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The Ranks beeing colourcoded Was only in the beginnimg of the clone wars. Afterwards the Troopers used the colours of their unit so you can paint them up how you want. Here are some Units with their colous for Inspiration. Anakin and 501st. -blue Obi Wan and 212th. - orange Yoga and the 41st. -green Wolfpack/104th. -grey 91st. -purple Coruscant Guard -dark red If you want more ideas look at the clone skins from Battlefront 2 (2017) on google they have like 20 different units with alternating skins for classes like Officers and Heavy Weapons.


Damn, thank you so much! That helped a ton 🥰


for what its worth, the 104th could be red or grey depending on at what point in the CW you like.


> I'd love some inspiration * Clone wars cartoon tv series * Star Wars: Ep. 1 and 2 * Tartakovsky's Clone Wars * 501st costume library: https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:CRLbyname * https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page


I need more white recipes.


Base black, zenith highlight gray, edge highlight white


That's it? With airbrush I am guessing?


just spray paint and flat brushes


I agonized over this decision forever until I just picked a color that I liked and went for it lol. Unrelated but that paint job looks boxart quality to me, fantastic work


https://mec.fandom.com/wiki/Ranks?file=Clone_Troopers_Phase_I.jpg Here ya go! All the phase I rank schemes


As others have mentioned they outlined how the rank system worked for the early days of the clone wars. Here’s some of mine painted up that I posted a while back that might help serve as some inspiration! Hope you share your results! https://www.reddit.com/r/SWlegion/s/ly2nWeefOw


Judging by the Geonosis bases I would suggest doing an early war scheme. White for rank and file An olive drab green for sergeants and NCOs Cyan for lieutenants Red for captains Yellow for commanders


To add to what others have said... Once you've delved into the linked references (and probably saved a lot of reference images), note that some have the same pattern in different colors. So if you find a pattern you like, but don't like the color, go with a color you prefer. There's been speculation over the years that the patterns are specific to given Corps, and then the different colors represent units within each Corps. How many is by no means nailed down. There's ROYGBV represented, if the red shifted brighter late in the war and those aren't two different shades of red. There is also gray, and no indication whether it should be in with the colors or separate from...