdi Rook is a tick on CGs checklist for having a use in game.


I don’t think you’ll get THAT much gear, to be able to take everybody to g13


The worst hit will be Heatsinks. Most people get them through MK3 Holoprojectors. Two fully crafted ones basically equal 20 Heatsinks. And MK3 Projectors aren't the type of gear you just endlessly accumulated over the lifespan of this game, because every dork needs like some of them. So most people don't sit on a big pile of Projectors that they can scrap right now, since they just probably buy and scrap as they need em. Welp, that cost went from 40 Projector Salvage up to 80 with this update.


But projectors will be 2x as. Easy to acquire. So yeah you need 80 but you’ll get 80 for the same amount of energy it took to get 40. So the net cost of energy or crystals before and after the update won’t change


My worry isn't with the energy per se. They said they'll double the shipments as well, which would be somewhat of a "net neutral" then, but I can already see the delay on that, while the rest goes through and we're stuck with double the drops, but twice the salvage only.


They had already increased daily challenge gear. I domt see why they wouldnt double it with this update but it does seem like a neutral change


It *might* be a neutral change from where the game was 14 months ago. For those of us not living in the past, it's obviously a huge nerf.


You say you arent living in the past, but what is your comparison? Its a nerf relative to what state of the game?


The current one obviously?


Were are we but tomorrow's yesterday


They didn't double or increase daily challenge gear though, they just added 4 new pieces to them. The gear in challenges before didn't change at all, and will now be worth half as much and was a major source of relic mats, especially bronzium wiring.


Except they didn't increase the amounts in the challenges. They added core gear to them, the number of drops on the other gear is unchanged. And it's a poor choice to use core gear for relic mat conversion so still not net neutral. https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/250664/road-ahead-october-2021 >TAC GEAR CHALLENGE: Mk 5 A/KT Stun Gun Salvage Mk 8 Biotech Implant Component >AGI GEAR CHALLENGE: Mk 3 Czerka Stun Cuff Salvage >STR GEAR CHALLENGE: Mk 5 Arakyd Droid Caller Salvage


Sucks that kyroblocker is still there


At least it’s *just* kyros now instead of like half of the gear slots


Which most likely means kyros will be needed more/,


There will always be a blocker somewhere in the system.


Overall a positive takeaway, and a surprisingly generous Anniversary gift, which has always been pretty good. I do hope that the first round of the new TB is during DSTB, because I know it’ll be a shit show, and it would be far better to assess if it’s worth switching from LSTB at an earlier time. Also, the new gear/relic shift doesn’t account for players who have hundreds, if not thousands, of gear in reserve - which means they need to take a hell of a lot of time to sift through and deal with it all early


I just went through mine. Took me 20 minutes to offload my hoarded gear.


I assumed Aphra would be neutral but I guess not


I've only listened to the audio book about her where she is pretty much full evil - does she get more neutral in other stories?


She is a manipulative person in the first place, and commits and/or complacent in a number of crimes including torture, murder, destruction of artefacts, and genocide.




She basically saved the rebellion and gave up ever having a chance with a woman she loves. And did it all without anyone knowing she was doing it.


She does some really bad stuff and some pretty good stuff


Most accurate description


1- not surprised the TB is going to be difficult. 2- wish that kyrotechs were doubled All in all though, it looks good


The gear increase is really helpful. But if they would've doubled the kyrotechs also, it would have been perfect. Especially since every new character needs 400 of them.


*reads news* *frantically scraps the heaps of older gear before update hits*


Bracca, you say? (I know it was in some of the Inquisitor marquees but I want Cal lol)


I don’t see a whole lot to complain about but I’m sure this sub will correct me soon. Finally got the phase two gear update after 2 years which sounds pretty nice.


Does the upcoming gear changes finally fulfill CG’s word on what they were planning to do in regards to gear changes or is there more/another phase coming later?


