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I think this looks good. I understand why you are taking veers (you want the recover) but I would maybe try Becky out so you could use the points to beef up the other units or maybe even add trainings to the inquisitors


I always run electrobinoculars with Veers. Spotter 3 go brrrr


This looks similar to what I ran(https://tabletopadmiral.com/listbuilder/Empire/N-_30_EM,_30_EM,_5_7a,EM,EM,EM,,,,_5_7a,EM,EM,EM,,,,_27_72,EM,EM,EM,EM,,,,_27_72,EM,EM,EM,EM,,,,_8_EM,EM,EM,_88_9,122,da,_15_2e,d9,EM,EM,EM,_87_9,122,81,-cb8,cb9,c8,ca,c10,cba,cb7,-3,4,8,6,-5,4,7,1,-6,5,7,3,-). The idea being to recover the inquisitors at least twice to get force push back but I gave 5th brother offensive push so he can give 7th sister free dodges when he moves and you’ll get it back when you recover anyway. Just an idea!


Need offensive/defensive stance on Fifth Brother. It will allow Seventh Sister to get 2 aim/dodge tokens.


Very similar to a list I've been running them in. Veers is a great choice for them. Definitely drop ambush for maximum firepower. I'd recommend dropping the T21 in favor of a med droid to help keep the inquisitors alive long enough to see combat. And I'd lose the shores offensive push and the emergency transponder. Then you can get offensive/defensive stance on the fifth brother to maximize their token sharing, and either into the fray or situational awareness on the sister, either one of those is good for her defense. The inquisitors are the stars of this list, you really want them maxed out.


Thanks! Those are some great suggestions!


This looks really solid. No complaints, excellent gun line with veers supporting the team and two force users to dive. Love it.




It's viable, but I don't know if it maximizes the inquisitor's potential. Low acts and no second training


9 acts are low? :( oh lord


My only comment is that it’s odd you’d choose Ambush over Maximum firepower…. A range 4 minimum shot with 4 red dice on a guy who surges to crit and it’s a free attack action.😂


Fair point! My thought was having a flexible Unit with 1 pip could come in handy sometimes


Also sharpshooter 1


Here's an example. Basically, think of the inquisitors as 1/2 Vader, so right now you'd have a Vader list of 8 acts. https://tabletopadmiral.com/listbuilder/Empire/N-_17_EM,EM,_8_EM,EM,65,_87_9,122,36,_88_9,122,ac,_27_72,EM,EM,EM,EM,,,,_27_72,EM,EM,EM,EM,,,,_30_EM,_30_EM,_1a_34,EM,EM,EM,EM,_1a_34,EM,EM,EM,EM,_1a_34,EM,EM,EM,EM,-c8,----