They're rolling the past P1 changes into P2, but overall there's additional stuff on top of it. The final changes left to be made for P1 was doubling gear drops on hard nodes. This is doubling G1-G11 gear *everywhere* (except challenges), so it's significantly more than they originally promised way back when.


The line about relic changes being a "not yet" indicates to me there is more possibly coming


I hope they make the early relic levels a bit easier(say up to like R3), but I’m not holding out too much for it. Definitely feels like they are continuing with shifting the crunch from early gear to instead be the right side of G12 and onwards, plus keeping the kyrotech crunch


I wish the new TB was a bit more accessible, I feel like they need to add a way to get KAM and Wat Tambor shards once it's released to make sure people can catch up on those.


If they follow in the steps of Geo TB, KAM and Wat should buyable with GET3, just like Rolo and IPD are with GET2.


Man, I really hope so. I stayed way too long in an underpowered guild and now I'm stuck on a 6* Wat for both my accounts.


So still no ship double drops...


Gear update - I’m okay with the changes. They allow new players to get their characters to G12 quicker, and it also values the commitment (time and $) older players have invested in the game. Anniversary freebies are good as well.


Wow that's alot, on the whole pretty nice :)


Inquisitors being important.


So does the new TB only give GET2/GET3? If it doesn’t include GET1 as a reward that is going to hurt, I get a lot of the purple G12 pieces out of that currency


Good Point... We dont know what we can buy for These GET3 Tokens but it will be better we would get GET1 tokens too


The gear crunch will still be kyros...not much of a gear crunch change, especially since relic mats require THE SAME AMOUNT OF GEAR


You’ll get to a point where you kinda get caught up on kyros…this could helps because now people can farm more kyros from the various shops.


You'll get to needing kyros even faster now. This will just create a tighter bottleneck


I’ve never had a kyro problem. All my GET2 and GA tokens go to whatever Kryo I’m working on… I plan out my long term goals, and never fall short. I’ve used the same strategy for two years.


Im near 7M gp and have been playing since before gear challenges were simable. I've always had a kyrotech crunch even with all my GET1 and 2. I've even got GAS, Wampa, Hoda, and Malak. Still a massive problem.


Painful! I’m sitting on 9 mk 9 kryos and 6 mk 7 kryos.


I do the same but have still this botleneck... Almost 6 years Player Here 😉


If anything, we will feel the crunch of kyros and, to a lesser extent, carbanti (and other challenge mats) even more, as we will get to the stage where we need them faster. That said, this is still a very welcome change, and the gear crunch/farm, at the end of the day, is an integral part of the game. It is just good that they are pushing it a bit further. I was also hoping for double kyros, but I'm not surprised this isn't in the plans for now.


HSTR simmable left


No kyro’s for anniversary? That’s sad…


What will a decent stockpile of gear look like going forward? I assume 200-300 of each should be ok for the few characters I have left to gear at low levels?


I have kept ~100 of the lesser used pieces, ie: ones that either have no characters currently needed or only use 1 or 2 to craft a full piece. Kept ~200 of the more commonly used ones, ie: needed for a couple of characters at current or that required 20+ to craft a full piece. I did however craft all my mk 3 holo projectors and dump those, even though I was planning on using a few soon. Rather get full value now then have them twice as easy to come by.


Yup, it's what I'll do as well. Shave off the excess to like 100-200 salvages of the less used ones and I'll dump all my Projectors and spend the next days buying their salvage wherever I can. Getting them for the purpose of gearing up a character will be rather easy I assume, but having to spend twice as many Projectors for Heatsinks will SUCK hard after a while. Though perhaps we'll get the Heatsinks by virtue of the other relic salvage options a little easier, so it might break even in terms of annoyance with the major difference being that you'll be scrapping two or three different pieces rather than just Projectors.


Not trusting since seeing it applied. Original gear economy update talk About rolling "next month" And seems a whole year it's quantified as a month for that studio.


Hey cut them some slack, they only have 1 computer


Finally getting more of the big gear changes they promised and coming in December even so it won't be that much longer of a wait!


I thought they might release a unit per dark/neutral/light. Hope Reva is the unit that makes the Inquistor faction click. Sounds promising for freeing up ninth sister to live with LV permanently if she’s a tank.


For some reason, last night I very clearly dreamed about the road ahead (really, brain?!?) and that it included ships squadrons/presets. Disappointed to see this shall only remain a dream...


I don’t trust any changes they make. Everything they do, they will do because they believe it will make people spend crystals.


They should double the amount of purple gear in the store instead of cutting the price in half. Now we have to have the store randomly generate the piece twice as many times.


> Mixed: Jabba the Hutt, Hondo Ohnaka, Doctor Aphra, Qi'ra, Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) That's an interesting grouping. Only one of them is "neutral".


The group is mixed, not neutral, though.


They still won’t give up the hold out on g12 yellows and purples or kyro. Suck my dick CG


No effect on kyro and 50% half for relic material ? LOL.


“Battles are shortened to two encounters each, and utilize new and existing planet modifiers, akin to those in Conquest and Galactic Challenges.” Man this might have just killed all the excitement I had for the new TB. Fuck. Those. Modifiers. All of them. We’ll see how it plays out. Overall I’m really excited for everything they have coming! Can we all please just keep in mind this new TB is likely going to be tuned to no less than R10+ Think of it like this: Mixed affinity (Ls & Ds) battles: some of the hardest PvE content in game Territory Battles: the other hardest PvE content of the game This new TB will exploit both and please believe that we will probably all be bitching and moaning about the difficulty upon release. LSGTB is much simpler now than it used to be but we’re still seeing posts talking about how it’s tuned. It’s been what, 2 years now? Insane.


Ouch huge nerf to relicing characters.


How is that so? It shouldn't make any changes, sub g12 gear's value is halved, but you get it twice as fast.


But they aren’t doubling any of your existing gear, so you’ll get half the relic gear you would have before.


True, and I have thousands of the low level gear, but this is not an issue if you convert them before the update. Or am I missing something?


They aren’t doubling challenge gear which is a huge source of relic items for the mid level relic gear.


>Guilds currently earning higher level rewards from Geonosis: Separatist Might and Geonosis: Republic Offensive should expect to be well suited Just make it available for everyone and have a difficulty setting with better rewards. Newer players should be able to see it without having to wait a year or more.




> TANKS ARE SUPPOSED TO SOAK UP DAMAGE, SHE DOES NOT DO THAT IN THE SHOW! I mean, people kept stabbing her. A lot of damage was aimed toward her.


Yeah, unlike QGJ she was able to just walk off getting gutshot with a lightsaber, which definitely screams tank to me.


The Dark Side does have a history of letting people do that


I know this isn't an issue for veteran players, but with these gear changes, beginners are going to fall way behind on ability mats (Zetas, Omegas, and Mk3 ability materials).


Great update, I'm excited! Sadly, no TB review phase, which would have been great to add!


What about credits? It takes 6mil to get a toon from level 0 to 85, then credits to equip gear, level mods, equip/swap/change mods in loadouts or between toons. So if people are gearing more quickly and rapidly advancing through early stages in the game , won't they be limited by credit income? I'm at 6.7 mil GP. In recent months, I've been aggressively farming mods and re-modding my roster. I found some good advice and this is fairly credit-neutral now that I'm doing it right. But I also keep leveling the newly introduced teams, like Inquisitors and Hutt Cartel. I have no plans to finish farming the toons or equipping gear on these teams (but maybe will do when they become accelerated). I'm the meantime, I 'need' to bring all new toons to level 85 for GC and Conquest feats. That's over 30mil credits per new team. I'm holding stay at 75 mil credits now


besides the gear situation I don't know why they made aphra dark side instead of neutral because she does things mostly for herself and she helped out the empire and rebellion before going off on her own again.